After returning to the courtyard, Cui Yingying told Wu Shun'er about the landlord fight.

That Wu Shun'er stayed in the yard all day was quite boring, although he could walk on the beach in front of his yard and play with the sand, but in the end it was no fun alone.

So as soon as he heard that there was that... gambling game, Wu Shun'er immediately cheered up.

Wan Kuan asked Xiao Laizi to quickly cook a seafood meal, and then he carved words on thin wooden boards in the study.

It's too simple to want to fight the landlord, oil paper is not available yet, but you can use thin wood to engrave the characters, as if it is not much thicker anyway, and there is a feeling of playing mahjong.

After Wan Kuan carved it with the carving knife, he called Cui Yingying and Wu Shun'er in, and they talked a little, and the two little girls immediately.

All understood.

My two ladies are actually quite smart, but Cui Yingying is more dignified, and Wu Shun'er is more charming.

Not to mention that the entertainment life of the Tang people is... lacking, an ordinary landlord can make Cui Yingying and Wu Shun'er play so much that they even forget to eat.

Wan Kuan directly asked Xiao Laizi to bring in the seafood rice, and gave each person a wooden spoon.

Two beauties, holding a spoon in one hand and a wooden board in the other, thinking about how to play cards.

"Husband, my concubine needs the local lord."

"But my husband also misses the local lord."

"Husband, let the concubine go."

"That won't work, if you want the landlord you'll have to double it."

"What is doubling, sir."

"That is, the punishment after losing is doubled."

Cui Yingying was stunned for a moment, while Wan Kuan looked at Cui Yingying and Wu Shun'er with a wicked smile.

Since this is playing cards, you have to bet something, of course, you can't bet money, you can get some punishments.

The punishment just now was... slap the forehead, then Cui Yingying and Wu Shun'er heard that they were going to slap the forehead immediately.

A little frightened.

Later, Wan Kuan accommodated them. If the two of them lost, they could change their foreheads to touching their hands.

In this case, Wan Kuan and the two ladies are satisfied.

"Husband, the slave family will be doubled!"

"Come on, let's go one three times alone!"

"Isn't it possible? It's impossible! My husband can't make a mistake!"

"Husband, you lost.

Sister Shun'er, play him!"

Chapter 317

For a time, giggling came from Wan Kuan's study, and the three of them were enjoying themselves.

It's just that Wan Kuan was elated at this time, while Yan Liben described it as withered.

He grabbed at his hair, really can't think of it.

At the dinner next to him, Yan Liben turned a blind eye and had no appetite at all, and the old servant beside him was a little worried.

"Sir, let's eat quickly. This meal has already been warmed twice. If we don't... it will be late for dinner."

"Don't eat, don't eat, take away, take away.

I'm not in the mood, sir."

"But adults have been tired all day, you should eat something, otherwise this body can't stand it."

"Take it, take it, I told you, sir, I have no appetite."

"My lord, isn't that the one... Why don't the nails rust? Tomorrow morning, my lord, I'll just ask the Governor, why don't you have to rush to find out right away?"

"What do you know, this is completely unintelligible, why does it happen?"

Yan Liben was going crazy again.

"My lord, the chief governor is obviously... the reincarnation of a god. Since it is the reincarnation of a god, what's so strange about some spells? The chief governor has friendship with the Dragon King, maybe he asked the Dragon King to cast a spell and deliberately avoided it. Those... nails."

After that, Yan Liben sighed heavily again.

After listening to his old servant, Yan Liben realized that he hadn't figured out what Wan Kuan did last time.

Why did the boy urinate on it, and those... crabs let go. The question has not yet been clarified, and there is one more today.

Yan Li grabbed his own hair and was about to go crazy.

Yan Li was just... a single-minded person, and he had to think about things he couldn't figure out.

This kind of person looks smart, but in fact is very tired.

Compared with Yan Liben, Lao Yu is...a very open-minded person.

Although these...the steel that won't rust was smelted by him, Lao Yu doesn't know why it won't rust.

Anyway... Lao Yu has listened to Wan Kuan a few times and said what kind of stainless steel it is.

Old Yu, who has no rust on this steel, thinks it is very amazing, but he has been with Wan Kuan for a long time, and Lao Yu thinks that any strange things happen to Wan Kuan.

Before Wan Kuan came to Hebei, he handed a steel-making manual to Lao Yu.

How to find ore, how to smelt, it is clearly written above.

Wan Kuan said in the manual that there is a kind of iron ore near Changshan, Hebei. The ore has blue slag and smells strange. This iron ore is the best raw material for producing stainless steel.

Put this iron ore and other ore into equal parts and put them into the furnace to smelt.

Na Lao Yu has been making steel for so many years, and some things are clear.

He didn't understand, but he followed suit.

After Lao Yu came to the vicinity of Changshan, Hebei, he planted blue iron ore everywhere.

Normal iron ore is a little reddish-yellow slag, but it has never been said that there is blue slag.

Lao Yu and his little apprentices have been there all the time: this iron ore, hard work pays off, or Lao Yu is born with a sensitivity to ore.

In a barren mountain on the outskirts of Changshan.

Old Yu really found this somewhat bluish iron ore.

This bluish iron ore is called ghost stone by the locals, saying that this kind of stone is left by ghosts and ghosts, and that if you get too close, you will be punished.

Even the nearby mountain is the domain of monsters and ghosts, and no one dares to drink the spring water on the mountain.

Because I often drink this mountain spring, I will get a strange disease.

After suffering from this disease, the whole body is in pain, the limbs are weak, especially in the bone marrow, it is even more painful, and the last person will die of pain.

The legend passed on was very mysterious, and Lao Yu was a little unsure in his heart, so he wrote a letter to tell Wan Kuan about it.

And Wan Kuan immediately heard it.

Let Lao Yu mine ore locally, the iron ore turns blue, and the nearby spring water can't drink, this is chromite.

Wankuan tried every means to get chromite or nickel iron ore. As long as two metal elements, chromium and nickel, are added to the iron ore, the steel produced is... stainless steel.

This stainless steel relies on these two metal elements, and Wankuan also knows that only the north of Hebei has the largest chromite base in Jiuzhou.

That's why he let Lao Yu search all over the Changshan area. The characteristics of this chromite ore are also very obvious, that is, it turns blue, which is not the same as ordinary iron ore.

In addition to... bluing, heating the chromite, there is an unpleasant smell.

And as long as it is bluish chromite, the content of chromium in it is basically not low.

With the same amount of other iron ore, the steel produced is... stainless steel.

And this chromium-containing stainless steel is still a good product in stainless steel, which is better than those of later generations...nickel-containing, and its corrosion resistance is more obvious.

This element will form a dense protective film inside the metal, preventing the steel from contacting the outside world, and no matter what moisture or moisture, it can be isolated from the outside.

This is also the principle of stainless steel, the reason why it can prevent rust.

Fortunately, these things in Wan Kuan's mind will be put into later generations, and the chromite ore near Changshan is estimated to be insufficient.

But for now, just this chromite can help Wankuan do a lot of things.

It's just that Wan Kuan asked Lao Yu to mine ore to make stainless steel, but the craftsmen around Lao Yu were really trembling and didn't dare to obey.

Because these... Craftsmen are all received from the local people, they know the legend of this monster.

This mountain is... the domain of demons, and this blue-lighted stone is... the blood of demons dripped on it.

Anyone who gets close to this kind of thing will die sooner or later without a place to be buried.

So when Wan Kuan asked Lao Yu to hurry up to make stainless steel, Lao Yu also suffered resistance from his subordinates.

But fortunately, the old man is not young, and his brain is flexible, and he knows how to deal with this matter.

Lao Yu just told these.... The craftsmen said that Wan Kuan, the newly appointed governor of Hebei, was a god who descended to earth, Wenquxing descended to earth, and had friendship with all kinds of gods.

You can go to Chang'an City to inquire about this matter, absolutely right.

And even if this mountain is the domain of the demons, they still dare not offend the great governor.

After all, with the command of the Great Governor, countless immortals can descend to earth to get rid of this demon.

So as long as they smelt with confidence and boldness, there will be no problems.

Because there is a great governor here to bless them with safety and security.

Lao Yu's remarks touched many people's hearts, after all, at this time, everyone believed in this ghostly thing.

Chapter 318

Undoubtedly, Wan Kuan's reputation is relatively loud in Hebei.

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