"Naturally you have to make amends, or else the Sea Dragon King will not spare you."

"But how can the little ones apologize to the Sea Dragon King? What sacrifices does the Sea Dragon King want? Our Cui family has everything."

Wan Kuan pouted, this Qinghe Cui family is really bold, and he can say anything like this, he is really arrogant! At this time, Yan Liben was hiding behind and touching his chin, his eyes were already showing the world 's look.

Why does this kind of sacrifice to the Sea Dragon King sound so familiar? In Chang'an City a month ago, it seemed that Cheng Yaojin was... arranged by Wan Kuan to sacrifice to the Weihe Dragon King.

Cheng Yaojin ate the sacrifice that Wan Kuan offered to the Dragon King at first, so in order to ease the anger of the Weihe Dragon King, Wan Kuan sent Cheng Yaojin as a sacrifice.

And this time, this young master Cui has offended the Sea Dragon King again. In this case, should this son Cui be coated with glutinous rice all over his body, and then sacrificed to the Sea Dragon King, Yan Liben kept thinking in his heart, while Wan Kuan in front of him was thinking about it. Already started to sigh.

"You think of the Sea Dragon King too simply, you offended the Sea Dragon King.

Do you think that the Sea Dragon King can forgive you if you give me something casually?"

"Ah! Governor, little: I beg you.

No matter what the Sea Dragon King wants, our Cui family can meet it.

As long as you save our son, you and my son are dying, don't let the Sea Dragon King torture him."

Na Wan Kuan sighed: "If I knew this earlier, why bother?"

"Captain, please use your supernatural powers! As long as you can save our son, our Cui family will definitely thank you!"

When Wan Kuan heard this, he said angrily, "How can this officer be the kind of person who... takes advantage of others' dangers?"

"Yes, yes, the Governor is not someone who takes advantage of the dangers of others. This is our Cui family's sincere gratitude, and it has nothing to do with the Governor!"

Wan Kuan's face softened a little: "I should have made a move, but this officer is not too pretentious to follow the Sea Dragon King.

But since you have asked for this, then this official should reluctantly make it difficult! "Thank you Dadu, thank you Dadu"

The group of servants kowtowed in unison.

"If you want the Sea Dragon King to forgive your son, first demolish your... shipbuilding workshop."

"Tear it down, tear it down, we'll tear it down right away.

Go back immediately, and let them dismantle everything in the shipbuilding workshop, not a single one is left."

Wan Kuan raised his hand and motioned the servant to shut up first, then looked at Cui Jing.

"Young Master Cui, would you like to tear down the... shipbuilding workshop?"

That Cui Jing was in a trance at this time, the pain on his body was still: intensified, and now his skin was burning hot.

It hurts even more if I get caught by the crab claws again.

This is a kind of pain that goes deep into the bone marrow, and Cui Jing can't hold it anymore.

At this time, Wan Kuan Culture, Cui Jing struggled without hesitation and nodded.

At this time, can he say he disagrees? As long as he can get these...... crabs down, that is... let him kneel down and kowtow, Cui Jing is willing.

Not to mention that... shipbuilding workshop, originally that... shipbuilding workshop could not make much money, and now the situation in Hebei is like this, it is better to go home and grow food.

Then Wan Kuan looked at Cui Jing and nodded, then waved his hand and said, "If that's the case, then this matter will be handled by this official. Our court will dismantle the shipbuilding workshop for you, and then it will be regarded as an apology to Lord Dragon."

"Besides that, you sons have to apologize to Lord Long.

At that time, when this official does a ritual, the Dragon Lord will naturally take back the punishment after seeing your sincerity."

"Okay, okay, thank you, Governor, as long as we can save our son's life, we are willing to do anything.

How to do things, or whether we want a censer candle or not, we'll prepare it right away."

"Incense burners and candles for the table, these... must have.

Then wash your sons clean, put them on the offering table, and lie down there."

Wan Kuan's words had already been spoken, and everyone was stunned.

"Ah, let's strip our son off"

"Now this official is going to sacrifice your son as a sacrifice to the Sea Dragon King. Look at which sacrifice is wearing clothes"

"But...but this is going to be sacrificed to the Sea Dragon King. If we threw our son into the sea, wouldn't our son drown?"

"You.... ignorant and ignorant people, do you know what it means to revive the soul? This official invites the primordial spirit of the Sea Dragon King to come to this official, and then your son will be used as a sacrifice. The Dragon King was satisfied after seeing it, and took back the punishment, and your son will be intact."

"That's great, thank you Great Governor, thank you Great Governor!"

"Don't thank me, and quickly give your son a bath.

This body is full of wine, so I have to wash it off quickly."

For a while, the servants around Cui Jing began to get busy.

Anyway... There is also a place behind the imperial court's dock for them to bathe and change Cui Jing's clothes, and when they are all done, they will strip them off and send them to the front.

And at this time, Cui Jing couldn't think so much at all, what face, shame, couldn't care about.

Not to mention being stripped off and placed on the offering table, as long as you can save your life at this time, you will be thankful.

At this time, looking at the chaotic scene, Yan Liben carefully hid behind Wan Kuan and asked, "Captain, is this really the punishment from the Sea Dragon King?"

Wan Kuan said with a serious look: "That fierce sea crab is the pioneer general of the Sea Dragon King, and there are three pioneer generals under the Sea Dragon King, 3 shrimp soldiers, crab generals and Yaksha.

This crab will be... the ancestor of this sea crab."

"Ah this..."

When everyone listened to Wan Kuan's words, they were a little astonished in their hearts.

Are there so many gods in this sea?

Chapter 307

Wan Kuan snorted coldly when he saw that the group of people in front of him had been stunned by him.

"The ancestor of this sea crab will take the shape of a human when it goes deep into the sea, but it is still a crab on the beach.

These little crabs are the children and grandchildren of the crab general, who are instructed by him.

And being besieged by sea crabs must be an order from the Sea Dragon King."

Yan Liben's eyes were numb when he was fooled by Wan Kuan, and it seemed reasonable to see Wan Kuan's eloquent words.

But Yan Liben knew that there was no such thing as a coincidence, how Cheng Yaojing of Chang'an City offended the Weihe Dragon King, and Cui Jing, who just met today, offended the Sea Dragon King, I'm afraid they didn't offend the Dragon King, but Wan Kuan. .

Then Yan Liben looked at Cui Jing who was being carried to the back and couldn't help sighing.

It's so miserable. It's not good for you to offend anyone.

If you want to blame it, you can only blame yourself for your own eyes and ignorance of gold and jade.

There was a commotion, and Wan Kuan went back to the house to change his clothes.

If you want to play, then play the whole set.

What he said is to do things for him, so he has to wear clean clothes, otherwise it will be easy to be seen through.

But then again, what can they do if they see through, as long as the smarter people know what the sea dragon king and the sea crab are, these are all fake.

In addition, there is Cheng Yaojin...a lesson from the past, those smart people must know that Wan Kuan is making trouble.

But some things are... so, although everyone knows it, but you have to act.

If you don't do it at all, it's a bit arrogant.

Wan Kuan is not an arrogant person now, he can only start to be arrogant after he becomes emperor.

While Wan Kuan was hiding in the room to change clothes, Cui Yingying beside her was a little strange.

"Husband, why is there so much commotion in front of me, and what happened to my concubine when I heard someone calling for help?"

"Hey! It's not that... Cui Jing, Cui Gongzi.

I can't get caught by sea crabs, so I came to ask for help again."

"What are you going to do with that husband?"

"What else can I do to do a ritual for him and ask the Sea Dragon King's forgiveness.

Who made that... Cui Jing was too arrogant and offended Hailong, so she reluctantly helped him as her husband."

After hearing that, Cui Yingying covered her mouth and snickered, and then looked at Wan Kuan with her eyes.

"Husband, you are the one... Sea Dragon King right?"

Wan Kuan was amused by Cui Yingying's words, since she is her own wife, there is no need to hide it.

Wan Kuan changed his clothes and wore a plain gauze, looking like a fluttering fairy.

Walking in front of Cui Yingying, Wan Kuan stretched out his finger and hooked it... Cui Yingying's chin made Cui Yingying jealous.

"Madam, you can be more than just the Dragon King of the Sea for your husband. You can be the Dragon King of the Weihe River, or the Emperor Donghua. The gods in the sky can be your husband."

"Oh! Husband, you can't say that. If you let that happen, be careful to offend them."

"Don't worry, your husband, I'm angry, even if the gods heard my words, they wouldn't dare to do anything to me."

"Husband, where did your luck come from?"

"That's it! Yingying, I'll find out later."

Wan Kuan squeezed Cui Yingying's little hand, and Cui Yingying was shy.

Then Wan Kuan heard Yan Liben urging outside.

"Captain, come out quickly, then Young Master Cui is ready."

Wan Kuan sighed, this Cui Jing undressed quite quickly.

When Wan Kuan walked outside, he found that the offering table, the incense burner, and the candles were all ready.

As for the wooden offering table, Cui Jing covered a gauze at this time, and then buried her head in it, daring not to show it.

After all, he is a scholar, and being stripped of his body is really indecent.

But up to now, that... Cui Jing has no choice but to do this.

Although he knew it was embarrassing, he had to do it.

Because he is in too much pain right now, that kind of pain from body to soul that he can't bear.

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