If you want to kill the East Turks completely, you must cut off all his escape routes, and you must go on the east, middle, and west routes at the same time.

The middle road left the Great Wall from Yanmen Pass and went straight to the foot of Yinshan Mountain, while the army on the west road had to hold the Hexi Corridor and the north of Lingzhou to prevent the East Turks from fleeing westward to the West Turks.

In the east, people must also be sent to guard the northern part of Youzhou, so that the people of the East Turks will not escape to the northeast, between the white mountains and the black water.

Li Shimin thought about it, the middle road, the west road, Yunzhou, Lingzhou, and Yanzhou are all easy to do.

The Minister of War, Li Jing, must be the marching director of the Dingxiang Road in the middle road, and Zhang Gongjin will be his deputy. There is no problem with this.

In the eastern part of the Central Route Army, Li Ji, the British public servant, was asked to assist Li Jing and be his backup.

On the west side of the middle road, Na Huo Guogong Chai Zhao was the marching commander of Jinhe Road, crossing the Yellow River, echoing Li Jing and Li Ji from afar.

And in the far west, King Li Daozong of Jiangxia sat in the Datong Road marching commander, and set up a defense line from Lingzhou to the northwest, so that the people of the East Turks would not go west.

And after all the calculations, the easternmost Youzhou area had to be guarded to prevent Jieli Khan from escaping towards Tuli Khan.

And now Youzhou is just north of Hebei, where Wankuan handles it.

Li Shimin didn't even think about it, so he wrote Wan Kuan's name on the post of Youzhou marching to the chief general.

With Wan Kuan and Qin Qiong there, nothing would go wrong.

Although Wan Kuan had never been on the battlefield, Li Shimin had a strong self-confidence in his heart for no reason, that his son would be just like himself, he would become famous at a young age, and would be invincible and invincible on the battlefield.

At that time, Li Shimin himself joined the army at the age of sixteen, and this year Wan Kuan was just sixteen. This winter, Wan Kuan was just able to participate in the war against the East Turks.

Li Shimin's heart is... With this confidence, his son will be just like himself.

Chapter 323

In Li Shimin's mind, this time the troops were divided into six routes to attack the Turks, requiring [-] troops, including [-] cavalry and [-] elites.

This is more than half of Datang's family. If the losses are really heavy, the situation that Datang has just stabilized will definitely be broken again.

At that time, the Turks will take advantage of the situation to go south, and there are many ambitious people in Datang who want to take advantage of the opportunity to cause chaos. At that time, Datang will definitely be in danger.

But Li Shimin never thought that he would fail.

At this time, Li Shimin remembered the first time he saw Wan Kuan and what Wan Kuan said to him.

As long as there is a [-]% certainty, it is a God-given opportunity and must be done.

If you have a [-]% certainty, then you have to be careful, and then arrange carefully, and then go all out.

If you have a [-]% certainty, then you have to be careful and careful, but you are not just sitting there and waiting. Opportunities are all spelled out.

Li Shimin agreed with these remarks, and Li Shimin had never heard such words before.

But after hearing Wan Kuan's words for the first time, Li Shimin seemed to have met a confidant.

If it weren't for the one in front of him... Wan Kuan was his own son, Li Shimin would have wanted to swoop in with him as a brother.

It is enough to have a confidant in this life, and what is even more rare is that this confidant is actually his son, who can inherit his ideals and ambitions. Li Shimin feels that there is no such perfect thing in the world.

At this time, Li Shimin clenched his fists, Li Jing brought an army of [-], Wan Kuan had [-], Li Daozong gave [-], Chai Shao gave [-], Li Ji gave... [-].

With an army of nearly [-] people, Li Shimin bet his entire net worth.

And now Li Shimin is full of blood, he has no fear or cowardice at all.

In particular, Wan Kuan also prepared a big gift for himself. In the past few months, Wan Kuan has been serving as a general and has prepared countless fine weapons and armors for the army of the Tang Dynasty.

Relying on these weapons and armors, the warriors of the Tang Dynasty were invincible and invincible on the battlefield.

It is said that the Turkic cavalry is unparalleled in the world, and now Li Shimin wants to wrestle with the Turkic cavalry.

It is said that the Turkic cavalry came and went without a trace, and when Li Shimin first ascended the throne three years ago, the [-] war horses raised in Liangzhou finally grew up.

The three-year-old war horse can go into battle to kill the enemy, and Wan Kuan has nailed the shoes of each of his war horses.

With this horseshoe, the cold and frozen land is no longer the natural enemy of horses.

And the Turks are born with a lack of iron tools, and they will definitely not put horseshoes on all their flattery. Only a few nobles have this treatment.

From this point of view, Datang's cavalry will be faster.

Coupled with the cavalry armor made by Wankuan, it is both light and explained.

When the two armies face each other, when the cavalry rushes to kill, the life of the cavalry can be maximized.

Moreover, the stainless steel gun head made by Wankuan, placed on the horse lance, is simply an armor-piercing weapon.

The newly made horse lance, the sharp spear head can pierce ten layers of 10 leather armor in an instant.

In addition, the Meteor Hammer, which will be made of steel by the superintendent, and the flail...heavy weapons.

At that time, when the cavalry rushes to kill, it will be brave and unstoppable.

Li Shimin now has a strong fighting spirit and can't wait to send troops to attack the north at this time.

Li Shimin was smug for a while, then made a decisive decision, sat directly in front of several cases in Liangyi Hall, and began to splash ink.

At this time, Wan Kuan, who was in Hebei, looked at the sea-going ship that was gradually taking shape, and felt a strong sense of accomplishment in his heart.

In the future, I will not only be the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, but also a man who conquers the sea.

This sea-going ship is nearly forty feet in front and back and ten feet in width. This is by far the largest sea-going ship in the world.

In fact, many people know that the bigger the sea boat, the more stable it is in the wind and waves, but no one can build such a sea boat.

If the ship is too large, its own strength will become: extremely fragile.

It's like a square piece of wood, it's hard to break it off.

But a long one: a wooden strip, you hold one end and you can break it by its own weight.

In fact, the reason why it is difficult to build large sea-going ships is that there is no keel, and after having a keel, the sea-going ship will become: strong.

And it's very troublesome to build a keel, after all, a keel is... a skeleton, and the spine in the middle must be strong.

A [-]-foot ship must have a spine of at least [-] feet. Where can I find the [-]-foot vertebra in the middle? There is no such thick and long wood, but this problem is not at all for Wankuan. What, because Wan Kuan holds the steel workshop in his hand.

The keels of others are made of wood, but the keels of Wankuan are made of steel.

The thick iron rod in the middle, which is hugged by one person, is much stronger than the wood.

And there is absolutely no tree that is thirty feet tall in this world, and naturally it is impossible to make a stick of thirty feet.

But steel is different, as long as you have enough raw materials, it can be rolled indefinitely.

As long as you are skilled, you can pile up the molten iron in several blast furnaces and pour them together to form such a steel keel.

Although this steel keel is heavy, it is nothing compared to the whole ship.

After all, the ship is so big, and it is hollow in the middle, and its buoyancy is also greater, which can fully support the keel.

Not to mention that only the keel and edges of this ship are made of iron plates, even if the whole ship is made of steel, as long as the space in the middle is large enough, it can still float on the water.

Just like the Titanic of later generations, that kind of...Isn't the steel beast still surfing the waves in the sky? Wan Kuan was stunned when he thought of this.

It seems a bit unlucky to use the Titanic as an analogy.

The Titanic sank the first time it went to sea, but it can't be so unlucky.

Yan Liben has calmed down a lot in recent days, and no longer asks Wan Kuan about some miscellaneous matters.

Wan Kuan thought he had finally figured it out, but Yan Liben's piercing eyes still showed a desire for knowledge.

Wan Kuan was dissatisfied with the progress of the shipbuilding and was planning to encourage Yan Liben.

At this moment, the little Laizi behind him came running with his tongue sticking out.

Since arriving at the beach, Xiao Laizi's tongue has not been put in.

"Master, Master, General Qin is here."

Wan Kuan suddenly turned his head, what did Qin Qiong do when he came here? I saw Qin Qiong's personal guard standing outside.

These... The personal guard saw Wan Kuan immediately.

He clasped his fists and cupped his hands, Wan Kuan ignored him and rushed into the office.

Chapter 324

Wan Kuan hurriedly went in to take a look, and Qin Qiong really sat on the futon in the office room, leisurely brewing tea with her own teapot.

When Qin Qiong saw Wan Kuan come in, she immediately.

He smiled and waved his hand.

"Captain, don't come here for a few days, and you'll be fine."

Wan Kuan walked up to Qin Qiong and said suspiciously, "General Qin, it's not right for you to leave Jizhou privately in disobedience to the orders of Shangfeng. This official will punish you."

"Don't be so angry, the Governor, sit down and have a cup of tea."

"General Qin, this is originally the official's tea, but you are occupying the magpie's nest instead."

Wan Kuan spoke, grabbed the cup of tea in Qin Qiong's hand, and drank it.

And Qin Qiong didn't care, she picked up another purple pottery cup and poured herself a cup.

After drinking a cup of tea, Qin Qiong felt very refreshed: "Captain, Qin is here but has something important to do."

"What's the matter? Is there something wrong with the plastic workshop in Jizhou?"

"The plastic workshop is safe and sound, and the first batch of plastic stuff has been put out for sale."

"If that's the case, then why does General Qin still come to Dengzhou?"

At this time, Qin Qiong looked outside, Qin Qiong's personal guard understood and closed the door directly.

Wan Kuan took a look, what's the secret? After closing it, Qin Qiong took out a letter from his sleeve.

Wan Kuan's eyes were quick and he saw at a glance that the writing on the letter belonged to Li Shimin.

It turned out to be Li Shimin's secret edict, no wonder Qin Qiong came all the way.

That Qin Qiong respectfully handed the letter to Wan Kuan: "The Governor, this is a letter written by Your Majesty, please call the Governor to personally open it.

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