General Qin, this official is proficient in the art of Qi and Huang, you can't deceive this official."

Qin Qiong took two steps back from what Wan Kuan said at this time. He didn't expect that his long-hidden secret would be known to Wan Kuan.

At this time, Wan Kuan stood up and smiled coldly: "General Qin, not to mention that this official did not remind you.

If you drink and eat meat all day long, your body will decline, and it will collapse completely within two years.

Don't say it's a fight with Yuchigong, you can't beat Cheng Yaojin."

"Captain, Qin Mou..."

Qin Qiong opened her mouth to explain, but she didn't know what to say.

Because Wan Kuan's eyes were like goshawks, staring at him.

Qin Qiong felt that her heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, and internal organs were all clearly seen by Wan Kuan.

Qin Qiong couldn't help shivering, this feeling is only in front of His Majesty.

There was silence in the office for a while, and Qin Qiong didn't speak.

After a while, Qin Qiong sighed, and the whole body collapsed directly.

"The Governor is right, Qin's health is getting worse and worse.

Every day Qin was like living with a big stone mortar on his back, panting when he moved.

It's hard to fall asleep at night, and only in the early morning can you get a good night's sleep, Qin Mou's body really has a serious problem."

When Wan Kuan heard this, his expression softened: "General Qin, don't say that His Majesty will not send you to attack the Turks this time.

That is... I sent you to Hebei, and this official requested His Majesty.

If this official hadn't spoken, General Qin would still be drinking and having fun in Chang'an City."

That Qin Qiong was in despair at the moment, as a military general, all day long

"Captain, Qin Mou knows something is wrong."

Then Wan Kuan saw Qin Qiong lowered his head and looked listless, and persuaded: "General Qin, you don't have to be discouraged, as long as you listen to this official, your body will have its own way."

Qin Qiong's eyes lit up when she heard it: "Captain, what you said is true"

"This officer never jokes."

At this time, Qin Qiong seemed to have caught the last straw, and the whole person was extremely excited.

The physical torture over the past few years has put him under enormous pressure mentally, and if this goes on like this, Qin Qiong feels that his whole person is about to be ruined.

Chapter 326

Qin Qiong was already disheartened, but at this time Wan Kuan actually said that he had a way, how could Qin Qiong not be excited, "Captain, please save Qin's life."

After speaking, Qin Qiong knelt down on one knee and directly saluted with fists.

Wan Kuan supported his hand and helped him up.

"If you want to heal, you must obey the words of the official.

What Ben Guang says and what you do, there must be no disobedience."

"Don't worry, the commander-in-chief, Qin must follow it carefully."

"Okay, then the official's first request is... General Qin must not drink alcohol in the future, you can do it"

Qin Qiong was a little stunned when she heard this sentence.

Qin Qiong has been eating meat and drinking in large bowls since she was a child. If you can't drink in the future, what's the point of "Why General Qin, what you just said will break your promise"

Then Qin Qiong immediately.

He said, "Don't worry, the Governor, Qin will be considered abstinence from this wine in the future."

Wan Kuan smiled, it was really difficult for a man like Qin Qiong to quit drinking.

But this also shows that Qin Qiong's body has indeed reached the brink of extreme danger.

"Okay, General Qin, you have to remember what you said.

Then this official will give you a prescription, write a recipe, and follow your daily diet and rest: do what this official says.

It improved after half a year.

After a year or two, the body will gradually improve.”

Then Qin Qiong heard Wan Kuan's words, and there was a trace of excitement in his eyes, as if he saw hope again.

Qin Qiong traveled all the way to Dengzhou today to deliver a letter, and Wan Kuan should entertain him.

In the evening, Wan Kuan and Yan Liben gave Qin Qiong a good dinner:.

And Wan Kuan deliberately took out a jar of good wine and put it on it, he and Yan Liben had a good drink, while Qin Qiong kept swallowing.

Qin Qiong's heart is now suffering, and she can't keep her promises and keep her promises.

But Qin Qiong feels uncomfortable, even if you can't drink, you two can't deliberately test in front of me.

Qin Qiong's eyes were full of resentment, and she could only hold the seafood porridge and drink non-stop.

And under Wan Kuan's arrangement, Qin Qiong could only eat small fish and shrimp, and the original big fish and big meat were completely gone.

And Wan Kuan and Yan Liwen had a good drink, then Qin Qiong couldn't stand it anymore, so she went back to her room directly under the pretext of going to bed.

Wan Kuan smiled, Qin Qiong was still somewhat determined.

As soon as Qin Qiong left, Yan Li was completely released, and he started shouting with the strength of the wine.

"Captain, seeing that the ship is about to be built soon, the lower official is very excited.

Such a sea ship actually came from the hands of Xiaguan, and Xiaguan can honor his ancestors.

At that time, the official will talk about this matter in front of his father's tablet, and his father will be able to be happy under Jiuquan."

That Yan Liben seemed very excited, for..., it is the luckiest thing in life to be able to make a great work.

This Yan Liben was in high spirits: some, but understandable.

As a result, Yan Liben began to raise frequently.

Zhu Wankuan drinks with him.

Wan Kuan was a little dizzy after drinking three cups and five cups.

At this time, Yan Liben changed his words and started to ask Wan Kuan again.

"Captain, there are a few questions to be asked today when I'm in office, and the Governor must answer any questions."

"Although Yan Sima said, this official knows astronomy above and geography below, and knows people in the middle.

Understand yin and yang, understand gossip, know Qimen, and know Dunjia.

you don't care...

Any questions, this officer can answer you."

Wan Kuan was also a little drunk at this time, so his words were no longer hidden.

Then Yan Liben laughed when he heard it: "Captain, why did the boy urinate and the crab on Cui Gongzi ran away?"

"Yan Sima, you fool, that urine contains amino groups, which are alkaline.

If you pee, the crab will be stimulated and it will definitely loosen... the tongs."

"Then what does this have to do with children?"

"It has nothing to do with the boy, as long as it is urine, it doesn't matter whether it is a boy or not, this official is just to humiliate that ... Cui Gongzi."

Wan Kuan laughed.

Then Yan Liben heard it immediately.

I wrote it down, and then asked again: "Sir, why doesn't that iron nail rust when placed in the sea?"

"The iron nail contains chromium ions, and when the chromium ions come into contact with the air, a dense oxide film will be formed.

With this layer of oxide film wrapped around the steel, seawater, air, and water vapor cannot be touched at all.

Since it can't be touched, how can this steel rust?"

Then Yan Liben's eyes widened at this time, and he didn't look drunk at all.

He deliberately drank alcohol just now, in fact... he wanted to get Wan Kuan drunk, but he had already taken kudzu powder.

Fortunately, Wan Kuan didn't know that the Yan family's alcohol intake was very high, and Yan Liben was already prepared, so he was fooled.

But at this time Wan Kuan's answer made Yan Liben puzzled.

"Captain, what is an oxide film?"

"It's... oxides, it's... a film formed by the reaction of chromium ions with oxygen in the air.

Just like the clothes you wear, you are steel, and the clothes you wear are... oxide films, after you have this clothes.

You can shelter from the wind and rain.

Repel the cold and escape the heat.”

That Yan Liben was dubious, but he understood what Wan Kuan meant.

It is to put a layer of clothes on the steel, so the steel is not afraid of rusting.

It's just that the layer of clothes is tightly attached to the steel, and people outside can't see it.

Although Yan Liben didn't fully understand Wan Kuan's statement, he saw that Wan Kuan was already drunk at this time and should not lie to himself.

Then Yan Liben thought of this, and he simply didn't do it again and again, and asked all the questions in his heart.

"Captain, there are boats on the bow and stern of this sea-going ship, why do you have to put a layer of iron on it?"

"You're stupid, what if this ship encounters pirates on the sea? The pirates will hit us with the boat. Isn't it foolproof if we have iron plates?"

"There are no pirates on this vast sea"

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