Wan Kuan waved his hand: "Fighting the landlord is not fighting the landlord, but a game, that is... two peasants against one landlord."

"Husband, these landlords are all people who are not diligent in their limbs and do not distinguish between grains.

If two commoners fight against a landlord, won't the landlord be beaten up?"

"Yingying, what my husband said to deal with is not a fight, but a card game."

"What is a card game?"

"It's... Bo card."

"Hey! Husband said it earlier, but isn't gambling cards something that only exists in casinos?"

"This gambling card is a kind of game. It has been around since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. At that time, it was the entertainment of the princes and nobles. Later, it was introduced to the people and entered the casino.

In the final analysis, it is still a game, as long as you don't gamble, there is nothing wrong with pastime."

"Then husband, how do you play Landlord Fighting?"

"This landlord needs three people. Now we only have two people. It's a little troublesome."

"Then go back and call sister Shun'er too, can't we just play with the three of us?"

Wan Kuan heard it, this is also a way, it's enough for three people to play together.

But Wu Shun'er didn't come to the public office in her own small yard. It was time-consuming to come and go, which was really troublesome.

As soon as the sun went down, Wan Kuan packed up and went back.

Today is another boring day with no progress.

And just when Wan Kuan was about to leave, the door was startled, and Yan Liwen stood at the door with a dejected expression, like a hanged ghost.

"Yan Sima, what are you doing, hiding outside the door and deliberately serving as an official?"

Then Yan Liben squeezed out a smile, which was uglier than crying.

"Captain, the lower official is wrong."

"Yan Sima, what are you doing? Did something go wrong with those two ships?"

Wan Kuan's heart suddenly tightened, if something went wrong in the shipbuilding, it would be troublesome.

The most important thing for me now is... hurry up to build the sea boat, hurry up and bring back the rice from Nanyang, if this thing can't be done, I will not be able to carry out all the things in the future.

If you don't have enough rice, you won't have enough confidence to compete with the family.

Now, although Wan Kuan has established workshops all over Hebei, the scale of the workshops is still too small, with a maximum of one or two hundred people in each workshop.

The rice grains for these two hundred people are all provided by the local aristocratic families. After all, Wan Kuan gave them so much arable land, and these aristocratic families reciprocated, and it is also appropriate to give some rice grains.

But if Wan Kuan wants to continue to expand the scale, he will definitely be opposed by the family.

First of all, if Wankuan wants to expand its scale, it is bound to need more craftsmen.

Like those...steel workshops, it is not uncommon to need thousands of craftsmen, and where can so many craftsmen find so many young and strong labor, only the tenants under the aristocratic family have it.

At that time, Wan Kuan will use money to attract all these people into the workshop. Who will farm the family? Although the family has a lot of land, they also need the people to plant it for them. If Wan Kuan draws the people to the workshop The work is done inside, and no one farms the land for the family, and the family can't accept it.

After all, where there is land, there is food.

And the other one is..., if Wan Kuan doesn't have enough rice grains in his hands, as long as the family cuts off the grain, Wan Kuan's workshop will not be able to open.

Because all the food sources of Wankuan's workshop also come from the family, if the family deliberately tightens the granary, then the workshop of Wankuan will not be able to open.

So now the top priority is to quickly build the sea boat, and then go out to sea to transport the large quantities of white rice.

After it was shipped, Wan Kuan had confidence.

With confidence, Wan Kuan can take root and germinate in this Hebei and stand firm.

If the ship is not well built, all of Wankuan's ideas will be castles in the air without a foundation.

So Yan Li meant to say that he had done something wrong, and Wan Kuan felt a sigh in his heart.

But after a while, Yan Liben immediately.

Shaking his head, he said, "Captain, there is nothing wrong with this shipbuilding, on the contrary, the progress will be improved very quickly.

But the subordinate is really wrong, and the subordinate admits his mistake."

"Yan Sima, what happened, why do you look like a concubine in mourning?"

"Captain, you see that this is the iron nail that has been soaked in sea water for a long time. There is no sign of rust at all. The lower official is really wrong."

Then Yan Liben took out the bamboo basket behind him, Wan Kuan opened it and saw that the iron nails inside were still shining brightly.

Although some seaweed was wrapped around it, after removing it, the iron nails were still shiny and did not appear to be corroded.

At this time, Yan Liben's eyes were both excited and helpless, while Wan Kuan held back his smile and asked, "Yan Sima, you don't have to be so anxious, the two of us are betting that this nail will never rust, It's only been half a day, and Yan Sima has given up, isn't it too early?"

"Captain, don't say any more.

This officer is not stupid either, this nail is soaked in the sea water, especially if it is washed by the tide, it will be covered with rust in two hours.

However, the iron nail in front of him was still shiny after soaking all afternoon, which means that even if it was soaked for another day, he would not rust.

The subordinate was really satisfied.

This bet the next official loses."

Chapter 316

Wan Kuan was very proud when he heard Yan Liben's words.

Wan Kuan still remembers Yan Liben's confidence at that time.

Wan Kuan brought the bamboo basket over: "If that's the case, then Yan Sima is willing to admit defeat."

"Xiaguan is willing to bet and admit defeat. In the future, everything will be dispatched by the commander, and don't dare not obey."

"That's it, then Yan Sima go back and build the ship quickly.

With all these... Tie Ding, Yan Sima's shipbuilding progress should be much faster.

Within a month, two sea ships must go to sea, if they can't go to sea, Yan Sima will walk back to Chang'an by himself, and don't stay in Hebei again."

After that Yan Liben heard the pressure, it was Wan Kuan who came to Hebei and directly asked His Majesty to bring the Yan brothers back.

At that time, the Yan brothers were still full of ambition and planned to do a big job in Hebei.

If this person is bombarded back when he arrives in Hebei, where is his face, even if he can return to the Ministry of Works in the future, when others say that he was bombed back by Wan Kuan, the people who will serve as prisoners in the Ministry of Works will laugh at them. .

So at this time, Yan Liben finally felt that the burden on his body was much heavier.

But now he is not very worried, because fixing the planks with iron nails and iron hoops is indeed much faster than riveting.

It's been a month, and there's still half a month left, and it's too late.

At that time, the ship will be able to go to sea, Yan Liben vowed to himself.

But at this time, there was a question in his heart that was really hard to restrain, and he couldn't wait to ask it.

"Captain, why doesn't this nail rust? Is this nail made of silver?"

"Nonsense, how can this officer use silver as iron nails, this officer is crazy?"

Then Yan Liben smirked when he heard it, indeed, what he said just now was really too funny.

Who in this world can be so arrogant and use silver to make iron nails, how much does it cost for so many iron nails... It's a nonsense to say two silver.

But Yan Liben thought for a moment and continued to ask: "Could it be that your lord has plated a layer of silver on the surface of this iron nail?"

"Yan Sima, why do you only think that this nail has something to do with silver? This nail is... steel, real steel, and has nothing to do with gold and silver."

"But if it doesn't matter, why doesn't it rust?"

"Yan Sima, this silver will turn dark and black after being soaked in seawater for a long time. If you look at this iron nail, there is no sign of darkening at all, it means that it is not silver, but steel."

"But how can steel not rust? I really can't figure it out."

"This officer is in a hurry to go home now, and we will talk about business tomorrow."

Then Yan Liben couldn't help but continue to ask, Wan Kuan raised his hand directly and gestured to fight, which made Yan Liben stunned for a moment.

"Yan Sima, you obstructed this official's departure, that is... the following offense, be careful of this official hitting your board.

Get out now!"

Wan Kuan shouted loudly and threw Yan Liben out of the room.

At this time, Wan Kuan took Cui Yingying's hand and walked towards his small courtyard.

And Cui Yingying heard it in the public office just now, she suddenly flashed a pair of big eyes and asked: "Husband, my concubine also wants to ask, what kind of steel can not rust?"

Although Cui Yingying didn't know Zhizhi, she still knew the most basic common sense.

Iron doesn't rust, it's impossible.

Wan Kuan smiled: "Madam, there is a way to keep this iron from rusting.

When I proposed marriage at that time, the Lingshan Arhat statue that my husband gave to you Cui family is not rusted, right?"

"My lord, this is different.

That Lingshan Arhat Statue has been dealt with by the supervisor.

Moreover, the statue is placed in our Cui family, and it will be painted with oil every day, so it will not rust naturally.

But that nail is soaked in sea water, which is different."

"Ma'am, you are also interested in this kind of knowledge"

"Husband, my concubine is not interested, just curious."

"In that case, my husband will not say it, there are too many things involved here, even if I say it, my wife may not be able to figure it out.

Since that's the case, let's not talk about it as a husband, let's go back and play landlord battle with Shun'er."

After listening, Cui Yingying nodded and stopped asking.

And Wan Kuan is... like Cui Yingying, she is considerate, gentle and generous, and considers Wan Kuan's feelings very much.

Wan Kuan didn't want to say it, so she would never ask another question.

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