Above the sea is unpredictable, and below the sea is... an abyss, the only thing you can rely on at sea is your ship.

If your ship is not strong enough... then you are saying that you are putting your life in the hands of God.

Just a little bit of wind and waves can kill you.

On the other hand, Wan Kuan innovatively wrapped iron sheets around the drawing, which made the keel stronger.

In fact, very few ships used to build keels in the past, but the method of bones was handed down from the Soochow during the Three Kingdoms period.

It's just too troublesome to build the keel, and the wood used by the dragon has extremely high requirements, and it must use very strong and extremely dense wood.

This kind of high-cost sea ship has not been widely inherited in the following hundreds of years, but this time Wankuan has put out the design of the keel again.

In fact, Yan Liben was born in a family of generals, and of course he knew the keel.

The keel is... the skeleton of a big boat. Just find a fish to clean the meat, and observe its bones. You will find that the keel and the fish bone have the same function.

A big boat is like a big fish in the sea, and this big fish needs bones.

And after Wankuan is covered with a layer of iron, the whole keel is stronger.

At this time, Wan Kuan looked at the craftsman who laid the planks on the keel, and there was a trace of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

And Yan Liben on the side is still there: triumphant, as if showing off his abilities.

"Captain, look at how fast this shipbuilding workshop is progressing, the bottom of the ship has come out just a few days ago.

In less than a month, the ship will be decked out."

"No, no, it's too slow, too slow.

Your progress is far from what this official expected, you must speed up the progress."

At this time, Yan Liben almost stared out his eyes after listening to Wan Kuan's words.

"Captain, Xiaguan is definitely not lazy, and the craftsmen under Xiaguan are always working around the clock.

Moreover, the blueprints given by the Great Governor are also very simple, and we are definitely the fastest in Datang when we follow them.”

"This official does not need you to compare with before, you must complete the progress of this official.

Within a month, two ships must go to sea."

"Captain, you are a bit of a tough man.

Ten days have passed since the beginning, and there are only [-] days left in a month, and no ship can be built within [-] days."

"What's the longest time you spend building a ship right now is it the planks or the masts or the oiling"

"Captain, the hardest part is... riveting.

The ship is too big, and the Governor also designed the outer panels like fish scales, the number of fish scale outer panels is larger, and the riveting between each fish scale panel is a very troublesome task."

After Wan Kuan heard this, his face was calm.

Yan Liben is right. In the past, whether it was a sea boat or a river boat, the parts that touched the water outside were made of wooden boards.

But this time Wankuan asked them to change the spliced ​​planks to fish scale-like laminated planks.

Each piece of wood is not tightly seamed, but staggered, just like the scales of a fish.

In this way, not only can the speed of the ship be improved, but also the sealing performance can be improved.

But in this way, it also brings a problem, that is... there are too many fish scale plates, and they have to be staggered, and riveting is indeed very time-consuming and labor-intensive.

But Wan Kuan can't wait that long, what Wan Kuan needs is to create two sea ships at the fastest speed, and then he wants to go to the South Ocean to pull the rice over.

"No, the speed is too slow now, we have to find a way.

The planks are no longer riveted, but iron nails and iron hoops are used, so the speed will be much faster."

Wan Kuan's words made Yan Liben tremble. He never thought that Wan Kuan could make such a request.

Wan Kuan's ability to draw drawings of sea-going ships means that Wan Kuan is proficient in the art of general construction.

Moreover, Wan Kuan was very famous in Chang'an City, so Yan Liben knew that Wan Kuan was an insider.

But what Wan Kuan said just now is definitely not something that an expert can say.

This is impossible at all! How can this sea ship be fixed with iron nails and iron hoops? The iron nails and iron hoops are nailed in the wooden board, but they will be attacked by sea water.

Chapter 299

Yan Liben knew that it only took three days for the nails to go into the sea, and they were so rusted that they could no longer be used.

A sea-going ship made of iron nails and iron hoops is afraid that it will fall apart within a few days.

Therefore, Yan Liben was not convinced and asked for Wan Kuan's theory.

"Captain, are you kidding me? These ships are fastened with iron nails, and they are all riveted with wood."

Wan Kuan sneered: "This officer never jokes. Just now, this officer wrapped the keel with iron leather, and you are still: praise, why you don't want to use iron nails now."

"I don't know what the Governor-General does. Although the keel is important, it is also inside the cabin and does not directly touch the sea water.

Moreover, the iron sheet on the keel has also been specially treated by the Grand Governor, so that it can withstand ordinary water vapor and dampness."

"But the riveted nail is different, it is directly soaked in sea water.

Moreover, the nails are so small that they cannot be passivated, and the size of the passivated nails will change, and the nails will not be strong when nailed, so the words of the Governor cannot be realized at all.”

Wan Kuan listened to Yan Liben's words without any expression on his face.

Yan Liben is indeed right, the iron sheet he wraps around the keel has been passivated, which can indeed resist the erosion of water vapor.

But the nail is too small, if it is passivated in sulfuric acid, the whole nail will be deformed.

Moreover, the iron nails nailed to the wooden board must be directly soaked in the seawater, even the passivated iron nails, soaked in the seawater, will corrode after a long time.

After all, the passivation technique of the supervisor can only resist water vapor, and the seawater on the ocean is more corrosive than water.

And although this nail is small in size, it is subject to the stress between the two boards.

After passivation, the shape of the nails will become irregular and unexplainable, so the nails cannot be stewed.

The iron sheet on the keel is too large, and the pits and pits produced by passivation do not affect its bearing strength, so what Yan Liben said makes sense.

However, although Wan Kuan agreed with Yan Liben's words, he did not intend to let him go.

"No, I can't say more than a day for this time. If it exceeds a month, I will take you as a question."

That Yan Liben was only twenty-three or four years old. Although he was not young compared to Wan Kuan, he was only a newborn calf in officialdom.

When Wan Kuan said such cruel words, Yan Liben immediately went wilted.

"Captain, you are really difficult for a strong man! Don't call this a low-ranking official, even... he can't do it even if Lu Ban is dug out of the grave."

Wan Kuan laughed directly after hearing this, and then patted Yan Liben on the shoulder: "Yan Sima, you can't do this, but this official can."

"Sir, are you kidding me?"

"This official said it, and it was a joke in government affairs."

"But my lord, that nail will rust!"

"Then just use non-rusting iron nails. Yan Liben's chin is about to fall: "Is there any non-rusting iron nails in this world?"

"Of course there is, but you don't know it."

That Yan Liben now has a long mouth that can fit a large apple.

"My lord, there is a lot of reading in the lower officials, don't lie to me!"

"Presumptuous, this official is the commander-in-chief appointed by His Majesty, how can I deceive you to say such absurd remarks, you should not eat lunch at noon."

Then Yan Liben scratched his head, he really couldn't figure it out: "Sir, how can this steel not rust? Even those who will be prisoners... passivate the armor, soak it in the sea water, and pass a It has to rust for a month."

Wan Kuan smiled: "Why Yan Sima, are you going to bet with this official?"

This Yan Liwen hesitated, but at the end he gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, and said, "Xiaguan dared to make this bet with the governor."

"That's good, we'll see the difference in less than three days.

If Yan Sima loses, what will you do?"

"If the lower official loses, it will be left to the commander-in-chief to deal with it.

However, if the lower official wins by chance, the Grand Governor will have to give a little more time to build the ship."

"Okay, it's a deal, this official makes this bet with Yan Sima, and we'll see the outcome in three days.

If Yan Sima loses, he will pull your brother to paint more portraits for this official in the future."

That Wan Kuan was a little proud at this time, this Yan Lide and Yan Liben brothers are famous great painters in history, Dan Qing is a wonderful hand.

Even the painting of the saint Wu Daozi was influenced by the painting styles of the two of them.

There is no camera in this day and age, and it is quite troublesome to record some pictures. In the future, the brothers of the Yan family will draw a portrait of themselves on their birthdays, and they will be taken as souvenirs.

When I become an emperor in the future, I have to let these two boys paint me a portrait.

"Captain, you are a famous calligrapher in Chang'an City, and you can understand this calligraphy.

The Governor is also a master of Danqing, so why use a portrait of a lower official?"

The second monk Yan Liben was puzzled, and Wan Kuan was even more speechless.

It is really interesting that I was mistaken for a great painter by a great painter.

At this moment, Wan Kuan was very proud, and Yan Liben had the chance to win this bet. He felt that there was no iron tool in this world that would not rust.

Throwing iron directly into the sea will cause rust to appear within three days.

This Yan Liben is not a scholar who doesn't know anything, this kind of thing is too sure.

Both of them are sure to win, and the inspection is temporarily stopped.

However, although this matter has come to an end, there are still many questions in Yan Liben's heart that he does not understand.

In the beginning, Wan Kuan inspected the entire shipbuilding workshop, and in the end it became Yan Liwen's question and answer.

"Captain, why is there a layer of steel on this deck so that the ship will be a lot heavier."

"Yan Sima, of course, the heavier the ship, the better, the deeper the draft, the more stable the ship will be on the sea.

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