Wan Kuan smiled mysteriously, turned around and left.

The young Yan Liben scratched his head and couldn't think clearly.

Wan Kuan's heart has long been happy, these... Crabs will naturally react when they encounter alkaline liquids.

Many marine organisms will instinctively avoid the alkaline liquid, and there is urea in the urine, which is naturally alkaline.

But Wankuan won't say this kind of thing, anyway... no one can understand it.

After Cui Jing washed her clothes, she put on her clothes and ran away.

I don't know if he is going back to Qinghe County, or where he has gone, anyway... he didn't even say hello.

But Wan Kuan doesn't care, anyway... having already made that... Cui Jing's rectification extremely miserable, the tone in his heart also came out.

Now the power of this family is still too large, so Wan Kuan can only punish the son of the Cui family a little.

When I become the emperor in the future, after weakening the Cui family's status, I will rectify them properly at that time.

The sun gradually moved westward, and a good show came to an end.

Wan Kuan sat in the office, chatting and laughing with Cui Yingying.

"Husband, that Mr. Cui was really being..."

That Cui Yingying is a lady, she can't say some words:.

Wan Kuan nodded: "Isn't it true, then Mr. Cui is very happy now, and the crabs on his body are gone, maybe Mr. Cui will hurry back to have a big meal."

"Husband, how are you?

Then Mr. Cui probably doesn't even want to drink saliva right now."

"Why is it so bad for my husband, if it wasn't for my husband, Young Master Cui is still gnashing his teeth in pain.

The Cui family should be thankful for saving his life for his husband, but the boy ran away without looking back.

To say that this Qinghe Cui family is compared to your Boling Cui family is...a lot worse, I don't understand a bit of etiquette."

After listening, Cui Yingying covered her mouth with her hands and smiled, "The Qinghe Cui family is a branch from our Boling Cui family. Three hundred years ago, the Boling Cui family produced two geniuses in the sky."

"Among them, the second son brought a group of clansmen to Qinghe to continue their development, and that's how the Qinghe Cui family came into being.

Although the Cui family of Boling and the Cui family of Qinghe share the same origin, they all live in their own ways.

Although they are both surnamed Cui, in our opinion there is no family relationship."

Wan Kuan nodded after listening: "That's good, because my husband is still afraid that I will punish this son Cui, your father and grandfather came to ask the teacher to ask the guilt!"

"Husband, don't worry, if the concubine's father and grandfather find out, they might even send gifts to thank you."

"why is this"

"The closer you get, the more you compare, so this Qinghe Cui family has long been fighting against the Boling Cui family, and wants to win the position of the head of the family.

Father and grandfather must have been quite displeased with him."

Chapter 311

Wan Kuan took Cui Yingying's words to heart, it seems that there are many discords between this family.

Wan Kuan thought for a moment, then said: "Thank you, forget it, anyway...they are all surnamed Cui.

As long as you know about this matter, you can say to the outside world that Cui Gongzi offended the Sea Dragon King and was punished by the Sea Dragon King:."

"Husband, many people don't believe what you said."

Wan Kuan shrugged: "They don't believe it and they can't help it, that's the truth."

Cui Yingying smiled after hearing this, the fact that Wan Kuan said could only deceive the ignorant commoners, the real smart people couldn't deceive.

But there are many smart people in this world.

Wu Mei'er is...a very smart person. After she heard what happened in Dengzhou in Xingzhou, she laughed outright.

Wu Mei'er was accompanied by a little maid who was specially sent by Wan Kuan to serve her.

The little girl looked at Wu Mei'er who was laughing backwards and forwards, she was really confused.

"Miss, what are you laughing at? It's so funny that Young Master Cui was punished by the Sea Dragon King."

"Little Stick, do you think that... Young Master Cui was punished because he offended the Sea Dragon King?"

"Miss, it's true, it's all news from the people.

That Cui Gongzi is miserable, he was caught by seven or eight big crabs and couldn't move, I heard that the leather was rotten."

The little stick said hurriedly.

"I heard that Mr. Cui, who was hacking with a knife and soaking in wine, was dying by himself, and the crab didn't fall off.

In the end, it was the great governor who did a ritual to let him escape."

After that Wu Meier pursed her lips, her heart blossomed with joy.

My brother-in-law is doing this trick again, as long as anyone offends him, don't expect to have good fruit to eat.

The last time... Cheng Yaojin was stripped and smeared with glutinous rice, and the whole house was watching.

This time it was that... Young Master Cui, who was stripped naked and pissed all over.

I heard that there are also a hundred and ten people watching.

When Wu Meier found out that the person who had offended her brother-in-law, the lightest one had to be stripped naked and displayed.

The matter that Cui Jing and Cui Gongzi offended the Sea Dragon King had spread all over Hebei, and it took less than a day for everyone to know it.

Cui Jing's reputation was completely ruined, and even the reputation of Qinghe Cui's family was somewhat shaky.

This world is famous for the family, and the family's affairs always spread very quickly, not to mention that this matter has something to do with the great immortal Wan Kuan. In less than two days, the news spread to Chang'an.

It must be said that the common people also passed it on by word of mouth, and those caravans who traveled between China and China brought this news.

When the people of Chang'an heard this, they did not feel any strangeness.

Because that Sea Dragon King and Weishui Dragon King are all friends of Wanxian, I heard that Emperor Donghua has friendship with Wanda Immortal.

Wan Kuan's reputation was resounding in Chang'an City, which made it even louder.

It is not surprising to say that those . . . ignorant people are rhetoric.

But some court officials are also talking about this matter, not to mention civil and military officials, even the emperor and queen chatted after dinner.

This Li Shimin has been paying attention to Wan Kuan's movements in Hebei, and Empress Changsun's beloved son is eager and has to listen to the reports of Hundred Knights every day.

The Hundred Knights reported this matter back to Chang'an immediately, and Li Shimin couldn't help laughing when he heard it.

"Guanyin maid, you are worried that Kuan'er will be bullied without you. Who is bullying who now? It's good that Kuan'er doesn't bully others."

The Empress Changsun was thinking about her son, but she didn't want to let go.

"Your Majesty, didn't you listen to the report of the Hundred Knights? It's obviously the one... Young Master Cui's remarks are rude, and Kuan'er is justifiable to teach him a lesson.

Kuan'er wants to be the emperor in the future, how can he be easily like this?"

"Those who don't know are not guilty. Now Kuan'er is not the emperor, not even the prince. Then the young master of the Cui family will be stripped naked and his body will be splashed with urine. This is too miserable."

"Your Majesty, is Kuan'er your son? Why don't you turn to outsiders instead of your own son?"

Then Li Shimin was yelled at by Empress Changsun, and he immediately raised his hands and surrendered.

"Okay, okay, I made a mistake, this Kuan'er has done a good job, and you should punish this kind of person."

When the Empress Changsun heard these words, there was a hint of relief on her face.

However, after relieving, I was a little worried.

"Your Majesty, do you think Kuan'er has offended someone from the Cui family of Qinghe this time? This is Cui Jing, although he is only the second son, his status in the Cui family of Qinghe is not low.

Kuan'er humiliated him so much, so the Cui family of Qinghe wouldn't hold any grudges."

Li Shimin snorted coldly after hearing this: "What if they hold grudges?"

"Your Majesty, after this Kuan'er arrived in Hebei, he finally shook hands with the noble family to make peace. If Kuan'er had to have a conflict with the Qinghe Cui family because of this matter, then he would have wasted his efforts."

"Haha, maidservant Guanyin, this is what I admire most about Kuan'er..., not only will he punish this son of the Cui family this time, not only will it not arouse the dissatisfaction of the aristocratic family, on the contrary, it will bring great benefits."

"Your Majesty, why is it that Kuan'er had a conflict with the Cui family, and it's obviously not good for the relationship between the court and the family?

"Guanyin maid, you don't understand this.

Who is the Qinghe Cui family?"

"It's one of the Five Surnames and Seven Hopes"

"Besides... this, the Qinghe Cui family is a side branch from the Boling Cui family.

Although it is said that the Cui family of Qinghe is also powerful now, but in the final analysis, in the circle of aristocratic families, everyone thinks that the Cui family of Qinghe is a vassal of the Cui family of Boling."

Li Shimin said quietly at this time: "After all, they are both surnamed Cui, and they are not far from each other. There are many intermarriages in this family, but the two Cui families never intermarry, which means that he has a blood relationship."

After hearing this, Empress Zhangsun became even more confused: "Your Majesty, if you say that, then if Kuan'er offends this Qinghe Cui family, isn't it the same as offending Boling's Cui family and all Hebei families?"

"Guanyin maid, that's not the case.

The Qinghe Cui family and the Boling Cui family seem to have a close relationship, but in reality there are undercurrents.

This Boling Cui family has always regarded itself as the Cui family's orthodox family, and looked down on the Qinghe Cui family."

"And after the Qinghe Cui family's power has grown, they are also deliberately trying to replace Boling's position as the head of the Cui family.

So in name they come from the same source, but in fact they are fighting between the two."

Chapter 312

When Empress Changsun heard Li Shimin's words, she understood something.

The battles between the aristocratic families are mostly in the dark, but they are also bloody.

"Your Majesty, your concubine is clear.

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