At this time, Cui Jing just wanted to end the pain quickly, he was exhausted physically and mentally, and he couldn't hold it anymore.

At this time, Cui Jing no longer had the energy to take care of her own face, and now the offering table was placed next to the front yard of the workshop, surrounded by a group of people.

Then Yan Liben directly asked all the craftsmen to stop work first and come out to watch the fun.

These... Craftsmen have to have a small hundred people, hula la around the table.

The people of the Tang Dynasty just... like to watch the liveliness, and today's liveliness is not easy to see, but you have to widen your eyes to see it clearly.

The second son of the dignified Cui family was actually stripped naked, so miserable in the public, this kind of liveliness, I guess I will see it this time in my life.

At this time, Wan Kuan had a serious face, and strode directly to the front of the offering table to take a look.

"Young Master Cui, this official is about to start doing it!"

Cui Jing, Cui Gongzi, who buried his face in it, was dizzy, dizzy, and tinnitus, so he had to nod his head.

Then, Wan Kuan immediately lifted the sackcloth from Cui Jing's body, and Cui Jing appeared naked in front of everyone.

For a while, the craftsmen in the dock all covered their mouths and snickered.

No matter what the time, stripping a person naked is the greatest punishment for him.

This is a human innate sense of humiliation, and being naked in public will make everyone feel ashamed.

This is human nature, not to mention that Cui Jing is a child of an aristocratic family. Although she was not diligent since she was a child, she has read poetry and books and knows all manners.

Such a rude thing, I am afraid this Cui Jing will remember for a lifetime, and every time I think about it in the future, it will be like a nightmare.

At this time, Wan Kuan walked to the incense stick and lit three sticks of incense, bowed in the direction of the sea, and inserted it into the incense burner.

Immediately Wan Kuan closed his eyes and muttered something in his mouth. Cui Jing was the closest, but he couldn't hear what Wan Kuan was saying.

And Wan Kuan muttered to himself, as if he was chanting a spell.

Yan Liben on the side was also close, and he pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

It seems to be talking about the spirit of heaven, the spirit of the earth, the supreme old gentleman showing his might, listening to me in my place.

This is all messed up, but looking at Wan Kuan's serious face, it seems that it is really the case, Yan Liben stood beside him with wide eyes.

The Wan Kuan mantra seemed to be very long, so he kept reciting it, and Cui Jing was lying on the table naked.

At this time, his face was burning hot, and he had been soaked in spirits all over his body, and his whole body was red, but now he was so stimulated, it became even redder, just like cooked prawns.

Chapter 308

The servants next to Cui Jing all looked pious, watching Wan Kuan cast spells there.

Those... servants also gave thumbs up from time to time, admiring them.

Wan Kuan's style is just like those...the masters of the Tao, and they are indeed the famous immortals of Chang'an City.

The servants of the Cui family pointed their fingers at each other, and were full of praise for Wan Kuan.

But Cui Jing, who was lying on the offering table, was very resentful at this time. This servant of her own family was actually saying: praising others, is this still with me?

At this time, Wan Kuan was still chanting spells there.

Everyone had to listen carefully, only Cui Jing felt that life was like a year.

Although it is the same period of time, it feels different in each person's experience.

Just like in the future, how long a minute is, it depends on whether you stand in the toilet or outside the toilet.

If you're standing in the toilet, the minute goes by so fast, it may be over in the blink of an eye.

But if you stand outside the toilet and wait, that minute can be as long as ten years.

Every second was a struggle and pain.

At this time, the people in front of the offering table, except...that Cui Jing, everyone else is watching the fun, they want to read for a while... and let everyone watch it for a while. ....

And only Cui Jing can't wait to end it immediately.

And Governor Wan Kuan muttered for a long time, then suddenly took out a piece of yellow paper, stretched out his finger, and the yellow paper was lit on the candle.

Wan Kuan lifted it up, the fire was so bright, the ashes of the yellow paper flew out and fell down, landing on Cui Jing's body.

That Cui Jing was scalded by the ashes, but his clenched teeth did not make a sound.

It would be even more embarrassing to call out at this time.

Now Cui Jing felt like a big white pig being put on the offering table.

If you are really a... big white pig, no one will look at it.

But now Cui Jing felt that everyone's eyes were on her, and her red body must be extraordinarily humiliating.

At this time, Wan Kuan picked up a handful of glutinous rice and threw it directly into the sky.

And while Kung Fu Wankuan poured a scoop of seawater directly on Cui Jing's body.

Cui Jing's body was originally full of crab wounds, but it was poured by the sea water, and it was another burst of heart-piercing pain.

However, Cui Jing almost clenched her teeth at this time, so she barely resisted.

And that Yan Liben looked at it strangely from the back, although he could guess in his heart that Wan Kuan did such a ritual to humiliate the son of the Cui family.

But after the ritual is done, the crab has to be taken off the Cui family's son, otherwise, isn't this ritual done in vain? Isn't the Cui family's son's person lost in vain? Yan Liben also watched the crab, and it was indeed caught. very dead.

Whether it is chopped with a knife or an axe, or scalded with hot water, it is not easy to use.

Yan Liben really couldn't think of a good way, but Yan Liben knew this great governor too well, this great governor must have a way, otherwise he wouldn't do anything.

And Yan Liben is still there: think carefully, Wan Kuan has already come over there.

After the sea water was splashed, the glutinous rice that had been sprinkled to the sky also fell, and the whole body fell on Cui Jing.

That Cui family son feels that he is worse than one... if it weren't for his thick skin, he would really like to be one... knocked to death here.

"Below is the son of the Cui family"

Wan Kuan's face changed at this moment, and he asked directly angrily.

That Cui Jing didn't want to speak at this time, but when she heard Wan Kuan's question, she quickly sullen and said in a muffled voice: "The villain is... Cui family Cui Jing."

"You mortal dare to open a workshop privately by the sea, and you dare to insult this Dragon King, it is a heinous crime, don't hurry up and make amends!"

After hearing that, Cui Jing hurriedly followed what Wan Kuan said just now, fell to the ground, lay down on the offering table, and arched her body, even if it was an apology.

At this moment, there was a roar of laughter from the craftsmen who were watching, this Cui Jing's appearance is really too funny.

Not to mention the days when they were all children of an aristocratic family... well, the body is... than them... The hard work of the coolie is worthless.

A... big white pig was arching back and forth, like a pig arching mud.

That Cui Jing heard the mockery of others, and the whole person was on the verge of collapse. At this time, the humiliation he suffered in the depths of his heart was worse than the pain in his body.

Even so, the chef around Cui Jing quickly persuaded the young master to kowtow a few more times to seek forgiveness from Lord Long.

Cui Jing put her head on the offering table, banging loudly, while Wan Kuan narrowed his eyes and nodded in satisfaction.

"If that's the case, then the Dragon Lord will spare you."

After speaking, Wan Kuan shook his body, as if Lord Long had left.

After a while, Wan Kuan put away his posture, as if he was about to finish work.

But the crab on Cui Jing's body was still tightly clamped, and there was no sign of letting go.

The servant chief on the side was a little anxious: "Captain, are you finished with this ritual?"


"But the crab hasn't fallen yet."

Wan Kuan pretended to be surprised and said, "It shouldn't be, the Dragon King has already said it just now. Forgive Young Master Cui, why haven't the crabs fallen off?"

"That's right, Governor, what's going on here? It's not the Dragon King's deception, right?"


Na Wan Kuan glared: "How can this Dragon King lie to others? There must be something wrong with your son."

"There's nothing wrong with our son, I just finished bathing and cleansing."

At this time, Wan Kuan suddenly asked, "Is your son still a boy?"


Those... servants all looked sluggish.

At this time, Cui Jing also had a look of shame on her face. It was good why she asked such a thing. Wan Kuan asked in confusion: "I heard that Young Master Cui has not yet been married, so he should be a boy."

The servants looked at each other in dismay, and the... boss stood up and said, "Great Governor, although my son is not married, there are many little maids by his side.

Governor, you understand."

Wan Kuan pouted, why should I understand, but Wan Kuan suddenly realized: "Oh, so that's the case, it turns out that your son has long since lost his boyhood on the little maid."

As soon as Wan Kuan's words came out, Cui Jing could not wait to find a hole in the ground to dig into.

If Wan Kuan came to humiliate again, then Cui Jing really wanted to die.

At this time, Wan Kuan was very annoyed and waved his hands frequently: "This is really a big sin, I was going to sacrifice your son to Lord Long."

"What the Dragon King likes to eat the most is... boy boys, thinking that your son is still a boy, he sacrificed to the past.

But now that your son is not a boy, the Dragon King will be angry again."

Chapter 309

In front of everyone, Wan Kuan spoke very seriously, just to calm these people down.

At this moment, the servants beside Cui Jing were shivering with fright. The Dragon King was so angry every time he was angry, and if he got angry again, their son would not be able to live. "Captain, you can save our son."

"How can this be saved now and can't turn your son into a boy."

"Captain, our servants are all boys, can we replace the son?"

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