Li Shimin agreed verbally, but in his heart he disagreed.

Wan Kuan, that stinky boy, has a lot of tricks. When he promised to go to Hebei, he must have a surefire plan, so Li Shimin didn't worry about it.

Now Li Shimin is thinking about the war after the winter, the general supervisor and the weapons supervisor have already prepared all the necessary items.

And Hebei does not need to allocate grain and grass, Datang can prepare all this year's rice grain and use it as military supplies.

Chapter 293

It is autumn now, and in two months the army will be assembled.

When the cold winter falls, the snow is flying, and the elite soldiers of the Tang Dynasty will go straight out of the customs and go straight to the old lair of the Turks.

At that time, Datang will have three concurrent lines.

Hebei in the east, Jinyang in the middle, and Yanzhou in the west.

At that time, Wan Kuan will also assist the army in the raid in Hebei.

The real elites of the Tang Dynasty were located north of Jinyang in the center line. As long as they made a quick attack and reached the foot of Yinshan Mountain, they could directly attack the lair of Jieli Khan.

As the saying goes, catch the thief first catch the king.

If the Tang Dynasty wants to succeed in the first battle, it must not be sloppy.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin clenched his fists, winning or losing in one fell swoop.

Li Shimin's dispatch of troops this time can be described as a gamble, but Wan Kuan is playing steadily.

After the plastic workshop was completed, Wan Kuan left Qin Qiong behind and took his family directly to Dengzhou in the east.

Dengzhou has barren land and is surrounded by the sea on three sides.

In the eyes of those aristocratic families, it's... a place where birds don't poop.

But in Wan Kuan's eyes, Dengzhou is a treasure land of feng shui, a place full of gold.

It is autumn now, but the seaside of Dengzhou is pleasant.

It's just that the people of Datang now think that the seaside is all backcountry, and Wan Kuan can only sigh fiercely.

If this is put into later generations, the seaside will be worth every inch of land, and the sea-view room will be surprisingly expensive.

And Dengzhou has a natural seaport, a natural shelter from the wind, almost covered with bricks and cement, it is... a perfect port.

Wan Kuan nominally came to supervise the construction of harbours and ships, but in fact he also wanted to take the opportunity to take a vacation by the sea.

After becoming a pro, Wan Kuan didn't have a honeymoon, and Wan Kuan was always uncomfortable inside.

I have been working in a dark and poisonous way all day, so I have to combine work and rest to relax.

Moreover, it is already autumn at this time, so it is not very hot, and the sun is not strong, and it is most comfortable to be at the seaside.

A cool sea breeze blows in and blows all the heat away.

Cui Yingying and Wu Shun'er were also very novel, and the soft sandy beach made them very interesting.

Before Wan Kuan came, Yan Liben had already built a house on a remote beach.

There is no way to lay a foundation on this soft sand, so a quiet house is directly propped up with wooden boards.

The house is very close to the sea, and there is a reef next to it, which can be described as a hidden beach.

Wan Kuan looked at it and thought it was simply perfect.

If you want to put it in the future, if you want to get such a large wooden yard with sea view, it is really difficult, but now you can get it easily.

That Wu Shun'er stood in the courtyard and stepped on the fine sand in the courtyard, feeling very interesting.

And Cui Yingying was also sitting at the small wooden table on the patio, listening to the waves coming from the distance, she felt very comfortable for a while.

"Ladies, this beach is fun to step into the backyard.

Then Wu Shun'er and Cui Yingying looked at each other and smiled, and said, "Sister, I have never been to the seaside since Xiaoguanzhong, but I didn't expect to be at the seaside...don't have a lot of fun.

My sister has been in Hebei since she was a child, so she should know a lot."

"Where is my sister, my sister, although I grew up in Hebei, but only near Dingzhou, the farthest place I have been to Chang'an.

Don't look at Dengzhou, but my sister has never been here."

Wan Kuan was wearing a bunt at this time, his arms and calves were exposed, and he was like a fisherman.

Those sturdy muscles looked extraordinarily powerful, and Wan Kuan was going to the beach at this time.

"Yingying, I think you must think that Dengzhou is a remote area, so you haven't been here, but you didn't expect to have a unique flavor at the seaside."

"What my husband said is that the concubine has been stuck in her own little world before, and has never seen this world.

This day, the earth is big, come and see, the concubine was really ignorant before."

"Hey, this seaside has many wonderful things.

When the sun comes out tomorrow, let's go to the mallard water.

But it's getting late today, and the two ladies will have a good time."

"Do you want to cook by yourself, husband?"

That Wu Shun'er blinked a pair of big eyes.

When she went to Wanfu in Chang'an before, Wan Kuan had cooked for her.

Wan Kuan's craftsmanship is amazing, even better than the chef of Wan Fu Lou, because the chef of Wan Fu Lou was taught by Wan Kuan.

Wan Kuan was bare-legged, carried a plastic bucket, and walked directly towards the beach with Xiao Laizi.

There is just a circle of reefs by the sea, and there are many seaweeds on the reefs. It is so delicious to make soup with this.

Wan Kuan carried a bunch of chicken intestines in his hand, and when he got to the beach, he put the chicken intestines in the crevice of the reef that he had chosen a long time ago.

Then Wan Kuan plunged into the sea like a fierce boy, and the little Laizi beside him was also a child in Guanzhong. He couldn't swim at all, so he could only shout at the side.

However, there are many guards around Wan Kuan, and they can definitely protect Wan Kuan comprehensively.

And the water by the sea is not too deep, Wankuan is like a swimming fish, tossing and turning in the sea.

After that little Lai Zi and wow screamed for a while, only to find that Wan Kuan was all right, and from time to time he floated his head to the sea to take a breath.

Xiao Laizi was a little embarrassed, so he found a reef and sat down: "It's not bad to have the sea breeze blowing."

Wan Kuan for a while... Come up once, and put what you have caught into the small bucket.

Xiao Laizi stretched his head over to take a look, what was in there, it was dark, can this thing be eaten?

Don't go into the sea when you're exhausted, or you won't be able to swim up if your legs cramp.

Wan Kuan went back to the shore to rest for a while..., then got on a small boat, rocked and floated into the sea.

"Master, come back soon, the waves are too big."

Xiao Laizi shouted again.

Wan Kuan ignored him, and used a net to catch some fish near the sea. If he could catch a big fish, it would be best, if he couldn't catch it, forget it.

Wan Kuan took the boat and pulled the net down, then tied the net to the boat, and then Wan Kuan rowed around the beach, and then returned.

When the boat was close to the shore, Wan Kuan jumped down and pushed the boat to the side of the beach, then collected the net.

There are some nonsense in the net, there are two or three small fish, it seems that today's harvest is average.

After finishing it, Wan Kuan was a little tired and lay down directly on the beach.

Now the sun is going down, the tides are changing, and the tide is falling.

And Wan Kuan got up after resting for a while, carefully looking for something on the sand at low tide.

And Xiao Laizi on the side followed behind with this little plastic ladle: "Master, what are you looking for? Is there a fish that died on the beach?"

"Nonsense, let's see the young master find something good for you."

Chapter 294

Wan Kuan searched on the sand, and sure enough, he walked to the reef and found some small holes in the sand.

Wan Kuan smiled, and directly scooped up a little seawater with a small scoop and poured it into the small hole.

As a result, after a while, the sea water shot out of the small hole.

Xiao Laizi was taken aback: "Master, there are monsters and ghosts in here."

"You bastard, there are good things in here.

Come and dig for me."

Wan Kuan and Xiao Laizi squatted on the ground, and their hands began to dig up.

Xiao Laizi was a little scared at first, but later found that the sand was very warm, so he dug a lot when he went.

After digging for a while... Xiao Laizi found something in the sand.

Wan Kuan looked at it, laughed loudly, and directly picked up the thing and threw it into the basin.

Xiao Laizi glanced at it, and the thing seemed to be thicker and longer than the thumb, like a shell.

"Master, what is that?"

"Sea Rabbit."

"There are rabbits in the sea"

"Don't ask, it's not clear to you.

Then Yuan Dake delivered some seafood in the morning, and you ordered the kitchen to soak the seafood quickly."

When Xiao Laizi heard this, he quickly stood up and ran back, but as soon as he ran, he fell on the beach with a clatter, and a human figure appeared on the sand.

Xiao Laizi smiled awkwardly, and immediately ran away with his head down.

The sun is slowly going down, and the wind on the sea is getting cooler.

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