If the draft is too shallow, although the speed is fast, it will not be able to walk when the wind is headed."

Wan Kuan said slowly.

"More importantly, a small wave can capsize a boat.

Therefore, in order to run smoothly on the sea, the weight of the sea-going ship must be large, and it is best that the deck is only ten feet above the sea, which is the best."

Yan Liben asked again:"

But the Great Governor, why should the mast be built so high, the mast is too high, the sail will be very large, the storm on the sea is so strong, the ordinary cloth will be blown to pieces.

"Don't worry about this Yan Sima, the plastic workshop in Jizhou will deliver a rain cloth in two days.

This kind of rain cloth is impervious to wind, impervious to rain, and is durable enough that no matter how strong the sea breeze is, it will not crack."

Chapter 300

Then Yan Liben had some doubts after hearing this, and the governor in front of him seemed to be talking about the Book of Heaven.

Just now, I mentioned a nail that will never rust, and now I have mentioned a cloth that can be waterproof and airtight. There is no airtight cloth in this world. You want to say airtight wood or iron. This Yan Liben believes that there is absolutely no airtight cloth.

The cloth is made of needle and thread, stitch by stitch, and there are always gaps in the middle, so how can it not be ventilated? However, Yan Liben can't say anything when he sees Wan Kuancheng's bamboo on his chest, so he can only ask: "Great Governor, Why are there pulleys under the mast, and why should the mast turn around?"

"Yan Sima, in the past, the sea-going ships relied on ocean currents and sea winds to travel at sea.

But I designed the mast and canvas to take advantage of the wind even against headwinds."

Wan Kuan was quite proud: "When the time comes, sailing against the wind, the ship will take a snake-like shape.

Although the distance is a little longer, you can still slide forward.

This requires that the mast on the boat must be able to change direction when the wind is headed, so the boom should be designed to rotate."

"But the Governor, the pulleys below are going to keep sliding.

If so, it will be worn out."

"Yan Sima, don't you know about the water turbine above the Wei River in Chang'an? The water turbine was swept day and night by the water, and it was not worn out! Don't you know that there is such a thing as a potter's wheel?"

That Yan Liben was speechless when asked by Wan Kuan. He seemed to know the power of the water turbine before, but he didn't care.

Thinking about it now, it does.

Wan Kuan couldn't help sighing when he saw Yan Liben's appearance.

He has created so many things in Chang'an City, from bearings to water turbines, which have brought a lot of convenience to the people of Datang, but not many people remember it until now.

Even people like Yan Liben don't know, it seems that the road to knowledge is still a long way to go! And Yan Liben turned over the charts and drawings given by Wan Kuan and kept asking.

From the bow to the stern, from the mast to the chassis, and even the shape of the fish scale, he had to ask why it was so.

How can Wan Kuan say that? Does Wan Kuan want to give him a fluid mechanics class? Wan Kuan is also very helpless.

In the end, Wan Kuan could only hide from Yan Liben, this is simply a curious baby, one hundred thousand why.

Wan Kuan walked out of the shipbuilding workshop and walked towards the seaside. It was almost noon now, and it was good to blow the sea breeze.

As a result, Yan Liben trotted over and kept asking questions with the blueprint in his hand.

Wan Kuan sighed and followed Yan Liben for a walk along the beach. The two took off their shoes and put them on the high reef. They walked barefoot on the soft sand and were washed by the waves from time to time, which really relieved their fatigue.

There is also a dock in the distance from the beach, but it is not from the court, it should belong to some noble family.

The dock was small and broken, not formal at all, and Wan Kuan despised it.

Stop and go, talk and laugh, this is Wan Kuan who is younger than me, and now I admire it very much.

Although there are some things that he can't figure out for the time being, but once she knows that Wan Kuan is an expert, maybe he really is Lu Ban at that time.

Just as the two were chatting, a loud shout suddenly came.

"Who dares to be presumptuous in the sea"

Wan Kuan and Yan Liben looked up and saw a bunch of people standing in front of them.

The leader was a young man in blue, wearing a silk suit, and even holding a folding fan in his hand.

This young man looked to be in his early twenties. He was well-dressed and had a suet jade pendant around his waist. At first glance, he looked like... a son of a rich family.

However, this man's broom brows looked extremely dejected.

This young man was followed by several servants, all of them arrogant.

Seeing Wan Kuan and Yan Liben walking around on the beach without shoes, the young man was a little unhappy.

"Looking at the clothes you two are also scholars, since you are scholars, why do you feel ashamed to walk barefoot in the public?"

Wan Kuan pouted after listening, and then glanced at Yan Liben beside him.

Yan Liben said quickly: "The Governor, this is Young Master Cui. There is also a shipbuilding workshop nearby, that is... Young Master Cui."

"Oh Cui Gongzi."

Wan Kuan raised his eyebrows and immediately asked, "This... Young Master Cui is from the Cui family of Qinghe"

In Hebei, the surname Cui is either Boling Cui or... Qinghe Cui.

However, Wan Kuan, the son of Boling Cui's family, had probably met him before. When he married Cui Yingying, Wan Kuan had met him, but there was no such young master Cui in front of him.

And the southwest of Dengzhou is the area of ​​Qinghe, so this person must be from the Cui family of Qinghe.

"That's right, Cui Jing, from Qinghe Cui family, who are you?"

Cui Jing's tone was very bad, in fact, he could guess Wan Kuan's identity by looking at the clothes on Wan Kuan's body and the jade pendant around his waist.

But Cui Jing disdain Wan Kuan in her heart, so she deliberately pretended not to know and asked rudely.

Then Yan Liben said quickly: "Cui Jing must not be rude, this... is the governor of Hebei Province, Lord Wan Kuan Wan."

"Oh, so you're the one... Datu Governor, disrespectful disrespect!"

Although Cui Jing held hands with a smile, Wan Kuan could show a trace of disdain in his eyes.

The people of this aristocratic family are indeed arrogant enough to even dare to use this kind of look when they meet their own great governor.

Wan Kuan ignored him, but Cui Jing was still talking.

"Captain, you are a second-rank official of the imperial court, and you don't care about your clothes so much. It's not as good as the little servant next to me. Do all the officials in the Tang Dynasty look like this?"

There was a hint of sneer in Cui Jing's words. He deliberately pointed out Wan Kuan's identity, which meant... He was saying that Wan Kuan, a second-rank officer of the Great Tang Dynasty, was not as good as a servant of their Cui family.

This Cui Jing is really open-mouthed. Although Wan Kuan knew that the people of this family are very arrogant, he did not expect this Cui Jing to dare to speak like this.

There was a sneer on the corner of Wan Kuan's mouth, it seemed that he had another fun today.

Since the last Cheng Yaojin incident, Wan Kuan has become famous in Chang'an City, and no one dares to provoke him.

So since then, Wan Kuan has not been able to find a good toy, but he did not expect to encounter it in Hebei today.

When Yan Liben heard Cui Jing's words, there was also a trace of anger on his face.

He was about to have an attack when Wan Kuan reached out and stopped Yan Liben.

There was also a trace of disdain in Wan Kuan's eyes: "Young Master Cui, this beach belongs to the imperial court.

And Dengzhou's documents did not say that Cui Gongzi has a dock on the beach, so why can Cui Gongzi build a dock on this beach?"

Chapter 301

On the beach, Wan Kuan's voice was cold and cold, after Cui Jing heard it, she felt a little dazed for a while.

Wan Kuan saw Cui Jing's appearance, and knew that he was a person with his own appearance.

She looks well-dressed, but she is a little nervous when something happens.

At this time, Wan Kuan continued: "According to the laws of the imperial court, those who build docks on the beach without permission will be punished with whipping towers.

Cui Gongzi, I don't know if you went to the Dengzhou government office to accept the crime, or if this official sent you there"

"You dare, I am the son-in-law of the Cui family of Qinghe, you dare to disrespect me"

Cui Jing was already panicking.

"This official is the Grand Governor personally appointed by His Majesty, and this official has the final say on the land of Hebei."

That Cui Jing was a little scared after hearing this, but at this time, Wan Kuan's deep guards also arrived, one by one drawing their swords towards each other, Cui Jing was taken aback.

Although he has high self-esteem, he didn't bring too many people with him when he came out this time, and the vicious guard on the opposite side didn't seem easy to mess with.

At this time, Wan Kuan was condescending and looked at Cui Jing in front of him coldly: "Young Master Cui, you disregarded the law of the king, and just made a rude remark to this official. Now this official wants to arrest you, what do you have to say?"

After hearing that, Cui Jing looked angry and thought to herself, you bastard governor, you are just a dog from our aristocratic family, how dare you be so arrogant here, see if I don't go back and report to my father.

But at this time, people were under the eaves and had to bow their heads.

When Cui Jing saw Wan Kuan's cold and handsome eyes, she panicked for a while.

Although he was arrogant enough, he was not very stupid, and he quickly cupped his hands and said: "Captain, please atone for your sins, the villain is... ."

"The Tang law is here, how can you forgive me with a few soft words.

If an apology is useful, how can the law be used, take it!"

With the order of Wan Kuan, the guards behind him rushed up and held Cui Jing.

Cui Jing felt a sharp pain in her shoulders as the guards exerted force on her hands.

The servants around Cui Jing were all panicked and shouted, and Cui Jing was completely panicked at this time.

At this time, Yan Liben was also a little nervous, and he whispered to Wan Kuan: "Great Governor, this is the direct son of the Cui family of Qinghe. If he is caught in a prison, I am afraid that he will offend the Cui family of Qinghe!"

Wan Kuan smiled slightly and said in a low voice, "This officer didn't intend to arrest him at first, but his mouth is too stinky, so I still have to teach him a lesson."

"The great governor, the great governor forgives his sins, the little one has eyes and does not know Mount Tai, and offended the great governor, please also ask the great governor to forgive the villain this time for the sake of our Cui family's dedication to public affairs and law-abiding."

Cui Jing said the name of the Cui family just to remind Wan Kuan.

Wan Kuan reconciled with the family, and now Wan Kuan is dealing with the Cui family, that is... tearing up the agreement.

However, Wan Kuan was indifferent, Cui Jing's face panicked, and the guard behind him was about to pull him away.

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