And the orange red of the setting sun dyed the whole sea as gorgeous as the sky.

Wan Kuan was blowing the sea breeze, feeling the comfort, and the air had a bit of the fishy smell of the sea.

If it is put into later generations, Wan Kuan is now... a proper person.

Sitting next to the exclusive beach, blowing the sea breeze, how pleasant and pleasant the taste is.

Wan Kuan didn't even want to go back home, but the sun gradually sank and fell below the sea level.

The last ray of sunlight on the sea disappeared, and it was about to get dark.

Wan Kuan sighed and planned to carry his keg, get up and walk into his yard.

Anyway...the sun will rise as usual tomorrow, and it will be a splendid sight again.

Wan Kuan thought at this moment: After he ascends the throne, the entire Tang Dynasty will be his own.

If I want to sit on the beach, I will sit on the beach, if I want to sleep on the mountain, I will sleep on the mountain, if I want to sleep on the flower boat on the Qinhuai River, I will sleep on the boat.

Under the whole world, is it not the king's land.

And all the places in the world that you can see are yours.

Wan Kuan was looking at the coastline in the distance at this time, maybe the west and east of the Great Pole was also his own.

Some of the territories of the Tang Dynasty are their own, and the territories that they do not have will be their own sooner or later.

Wan Kuan was full of pride for a while, and directly recited: "The country is so beautiful, it has attracted countless heroes to bow down.

Pity Qin Huang and Han Wu, and lose a little literary talent..."

As soon as I read this, I suddenly heard a pleasant applause from behind.

"Husband, what a poem!"

Wan Kuan was interrupted, and when he looked back, it turned out that it was Cui Yingying wearing a goose-yellow gauze skirt and walking behind him.

At this time, Cui Yingying's face was a little red, and her eyes were full of excitement, looking at Wan Kuan's eyes as if she was looking at the gods in the sky.

"Ma'am, why are you here?"

"Husband, what is behind this poem, why don't you read it again?"

That Cui Yingying was chasing Wan Kuan like a little fan girl, and Wan Kuan was a little stuck at this moment.

Because the following sentence is... Tang Zong Song Zu, and now Tang Zong has no posthumous title.

Song Zu was not born yet, let alone that... Genghis Khan.

At this time, Wan Kuan's face was a little embarrassed, and Cui Yingying said angrily: "Husband, it's all because of your concubine for disturbing you. This poetic emphasis is always consistent. Once interrupted, it can't be continued. What a pity!"

At this time, Wan Kuan rolled his eyes and laughed, "Why can't I continue, and my husband is not one of those... vulgar literati, how difficult is it?"

"It is a pity that Emperor Qin and Han Wu were slightly inferior to literary talents, and Sui Wen and Song Zu were slightly less coquettish.

A generation of arrogance, Shibi Khan, just bends the bow and shoots the eagle.

All have gone, count the romantic figures, but also look at the present.

"Wan Kuan made some changes to read the poem continuously.

Li Shimin was replaced by Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, and Zhao Kuangyin was replaced by Liu Yu, Emperor Wu of the Song Dynasty.

Replace Genghis Khan with Shibi Khan, the most powerful Khan of the Turks, everything is perfect! At this time, Cui Yingying was intoxicated, as if she was drunk, and she looked at Wan Kuan with extraordinarily hot eyes.

"My husband is really ambitious, and his literary talent has shocked the world.

The concubine has never heard of such bold poetry, and my husband is simply... the number one person in the literary world."

Wan Kuan was stunned by Cui Yingying: I felt a little embarrassed for the praise.

Although Wan Kuan has always been very proud, but today Cui Yingying is indeed exaggerating.

Today, Wan Kuan is also impressed. Wan Kuan, the first person in the literary world of the ages, can't handle it, but in the future, it is not bad to be an emperor of the ages. . . .

And after that Cui Yingying finished her praise, her face suddenly became emotional: "This husband feels that the country is picturesque, but the husband's poems are compared to those... ancient emperors, this poem did not dare to go out, it was If someone with a heart hears it, I'm afraid they will be a little rebellious."

Wan Kuan chuckled, how can I become an emperor in the future when this poem is spread, that is to compare with emperors like Qin Shihuang and Han Wudi, but now this poem is really not suitable for spreading, I just say it in my spare time The last two sentences will do.

Wan Kuan gently held Cui Yingying's hand: "Don't worry, ma'am, there is still some sense for a husband."

With Wan Kuan holding her small hand, Cui Yingying turned into a shy look again.

"Husband, it's getting dark, let's go back quickly."

Fortunately, it was getting dark, otherwise Cui Yingying would not have dared to let Wan Kuan hold her hand in broad daylight.

Wan Kuan walked into the yard with the bucket in one hand and Cui Yingying in the other.

At this time, Cui Yingying is still there: reminiscing about Wan Kuan's poems just now.

"Then Qin Shi Huangdi and Han Wudi are indeed more than mighty, but lacking in literary talent.

Although Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty unified the chaotic world, his bearing was not enough.

Liu Yu, the ancestor of the Song Dynasty in the Southern Dynasty, although the wind was blowing up the clouds, he still failed to unify the world."

"That Shibi Khan did push the Turks to the top in the previous dynasty, but it is a pity that he is only a foreigner and has never set foot in the Central Plains, not much to mention.

Husband's poem evaluates these.... The emperor is also pertinent, and the husband is the most romantic figure in the world."

Along the way, Wan Kuan almost lost himself in Cui Yingying's praise.

I haven't gone far yet, Wan Kuan slaps my thigh, and my baby hasn't come back yet.

Chapter 295

Wan Kuan patted his head, trotted again, ran to the middle of the reef, and took out the string of chicken intestines he had just put in.

Wan Kuan took the thin thread and lifted the chicken intestines out of the seawater between the reefs.

The chicken intestines are densely packed with a group of huge sea crabs.

Wan Kuan was very proud at this time, this kind of fierce sea crab could not be easily caught.

Wan Kuan threw it into the bucket, like the king of the mountain who came back from hunting, and returned to his small courtyard arrogantly.

That little Laizi had already prepared them in the courtyard. The dried sea cucumbers sent by Yuan Dake were soaked and some other dried fish were sent to the back kitchen by Wan Kuan and chopped into small pieces.

Tonight, Wan Kuan can have a good seafood hot pot. It has been so long since he came to Datang, and Wan Kuan has never eaten seafood.

After all, people are in Guanzhong, too far from the sea.

The biggest reason for Wankuan to open Wanfulou is to satisfy his appetite.

There are many ingredients in Wanfu Building that have been sent back from the sea, but most of them are dried fish, dried shrimp, and small shrimp.

So it can only be processed into seasonings, or fish balls.

Wan Kuan could only smell the taste of seafood, but could not eat the essence of seafood.

When I came to Dengzhou this time, Wan Kuan got his wish.

The coast near Dengzhou is near the mouth of the Yellow River, which is the most famous seafood producing area in the Bohai Sea.

The water temperature of the Bohai Sea is lower than that of the other three oceans, so the seafood in the Bohai Sea is very strong and chewy.

And because the salinity of sea water is relatively low, there are many seafood in the Bohai Sea that are not found in other sea areas.

Just like these... sea crabs that Wan Kuan caught with chicken intestines this time, this is not an ordinary sea crab.

Ordinary sea crabs are... some swimming crabs, white crabs, etc., but these crabs are very powerful.

It lives in the crevices of reefs in a limited number of ports in the Bohai Sea.

This crab is extremely ferocious, no matter what...

Whether you encounter people or other creatures, as long as you dare to invade its domain, the two big pliers will go straight up and clamp them, and they can hurt people to death.

Moreover, this crab is delicious and big, and one must be the size of a [-]-wide palm.

Generally ferocious marine animals, the meat is very delicious.

However, this crab lives in the crevices of the reef. If you grab it hard, it will be difficult for human hands to reach it, so there is no way to catch it.

That's why Wan Kuan used a string of chicken intestines to pull it out this time, and the chicken intestines had a fishy smell.

Crabs are meat-eating, and this flavor is the most attractive to crabs.

Sure enough, Wan Kuan buried a large string of chicken intestines in the crevices of the reef, and in a short while he caught seven or eight big crabs.

Wan Kuan was triumphant at this time, while Xiao Laizi was worried.

Not long after the crab was delivered to the back kitchen, Xiao Laizi ran over with a frown.

"Master, what do you do with this crab?"

"How do you cook it? It's so simple, and you still ask," But young master, this crab is so powerful that it was caught when he put his hand in it.

If it weren't for the small ones: run fast and have rotten hands."

Wan Kuan glared at Xiao Laizi at this time: "I can't do anything, I know every day whether I'm full or not, so I have to do everything, young master.


Xiao Laizi on the side nodded and said, "Young master, Xiao: You are born stupid, and the young master is like a fairy, so smart, Xiao: You must be ashamed in front of the young master."

"It's just that this crab is really fierce, and the cook in the kitchen was caught by the tongs.

In the end, I took a kitchen knife and chopped off the pliers, and then took the iron pliers to cut it off, this hand... I took it out, and it's still there: it's bleeding, it hurts a lot."

Wan Kuan sighed at this moment: "They are all idiots, they can't even deal with a crab.

Young master, I still want to eat crabs tonight, I have to count on you bastards, until the day lilies are cold."

"Master, how do you do it? It's not too small: take a sledgehammer and knock all the crabs to death."

"Master, I'll knock you to death. Believe it or not, you have to eat the whole crab. You smashed all the meat for me. What else can I eat?"

"Then young master, how do you do it, Xiao: I really don't understand."

Xiao Laizi frowned, he had already thought about breaking his head, but... no.

At this time, Wan Kuan pointed at Xiao Lai Zi with a look of hating iron.

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