This Kuan'er was the son-in-law of the Cui family of Boling, and he took action against the second son of the Cui family of Qinghe, so the people of the Cui family of Boling would definitely be happier.

Even if the Qinghe Cui family felt uncomfortable, it would still be harmless."

"Yes, it is indeed the truth, and it has a deeper meaning."

"Your Majesty, what is the deeper meaning?"

"The Cui family of Qinghe has only been married for three hundred years, and their qualifications are not old, but because they came from the Cui family of Boling, they have five surnames and seven Wang.

On the land of Hebei, whether it is the Lu family in Fanyang, the Li family in Zhao County, or the Zheng family in Xingyang in Henan, they all despise the Cui family in Qinghe."

Li Shimin said this and sighed: "In the eyes of the world, these are big families.

But within the aristocratic family, the Qinghe Cui family is somewhat underestimated."

The Empress Changsun also fully understood in her heart when she heard that, although the first-class family in the world is... Five surnames and seven looks, but there seem to be three, six, nine, etc. among these five surnames and seven looks.

Just like the Cui family in Qinghe, they can never raise their heads in front of the Cui family in Boling.

Just like this Longxi Li Clan is also somewhat weak in front of Zhao Jun Li Clan.

In fact, the royal family of the Tang Dynasty came from the Li family in Longxi, although the blood relationship is a bit far-fetched, but it can barely be considered.

Even so, the aristocratic families in this world still despise the Tang royal family, and they always feel that they are climbing dragons and phoenixes.

And even if the Tang royal family can barely be counted in the Longyou Li family, it is not as long as the Zhao County Li family.

This family is... seeing your identity, that is... seeing fame, you have been married for a short time, that is... being despised by others.

And the Cui family of Qinghe is like this. Now that the Cui family of Qinghe eats turtles, it will make other big families happy.

Moreover, although Wan Kuan made a punishment, it was not too heavy.

For Cui Jing, being humiliated is really unbearable, but for the family, it doesn't hurt either.

This is stripped and put on the altar, and whether it is light or not, the noble family will not take revenge for this matter.

Therefore, Wan Kuan's shot was just right, which made him feel humiliated, but not worthy of revenge.

This is where Wankuan is the most powerful.

At this time, after Empress Zhangsun understood, her heart relaxed.

And Li Shimin looked at the report of the Hundred Knights and nodded frequently: "This Kuan'er is indeed bold, knowledgeable, courageous and resourceful, and he is a person who does great things."

"Your Majesty, why do you praise your son so much?"

"Kuanyin maid, look, Kuan'er must be committed to doing things, and he dares to delegate power.

It shows that Kuan'er is very measured and can control the overall situation, but does not let himself be too troubled.

It's a good material."

With Empress Changsun by her side, Li Shimin was so quiet.

Li Shimin praised his son, and Empress Zhangsun was also very happy.

Then Li Shimin is also extremely at this time, there is a genius in this world, and he can be alone at a young age.

Li Shimin felt that he joined the army at the age of 20, revolted at the age of [-], and became a general at the age of [-]. He was already very powerful.

But it seems to be a little less coquettish than the current Wan Kuan.

Na Wan Kuan is only [-] this year, but he has the sophistication of a veteran. He is very measured and can control both the overall situation and people's hearts. This ability is really amazing.

Li Shimin was a young hero, he knew that in order to have such ability, he had to keep practicing.

But my eldest son seems to be born with such ability. Could it be that God has the intention to cultivate Li Shimin's heart at this time, and a lofty ambition has arisen in his heart. With such a son, why can't the Tang Dynasty be pushed to the top? Black and white, the same thing, some people are happy and some people are worried.

So many people are happy, but there must be some people who are unhappy, and the one who is unhappy is Cui Jing and Cui Gongzi.

After being sent back to the Cui family in Qinghe overnight, Young Master Cui was extremely aggrieved.

Kneeling directly beside his father's leg, weeping heartily.

The head of the Cui family in Qinghe, Cui Wang, is also very annoying, and his unfortunate son is always looking for trouble for him.

Originally, after this Wan Kuan came to Hebei as the Grand Governor, the relationship between the imperial court and the family was exceptionally harmonious.

The court gave up so much arable land, and the family made a lot of money this time.

Everyone was having a good time, but as a result, my son had to... go and put eye drops on people.

If it wasn't for seeing how miserable he was already, Cui Wang would have wanted to kick him again.

But his son was humiliated like this, and Cui Wang was also full of emotion.

This Wan Kuan's shot is too heavy, and it will be straight to death.

At this time, his second son was covered in scars and was sluggish, and when he returned home, he was full of fuss, and he only knew how to cry. This person was considered a waste.

Being stripped naked in public, this kind of humiliation is really too much. How can you meet people in the future? This aristocratic family cares about face the most. After that, Cui Jing will be pointed at when she goes out again. One thing is... a stain that can never be washed away in a lifetime.

Then Cui Wang also held his breath in his heart, but Wan Kuan gave a big gift to all the noble families when he came to Hebei.

It was also difficult for Cui Wang, so he had to write a letter and send it to Dingzhou.

Since the aristocratic family is now in the same hatred, let's talk to Cui Hao of Boling's Cui family first.

After Cui Hao received the letter, he sent it directly to his old father without reading it.

And Cui Wanping didn't read it at all, just put it on the candle and burned the letter.

"Father, don't you open it and take a look"

"It's nothing to see, it just adds to the trouble.

That... Cui Wang can write something, doesn't he just want to vent his anger for his second son?

Then Cui Hao snorted coldly after hearing this: "It's a good plan, I really tricked our Boling Cui family into fools."

"Forget it, don't worry about him, now that Wan Kuan and our aristocratic family don't violate the river water, they cooperate well. Whoever wants to stir up trouble at this time is going against all our aristocratic families."

"Father, you're right. We got so much arable land for no reason. Where can we find such a good thing. If someone is still here: take the opportunity to stir up trouble, it's really damn good."

Cui Hao was very angry, and now how he treats Wan Kuan is pleasing to the eye, whoever dares to deal with Wan Kuan, Cui Hao is not happy.

Chapter 313

Under the dimly lit candlelight, the Cui family and their sons were very proud.

"Forget it, Hao Er.

We haven't read this letter, and you don't need to reply to him, just pretend that you haven't seen this letter.

We need to take good care of the newly acquired part of the cultivated land, and let people cultivate it quickly, if this land is not planted, it will be abandoned."

"Don't worry, father, this child has already arranged, but our Cui family has added a lot of land, and all the rice grains in Hebei are under our control, and we are firmly in the invincible position.

No matter how many soldiers and horses the court has, as long as we grab the food, no one will dare to touch us."

"Hao'er, you know it.

Using a knife and a gun is just a low-level strategy, and a high-level strategy."

Then Cui Hao nodded after listening, and the father and son looked at each other and smiled.

Ignoring what the aristocratic families think, Wan Kuan is still calm.

In fact, Wan Kuan had already thought very clearly when he took action against this Cui Jing and Cui Gongzi.

This Cui Jing is not the eldest son, nor will he inherit the family business.

Moreover, this young master Cui is still open-mouthed and has no knowledge. It is not a problem for such a person to teach him a lesson.

Moreover, Wan Kuan only taught Cui Jing alone, and did not spread to the Cui family. The shame was also a shame for Cui Jing alone, and it had little impact on the Cui family.

So in any case, the Cui family will not take revenge on themselves, at most they can only secretly feel uncomfortable in their hearts.

Moreover, the Cui family in Qinghe is not a high-ranking family in the Hebei family, and more importantly, he has some disagreements with the boss of the family, the Boling Cui family.

In this way, when Wan Kuan suppressed Qinghe's Tui family, the members of Boling's Cui family would be delighted.

Moreover, Wan Kuan was only targeting a son of the Cui family of Qinghe, and did not expand to the entire family, so for those family leaders, they would not take it to heart at all.

An open-mouthed boy who offended the great governor of the imperial court, it is only natural that he should be taught a lesson by others.

And now the relationship between Wan Kuan and the Hebei family is in the honeymoon period. Who asked Wan Kuan to add so much arable land to the family for no reason? What this family cares most about is... arable land. Have the foundation of everything.

When there is arable land, there is food, and when there is food, most of the people will come to defect.

When you have the people, you have everything.

In the future, scholars and peasants among the common people will also depend on the family.

But after these scholars have completed their studies, they have obtained titles and become officials. In this case, the family will indirectly control the court.

So the reason why the family has been deeply rooted for hundreds of years is that they have a lot of arable land.

It is because of this that they have their current status.

And when Wan Kuan came over, it strengthened their foundation a little bit, so the family is very satisfied with Wan Kuan now, and they want Wan Kuan to work in Hebei forever.

In this case, their position in Hebei will always be so stable, and their position in Hebei will be stable, and their position in the world will also be stable.

In the future, the aristocratic families will exist in this world for a long time, the dynasties change, the royal family changes, and their families will always be invincible.

Wan Kuan now has the unanimous approval of the aristocratic families, and he directly asked Yan Liben to lead someone to take over the Cui family's dock.

The Cui family's dock is not big and has a lot of east, but it can save the court a lot of effort.

When the Cui family built the dock, it was also to maintain sea transportation with Goguryeo.

However, the Cui family has not had enough ships for a long time, too few sea ships, and not many items to be transported.

Moreover, there were frequent storms and waves at sea, and the losses were not small, so the business relationship between the Cui family and Goguryeo was not very close.

Anyway... this dock was taken away by the imperial court, and it had no effect on the Cui family.

Wan Kuan gave them so much arable land, and when they returned to a dock, they also reciprocated.

And after seeing Wan Kuan's ability, Yan Liben wondered why the crab on Cui Jing ran away when the boy urinated on it.

Is it true that Lord Long likes to eat boys, but Yan Liben couldn't figure it out, he followed Wan Kuan's buttocks all day and asked, making Wan Kuan almost annoyed to death.

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