After all, Hebei is not too far from Chang'an, and some things are known to everyone.

What Wan Kuan invited the Weihe Dragon King to come down to earth, and Wan Kuan doing things for Cheng Yaojin, and Wan Kuan letting the dignified prince be possessed by a dog, these legends are divine, and naturally have their reasons.

In addition, Lao Yu added a lot of wages, so all the... craftsmen agreed one by one.

Moreover, Wan Kuan also told Lao Yu in his letter that the chromite is actually not very toxic.

However, the nearby mountain spring water has chromium in it, so you must not drink that kind of water.

That kind of... drink too much water, this heavy metal will accumulate in the body, and then there will be joint pain.

These......The accumulation of heavy metals in the blood and joints will destroy the electrolytic balance of the human body, and it will really hurt to death at that time.

Because of this, Lao Yu was very careful. When mining stones, all craftsmen had to bring their own water, and they could not drink the water from the mountains or eat the fruits from the mountains.

More importantly, after getting the iron ore back, first dry it in the furnace at a low temperature, and line up those bad smells, and then put it into the blast furnace for smelting.

These were all explained to Lao Yu by Wan Kuan, and Lao Yu did it very well indeed.

Moreover, Lao Yu's movements were quick and quick, after the discovery of chromite, Lao Yu immediately.

Schedule smelting.

After a day and a night, the first furnace of stainless steel came out.

Although this stainless steel contains other metals, it is quite simple to process, just like ordinary steel.

Roll out into thin slices while hot, then cut into small strips, cut off the strips, and grind them into nails one by one.

The iron hoop is cold-formed from small strips.

This old man brought some of Chang'an's skills as a prisoner to Hebei.

For a time, the steelmaking workshop in Changshan, Hebei was also prosperous, and it was not only old... It was necessary to provide stainless steel nails and iron hoops to the dock in Dengzhou, and to provide stainless steel iron to Wu Meier in Xingzhou. plate.

This Wu Meier was in Xingzhou, but she ran into trouble. The firing of white porcelain was very simple, and everything went smoothly.

The porcelain that has been fired in the last few furnaces is really snow-white, with no flaws except for a light blue inside.

However, there is no way to solve this light cyan color, after all, no matter how finely Wu Meier filters the porcelain clay, there are still some metal ions hidden in it.

But even so, this white porcelain has been fired very well, and a lot of white porcelain has been hoarded in the porcelain firing workshop, just waiting to become a hit.

And Wu Meier also changed her energy from firing porcelain to dredging the canal. This canal in Xingzhou is indeed a lot of problems.

The Xingzhou section of the canal is relatively narrow, and the canal has just been separated from the Yellow River, and there is a lot of sediment in it.

After passing through Xingzhou, a large amount of sediment is deposited, so it often happens.

After all, the river course has been scoured by water for so long, and then it begins to loosen slowly, and the movement will mix with the sediment in the river. When the sediment settles, the riverbed will become more and more like this, which will not only cause the danger of flooding, but also cause The speed is too fast and the boat is unstable.

And although Wu Meier has encountered difficulties, her brain is also very clever.

Before coming, Wan Kuan discussed with her the key to dredging the river this time.

The key is... don't let the river bed loosen again, it must be fixed, so Wu Meier opened a mountain next to Xingzhou, and the big rocks hit the river bed, and the soft silt below was fixed first.

Then fix the iron plate next to the big rock, so that the big rock can always shake at the bottom of the river.

The sediment brought by the Yellow River does not come into contact with the silt underneath, so it will continue to rush forward, and it will settle there when it encounters a wide area of ​​the river.

After all, where the river is narrower, the higher the flow rate, the less likely it is to settle.

And the imperial court allocates money every year, as well as people's husbands to dredge the river. As long as the canal can be prevented from silting up in the narrow river, then with the help of people's husbands every year, there will be no problem with the canal.

This canal is a very important part of Wan Kuan's plan. As long as the canal is unimpeded, the entire Hebei will be transported and integrated.

Whether it is Fanyang in the north or Xingzhou in the south, it takes half a day to transport goods on the canal, which is much faster than riding a fast horse.

Moreover, the boats on the river can also transport a large amount of goods, which is much more convenient than taking the official road, using horses or mules to carry them.

Wan Kuan knew that if he wanted to carry out the industrial revolution, he had to open up transportation, and this water transportation was the key to the key.

Whether it is inland waterway shipping or open sea shipping, everything needs to be foolproof, and what the open sea shipping needs is... an excellent sea ship and an experienced team.

For inland waterway shipping, you must ensure that the flow rate of the inland river is stable and the riverbed is normal.

Therefore, overseas shipping relies on sea ships, and inland shipping relies on dredging.

Wan Kuan personally supervised the shipbuilding in Dengzhou, and the task of dredging the river was handed over to Wu Meier.

Wan Kuan looked at the people around him, Wu Meier's potential was undoubtedly the highest, and her thinking was also the smartest.

Moreover, Wu Mei'er is also the most suitable person around Wan Kuan to learn to learn about things. As long as Wu Mei'er keeps doing things by Wan Kuan's side, she will definitely improve very quickly in the future.

And Wan Kuan can also relax a little, after all, there is such a female emperor by his side, so he doesn't need to be in vain.

This Wu Meier repeatedly wanted Wan Kuan to accept her as his apprentice, and Wan Kuan accepted her as long as she could help Wan Kuan.

Right now, the whole of Hebei looks like an undercurrent surging. Although it seems that the wind and waves are calm and the aristocratic families have made a lot of profits, in fact, Wankuan has already begun to quietly make arrangements.

Iron and steel from Changshan flowed continuously to the whole of Hebei, and Yan Lide from Dingzhou kept firing bricks and cement.

In fact, this process of making bricks is the simplest, that is... make bricks with clay and water, and then burn them in the furnace. As long as the temperature is sufficient, all the impurities in the bricks can be burned out.

By then the bricks will be very strong, and the cement will be very simple.

Limestone, loess and ore residue are ground into fine powder, and then calcined at high temperature in a blast furnace to form cement clinker.

Then, it is mixed with gypsum, slag, coal ash, etc. for grinding, and the final fine powder is... cement! With cement and sand and stones, a flat and durable cement road can be built. The load capacity is not bad even if it is used for decades.

The bricks and cement fired by Yan Lide were transported to Dengzhou continuously by carts.

Chapter 319

Dengzhou needs to build a seaport. Although Dengzhou has a natural seaport, it still needs to build a port terminal.

And Wan Kuan didn't want to use that kind of wood as a port terminal. In that case, the wind and waves would be washed away immediately. After all, no matter how strong the wood was, it would not be able to withstand the whistling waves.

So Wan Kuan planned to use cement bricks to build the port.

But so far, no one has built a building with bricks and stones. Although the Yan brothers are talented and smart, they are invincible when faced with such a thing.

Fortunately, Wan Kuan was in Dengzhou, supervising the construction of sea ships and the construction of the wharf.

But for Wan Kuan, he came to Dengzhou, and more importantly, came to spend his honeymoon.

The seaside of Dengzhou is indeed a fairyland. After Cui Yingying and Wu Shun'er came to Dengzhou, they were laughing and having fun every day, they were like little girls who were not married.

Walk around the beach every day, pick up shells, and then take your maid to swim in the water on the private beach.

Then, when Wan Kuan is done with his business, he can play cards with them.

This kind of life can be said to be extremely comfortable, and Cui Yingying and Wu Shun'er did not expect that they would live such a leisurely life after they arrived in Hebei.

And although Wan Kuan goes to the office every day, it doesn't seem to be busy.

Sometimes I only go three poles in the sun, and I come back after a nap at noon, which is far less busy than Cui Yingying imagined.

Originally, Cui Yingying thought that Wan Kuan must be busy all day when he became the governor of Hebei, and the official documents and approvals were... a lot.

But now Cui Yingying knows that the bigger the official position, the less need to do things.

As long as you arrange everything well, all the people under you are well arranged.

That way, you can sit back and relax.

Wan Kuan is leisurely wandering in Hebei, but there are a lot of people staring at Hebei, and there are several groups of people who inquire about Wan Kuan day and night in the entire Chang'an City.

At this moment, the eldest grandson Wuji was sitting in the public office of the Ministry of Household, watching the book on the allocation of grain and grass handed down by Li Shimin, and he was full of emotion for a while.

This year's grain and grass do not need to be allocated to Hebei, all of which are used as grain and grass for the army, and the quagmire of Hebei is thrown away. It seems that the grain and grass of the Tang Dynasty suddenly became rich.

But the war this winter, I don't know how much it will cost... food and grass.

If Datang loses, it will undoubtedly make things worse.

And the eldest grandson Wuji got Li Shimin's intention well, looked at the sunset outside the window, sighed immediately, and was about to get up and go home.

But as soon as he walked to the entrance of the household, Changsun Wuji saw two familiar people and a carriage.

Zhangsun Wuji couldn't help but sigh at this moment, he clearly wanted to stay out of the matter, but he couldn't avoid it, and there were always some troubles haunting him.

Changsun Wuji sighed, still the carriage.

And those two people sat on the horse and walked all the way towards Suzaku Street, bypassing the south gate of Taiping Square, and entered the palace.

After that, the carriage went all the way east to the East Palace.

I just entered the outer gate of the palace, you can still ride a carriage inside the outer gate of the palace, but if you go to the inner hall of the palace, you are not allowed to ride a carriage.

It's just that the East Palace is in a corner of the palace, so it's not harmless for the eldest grandson Wuji to come in in a carriage.

What's more, there was a sign of the East Palace on the carriage, so no one dared to stop it.

Changsun Wuji got off the carriage, and there was a hint of melancholy between his eyebrows.

In fact, he doesn't want to come to the East Palace often now, but he, the prince's nephew, invites him every now and then.

Zhangsun Wuji had no choice, after all, he didn't want to offend his nephew.

In this case, he can only bite the bullet and come forward.

It's just that the eldest grandson Wuji didn't know that his every move was under the supervision of Li Shimin.

Not to mention the entire palace, even the entire Chang'an City, the entire Tang Dynasty, the entire world, Li Shimin's eyeliner is everywhere.

Changsun Wuji walked into the East Palace and came to the side hall beside him.

At this time, Li Chengqian had already prepared a table of wine and food. After the eldest grandson Wuji came, Li Chengqian immediately.

stand up.

"Uncle, please take a seat quickly. After a hard day's work, I will accompany you to have a few drinks."

The eldest grandson Wuji bowed respectfully: "His Royal Highness, don't be polite, I can't bear it."

"Uncle, don't say these things.... Outsiders, you and I are a family, hurry up and hurry up."

The eldest grandson Wudi sat down: Li Chengqian actually poured a glass of wine for the eldest grandson Wuji, and the eldest grandson Wuji was flattered and took it with both hands.

The two of them bowed from a distance and drank the wine.

After Changsun Wuji took a sip, his entire face turned red.

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