My Cui family must be grateful!"

Wan Kuan nodded and shouted: "Okay, in fact, the reason is simple, you boil a pot of boiling water and pour it on these...... crabs, these...... ...the claws loosened when the crab was cooked."

"Oh, Master Wan can't be like this! This boiling water poured on the crab, didn't my son get scalded too? Isn't there any other way, Master Wan?"

Wan Kuan nodded: "There are other methods, that is, use a big hammer to smash these crabs into pieces. After the shells are all signed, the pliers will naturally loosen."

"Oh, Lord Wan, you can't do this! If you use a hammer to chop up crabs, wouldn't that mean that our son will also be smashed? The crabs are all hanging on the meat. If you hit this hammer, isn't my son also bone? Broken tendons"

"It doesn't work either, that doesn't work either, you guys are really picky."

"Master Wan, is there any way to remove these...... crabs without hurting my son?"

"Then you should go to the pharmacy and buy some grass-headed black powder, add some arsenic, boil it into water, and pour it on your son.

In this way, if the crab died of poisoning, it would naturally fall off."

"Ah, both arsenic and grass-head black are highly poisonous!"

"This official didn't ask your son to drink him, so why not..."

"But my lord, although this is not drinking, but the venom soaks the skin, and the toxin will slowly seep into it, so it's impossible."

Wan Kuan was a little impatient after hearing this: "Then you should buy a jar of spirits, pour it into a big bucket, and then let your son soak in the bucket, and wait for those... crabs get drunk with alcohol. After that, it's natural to loosen...the pliers."

As soon as Wan Kuan's words were spoken, everyone looked at each other in dismay.

This seems to be a method! It seems that there is no harm in soaking the body with strong wine, and then the crab will naturally loosen after being drunk... The tongs, this is indeed a useful method.

After thinking about it, those... servants immediately.

Get up, carry that... Young Master Cui and run to the shore.

If Mr. Cui has a dock here, he must have a place to live.

At this time, Mr. Cui was already a little wilted, and it seemed that he couldn't stand being caught by this crab.

Some parts of the Cui family had begun to seep blood, Wan Kuan sighed, knowing this, why did Wan Kuan turn around to take off his shoes and socks and go back after watching that Young Master Cui was carried away by everyone.

And Yan Liben, who was on the side, had his eyes dripping: "Sir, that Cui Gongzi is unlucky enough to be caught by a crab."

"Sometimes, if people go too far, they will offend the gods, and if they don't follow the gods, the gods will punish them.

It may be caught by crabs today, and it may be caught by waves tomorrow, I can’t say for sure.”

Then Yan Liben laughed and punished after hearing it, it seems that this adult is really an immortal, and his body naturally has luck."

Wan Kuan waved his hand: "Alas! Yan Sima, you can't talk nonsense like this.

This official never trusts those...Gods and ghosts, whether there are any...gods and no one knows.

But people should still have a sense of awe, and usually don't be too arrogant and domineering."

"What the governor said is that the lower officials have been taught.

However, if the governor taught the Cui family a lesson in this way, then the Qinghe Cui family can't say anything!"

"Nonsense, how could this official do it on purpose.

Yan Sima, don't talk nonsense!"

Yan Liben smiled: "Captain, soaking your body in strong wine seems to smash the skin and ooze blood from the whole person."

Wan Kuan looked back at Yan Liben, then Yan Liben smiled, and Wan Kuan followed suit.

This Yan Liben is quite smart, knowing that he is deliberately rectifying that... Cui Jing.

It's just that I can't say it through, this Yan Liben has two brushes.

It's okay to soak your body in spirits, but if you soak it for too long, the skin will ooze blood.

Over time, the outer skin will slough off and become more painful.

I don't know that... Can Young Master Cui endure this kind of pain, I am afraid that Young Master Cui is already in such pain before the crab is drunk.

Wan Kuan went back to the workshop and made a detour to the back, which was Yan Liben's courtyard.

Of course, there is also Wankuan's official office, and Wankuan has a separate yard.

But who knew that as soon as Wan Kuan entered the yard, he saw Cui Yingying standing in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Ma'am, why are you here"

"Husband, I heard that you are not going back at noon.

The concubine made some soup for you and brought it here, I am afraid that the rice in this workshop will not suit your appetite!"

Wan Kuan smiled, and Cui Yingying's face was full of smiles.

"The sun is shining outside, let's go in and talk."

As soon as I entered the house, it was immediately cool.

Wan Kuan looked at the food brought by Cui Yingying and sat down beautifully:

Wan Kuan told Cui Yingying what happened to Cui Jing today, but Cui Yingying covered her mouth all of a sudden, looking surprised.

"Husband, that... Cui Jing was caught by a crab"

"It's true, how do you know him?"

"Cui Jing is the direct son of the Cui family in Qinghe, and has been domineering since childhood.

Boling's Cui family and Qinghe's Cui family originally came from the same source, after all, it's... More walking."

Wan Kuan touched his chin: "This Qinghe Cui family's tutor is really nothing but such, there are such people!"

"Husband is right, then Cui Jing thought of proposing marriage at home.

As a result, the concubine's father ignored him and refused directly!"

Wan Kuan immediately understood when he heard it.

It turns out that this Cui Jing is still one of his rivals in love, it seems that he has long known his identity, no wonder that such a big beach, it happened to be able to meet him! "Yingying, this is Cui Jing, but it is suffering.

You haven't seen him in such a miserable state, so you almost got down on your knees and begged for help."

After hearing this, Cui Yingying smiled, she was full of disdain for...that...Cui Jing.

A sloppy boy, wasting a good identity in vain.

Cui Yingying sat quietly, watching Wan Kuan eat.

Cui Yingying didn't have much appetite, so a small bowl of rice was enough.

And Wan Kuan was running around in the morning, wanting to eat a cow.

After lunch, the sun was shining outside.

Wan Kuan was lying on the wooden bed, dozing in a daze, while Cui Yingying fanned Wan Kuan by the side, looking like a well-behaved little daughter-in-law.

Chapter 304

Cui Yingying didn't know why, but according to the etiquette, she shouldn't come to her husband's office.

After all, this is the court yamen, what is it for a woman and a Taoist family, but Cui Yingying really can't bear the pain of separation.

Although it was only for one morning, Cui Yingying couldn't help but want to see Wan Kuan again.

This is already disrespectful, but anyway... it is also on the seaside of Dengzhou, and no one knows, so Cui Yingying will be bold.

And Wan Kuan slept very sweetly this time, someone fanned himself, and there was a faint fragrance next to him. This kind of warm and fragrant nephrite feeling was really a great joy in life.

The sun outside is high, and the sun by the sea is savage, so you must not go out at this time.

Wan Kuan fell asleep peacefully.

Sometimes, if people are too comfortable, God will not allow it, just when Wan Kuan was sleeping comfortably, suddenly there was a loud noise from outside.

"Please save your life, Lord Wan, please save your life, Lord Wan!"

Before Wan Kuan opened his eyes in his sleep, he frowned, and someone else came to interfere.

At this time, Cui Yingying was startled. She came to see Wan Kuan and definitely didn't want outsiders to see it. There was such a big battle outside. What happened and Wan Kuan sat up in a row of beds was really disappointing. Couldn't sleep well.

Wan Kuan told Cui Yingying to stay in the yard and not go out, but Wan Kuan himself strode out.

Wan Kuan looked around the courtyard door, and saw that it was the same people he met this morning...the servants of the Cui family.

I saw that the Cui family servant carried a stretcher, and on the stretcher lay a human-shaped object.

Wan Kuan saw that it was Cui Jing.

That... Cui Jing was wearing a thin sackcloth, and her exposed skin was red and dark, like a steamed crab.

"Master Wan, you can figure it out. I beg Master Wan to save my young master. My young master is dying."

At this time, many people came to watch the fun, many of them were craftsmen in the dock, and Yan Liben also came over sleepily.

Wan Kuan stepped forward to take a look, and saw that Cui Jing was all dark red below the neck, which seemed to be blood pooling.

The whole person was slightly swollen, Wan Kuan pressed it with his hand, and Cui Jing was like a balloon doll, and a pit appeared directly on the skin.

"Didn't this official ask you to soak your young master's body with spirits so that the crab will fall off?"

"Sir Wan, we did as you ordered, but the spirits were too strong, our young master didn't soak in it for a while..., the whole person would not be able to.

The young master said that his whole body hurts like it's on fire, and before the crab falls drunk, my son can't hold it any longer."

Wan Kuan lifted Cui Jing's sackcloth and saw that the crab was on Cui Jing's body.

Wan Kuan couldn't help laughing secretly at this time.

I guessed right, this Cui really can't survive crabs.

Although this sea crab is only a beast, it must be soaked in a stick of incense, and two sticks of incense can fall off.

But the alcohol content of the spirits is very high, and the body is surrounded by spirits, and it feels like a burning fire.

And spirits will stimulate your epidermal blood vessels to expand, some of the capillaries will rupture after the telangiectasia, and blood will flow out after the rupture, so the whole person appears dark red.

And there will be that kind of... big red blood spots where the skin is relatively tender, which is the symptom of broken capillaries.

If it is just a normal capillary rupture, it will heal naturally after a period of time.

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