This old craftsman looks like... After practicing, the water droplets sprayed out are very small, and these water droplets evaporate into water vapor in a blink of an eye after entering the blast furnace and encountering high temperature.

A screeching sound was heard, and a thick white smoke appeared in the observation hole.

"Spit lotus flowers, spray water into mist, this is the true fire of samadhi, only if you can spray water into mist, it means that the fire has arrived."

The old master said, the craftsmen and apprentices on the side all nodded, this old craftsman was imparting their experience.

At this time, it was almost dark, and Wu Meier had to go back to rest. After all, the temperature slowly began to cool after three hours, and the batch of porcelain would not be released until tomorrow morning.

And although Wu Meier was quite excited, she was not a petty person, she washed her face alone, then buried herself in the quilt and fell asleep.

Wu Mei'er in the dream, wearing the official uniform of the prime minister, wearing a purple gold fish bag, standing proudly above the court, let alone the pride.

Wu Meier had a beautiful dream, but those... craftsmen had to guard in front of the stove.

Fortunately, although Wu Meier speaks coldly, she never scolds her servants.

Big steamed buns, rice porridge, the artisans ate a full meal.

When it was midnight, the time was up, the craftsmen closed the furnace door directly and covered the burning coke with wood.

As a result, as soon as the coke is covered with wood, the flame gradually goes out, and those who come into contact with the flame...the wood will become charcoal.

The fire in the stove went out, but the temperature was still high.

Several strong men with big fans fanned the wind into the furnace, trying to circulate the air to bring out the heat in the furnace.

Chapter 287

Everyone was busy, until the sky glowed, and the batch of porcelain was released.

At this time, Wu Meier was already full of energy, and after a sweet dream, Wu Meier's spirit was even higher.

Everyone looked at the iron box that was brought out, and inside it was a piece of porcelain.

An iron hook opened the lid of the box, and everyone, ignoring the residual heat, swarmed around to watch.

The scene in front of them shocked everyone, and everyone exclaimed in unison.

" this still porcelain?"

"It looks like white jade with suet fat!"

"Yes, why is this porcelain so white and not yellow at all."

"My God, the ancestors have appeared, is this porcelain or jade?"

"Let me touch the old man."

"Don't touch it yet, it's still hot."

At this time, the group of... guards separated the group of craftsmen.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, let the adults take a look."

At this moment, Wu Meier raised her chin, walked closer, squinted her eyes, and finally showed a smile on her face.

I saw Wu Meier nodded slightly: "Yes, the porcelain in this furnace is not bad, open all the lids."

For a time, the iron box was opened, and all kinds of white porcelain inside finally revealed its true face of Mount Lu.

Everyone drooled for a while, it was so white, it was as white as snow.

Those of them... Craftsmen have burned porcelain all their lives, but they have never fired such good goods.

Risking burns, the old master reached out and knocked on the china.

The clanging sound came, the sound was like the sound of copper chimes, the sound of gold and stone.

"Wonderful, like a fairy!"

"That's right, such a thin porcelain, I have never heard of an old man, I have never seen it before."

"You can tell it's solid by listening to the sound, I really didn't expect it."

"Moreover, there is a layer of glaze on the outside of this porcelain. When the light shines, it is crystal clear!"

That... the grey-bearded craftsman headed by, burst into tears for a while, only to see him walking in front of Wu Mei'er, clasping his fists and saying.

"My lady, old man, I admire you.

My old man has been burning porcelain all his life, but he has never been able to burn such good porcelain.

My old man is still there: talkative, please forgive me."

At this time, Wu Meier's face was still flat: "Forget it, it's not surprising for those who don't know, these are all explained by the governor, you must remember it well, if you want to burn such porcelain, you can't change every step in the future. ."

"Don't worry, old man, I remembered it in my heart. The chief governor is... Lu Ban is alive, and I am an old man."

After Wu Meier finished speaking, she turned around and left the blast furnace in small steps.

Everyone gave a thumbs up for a while, admiring the great governor Wan Kuan.

Wu Meier looked calm on the surface, but when she returned to herself, she was like a cheering little girl.

With a smile on her face, she jumped twice, and then let out a long breath, she finally did not disappoint her brother-in-law.

In fact, Wan Kuan has long known that Wu let him down, and Wu Meier is the person around Wan Kuan who can... accept the idea of ​​the Industrial Revolution.

Moreover, her rational thinking is suitable for the study of inquiring into knowledge.

At this time, Wan Kuan was also very busy, he did not go to the yamen, but stayed in his own mansion.

Xiao Laizi on the side pinched his nose and watched Wan Kuan filter something.

"Master, what kind of grass is this, why is it so stinky?"

"You know what, this is Eucommia tree."

Xiao Laizi scratched his head: "Master, why did you chop up these branches, bark, and roots?"

"Chop up, of course, put it in a big pot and boil it"

"But why do we boil these things? Is Hebei already so poor that we have to eat bark?"

"Go ball! I don't understand anything, I'm talking nonsense here, and quickly give me a hand to the young master."

The little Laizi frowned, the smell was too great, and he had to change his clothes later.

There was an indescribable smell in the backyard. Cui Yingying and Wu Shun'er stood in the garden, whispering while watching Wan Kuan, who was busy on the other side.

"Sister, what is this husband busy with?"

"This elder sister doesn't know either, but my husband is mysterious all day, and he says something we don't understand.

Sister, your husband has been sleeping in your room a few days ago, have you been moving?"

When Wu Shun'er heard this, her face immediately turned red.

"Sister, don't make fun of my sister. It's only been a few days, and it will be there soon."

That Cui Yingying smiled faintly: "Sister, we need to take care of our health recently, we must hurry up and give birth to a son and a half daughter for your husband.

Husband's family is few and far between, and my sister can take care of her."

That Wu Shun'er bit her lip and said shyly, "Sister, the husband has been sleeping in your room for the past two days, and if there is any movement, it's up to the elder sister."

At this time, Cui Yingying's face was also a little red. She lowered her head and glanced at her flat belly with a hint of disappointment in her eyes. When will she be pregnant with her husband's child? Both Cui Yingying and Wu Shun'er looked at their belly. , It seems that a few more glances can make the belly grow bigger.

And the [-]-wide cauldron over there has been set up, gurgling and steaming.

Branches, bark, and some roots were put inside, and Lai Zi pulled the bellows beside him, so tired that he stuck his tongue out.

"Young master, this is too tiring, why don't you come over with another servant."

"Little Laizi, you are getting lazy now.

Young master, I am working, and you still want to hide and relax."

"Master, the key is that we have so many servants in our family, why don't we use them?"

"It's top secret and can't be leaked, you know?"

After listening to this, Xiao Laizi nodded his head, and Wan Kuan patted Xiao Laizi on the shoulder at this time: "You work hard, and when the young master is done with this period of time, he will betroth Chunmei to you."

As soon as the little rascal heard it, his eyes immediately turned into two little suns, emitting golden light, and the tongue... could not be taken back, and it started to flow.

"Master, are you lying to the little one: right?"

"Young master is now a dignified governor, what are you doing to deceive you?"

"Master, you are really kind to me."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, and quickly pull the bellows."

That little rascal seems to have been beaten with chicken blood now, and all of a sudden, the bellows is pulled.

The water in the cauldron was also simmering, and Wan Kuan stirred it with an iron rod.

Gradually, the iron rod touched the bottom of the pot, and there was a sticky feeling.

Wan Kuan shouted to stop at this time, and the little Lai Zi immediately.

He let go, and he collapsed to the ground in exhaustion.

Wan Kuan took a large colander and skimmed off the bark of the branches.

Chapter 288

At this time, in the back garden of Wanfu, Wan Kuan was sweating profusely.

The inside of the pot was cloudy and cloudy, and there were some black scum.

Wan Kuan took a fine gauze cloth and took away all the... black sand, and then directly poured a bowl of grass and wood ash into it.

Wan Kuan stirred it with a big stick, and after a while, taking advantage of the heat outside, he poured out the black liquid on it.

Then Wankuan turned off the fire, and then poured out the water on it after standing for a period of time. At this time, there was a layer of slightly yellowish viscous material on the bottom of the pot.

While the pot was still hot, Wan Kuan directly scooped up a spoonful of mucus with a large spoon and put it into the wooden basin.

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