At night, this seaside is unusually cool, not at all like that on the land of Guanzhong... sultry.

At this time, a full moon rose on the seashore, and the three of them were drinking seafood soup and blowing the sea breeze, and they were very comfortable for a while.

"Husband, can I write a poem about this scene at this time?"

Cui Yingying couldn't help but ask.

Ever since Cui Yingying heard Wan Kuan's poems in the afternoon, she has been extremely excited, and now she always looks at Wan Kuan with a look of admiration.

Wan Kuan looked at the bright moon outside, smiled, and was about to wave his hand.

I'm not a humanoid poetry robot, I can think of those poems when I can remember them, and I can't do anything if I can't remember them.

Wan Kuan was about to refuse, but suddenly a poem popped out of his head.

"Okay, at this time and scene, I will write a poem for my husband.

The bright moon is born on the sea, and the end of the world is at this time.

A lover resents Yao Ye, but lovesicks in the evening!"

Wan Kuan, dressed in fluttering white clothes, stood in the sea breeze with a dignified air, looking like a fairy who wanted to ride the wind away.

Both Cui Yingying and Wu Shun'er's eyes widened, and at this moment they couldn't even say a word of praise.

After a while, Cui Yingying sighed: "Husband, being able to marry a concubine is really a blessing from a previous life."

This Cui Yingying has always been shy, and she was really excited to let her say these words in front of a third person.

At this time it was late at night, and Wankuan had to go to supervise the construction of the ship tomorrow, so he had to rest early.

And Wu Shun'er withdrew sensible, she could see from Cui Yingying's eyes that Cui Yingying was extremely emotional at this moment.

At this time, it would be superfluous for her to stay here.

After Wu Shun'er retreated, Wan Kuan looked at Cui Yingying's shy and smiling eyes in the dim moonlight.

The moon is bright, and the wind and waves on the sea are slightly rising. At this time, the night is extraordinarily quiet, as if the heaven and the earth have returned to silence.

And when the night is over, the red sun rises, and there is another grand scene on the sea.

When the red sun rises, the golden light shines everywhere, and the waves on the sea surface reflect thousands of rays of sunshine.

And when the sun rises quietly, the sea is full of stars.

At this moment, Cui Yingying woke up leisurely, the tulle on her body had slipped quietly, she looked at the empty bed beside her, only to realize that Wan Kuan had left.

At this time, Cui Yingying, who had just woken up from a beautiful dream, did not feel a little lost.

"Miss, ma'am, are you up?"

At this moment, Xiao Hongniang's voice sounded outside the door, Cui Yingying hummed, and the matchmaker immediately.

Open the door and come in.

Cui Yingying saw that the little matchmaker was holding a tray in her hand, and on the tray was a bowl of steaming porridge.

As soon as the little matchmaker came in, she quickly closed her eyes: "Miss, why haven't you changed yet?"

That Cui Yingying smiled, the silk on her head was gently lowered.

Cui Yingying wrapped her body in blue gauze, then walked up to the little matchmaker and grabbed the little matchmaker's fat face.

"You little girl, when did you become so caring, madam, I brought breakfast"

The little matchmaker opened her eyes and sighed.

"Madam, this is what the master cooked early in the morning. He said it was some seafood porridge. After it was cooked, he kept it on the stove and kept it warm. He said that he would bring it to you when the young lady got up."

"This is what the lord did"

The little matchmaker nodded.

Cui Yingying looked at the bowl of white porridge on the tray. There seemed to be fish fillets in the porridge, as well as dried scallops that I had eaten yesterday, and some sea vegetables. A delicious taste came up, Cui Yingying immediately.

Feel a little hungry.

The little matchmaker put down the tray, Cui Yingying picked up the spoon and blew it, took a sip, it was just right.

The little matchmaker watched Cui Yingying drinking the porridge spoon by spoon, and she seemed to have a great appetite.

"Madam, are you hungry? The servants never saw you drink so much this morning. This is a big bowl of porridge. Be careful!"

Cui Yingying raised her head and glanced at Xiao Hongniang angrily, not knowing why she felt hungry after getting up today.

And the bowl of porridge in front of me is extraordinarily sweet, but I can't help it.

Although Cui Yingying was dignified, she quickly finished the bowl of porridge. She put down the spoon and looked at the bright sun outside.

"Has the lord gone already?"

"Master went out early after cooking the porridge today, saying that he wanted to follow that Mr. Yan to see the boat."

"Look at the boat to see what boat"

The little Hongniang pointed her finger at it: "It is said that there is a shipbuilding workshop in the south. Today, the master is going to inspect the workshop for a day, and he will not come back at noon."

After listening to Cui Yingying, she avoided pursing her lips, and if she didn't come back at noon, it would be impossible to see it.

Seeing Cui Yingying's face, the little matchmaker couldn't help but rolled her eyes: "Madam, now this servant finds that you can't leave your master.

As soon as this master left, madam, you are not happy, madam was not like this before."

After Cui Yingying heard this, she stretched out her hand and grabbed Little Matchmaker's ear, and Little Matchmaker hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Madam, the servant is wrong, the servant will never dare to... talk too much."

"You girl, your courage is getting bigger and bigger.

The last time the master asked you to go to the kitchen to wash the dishes, don't you have a long memory?"

Madam, the servant is wrong, please forgive me, Madam.

"As soon as Cui Yingying let go, the little matchmaker heaved a sigh of relief.

"Madam, the last time the master punished me to wash the dishes was because the mistress was in trouble with the master.

As long as the madam and the master are fine, the master will not punish me!"

When Cui Yingying heard this, she made a move to fight.

The little matchmaker hurriedly held the tray and ran out at a trot.

Cui Yingying looked at the back of Little Matchmaker and smiled, then sighed again.

My husband is not here, I seem to have no fun today.

Cui Yingying was not having fun, while Wan Kuan at this time was having fun.

Looking at the keel of the big ship that had been laid in front of him, Wan Kuan jumped onto the keel, stepped on it hard, and then nodded.

This keel is really strong! "The Governor, your method is really powerful, wrapping a layer of iron on the outside of the wooden keel is really strong and durable.

But I am afraid that this steel will rust when it reaches the sea."

Yan Liben said worriedly.

Wan Kuan waved his hand: "Look at the armor that will be produced under the supervision of the factory that will rust."

Although Yan Liben is proficient in examining things, he still doesn't know the power of passivation.

Since Wan Kuan is in a hurry to use steel on a sea-going ship, he can ensure that the steel will not rust.

"Captain, you are the first person to make a ship out of steel!"

"Yan Liben, all future sea ships will use: steel.

And in the end, there are still ships of pure steel, and wood is long outdated!"


Yan Liben was stunned.

Chapter 298

Wan Kuan strode in the shipbuilding workshop, observing the progress of the shipbuilding.

Although it looks simple to build a ship, it is actually very troublesome.

And there are very few people who know how to build ships, even those officials in the Ministry of Industry of the Imperial Court do not know how to build ships.

The only thing in their minds is the boat running on the rivers and lakes, in their impression, that kind of... The boat finds an open space, transports the wood there, knocks and rives it, and then builds a boat.

But Wan Kuan knew that the ship was far from simple.

Because sea ships are to be transported at sea, first of all, the volume of sea ships must be huge.

The bigger the boat, the stronger the ability to resist the wind and waves. The small fishing boats in the inland river go to the sea just to seek death.

You must know that the wind and waves on the sea are not... the wind and waves on the inland river, although the Yellow River and the Yangtze River are sometimes turbulent and look extremely shocking, but compared with the ocean waves, they are insignificant.

Ten years ago, when the Tang Dynasty was founded, Li Xiaogong, the king of Hejian, led Li Jing down the Yangtze River and captured several forces in Jingchu and Jianghuai.

At that time, their ship drawings were all from the library of the previous dynasty, and it was Yan Lide and Yan Liben's father who were in charge of supervising the ships.

But their father has now passed away, and now the Yan brothers have come to Dengzhou to build ships for Wan Kuandu.

It's just that the Yan brothers were shocked when they saw the drawings of Wankuan's ships.

The [-]-wide ship is like a... wild beast, very huge, and the big one is a little scary.

Compared with the ships designed by Wan Kuan, the ones designed by the Yan brothers' father......the ships are like vulnerable little dolls.

It is absolutely impossible to build such a large sea ship on the flat ground. If it is built well on the flat ground, you will not be able to push it into the sea at all.

So we have to dig a huge dock by the sea, as long as the keel is built, we can start laying planks, and the whole ship is built on the water.

After the construction is completed, the ship is launched, and as soon as it is pushed out, it can go into the sea.

Building a dock is also very troublesome. It took Yan Li a few days to build the dock, and the rest of the ship just had a keel built.

And the keel is the core of the whole ship. If the keel is not strong, then your sea ship will be blown down by the wind and waves even if it reaches the sea.

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