"Yan Sima, you still know too little.

There are not only pirates, but more terrible enemies."

"Who is the enemy?"

"At that time, we will continue to transport rice from the South China Sea, which will shake the foundation of those aristocratic families.

Even if there are no pirates at that time, the family will invite people to be pirates and rob our ships.

So the ship has to explain."

Wan Kuan was drunk, but what he said was the truth.

Then Yan Liben also agreed with it after listening to it.

Nawan said with a broad tongue: "Cutting people's way of wealth is like killing one's parents.

Not to mention that when we ship rice from Nanyang... we broke the foundation of the family, and the family can do anything for the sake of the family's inheritance.

Don't say it's a pirate, at that time it is estimated that he will send someone to assassinate us."

Chapter 327

Then Yan Liben felt a little nervous after listening to Wan Kuan's words.

He had been obsessed with making things before, and he didn't know the cruelty of this world.

"Captain, since that's the case, what are we going to do now?"

"Not too much information can be leaked until our fleet is finished.

And when we have enough ships and hard enough, we will show it.

And we also have to put cannons on the boat, as long as someone gets close, they will shoot a few shells and kill him."

Wan Kuan was not hiding anything at this time, and said everything.

"Captain, what is a cannonball? I haven't heard of it yet."

"Cannonballs are...cannonballs. Steel is made of cannonballs and blasted out, and it can smash a small boat in one fell swoop."

"Ah, a cannonball-sized steel made of steel is very heavy, and no one has the strength to throw it out.

But the trebuchet will do."

"What kind of catapult? The sea is rough, and your catapult is not accurate. Of course, you have to use gunpowder."

"Governor of Gunpowder, you still know gunpowder"

"A master who knows what's so strange about gunpowder knows everything!"

That Yan Liben just set off a huge wave in his heart, he didn't expect this great governor to be so knowledgeable.

You must know that this gunpowder existed in the Eastern Han Dynasty and was trained by several Taoist priests.

It's just that gunpowder was difficult to prepare at that time, and its lethality was not too great.

What's even worse is that the configuration of gunpowder is too dangerous. A little carelessness will result in broken bones and tendons, so to this day, few people know about it.

However, Yan Liben knew that gunpowder from ancient books, and once the gunpowder was successfully configured, it would be very powerful.

Lighting gunpowder in the crowd, even an absolute master can't stop it.

Even if he was wearing armor, he would be seriously injured by the shock.

At this time, Wan Kuan said proudly: "As long as we make black powder, we don't care what kind of pirates they are, even if they are Turks, if an iron bullet is thrown at them, they can kill dozens of them."

"Ah, Commander, what kind of gunpowder is so powerful? The classics say that gunpowder can kill a few people at most, how can it kill dozens of people?"

"Hey! The gunpowder you have now is all yellow gunpowder, and it's not powerful enough...

If you use black powder, enough black powder can blow up a city wall, let alone kill people."

Then Yan Liben quickly covered his mouth after listening, because he heard a big secret today.

How can there be such a powerful gunpowder? Is this the means of the gods?

This chat with Wan Kuan is really shocking, Wan Kuan said too many things he didn't know.

"Captain, what is this black powder? You know the yellow powder."

"Black powder is...black powder, and gunpowder is...yellow powder.

"But the Governor, this gunpowder is all yellow, not black!"

"Then have you made black powder black?"

"But no one knows the formula of black gunpowder, and it's not recorded in books."

"Isn't this black powder just one sulfur two two nitrate three charcoal?"

"What Liu what sells what charcoal"

"One part sulfur, two parts saltpeter, and three parts charcoal.

Granulate this stuff so it explodes the best.

As long as you make it into black powder, it can blow up a... whale."

At this moment, Yan Liben's mouth was so open that he could almost swallow a cow. He wanted to get drunk and talk a little bit tonight, but he didn't expect such a shocking thing to happen.

Yan Liben's wrist trembled at this time, and a flame seemed to spew out of his heart.

Black gunpowder, black gunpowder, is there really such a powerful thing? Yan Liben was a little nervous for a while, he was sweating profusely, as if he knew some big secret.

At this moment, a sound came from outside the door.

"Master, it's getting late, Master, hurry up and go home, the two ladies are still waiting."

At this time, Wan Kuan was so drunk that he didn't seem to hear it, so he took another drink on his own.

And that Yan Liben breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and walked to the door to open the door.

Yan Liben looked at the little Laizi in front of him and said, "Hurry up and help the lord back, the lord is drunk."

The little rascal came in and took a look, with a bitter face, and then lifted Wan Kuan on his back.

"Master, why do you drink so much?"

That little Lai Zi was not tall, and Wan Kuan was only sixteen years old, but he was tall and big, and it was difficult for Little Lai Zi to support Wan Kuan.

However, Wan Kuan was only slightly drunk, but the whole person was......not really drunk.

Putting his arms on Xiao Laizi's shoulders, Wan Kuanshen walked towards his small courtyard with one foot shallow.

And seeing Wan Kuan leaving the office, Yan Liben's face showed a calm color.

The black gunpowder that Wan Kuan said just now has been deeply engraved in Yan Liben's heart.

Whether Wan Kuan lied to him or the truth, Yan Liben had to give it a try.

A little bit of black powder can blow dozens of people to shreds, Yan Li didn't even dare to think about it.

Could this be... the magic of the gods? When Yan Liben was a child, he saw with his own eyes the thunder that fell from the sky.

Since then, Yan Liben has a special respect for God.

At the same time, I am very interested in things like thunder and explosions.

When Yan Liben was a young man, he turned through countless ancient books to find the formula of yellow gunpowder. Of course, he also tried to do it, but it was always unsuccessful.

When he got older, Yan Liben gradually let go of his obsession with yellow gunpowder.

Who would have thought that after going round and round, today Yan Liben heard the news of black gunpowder in Wan Kuan's mouth.

And I heard Wan Kuan say that the black powder is many times more powerful than the yellow powder, and when it explodes, the pig iron can blow up for you alive.

This made Yan Liwen frightened after hearing it, but excited at the same time.

The black powder was so dangerous, but Yan Liben couldn't let go of his obsession.

Originally, the yellow gunpowder was... the Taoist who practiced Qi had no intention of practicing it in alchemy, and the black gunpowder was also spoken by Wan Kuan, a living immortal. Could it be that this gunpowder is... the means of the immortals in the sky and this Wan Kuan really Is it the reincarnation of an immortal? Yan Liben was a little unclear for a while, but he still decided to give it a try.

But Wan Kuan didn't know that the few words he said inadvertently after being drunk tonight could have such an impact on Yan Liben.

Chapter 328

After Wan Kuan was carried back to the yard by Xiao Laizi, he directly washed his face with cold water, and his whole body was barely awake.

Going back to his bedroom and lying on the bed, Wan Kuan began to sleep soundly.

Wan Kuan didn't snore at first, but after being drunk, he actually snored slightly.

At this time, Cui Yingying was wearing a gauze and sat beside Wan Kuan.

She looked worried, and with a sackcloth in her hand, wiped Wan Kuan's body.

After getting drunk, my whole body was hot, and in the sea breeze at night, Wankuan didn't cover anything, just left it open.

It was Cui Yingying who was worried that Wan Kuan would catch a cold, so she stayed by Wan Kuan's side and covered him with a quilt from time to time.

At this time, outside Wan Kuan's door, Wu Shun'er was also standing outside with a water basin. When she saw that Cui Yingying had entered, she felt a little disappointed.

Wu Shun'er sighed silently and turned to leave.

Previously, she had always thought that her relationship with Wan Kuan was the deepest. After all, the two had known each other for a long time, and they had already made a private lifelong relationship.

But Wu Shun'er didn't expect that Cui Yingying was also deeply in love with Wan Kuan, Wu Shun'er always thought that she was the best person in the world for Wan Kuan.

But after this period of time, Wu Shun'er found that Cui Yingying took care of Wan Kuan in every possible way.

Moreover, Cui Yingying's knowledge is more extensive than her own, and she can help Wankuan in some matters.

What's more important is that Cui Yingying is the daughter of the Cui family. With this status, Wu Shun'er can't compare in many things.

But what makes Wu Shun'er happy is that her husband has never despised her.

Between myself and Cui Yingying, I also try to get the rain and the dew evenly.

Wu Shun'er had nothing to complain about.

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