This feeling makes Changsun Wuji feel very uncomfortable, and what makes Changsun Wuji even more strange is that the current emperor and empress also love Wan Kuan very much.

This kind of petting has gone beyond the category of courtiers, as if it were his own prince.

This is what Changsun Wuji is particularly afraid of.

Because he is also a relative of the royal family, after all, he is the elder brother of the empress, so he is naturally closer than ordinary courtiers.

But even so, the eldest grandson Wuji could not imagine that he could make the emperor and the queen trust him so much.

Not to mention this Wankuan that came out of nowhere.

The more the eldest grandson thought about it, the more uneasy he felt in his heart, because he suddenly realized that Wan Kuan was like a veiled giant.

Although everyone knew that Wan Kuan couldn't be messed with and that his methods were strong, but no one had really seen Wan Kuan's true face.

As for Wan Kuan's identity, Zhangsun Wuji suddenly became suspicious at this moment.

But even if he had doubts, Changsun Wuji had no way to verify it.

Suddenly, Changsun Wuji thought of something.

"His Royal Highness, you said that on the day of Wan Kuan's marriage, even the Supreme Emperor sent someone to give gifts. Why did the Supreme Emperor give gifts?"

Then Li Chengqian didn't care when he heard what Changsun Wuji said, just said it casually.

"Then I don't know, but there is nothing worth investigating about this matter, anyway... As long as it is a courtier that the Emperor Taishang likes, the Emperor Father must hate it.

This Wan Kuan has too many places abandoned by his father, so sooner or later this Wan Kuan will have to reap the consequences."

And Changsun Wuji was even more worried when he heard Li Chengqian's words.

Because even though Wan Kuan has done so many things to make His Majesty angry, His Majesty's trust in him has weakened.

This is the most terrifying point. If a courtier is extremely loyal to the emperor, then everyone can understand that the emperor favors him.

But a courtier is not very respectful to the emperor, and he often does things that make the emperor angry. If the emperor still loves him, he has to think about it.

"His Royal Highness, this matter is not alone. The Emperor Taishang has been living in the palace for more than two years. How could he suddenly have contact with this minister Wan Kuan?"

Changsun Wuji asked again.

"How much in the past two years... The princes and ministers have held weddings and funerals, and the emperor has not said anything. Why did the emperor go to give gifts on the day of Wankuan's marriage? Didn't His Royal Highness feel a little strange?"

Li Chengqian fell silent after hearing this, he touched his chin and thought about it carefully, and then he became a little irritable.

"This emperor has been imprisoned in the deep palace. What can he do even if he gives gifts to the emperor and that... Wan Kuan has never seen it before. Who knows why he suddenly gave Wan Kuan a gift last time?"

"But His Royal Highness, this matter is full of strangeness. Don't His Highness want to figure it out? Wan Kuan suddenly appeared and behaved mysteriously. Shouldn't His Highness be more careful?"

And Li Chengqian smiled faintly after hearing this: "Uncle, you don't need to worry about the world anymore.

This Wan Kuan has done too many wrong things, even now the father is... confused and still trusts him.

After the father has figured it out, that... Wan Kuan is naturally a place to die without a burial."

Li Chengqian looked at the dark sky outside, and said quietly: "What I have to do now is to calm down and not let the father and queen be disappointed.

This Wan Kuan will naturally have a deserved end, and Gu will now perform better, so that Gu's crown prince will be more stable."

That Li Chengqian is still talking here, he thinks that no one can shake his crown prince.

The third child was born to the princess of the previous dynasty, and there is no chance of becoming emperor at all.

The fourth child is still a half-year-old baby, and he looks stupid, and he is not expected to be an emperor.

As for the fifth and sixth, the age is even younger, so it is considered that his position as the prince is very stable.

But the eldest grandson Wuji doesn't think so, because now Li Shimin is only in his thirties, this Li Shimin can live for at least twenty years.

Twenty years later, Li Chengqian is also in his thirties.

And the other princes have gradually grown up, and it is hard to say whether there will be anyone who can threaten his status as prince at that time.

Moreover, although Changsun Wuji always suffers when facing Wan Kuan, he is definitely not a stupid person.

He deeply understands that the longer the crown prince is, the more dangerous it will be.

In this world, the most dangerous position is the emperor, and even more dangerous than the emperor's position is the prince.

It is too difficult to be a prince, and all day long to survive in the cracks.

You can't be too dazzling, or you will steal the emperor's light.

But you can't be too flat, otherwise people will be dissatisfied with you.

And the prince's words and deeds must be just right, which is too difficult for a teenage boy.

However, at this time, Zhangsun Wuji was still thinking about Li Yuan and Wan Kuan, and he continued to ask: "His Royal Highness, there is definitely something wrong with this matter. The Emperor Taishang will not reward Wan Kuan for no reason."

At this time, Li Chengqian sighed: "Uncle, you always think a lot, and you always miss the point.

What's so strange about this Supreme Emperor rewarding Wan Kuan?"

"I also know that Pei Ji, an old official beside the Emperor Taishang, specially sent someone to Hebei, which must have something to do with Wan Kuan.

But what does this mean? Could it be that the Emperor Taishang wanted to collude with Wan Kuan to take back the Emperor's throne?"

When the eldest grandson Wuji heard this, his whole body suddenly became sluggish, and a flash of light flashed across his mind.

Zhangsun Wuji trembled a little, and the wine glass in his hand fell directly to the ground.

"Uncle, what's wrong with you"

Chapter 322

In the East Palace, that Li Chengqian was very strange, how could Changsun Wuji suddenly become like this? At this time, Changsun Wuji's lips were trembling, and he said tremblingly: "His Royal Highness, this matter is absolutely not simple, this is the Supreme Emperor. There must be some relationship with Wan Kuan that no one else knows about."

Then Li Chengqian still disapproved after hearing this: "Uncle, don't pursue this matter any more.

Even if this matter breaks the sky, it is just that the Emperor Taishang wants to borrow Wan Kuan's hand to regain the throne."

"But the Emperor Taishang has already abdicated for more than two years, and the court has long ceased to belong to him, so uncle doesn't need to worry at all.

The father emperor's position as emperor, and the lonely prince's position are extremely stable."

Changsun Wuji was very anxious, he didn't know why, this Li Chengqian just... didn't listen to him.

"His Royal Highness, what Wei Chen wants to say is that Wan Kuan dares to have something to do with the Emperor Taishang, then his identity is very strange."

Changsun Wuji was a little anxious, so he blurted out and made his debut.

"His Royal Highness, as you said just now, Your Majesty will never reuse ministers whom the Emperor Taishang likes.

But now Wan Kuan has such contact with the Emperor Taishang, but His Majesty doesn't pay attention to it, doesn't it seem strange to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?"

Then Li Chengqian suddenly reacted after hearing this, his eyes rolled twice, and then he put down the wine glass in his hand.

"Uncle, don't say it, this matter is indeed a bit strange, what is the conspiracy of this emperor?"

"His Royal Highness, this is not the conspiracy of the Emperor Taishang at all, the focus of this matter is on Wan Kuan.

Wan Kuan, what kind of identity is he, and what did he do in secret to be able to have a relationship with the Emperor Taishang, His Royal Highness must find out."

Then Li Chengqian's face became bitter after hearing this: "Uncle, how can I investigate this matter alone? Now Wan Kuan is far away in Hebei, and there is no one in Hebei, and no one under his control can leave Chang'an City, and he will definitely be alarmed when he leaves Chang'an City. Father."

"This Wei minister doesn't know how to investigate, but His Royal Highness the Crown Prince must clarify this matter.

Wei Chen feels that there is a great secret behind this matter."

"Uncle, can there be any major secrets? Now that the power in the court is in the hands of the emperor, even if the emperor tries his best, he won't be able to make any waves.

Uncle, you are too worried."

After hearing this, the eldest grandson Wuji sighed, his whole person seemed a little sullen.

He hoped that he was being over-hearted, but he always felt that this Wan Kuan was a bit complicated.

Changsun Wuji saw that it was getting dark outside, and the curfew was about to begin, so he got up and said goodbye.

Then Li Chengqian lost interest in what the eldest grandson Wuji said, so he had to send him out.

After Changsun Wuji left the East Palace, he made up his mind to find out Wan Kuan's identity.

Now the undercurrents are surging in Chang'an City, and many people have different thoughts.

And Li Shimin's energy is now scattered in the war against the Turks this winter.

The battle against the Turks this winter can be described as extremely difficult.

If the war is successful, then there will be no pressure outside Datang.

But if the results are not satisfactory, the pressure on Tang will be heavier.

Li Shimin stood in front of the territory map over and over again, and the old nest of Jieli Khan was at the foot of Yinshan Mountain.

If you want to attack Huanglong and destroy the Eastern Turks, you must kill them at the foot of Yin Mountain with lightning speed.

All the aristocrats of the Eastern Turks, including Jieli Khan, were wiped out.

Only in this way can they be completely wiped out.

After the destruction of the Eastern Turks, the crisis outside the Tang Dynasty will be completely alleviated.

In that case, Li Shimin would be able to devote his energy to dealing with the internal problems of the Tang Dynasty.

Moreover, Datang has no worries after that, so that Datang can continue to move westward and occupy the entire Western Regions.

You must know that the western regions to the west of the Hexi Corridor are all controlled by the Western Turks and some other small countries, and Li Shimin cannot fail to see the huge profits brought by the Silk Road.

Killing the Eastern Turks is the first step, and after destroying the Eastern Turks, we will go west, and only then will the Tang Dynasty reach its prosperity.

Although Li Shimin knew that his son was skillful and more powerful than himself, Li Shimin didn't want to be compared by his son.

In his lifetime, he wants to make an indelible feat, and he wants to hand over a brand-new and powerful Tang Dynasty to his son.

Only then can Li Shimin be able to smile at Jiuquan, and be able to be the emperor of the ages.

Li Shimin looked at the territory map in front of him, and tapped his finger hard on the north side of Jinyang.

Yunzhou is the key, because the closest place to the foot of Yinshan is... Yunzhou.

As long as you leave Yunzhou and go all the way north, you can quickly hit the foot of Yinshan Mountain.

But how to complete this strategic layout is really not easy to handle.

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