Then Wan Kuan put another wooden basin on top of the wooden basin, and directly squeezed the sticky stuff inside.

Then Wan Kuan put the two wooden basins in the well and rinsed them well. When the time was almost up, Wan Kuan separated the two wooden basins.

At this time, the sticky object in the middle was squeezed into the shape of a wooden tub.

Now Wan Kuan was washing it with cold well water, and after a while, the slightly transparent sticky object turned into a basin.

Wan Kuan tapped it with his hand, and it made a bang, and it was okay.

At this time, the little rascal also came over with his tongue sticking out, and seeing Wan Kuan holding a basin in his hand, he couldn't help but feel a little strange.

"Master, what is this"

"Didn't you see it just now? This is what's being boiled in the pot."

"How did this become a pot?"

Wan Kuan put the basin in Xiao Laizi's hand, and Xiao Laizi took it, his eyes were bigger than bull's eyes.

"Master, this bowl is so light!"

"Of course it's lighter."

Then Xiao Laizi put the basin next to the bucket, scooped the water into it, and picked it up to look left and right.

"Master, why doesn't this basin leak?"

"Nonsense! Is it still a pot if it leaks?"

"But young master, what the hell is this? Is it wood or iron? Why is it small: I think it's a little light through"

"Boy, remember, it's called plastic."

"Plastic urine what plastic urine who's urine"

After listening, Wan Kuan waved his hand, grabbed the plastic pot back in his hand, and groped it carefully, just like touching a baby.

I didn't expect to do it successfully for the first time, this Eucommia tree is so wonderful.

Wan Kuan knows that the bark, branches and leaves of Eucommia ulmoides contain a kind of colloid, which can be used for medicine.

Now the medicine shops in Datang mainly use Eucommia bark, its roots, branches and leaves are not used, but it also contains a certain amount of colloid.

These...abandoned waste can be used to make plastic.

Most of the plastics in Wankuan's memory are chemically synthesized, but the pure natural plastics extracted from Eucommia ulmoides are sold as treasures because of their pollution-free quality.

In fact, the cost of plastic is very low, and Eucommia trees in later generations are relatively rare, but now the Eucommia trees in Datang are everywhere in the mountains and plains.

So many branches and leaves can extract countless gums.

Just now, Wan Kuan planned to use the lye dipping method. This method can purify the gum, and the rubber gum made of Eucommia ulmoides is about [-]%.

This kind of eucommia has a lot of colloidal impurities, so it is not soft, but it is perfect for making some pots and pans.

Nowadays, some wooden basins and iron buckets in the Datang market can be replaced by plastic, such as brush rods, water basins, and small jewelry.

The most rare thing is that plastic can be stamped, and as long as there is a set of molds, it can be produced in large quantities.

And the hot plastic is very soft and can be pressed by hand.

The wood products can only be carved one by one, and the pressing of steel must require a water turbine. The efficiency is very different.

And the cost of plastic is too low, Eucommia trees are everywhere, even in winter.

In addition, plastic is lighter and more labor-saving, and will definitely replace other items on the market.

Wan Kuan knew before that Eucommia can be used for plastic, but he didn't think about it later.

Now that I have tried this, Wan Kuan really admires his talent.

Wan Kuan couldn't help laughing, and the laughter drew Cui Yingying and Wu Shun'er over.

"Husband, why are you so happy?"

As soon as Wan Kuan looked up, he saw two graceful beauties approaching, swaying.

One is gentle and atmospheric, like a peony, and the other is charming in the heart, like a peony.

"Two ladies, look at this pot"

Cui Yingying and Wu Shun'er couldn't help but feel a little strange when they looked at the little basin in Wan Kuan's hands that was somewhat transparent, but somewhat cloudy.

Cui Yingying took it and put the cushion: "It's so light!"

"Yes, it's just... very light.

And it's better than a wooden barrel, and it doesn't leak at all."

Then Wu Shun'er groped for a while and smiled, "Husband, this basin is good, you won't have to work so hard to fetch water in the future.

And you don't have to worry about the tub falling off and hitting yourself."

"Yes, this is a plastic basin made for my husband, what do the two ladies think?"

"Husband really is a genius of the sky, not only is his literary talent flourishing, but also Lu Ban is still alive.

The concubine is really admirable."

Listening to his wife's flattering words, Wan Kuan was also a little proud.

Wan Kuan was very proud in Jizhou, and Wu Meier was also very proud in Xingzhou, and the firing of white porcelain was on the right track.

The coke from Changshan was continuously transported to various places, and Lao Yu also laughed.

And Dengzhou's Yuan Dake risked his own life to mobilize farmers to cut down trees to make ships, and now the progress is also very impressive.

Everyone was very happy for a while, and a vigorous industrial revolution kicked off in Hebei.

Now all these people under Wan Kuan are ordered by Wan Kuan like donkeys, Yuan Dake and Yan Liben are in charge of building docks and ships in Dengzhou.

In the area of ​​Changshan County, Lao Yu kept burning charcoal and refining steel.

And Wan Kuan wanted to make plastic in the Jeju area, so Yan Lide was sent to Dingzhou by Wan Kuan just after returning from Dengzhou.

After Yuan Dake, the prefect of Dingzhou, was transferred to Dengzhou by Wan Kuan, the post of the prefect of Dingzhou was vacant, and Wan Kuan did not think about adding another person.

As for the vacancy of the Dingzhou governor, everyone remained silent.

The Cui family didn't say anything, as if Dingzhou would be more stable without this governor.

Although no one was appointed as the prefect of Dingzhou, Yan Lide set up a brick kiln in Dingzhou.

There is a lot of yellow clay on the saline-alkali land next to Dingzhou, which is most suitable for burning bricks and cement.

Further south is... Wu Meier's Xingzhou, the porcelain and the dredging of the river are also proceeding in an orderly manner, and everyone is crazy for a while.

Chapter 289

Wankuan's efficiency and speed are very high, and within a few days, a plastic workshop in Jizhou was built.

Originally, there were many barren hills near Jizhou, and there were many Eucommia trees on the barren hills. The Eucommia trees were picked and boiled in a large pot, and then they were stewed with grass ash, and then filtered layer by layer.

Get eucommia gum.

And the eucommia glue was gently pressed with an iron mold, and immediately turned into small pots and small bowls.

Wan Kuan and Qin Qiong watched the busy figures of the craftsmen in the workshop, Qin Qiong fiddled with the plastic gadgets in front of him, with a sallow face, hehe laughed.

"Captain, this is really amazing.

I, Qin, have never seen such a light basin and small bowl."

"General Qin, if the market is full of this kind of equipment, will the people buy it?"


Qin Qiong hesitated: "It depends on the price."

Wan Kuan asked with a smile, "General Qin thinks the price of this plastic is just right"

"Captain, a wooden basin costs five cents on the market, while a wooden or pottery bowl costs only two cents.

Although this plastic is lighter, if the price is too high, I am afraid that ordinary people will not want to spend more."

Qin Qiong......knows the market situation, and said: "After all, the wooden basin and wooden board...... can also be used.

However, an iron barrel on the market costs seven or eight, and the price of this plastic barrel is not high, so someone should buy it."

Wan Kuan smiled after hearing this: "General Qin, you think too much, this plastic product is definitely cheaper than a wooden basin and a wooden bowl.

The tub had to be chipped from the trees, planed into planks, and hooped together."

"It's very troublesome to make them one by one by hand. As long as the eucommia glue is boiled out of this plastic product, a mold can be pressed down, and a lot of it can be pressed out in a while.

This eucommia gum is not a valuable thing, so its price must be much cheaper."

"How much does the Governor intend to sell for?"

Wan Kuan picked up a plastic pot and tapped it with his finger: "Such a plastic pot costs two cents at most."

"Oh! Two pennies! The people will definitely not buy wooden basins again."

Ignoring the excited Qin Qiong, Wan Kuan pointed to the other small bowls and scoops and said, "The rest of these...small pieces are basically sold for a penny.

Plastic buckets like those aren't really expensive, they're not much more expensive than that... plastic basin, three or four, it's a lot of money, and we're still making a lot of money."

At this time, Qin Qiong suddenly said: "Great Governor, since this is the case, then you can lower the price even further, so that it will be better to benefit the people."

When Wan Kuan heard Qin Qiong's words, he immediately said, Qin Qiong was at a loss for a while, he didn't know what Wan Kuan was laughing at, as if what he said just now was a joke.

"General Qin, General Qin, you were a good player in the last battle, but you don't know anything about governing Hebei."

"Captain, Qin may have made a mistake just now to benefit the people, isn't it right?"

"That's good, I asked General Qin how many pots and bowls can a family of four use in a year?"

Then Qin Qiong was in a trance after hearing this, and then murmured: "I don't need that much, one or two basins are enough, and I don't need too many dishes."

"Okay, if that's the case, even if you cut the price... by half, how much money can this common man save?"

"Captain, Qin understands what you mean.

But the people are living in extreme poverty, and it is good to save a penny."

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