"Captain, does this boy's urine really have such power?"

"Of course, if you encounter something evil, or encounter some kind of monster, this boy's urine and black dog's blood are the most effective."

"But why does this boy's urine tube work? It's not the boy's urine, so why doesn't it work?"

"This boy's urine is a boy who has not lost his vitality, so he has the most yang energy in it: so those... yin evil things are afraid of boy's urine."

"Then why aren't the yang qi not heavy if he's not a boy?"

"Because it's not a boy, the yang qi is sucked away by the woman."

"The governor is already married, and it's not a boy. What if someone who is not a boy encounters dirty things?"

Wan Kuan rolled his eyes, how did this Yan Li bring everything to himself? "That official dares to ask Mr. Yan, Yan Sima, are you a boy?"

"Report to the Governor, I got married three years ago, and of course I'm not a boy anymore."

"Since you're not a boy, why do you ask me so meticulously?"

"It's just because I'm not a boy that I have to ask, what would I do if I wasn't a boy and encountered demons and ghosts"

"Then use black dog blood, didn't this official just say it?"

"But the Governor, who would carry black dog blood with them? What should I do if I suddenly encounter monsters and ghosts while walking on the mountain road, and there is no black dog blood around?"

"Then use the tip of your tongue, bite the tip of your tongue, and spit out the blood from the tip of your tongue, and you can resist it for a while."

"Then why is blood on the tip of the tongue ok? Other blood can't"

"Because the yang energy contained in the blood on the tip of the tongue is also very heavy."

"Captain, why is this?"

"There's no reason, there is righteousness in heaven and earth, and it is all spoken by the mouth, so the tongue contains the most righteousness."

Wan Kuan was really annoyed by Yan Liwen, and directly found a reason to prevaricate it.

And Yan Liben was in a daze at this time, and he couldn't think clearly about Wan Kuan's words.

What kind of boy urine, black dog blood, and blood on the tip of the tongue? The people have been enlightened, and they don't even know what to do when they encounter zombies.

Yan Liben had a heart to break the casserole and ask to the end, but Wan Kuan was overwhelmed by it.

But at this time, something happened, which broke Yan Liben's inquiry and made Wan Kuan relaxed.

Chapter 314

In the dock, Wan Kuan and Yan Liben both wore smug smiles.

The special steel made by Lao Yu in Changshan was transported back. These......the steel nails and iron hoops are used to make sea ships, and Wan Kuan specially explained to Lao Yu that the special steel was made. of.

After the shipment, Wan Kuan and Yan Liben's... bet will come to an end.

Yan Liben was in high spirits at this time, winning the ticket, and he didn't believe that there was still steel that would not rust in this world.

On the other hand, Wan Kuan smiled smugly, it was not certain who would kill the deer.

Make Yan Liben happy first, and make him speechless later.

Wan Kuan and Yan Li originally went to the warehouse, and the iron nails and iron hoops that Lao Yu brought back from Changshan on a fast horse were all inside.

And Yan Liben's appearance is even more arrogant than Wan Kuan, just like a winner's attitude.

And Wan Kuan ignored him and opened his eyes to him later.

There are more than a dozen carts of materials in the warehouse, and each cart has more than a dozen baskets of iron.

Straw was placed between the ironware, Wan Kuan pulled one open at random, and then took out a pair of shiny silver nails.

When Yan Liben saw it, he suddenly felt a little stunned in his heart.

Although he clearly knew that that kind of metal that wouldn't rust could not appear, but seeing the silvery iron nails in front of him, Yan Liben felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Because he has also seen iron nails, which existed as early as the Han Dynasty.

It's just that the iron nails that have just been ground are indeed shiny silver, but when you put them aside, they will turn black after a day or two, and it seems to be covered with a layer of yingying.

After another ten days and half a month, the iron nails will turn black and dark, and after a month, the iron nails will have a dark red color, which is covered with a thin layer of rust.

If the nails are placed in water or humid air, not to mention, even if they are not used for three or five days, the surface of the nails may rust overnight.

However, the iron nail in Wan Kuan's hand in front of him still looked like it had just been ground out.

And it takes at least one day to transport the nails from Changshan to Dengzhou, and these baskets of nails are definitely not done in one day, so these... The nails should be It should be three or five days from casting to now.

After three or five days, the iron nails were still shining with silver light, which was not normal, and Yan Liben was full of doubts.

It's just that although he was a little nervous in his heart, he still pretended to be confident on the surface.

"Captain, these are the iron nails that you said won't rust and are no different from ordinary iron nails."

"Yan Sima, you really came here with your mouth open, this basket of iron nails was ground five days ago in the Changshan steelmaking workshop.

In the middle of it, five days have passed, and it is still shining with silver light. Except...the official here, Yan Sima is still there: Where can I see such bright iron nails "Captain, these five days time though.

Nor is it out of reach.

Just brush a layer of oil on the nails or wrap them with burlap to keep out moisture.

Iron nails also slow down rusting."

"Yan Sima, you are talking nonsense with your eyes open.

You have also seen that this basket has no cotton and linen cloth, and is not brushed with oil, just...a few layers of hay, if Yan Sima insists...that there will be no rust if there are iron nails in this grass, then it will be simple in the future.

Sprinkle a layer of hay on the boat, and the iron can be taken to the boat."

This Yan Liben suddenly said something, after all, he couldn't say Wan Kuan, but he still insisted that he would win.

"Captain, let's bet that the nail will never rust. It's not the same as putting it in a basket."

"Yan Sima, this officer has long known that you would say this.

So this… iron nail, you can take it for inspection to see if it will rust if it is soaked in seawater.”

"Captain, this is what you said. Don't let this official dip the iron nail into the sea water. After a day or two, it rusts. Most of the governors don't admit it. What should I do?"

"Nonsense, how can this official be the kind of person... who goes back on his word, but Yan Sima should think about it carefully, what would you do if this iron nail doesn't rust?"

That Yan Liben was also a stubborn person, when he heard Wan Kuan say this, he directly took the iron nail and put it in a small bamboo basket.

This small bamboo basket was breathable from all sides, Yan Liben put the iron nails in, tied the mouth, and then went straight out of the dock, walked to the reef by the sea, and threw it in along the crevice of the reef.

This piece of reef is submerged in the sea at high tide, and revealed at low tide, which is worse than being immersed in the sea all the time.

This Yan Liben is also born in the making of everyone, so he knows the truth of dryness for thousands of years, wetness for ten thousand years, and only half a year if it is not dry or wet.

If it has been soaked in the sea water, the iron nail is only in contact with the sea water, and cannot touch the air flow above the sea water, and it is not fast to rust.

If the nails are in contact with sea water for half of the time and exposed to the air for half of the time, the speed of embroidery is the fastest.

Let alone a day and a half, a thin layer of rust may appear on it in a few hours.

Yan Liben was elated after putting the bamboo basket in. It was noon. He had to wait until the tide was low in the afternoon to come over, take the bamboo basket and iron nails, and ended the bet with Wan Kuan in public.

Looking at Yan Liben's actions, Wan Kuan couldn't help nodding in his heart.

This Yan Liben does have two brushes. Among so many people in the Tang Dynasty, the Yan brothers are indeed the two who have the deepest understanding of the knowledge of things.

Although Wu Mei'er is talented and smart, after all, she is not from an aristocratic family, so her foundation is not comparable to that of the Yan brothers.

This Yan Liben put the nails between the reefs, relying on the erosion of sea water and exposure to the air is indeed the most likely to rust.

First of all, the rust of this nail is actually...corroded.

Corrosion is an oxidation reaction. When it comes into contact with seawater, there are salt ions in the seawater, and it will corrode.

When exposed to the air, the oxygen in the air will also cause oxidative corrosion.

Especially when exposed to humid air, oxygen plus water will promote the corrosion of steel.

Not to mention, in seawater with the same composition, there is still a big difference between flowing erosion corrosion and standing still.

The speed of this seawater erosion and corrosion can be twice as fast as the general corrosion speed.

Moreover, it is also exposed to humid air from time to time, so it is said that several kinds of corrosion occur together.

In this case, the rate of corrosion will increase exponentially.

However, Wan Kuan is not afraid. Although Yan Liben has played a little bit of cleverness, in the face of absolute strength, a little bit of cleverness is nothing at all.

Chapter 315

The sun went down little by little, Wan Kuan was sitting in the backyard playing chess and drinking tea with Cui Yingying.

This Cui Yingying's Go level is very high, but Wan Kuan is not good at Go, so Wan Kuan played Gobang with Cui Yingying.

This Cui Yingying had never played backgammon, so Wan Kuan won several games in a row at the beginning.

But when Cui Yingying got the trick, Wan Kuan was at a loss.

After losing another game, Wan Kuan directly put the pieces in the bamboo basket.

"Forget it, forget it, stop playing, lose three games in a row, what's the point of it"

And Cui Yingying's eyes flowed: "Husband, at the beginning, you won several hands over your concubine body, why are you unhappy now that your concubine body has beaten you?"

"This... The main reason is that backgammon is not interesting. It's enough to play two games occasionally to enjoy it."

"Husband, but the concubine thinks it is quite interesting."

"Hey, Yingying, what's so interesting about Gobang, just play mahjong, how fun it is to play mahjong."

"What is Mahjong"

"Forget about mahjong, it's a little troublesome.

Even if you don't play mahjong to fight the landlord, it's fine."

"Ah, why do you want to fight the landlord? Didn't your husband just shake hands with the noble family to make peace? Why are you fighting the landlord again now?"

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