No dregs larger than sesame seeds are allowed."

Wu Meier's face was serious, and she explained to the old craftsmen of the porcelain workshop.

Those...the old craftsmen were a little unconvinced, it was too laborious to make porcelain.

But Wu Mei'er was surrounded by guards with knives, these... The old craftsman could only do as Wu Mei'er said.

And Wu Meier's methods are taught by Wan Kuan, and Wu Meier is also learning and selling now.

The screen was propped up and placed on the open space, and the craftsmen poured the smashed clay onto it:.

Over and over again, the filtered clay is extremely delicate, even finer than the fine sand on the beach.

Those... The craftsmen felt a little distressed when they saw it. After one hundred catties of porcelain clay were dried, there were seventy catties left, and after drying, there were fifty catties left.

"Pour the china clay: put it in a big vat, add water, get a few people to keep stirring with big sticks."

Wu Mei'er gave orders again, those... craftsmen can only do as they do.

They really don't know what this little girl is going to do, it's just nonsense.

There is nothing wrong with this china clay, as long as it does not burn and crack, it can be used.

Why waste such a waste? I really don't need money for porcelain clay! Although I don't understand it in my heart, but these... Craftsmen don't dare to be lazy in their work.

After being tired and half dead, the liquid in the tank became extremely cloudy.

Wu Meier dipped her hands and nodded.

The craftsmen on the side are very strange, this little girl will also burn porcelain "sprinkle lime powder in it!"

Wu Mei'er gave an order, and the people beside her poured a bag of lime into it.

"Lady, why are you adding lime?"

The master craftsman finally couldn't stand it any longer.

Wu Mei'er glared: "Adding lime to the clay water can absorb both the iron and titanium ions in it.

If the titanium in the clay exceeds the standard, the fired porcelain will be very brittle, and the porcelain cannot be thinned."


The craftsmen panicked.

"What did this lady say?"

"I don't know! Is it a book from heaven?"

"Are you talking nonsense?"

Wu Mei'er looked at these ...... craftsmen with cold eyes, and said impatiently: "This is the method set by the governor, do you dare to doubt it?"

"Even if he is a grand governor, he has never fired porcelain before."

Chapter 284

Those words of the craftsman made Wu Meier a little annoyed.

Is his brother-in-law's ability what they know? "Nonsense, the Governor has already burned colorful porcelain in Chang'an, haven't you seen it?"

"Ah, that colorful porcelain was fired by the Governor."

For a time, the craftsmen were a little surprised.

They have also heard of colorful porcelain, but they never imagined that the current great governor would burn them.

They have also lost their whole life of porcelain, but they have never seen such brightly colored porcelain.

Since the chief governor is stronger than himself, then listen to him! And Wu Mei'er sneered, these......the craftsmen are all mud-legged, no need to talk nonsense with them.

I couldn't understand what my brother-in-law said, how could they understand it, but Wu Meier still reminded the craftsmen to pay attention, lime will boil in water, so don't splash it in your eyes.

Lime enters, stirs for a while, and the color of the slurry becomes lighter.

"Don't bother, just wait a while!"

Wu Meier spoke again.

Now everyone listens to Wu Mei'er's arrangement, anyway... Wu Mei'er is the apprentice of the Great Governor, it's right to listen to her.

After half an hour, Wu Mei'er felt that the time was almost up, so she directly asked people to scoop out the water in the big vat.

"Whatever you do, just find a few powerful ones and pour them out."

Artisan Chief Road.

"There are layers in here, maybe two or three layers, and it has to be scooped out bit by bit."

Wu Meier said.

These... The craftsman couldn't do anything, so he took the scoop and scooped out the slurry in the tank little by little.

Wu Meier's eyes were calm now, and she was standing beside the big water tank and stared at them as they worked.

Wu Mei'er is not tall, but her eyes are extremely sharp. Those......the craftsmen felt a little timid in their hearts after seeing it. They didn't know why they would face this half-sized girl. So terrified.

And Wu Mei'er is also wearing a man's clothes today. At that time, the men's round-neck robe that Wan Kuan specially prepared for her was changed from Wan Kuan's clothes.

Moreover, Wu Mei'er also has a puffed head on her head, she looks like a graceful little boy.

However, Wu Mei'er's gorgeous face still makes people see at a glance that she is a woman.

But even so.

Lei Fengxing's words, coupled with the cold eyes, made everyone ignore her identity.

Maybe some people are born with domineering, regardless of gender! Wu Meier looked at the muddy water she scooped out with a scoop, and the muddy water was mixed with gray, white and black scum.

These... dregs are stirred up in the mucus, and they don't seem to be heavy.

And a few big men scooped out all the liquid with a scoop, and then everyone looked again, and there was white dirt left in the tank.

At this time, Wu Mei'er also stood on the small board and looked down, and she also used a spoon to dig out the white soil and touched it with her hand.

It was extremely delicate, with no particles at all. Wu Meier nodded with satisfaction, and then asked someone to carefully take out the...white porcelain clay from the bottom of the water tank.

The bottom layer of white china clay was discarded, because these... china clays still contain impurities.

Some of the slag is relatively light and has been mixed into the suspension just now to be removed, but some of the slag is relatively heavy and remains at the bottom of the tank.

Regardless of these impurities...

Whether it's light or heavy, it doesn't matter.

These impurities will not dissolve at high temperature, but will accumulate in the porcelain, reducing the hardness of the entire porcelain.

And Wu Meier still clearly remembers what Wan Kuan told her the day she left Jizhou.

Wan Kuan clearly told Wu Mei'er that what she was going to make this time was exquisite white porcelain, even more beautiful than the colorful porcelain that Wan Kuan fired in Chang'an City.

Because this kind of porcelain is very thin and the texture is very delicate, there is a layer of natural glazed layer after firing.

When you touch it lightly with your hand, there will be a sound of jade.

And this kind of porcelain is very white, like a sheet of lime powder.

Wu Meier is also considered to be from everyone, and she has seen many Xing kiln white porcelain produced in Hebei.

Although this kind of white porcelain looks very white, it has a beige color inside.

And the tire quality is not delicate, you can see black scum inside the bottle mouth and bottom.

Wu Mei'er understood what Wan Kuan meant, and the white porcelain of Xing kiln can be said to be a popular product on the market, and many wealthy families use it.

And whether it is a caravan traveling far to the Western Regions or secretly selling it to the Turks, they can all sell for a good price.

The white porcelain workshop of Xing kiln is in the hands of the Zhaojun Li family, and this time Wan Kuan came to Hebei, and he ordered a private small workshop that was about to go out of business to make porcelain.

In fact, in a sense, Wan Kuan's move was actually... moving the cake of the Zhao County Li family, but Zhao County Li family didn't take it to heart.

Because the output of white porcelain in Xing kiln is too low, even if it can be sold for a good price, Li Shi of Zhao County is not very concerned about this amount of money.

In addition, as soon as Wan Kuan came to Hebei, he directly reached an agreement with the major families.

During these more than ten years of war, all the wasteland occupied by the family belongs to the family.

The aristocratic family can go to the nearby yamen to sign the sales and purchase documents, and the court will testify against them.

Compared with the white porcelain of Xing kiln, these ...... the wasteland that has been cultivated is the most valued by the aristocratic family.

That... how much is the porcelain worth, and the output is not high, burning ten 10 cracks and seven 7.

If you can't measure it, you can't bring money.

And Wan Kuan directly gave the family a large tract of arable land.

In the eyes of the aristocratic family, the land is the oily fat, and the porcelain can only be regarded as an appetizer.

Therefore, the Li family of Zhao County is also considered to be reciprocating.

Since you gave me the arable land, if you want to build a porcelain workshop, then do so.

If you burn it well, it doesn't matter if you make a little money, but the farmland has already been caught in my hands, and I don't care about the remaining corners.

Because of this, Wu Meier went to Xingzhou to open up a porcelain workshop, and the Li family of Zhao County did not intervene.

And Wu Mei'er already knew Wan Kuan's overall plan. Compared with Xu Jingzong and Qin Qiong, Wu Mei'er had a deeper understanding of Wan Kuan's plan.

She knew that Wan Kuan's plan was to draw wages from the bottom of the pot, and the aristocratic family firmly grasped the farmland in their hands, but Wan Kuan didn't bother to fight with them at all.

What Wan Kuan wants to do is an unprecedented event, something that no one has ever done since the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.

Although Wu Mei'er is smart, she doesn't know if it can be done, but Wu Mei'er chooses to believe in Wan Kuan.

Chapter 285

Wu Meier knew that her brother-in-law had never let her down.

And my brother-in-law can always do some amazing things.

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