"His Royal Highness, this wine is a spirit brewed by Wan Kuan."

"Yes, this spirit is indeed from Wanjia, but it is also sold in Wanfu Building now.

Although the wine is spicy, it is full of aroma.

I've tasted it alone, it doesn't have a taste, just don't... drink more."

"His Royal Highness, why did you invite Wei Chen to come here again today? Could it be that Wankuan has made a mess in Hebei again?"

"Uncle is really smart, a guess is...

That Wan Kuan is in the limelight in Hebei."

After hearing this, Changsun Wuji put down his glass and said, "His Royal Highness, the past two days in Chang'an City have been spreading that Wan Kuan is in Hebei for that... Qinghe Cui Family's Second Young Master has removed the curse of the Sea Dragon King. what's new"

"Uncle doesn't know anything, this Wan Kuan has been hidden since he arrived in Hebei.

According to sources, Wan Kuan is now at the seaside of Dengzhou, enjoying daily trips to the mountains and waters, and has never been in the business of doing business."

The eldest grandson Wuji smiled after hearing this: "His Royal Highness, if Wan Kuan is addicted to playing, then it will be a good thing for His Royal Highness."

Li Chengqian's eyes became cold after hearing this: "Uncle, don't be fooled by that Wan Kuan.

Although this Wan Kuan is not very old, he has a very deep city, and I have confronted him a few times, and I already understand clearly that this Wan Kuan is definitely not a person who wants to have fun."

"His Royal Highness, this Wan Kuan can't do anything even if he doesn't want to have fun.

According to His Majesty's will, all the money and grain of the Ministry of Household should be hoarded in the Guannei Dao Camp, but the grain and grass that is allocated to Hebei every year, this year is not available."

"Uncle, this is nothing new.

As soon as Wan Kuan arrived in Hebei, he gave all the wasteland to those noble families.

That aristocratic family has acquired so much farmland for nothing, and of course they have to pay tribute to the exchange, so the rations of the people in Hebei have been provided by the family in the past two years, so this year the imperial court will not be allocating grain and grass to Hebei."

"His Royal Highness, in this way, Wan Kuan has made another great contribution.

Originally this year, the kingdom was going to deploy troops to the outside world and needed food and grass urgently. As a result, as soon as Wan Kuan arrived in Hebei, he threw this quagmire out of the quagmire. His Majesty did not need to drop food to Hebei. Wan Kuan also likes it even more."

Chapter 320

"Ha ha ha ha!"

A burst of laughter came from the East Palace.

Li Chengqian laughed outrageously after hearing Zhangsun Wuji's words, and the laughter spread outside, causing some of the guards outside to be at a loss.

"Why is Your Royal Highness laughing?"

"Uncle Gu Xiao is short-sighted."

When the eldest grandson Wuji heard these words, his expression did not change at all, instead he smiled.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is very talented, and naturally he can see things that Wei Chen can't see.

Wei Chen is stupid, and indeed a little short-sighted, please ask His Royal Highness to answer your questions."

"Uncle, you are pretending to be confused with your understanding.

You clearly know that Wan Kuan gave all those... cultivated land to the family, and you are still there: do you praise Wan Kuan for his great contribution?"

"This year, Hebei no longer needs food from the imperial court. This is a great achievement."

"Uncle, compared with this year's grain, there is so much arable land in Hebei, don't you want it? Uncle, you clearly know that arable land is the most important thing, as long as there is arable land, there will be food.

And once there is no arable land, you can never have food.

So Wan Kuan traded farmland for two years of rations this time, in Gu's opinion, it is really stupid."

"His Royal Highness has a long-term plan, and naturally has his own views."

"Uncle, don't you think so? Using so much farmland for two years of rations is a loss-making business."

"His Royal Highness, the exchange of land for food is indeed a loss, but for the Tang Dynasty, it is not easy to survive this year or two. Maybe this is His Majesty's intention."

"Uncle, don't pretend to be confused.

You and I still don't know who the royal father is. The royal father is someone who would rather die than be soft.

For the food of the past two years, the farmland of the Tang Dynasty was given to the family for nothing, and the emperor could not do this."

"But now Wan Kuan has done it, it seems that His Majesty did not reprimand him.

Your Royal Highness, isn't it?"

"Uncle, the royal father did not decree to reprimand Wan Kuan, it does not mean that the royal father is willing in his heart.

Wan Kuan was sent directly to Hebei by his father, it was a Longtan Tiger's Den, Wan Kuan used farmland as a token of honor in order to survive, and repaired the relationship with the family, but this is also Wan Kuan's biggest flaw."

"Oh, His Royal Highness, please tell me in detail."

"Uncle, do you think Your Majesty is interested in two years' worth of food, or those in Hebei... arable land"

After hearing that, the eldest grandson Wuji said in a panic, "His Royal Highness, this minister does not dare to make rash assertions.

Your Majesty is thoughtful, how could I have guessed it?"

"Uncle, there are only you and me here, why is the royal father a man of great talent, and he has always wanted to deprive the family of the privileges.

And if you want to suppress the aristocratic family, you must take back the cultivated land in the middle.

As long as these...the arable land is in the hands of the aristocratic family for one day, the imperial court will have nothing to do with these aristocratic families."

After hearing this, Changsun Wuji nodded involuntarily.

Li Chengqian was right, as long as the aristocratic family had arable land, the imperial court would not try to suppress them.

"Uncle, think about it again, what did the emperor send Wan Kuan to Hebei for?"

The eldest grandson Wuji just opened his mouth, but before he could say it, Li Chengqian asked himself and answered.

"My father sent Wan Kuan to Hebei because he wanted him to deal with the family.

What kind of food, these are all pretexts, what the father wants is to use the family to operate.

But Wan Kuan didn't figure out what his father meant, he thought that his father wanted to maintain stability, but in fact his father had foresight."

Li Chengqian talked eloquently: "Wan Kuan has now exchanged arable land for food for two years. On the surface, it seems that the Tang Dynasty should be able to... Farmland cannot be replaced in ten or twenty years.”

Changsun Wuji listened carefully, holding the wine glass in his hand, without saying a word.

Because he knows that what Li Chengqian said is not wrong, once the farmland is lost and falls into the hands of the noble family, it will be extremely difficult to get it back, it is as difficult as God...!!!! "His Royal Highness, as you said. , didn't Wan Kuan do a big mistake?"

"Isn't it true that Wan Kuan thought he was smart, but he actually made a big mistake.

And this kind of mistake is irreparable, it seems that the father's favor for Wan Kuan is about to diminish."

Then Li Chengqian said, triumphantly, confident in his heart.

And the eldest grandson Wuji looked at Li Chengqian at this time, and seemed to see a trace of Li Shimin's heroic appearance from him.

"Uncle, is what Gu said right?"

"His Royal Highness is indeed very reasonable, but since His Majesty sent Wan Kuan to Hebei, he should have great trust in Wan Kuan.

So this..."

As soon as Changsun Wuji said this, he was interrupted by Li Chengqian.

"Uncle, you are always so cautious.

Now this Wan Kuan has already been in a catastrophe, and the royal father must be resentful towards him.

Who is the royal father, uncle, don't you know? Over the years, has the royal father bowed his head?"

Li Chengqian was a little impatient: "Especially in the face of these aristocratic families, the royal father hates these aristocratic families the most.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for the father to bow to them, but now Wan Kuan is easily submissive to the aristocratic family.

In this case, will the royal father still spoil him?"

When Changsun Wuji heard Li Chengqian's words, he felt a little dazed for a while.

What Li Chengqian said was very reasonable, but Changsun Wuji always felt that there was something wrong in this.

The Li Chengqian in front of him is very similar to Li Shimin when he was young, because they have a strong self-confidence on their faces, as if they know everything in their chests.

But the eldest grandson Wuji knew that Li Chengqian was far from Li Shimin.

In addition to his strong self-confidence, Li Shimin has a more careful mind.

It is precisely because of this careful thought that it can be transformed into a strong self-confidence.

If the mind is not enough...sophisticated, then this confidence is nothing but blind confidence.

Thinking of the eldest grandson Wuji here, another figure suddenly popped up in his mind, that is Wan Kuan.

The eldest grandson Wuji didn't know why, but he felt that compared with Li Chengqian, Wan Kuan had more of Li Shimin's shadow.

Changsun Wuji didn't know why he suddenly had such an idea, but this idea was like a weed in the wilderness, once it was created, it was endless and difficult to eliminate.

It was only at this moment that Changsun Wuji suddenly realized that his idea was not absurd at all.

From the very beginning, the eldest grandson Wuji had this idea in his heart, why this Wan Kuan looks so similar to Li Chengqian, you must know that this Li Chengqian was born by the emperor and the queen, and his appearance is naturally the same, but this Wan Kuan is [-]% similar to Li Chengqian , but the eyebrows appear more heroic.

Chapter 321

The eldest grandson Wuji still clearly remembers that when Wan Kuan and Li Chengqian stood opposite each other in the court hall, from their behavior to their appearance, it made people feel a little dazed.

It's just that this person's appearance is ever-changing, and it makes sense to have two people who look alike in the vast crowd.

But since then, a seed has been planted in Changsun Wuji's heart.

And after so many things, Changsun Wuji suddenly found that Wan Kuan's methods were extraordinarily similar to the current emperor.

Steady work, and sophisticated means.

Every time Changsun Wuji clashed with Wan Kuan, in the end it was himself who suffered.

Zhangsun Wuji believed that his city was at the top of the current court, and few people could rush ahead of him, but every time he met Wan Kuan, he would always be able to pin it down.

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