Wan Kuan said with a smile: "General Qin, a common man saves a penny a year, and it doesn't change his life at all.

But it would make a world of difference for our workshop if we were selling a penny less for every plastic item we sold."

"Our plastic products are not... only sold to one family, but the whole Hebei, the whole world.

Originally we were... small profits but quick turnover, but as soon as General Qin's... profits were cut, this workshop would not be able to make any money."

Qin Qiong retorted: "Captain, why does the court's workshop make money? With such good things, it's not good for the people to make money."

"General Qin, you don't understand. It is precisely because plastic is too good. In order to benefit more people, we must make money first."

"Captain, why is this?"

"Look at how many people there are in this plastic workshop now, dozens of people.

These....how much can craftsmen make after working so hard until it gets dark...plastic products are just plastic bowls, not to mention the whole world, even Hebei The supply is not enough, and there is not enough in Jizhou.”

Wan Kuan said sternly: "If we don't make more money, expand the scale, and recruit more craftsmen, how can we supply the people of the whole Datang? If we don't make money, we will never be able to expand the scale."

"In that case, the plastic can only be circulated in this small area, and other places in Datang cannot enjoy such convenience.

What this official has to do is to rapidly expand the plastic workshop so that enough craftsmen can be supported."

"Now there are only a few dozen craftsmen in the plastic workshop. When the plastic workshop is finally expanded, there will be thousands of craftsmen.

At that time, farmers in the entire Jizhou area will become craftsmen and enter the workshop."

Then Qin Qiong heard Wan Kuan's words, and the whole person was a little dazed.

Wan Kuan's thinking seems to have completely broken through Qin Qiong's cognition. He Qin Qiong is a dead brain, and Wan Kuan seems to be a little confused when he says this.

And Wan Kuan also knew that Qin Qiong didn't understand, so he patted his armor.

"General Qin, if the price of plastic products is lowered, every citizen may not be able to make much profit.

But if the current price is maintained, the plastic workshops can expand rapidly and feed thousands of people.

And every commoner brings his family and his mouth, after all, it is ... hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people.

Wouldn't that be more beneficial?"

After listening, Qin Qiong couldn't help but nodded. Although he still had doubts in his mind, he still subconsciously agreed with Wan Kuan's words.

After walking around with Wan Kuan, Qin Qiong also accompanied Wan Kuan and planned to return to the yamen.

As soon as he returned to the yamen, Xu Jingzong came to report that it was Master Pei from Jizhou.

Wan Kuan didn't know when there was a Master Pei. Wan Kuan knew about this servant, and he was regarded as the number one leader other than......the governor.

If there is a vacancy for the governor, this servant will manage Jizhou.

However, this Pei Shizhong Wan Kuan is not familiar with each other!

Chapter 290

In front of the office, Xu Jingzong handed a letter to Wan Kuan.

"Captain, then Mr. Pei left a letter, hoping that the governor can personally open it."

After saying that, Xu Jingzong handed a well-sealed letter to Wan Kuan, Wan Kuan glanced at it and said with a smile: "Xu Jingzong, you didn't open it and take a peek."

Then Xu Jingzong quickly turned pale after hearing this, and immediately shook his head and said: "Captain, don't scare the lowly post, even if the lowly post has the guts of an ambitious leopard, he wouldn't dare to peek at the Governor's letter!"

After listening, Wan Kuan patted Xu Jingzong on the shoulder: "Okay, just kidding with you, why are you so timid, you don't look like you at all."

Then Xu Jingzong wiped his sweat: "I have always had little courage in a humble position."

Wan Kuan shrugged, now this Xu Jingzong is very timid, but when he followed Wu Meier to frame the eldest grandson Wuji in the future, he was more daring than heaven.

As soon as Wu Meier said it casually, Xu Jingzong dared to fabricate evidence that the eldest grandson Wuji rebelled, and directly sued the then emperor Li Zhi.

As a result, Li Zhi also pushed the boat along the way, and directly took this opportunity to get rid of the eldest grandson Wuji.

Wan Kuan thought about it at this moment, what kind of people were around him, Wu Meier, the little female emperor, was very thoughtful, and she was very shrewd at a young age.

And this Xu Jingzong is even more so, although his ambition is not as big as Wu Mei'er, but when it comes to insidiousness, he is also a top talent.

Although Qin Qiong next to him is not low in force, his mind is not turned.

Yan Lide and Yan Liben, the brothers of the Yan family, are indeed unmatched in their ability to judge things, but the two of them are extraordinarily wild.

Then Yuan Dake is even more of a brainless person, and it seems that Wan Kuan still has to train the people around him.

Entering his office, Wan Kuan closed the door.

Close the lock, then gently open the letter.

Only five 55 characters were written in the letter.

This Master Pei Wan Kuan didn't have a deep impression because he was not too young, and he had always been an idle cloud and a wild crane.

After Wan Kuan came, I didn't have any impressions except...the first time I met him once.

How can this person suddenly write a letter to himself and logically speaking, he is his subordinate, there is something that should be reported, it is really strange to write a letter.

Wan Kuan opened the envelope, unfolded the letter, and casually read a few lines.

Suddenly, Wan Kuan's eyebrows were tightly packed together, the hand holding the letter was also tightly held, and the blue veins on the back of the hand suddenly burst out.

At this time, Wan Kuan has ten lines in one eye, and his eyes are like.

In just a few breaths, I finished reading these two pieces of letter paper.

After reading it, Wan Kuan raised his head and let out a long sigh of relief, then took out the fire box, burned the two letters, and threw them into the brazier next to them.

After burning the letter paper, Wan Kuan's face returned to calm, his eyes were like a vortex in the deep sea, and he couldn't see the bottom. At this time, there was a hint of coldness on the corner of his mouth. Unexpectedly, this letter was actually written by Li Yuan. For myself, I have not counted such a section yet.

At first, Wan Kuan was a little surprised when he saw Li Yuan's head up, but after reading a few lines of fonts, Wan Kuan immediately understood what Li Yuan meant.

This Li Yuan is also a wily man. Although he was expelled from the throne by Li Shimin, he was also the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty after all, and he also had two brushes on his body.

In this letter, Li Yuan clearly told Wan Kuan that Wan Kuan was... Li Shimin's eldest son.

It's just that Li Shimin was the king of Qin at the beginning, not the prince, so the eldest son and the second son did not matter, so Li Yuan took Wan Kuan over and gave it to Concubine Wan to raise him.

Moreover, in the letter, Li Yuan said firmly that Wan Kuan was... the eldest son, born one step earlier than Li Chengqian, the current crown prince should be Wan Kuan.

Moreover, Li Yuan also described the situation in Hebei as extremely dangerous, revealing a feeling that Li Shimin was going to put himself to death.

In fact, Li Yuan's meaning is obvious to Wan Kuan at first glance. It's not that he wants to say that Wan Kuan's sudden emergence has shaken Li Chengqian's throne, while Li Shimin ascended the throne only through blood, but he will never allow this kind of thing to happen between his sons. .

Therefore, in order to maintain stability, Li Shimin will quietly destroy Wan Kuan, the eldest son who suddenly appeared, so as to ensure that Li Chengqian can successfully ascend the throne.

In the envelope, Li Yuan portrayed Li Shimin as extremely fierce, so Wan Kuan must be careful and make plans early.

If Wan Kuan was really a young man with no experience in the world, he might have been deceived by Li Yuan, but Wan Kuan was not... that young man who didn't know anything.

And just before Wan Kuan rushed to Hebei, Li Shimin also wrote a letter, clearly telling Wan Kuan's identity, and the letter also said that Wan Kuan was the eldest son, so Li Shimin had no idea of ​​hiding the news at all.

When he first received the letter from Li Shimin, Wan Kuan also had the slightest suspicion, suspecting that the letter was Li Shimin's temptation trick, just to see if he had the guts to fight for the throne.

If he really dared to fight for the throne, then Li Shimin would get rid of this ambitious self.

However, after Wan Kuan thought about it carefully, Li Shimin would never be so tempted.

Because the current state affairs are all under Li Shimin's control, he does not need to test Wan Kuan through this method at all.

And Li Shimin assigned Wan Kuanfa to Hebei, rather than trying to frame him, he was creating an opportunity.

Others don't know Wan Kuan's ability, Li Shimin must know clearly.

Li Shimin knew that no matter how embarrassing the situation was, it was nothing to Wan Kuan.

That's why he assigned the land of Hebei to Wan Kuan, just... to want Wan Kuan to secretly manage his own power.

Although it seems that Li Shimin is a little overbearing, Wan Kuan knows that Li Shimin believes in his own ability.

And now Li Yuan suddenly sent a letter, both inside and outside of it, directly pointing at Li Shimin's conspiracy and tricks.

Even if Wan Kuan was a fool, he could guess that Li Yuan wanted to deal with Li Shimin.

Just want to use Wan Kuan's hand to deal with Li Shimin and Li Chengqian, Li Yuan hopes that he and Li Chengqian will fight for the throne, and then reproduce the Xuanwu Gate.

At that time, Li Yuan will pass all the pain he has endured on to Li Shimin.

After Wan Kuan thought about it thoroughly, a warm smile appeared on his face, and now the situation is really interesting.

Li Shimin said that he was the eldest son and wanted to use his strength to regain the throne.

And Li Yuan said that he was also the eldest son, Li Shimin was deceiving himself, and he wanted to prepare himself quickly and secretly.

Chapter 291

Wan Kuan understood that Li Yuan's purpose was to provoke his relationship with Li Shimin, but Li Yuan probably didn't know that Li Shimin had already made a showdown.

However, after seeing Li Yuan's letter, Wan Kuan had some doubts in his heart...Is he really the eldest son? And Li Chengqian will not look so similar.

But at the beginning, Li Yuan would really take Li Shimin's eldest son away and give it to Concubine Wan in the past. Wan Kuan deeply doubted this.

Although both Li Shimin and Li Yuan said that they were the eldest sons, Li Shimin was out on the expedition and never returned to Chang'an, so he just speculated.

And Li Yuan is the only one who knows whether he is the eldest son, but can Li Yuan believe what Li Yuan said in his letter? Li Yuan has been blinded by hatred. Even if he is not the eldest son, he will still say that he is the eldest son, so that he can be with Li Chengqian. A fight.

So what is the truth of this matter, Wan Kuan has to investigate it carefully.

However, the most important thing for Wankuan now is to completely control the land of Hebei. As for those in Chang'an City... the ups and downs will be solved later.

Whether it was Li Yuan or Li Chengqian, Wan Kuan didn't take it seriously at all.

Although Wan Kuan did not take Li Yuan seriously, Li Yuan does care about Wan Kuan very much now.

Pei Ji, the old fox, went to the palace to talk with Li Yuan again, and he also told Li Yuan that the letter had been delivered to Wan Kuan.

Li Yuan is very happy, sometimes, some things are very simple, a letter and a few words can turn a court into: the world is turned upside down.

"Emperor Taishang, according to reports, Wan Kuan didn't seem to have any drastic reaction after reading the letter. He still handled government affairs in the public office, and then went home after dark. Everything was smooth."

And Li Yuan was even more proud when he heard the news: "Pei Ji, isn't that right? It just means that Wan Kuan is a careful person.

Even if he knows the truth, he also understands that he can't act rashly, and now his power is still too small to be comparable to Li Chengqian."

"But Emperor Taishang, if Wan Kuan is a timid person, what should he do, even if he tells him his identity, he will not do anything."

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