Cui Jing did not expect this Wan Kuan to come true.

At this moment, Wan Kuan suddenly stretched out his hand, and the guard stopped.

"Young Master Cui, this official has just arrived in Hebei and the family has a very harmonious relationship. This official is about to work together with the Cui family to save the people of Hebei. As a result, it is really inappropriate for Master Cui to make a rude remark at this time."

"The villain is at fault, the villain is not a governor, but the governor thinks that the villain is the first offense, so I also ask the governor to raise your hand."

Wan Kuan looked at Cui Jing who was begging for mercy at this time, and his heart was full of disdain. He was arrogant and arrogant just now, but he was so frightened that he admitted it.

It's ridiculous that this family can cultivate such a person! Wan Kuan walked up to that Cui Jing, patted him on the shoulder, and then pointed his hand back.

"Young Master Cui, the official's shoes and socks are placed on the reef, have you seen it?"

Cui Jing nodded again and again.

"Young Master, didn't you say that this official doesn't wear shoes and socks, is it disrespectful? If so, please ask Cui Gongzi to help this official bring shoes and socks to put on.

That way, it won't be out of style.

What does Young Master Cui think?"

When Cui Jing heard this, her face was flushed, this Wan Kuan was going to humiliate herself naked.

The dignified son-in-law of the Cui family in Qinghe actually put shoes and socks on for Wan Kuan, a small official in the imperial court. It was rumored that his face was not there, but Wan Kuan saw that Cui Jing hesitated and said with a smile: "Why doesn't Cui Gongzi not? If that's the case, let's go to the prison and discuss it slowly."

After speaking, Wan Kuan will ask the guards to take Cui Jing away.

Cui Jing saw this scene and immediately.

Terrified, he said quickly.

"Don't be in a hurry, adults, don't be in a hurry, the villain is willing, the villain is willing."

Wan Kuan patted Cui Jing on the shoulder: "Since Young Master Cui is willing, then go quickly, this official's feet are also very uncomfortable to soak in the water."

Wan Kuan looked at Cui Jing who was still in shock at this time, and his heart was full of contempt.

If I knew this earlier, why would I dare to offend people without this strength? It's a joke.

I thought that this Cui Jing would always be hard-hearted, but it turned out to be a melon! But Cui Jing gritted her teeth secretly, and put up with today's affairs for the time being, and when she got home and told her father, she must make this Wan Kuan look good.

Cui Jing gritted her teeth and walked towards the reef, Wan Kuan watched Cui Jing walk to the side of the reef, and was in a hurry to climb up the reef to get her shoes and socks.

This Cui Jing really does not touch the spring water with both hands, and her body is very weak.

Wan Kuan's shoes and socks were placed at a high place, and Cui Jing flicked them before climbing the reef to get the shoes and socks.

Then I saw Cui Jing gritted her teeth and wanted to turn around.

But at this moment, suddenly his foot slipped, and Cui Jing grumbled and rolled along the reef into the crevice of the reef.

For a time, Cui Jing's servants all ran to the reef, but they were stopped by Wan Kuan's men.

"Why the water is so shallow, no one can drown."

Although Wan Kuan said that, Cui Jing shouted from there: "Someone...!!!, help, come, help."

That Yan Liben showed a disdainful smile, and in such shallow water, he stood up with a kick of his feet.

It's ridiculous that Cui Jing is still calling for help.

For a while... they didn't take it seriously, but the Cui family was always there: shouting in the crevices of the reef, and the voice became more and more shrill.

At this time, Yan Liben felt that something was wrong, and immediately.

Take a group of people to the side of the reef and take a look inside.

I saw that Cui Jing was extremely embarrassed at this time, and her body was full of slap-sized crabs.

That crab was ferocious, with big tongs holding Cui Jing's flesh, Cui Jing screamed in pain, and even had one hanging on her face.

Na Wan Kuan looked at it and smiled secretly, this was the ferocious sea crab he ate last night.

Wan Kuan was very proud at this time, when he put his shoes and socks on just now, he knew that there was a sea crab nest between the two reefs.

Chapter 302

When Wan Kuan was wearing slippers just now, he was afraid that the shoes would get wet, so he put them high.

Among the reefs in this piece, next to the highest is a sea crab nest.

And just now Wan Kuan asked Cui Jing to get the shoes and socks, on the one hand, to humiliate him, on the other hand, he also wanted Cui Jing to fall into the sea crab's nest and be tortured.

Sure enough, this Cui Jing was uneasy and fell into it.

Now that Cui Jing is more embarrassed, there are seven or eight sea crabs hanging on her body, and the claws of the sea crab are like knives, and it hurts badly when caught on her body.

That Cui Jing has been crying for a while since she was a child.

"Help, help, get this crab away."

And the servants under Cui Jing's... servants were also panicked, and the two servants rushed in and quickly pulled the Cui family out of the gap.

However, the crabs on Cui Jing's body are not easy to get rid of. Those...the servants were about to start to pull them, but their fingers were also caught by the crab claws.

Just listening to the voice, the servant screamed with his hands covered as if he had been hit by an arrow in the ass.

At this time, a few servants hurried up with a pair of bags, trying to drag the sea crab off the Cui family.

But at this time, Wan Kuan said, "Don't pull it hard. If you break the sea crab, then her pincers will be clamped on your son forever, and you won't be able to remove it when you go."

And one of the servants nodded quickly after hearing this: "Yes, yes, this crab is like this, if you kill it, its claws will be clamped on it forever, quickly use seawater to splash the son with seawater, in that case, the crab will loose..."

For a time, those... servants rushed towards Cui Jing with the sea water in their hands.

The result was such a splash, Cui Jing hurt even more.

Wan Kuan laughed directly on the side. This Cui Jing's body was originally full of wounds. You even splashed seawater on it. Isn't that putting salt on other people's wounds? If it is caught by some crabs and shrimps, Sprinkling some seawater is indeed useful, but this ferocious sea crab is not easy to deal with, and seawater is not good.

This kind of sea crab is fierce and fierce, just because it eats meat, it knows that it is not easy to deal with.

Now that... Cui Jing, Cui Gongzi, was tormented by the sea crab and it was a little painful.

The servants held the sea water in their hands and poured it over him over and over again.

As a result, what he got in return was that Cui Gongzi shouted even more mournfully.

It was really interesting that Wan Kuan hid aside and watched the excitement.

I don't know these.... Whether the servant really loves his son or just pretending, this is simply adding fuel to the fire, but it's not... charitable in the snow.

And Yan Liben, who was on the side, looked straight, and the crab's claws were extremely powerful, and they would not loosen when they were clamped.

One of the servants saw that Cui Jing was shouting so sadly that he went up and tried to pull the crab down, but the force was too strong, and the crab's claws immediately collided with the body.


As a result, the pliers were still intact on Cui Jing's body, and that... the servant wanted to pull the pliers and pull the pliers out, but at this time Cui Jing shouted like killing a pig.

That... The next person didn't dare to move when he heard it. How could this be? Now that... Cui Jia gritted his teeth in pain, and the whole person was about to faint.

At this time, it is neither moving nor not moving.

Wan Kuan walked over at this time, sighed and said: "I told you a long time ago that you won't be allowed to pull hard, you see if you grab the crab, her pincers are still here, if you don't grab the crab, there will be more There is a way to loosen the pliers..., but when you grab it like this, the pliers won't loosen."

At this time, the head of the servant immediately thumped and knelt in front of Wan Kuan.

"The Governor, the Governor, please save our son, Xiao: I'm here to kowtow to you."

Wan Kuan couldn't help but feel a little strange looking at this servant. He didn't expect that Mr. Cui would be so disgusting, and there were people willing to sacrifice their lives for him, so one servant knelt down and pleaded for mercy. The rest of the servants all knelt down and kept shouting for Wan Kuan. Go out and save their son.

In fact, it's not these... The servants are loyal to Young Master Cui, but because this Young Master Cui is short-tempered, if anyone offends him, he will definitely fight with each other.

And if his subordinates upset him a little bit, he would definitely beat and scold him.

Today, Young Master Cui was tortured like this, if they...the servants couldn't save him, when he returned, Young Master Cui would definitely rip them off.

So these... Servants have no choice but to kneel down and beg Wan Kuan to take action.

Because Wan Kuan just said that there is still a way to get the crab off.

These...the servants heard it, so they knelt down together and asked Wan Kuan to take action.

At this time, Wan Kuan waved his hand and said: "This official has nothing to do, this sea crab is very powerful. Yesterday, this official was taxing by the sea, and when he saw a crab, he hurriedly ran away, and the crab caught the meat. Don't let go, it's very difficult, it's very difficult!"

"Master Wan, please raise your hand and save our son.

Our son doesn't choose to say anything, but he has already apologized, so I beg the Governor to let him go."

When Wan Kuan heard this, his face immediately stiffened: "Don't talk nonsense, you servant, it's because your son was caught by a crab himself, and it has nothing to do with this official."

"That's right, it has nothing to do with Lord Wan, it's all because our son is not careful, but please ask Lord Wan to cast a spell to save him."

"What nonsense is spoken by the officials of the imperial court, not the warlocks who have been deceived, how could it be possible to cast spells to save people, nonsense!"

"Master Wan, don't refuse, who in this world doesn't know that Master Wan is the reincarnation of an immortal? As long as Master Wan is willing to save people, he will definitely save my son's life.

My son has already lost half his life at this time, Lord Wan, please save him.

Our Cui family must be grateful!"

Wan Kuan pouted after listening: "It's not impossible to take down these...... crabs."

As soon as Wan Kuan said these words, those... servants immediately.

With an expression of surprise, even Cui Jing, who was crying and shouting on the side, saw hope.

It's just that Wan Kuan changed the conversation again and said, "Although this method exists, it has some risks. I don't know if Cui Gongzi is willing to use it."

At this time, all the servants turned to look at Cui Jing, who was already fainting from the pain.

The crab was so powerful that the Cui family was already twitching! The head of the servant quickly said to Cui Jing, "Young Master, please agree quickly. After agreeing, Lord Wan will come to the rescue."

Wan Kuan sighed, "Young Master Cui, this is a big trouble for you. If it wasn't for this official's friendship with the Cui family: I wouldn't have taken action at all!"

Chapter 303

Wan Kuan is very leisurely at this time, if Cui Jing doesn't agree, then Wan Kuan turns his head and leaves! After Cui Jing heard it, she gritted her teeth and said weakly.

"The villain is willing, the villain is willing, as long as the lord Wan can take these off the crabs, the villain is willing to do anything.

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