At this time, Wan Kuan felt that his body was hot, and the stamina of the wine began to rise.

This spirit is like this, when I just drank it, I felt light and cloudy, and the more I drank it, the more confused I became.

After drinking it, the stamina started to appear.

At this time, Wan Kuan's mouth was a little dry, and he closed his eyes without opening his eyes, so he just had to drink water.

Then Cui Yingying hurriedly poured a cup of warm tea for Wan Kuan, and Wan Kuan dazedly touched the cup and poured it directly.

A coolness flowed down the throat directly into the stomach, quenching the hotness in the stomach.

And Wan Kuan held the cup and shook his wrist, it seemed that he still wanted it.

Cui Yingying just poured water for Wan Kuan cup by cup. After Wan Kuan drank a few large cups, she felt a little more comfortable, and she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Cui Yingying wiped the sweat from Wan Kuan's forehead with her handkerchief, and Cui Yingying's cold little hand touched Wan Kuan's forehead, and Wan Kuan felt a sense of coolness.

Cui Yingying wiped Wan Kuan's sweat, but Wan Kuan held her wrist tightly.

Cui Yingying wanted to break free, but she didn't expect Wan Kuan's strength to be so strong.

Just when Cui Yingying was at a loss, what if she tried to pull Cui Yingying into her arms.

Wan Kuan put Cui Yingying in his arms, this feeling is really wonderful.

Cui Yingying was as cool as she was hugging a large piece of ice sculpture.

At this time, Cui Yingying struggled hard, but... she couldn't break free, how could this be, but Cui Yingying couldn't do anything about it, who is Wankuan's strength?

Wan Kuan hugged Cui Yingying just...don't let go, gradually, Wan Kuan also fell asleep, and the sound of heavy breathing came.

Cui Yingying knew that her husband was already asleep, so she could only sigh and let go of the handkerchief on her hand... She curled up in Wankuan's arms, resting her head on Wankuan's arms, closed her eyes and rested.

Cui Yingying's breathing sound was very light, gradually becoming longer, and the corners of her mouth were slightly upturned.

Although the two were a little rude at this time, Cui Yingying was still very happy.

But when Wan Kuan woke up the next day, he realized that his wife was actually in his arms.

And seeing Cui Yingying wearing gauze, it seemed like she had a hasty rest last night.

Wan loosely opened his arm, and suddenly felt a numbness in his arm.

Cui Yingying rested on her arm last night.

And when Wan Kuan moved, Cui Yingying also woke up leisurely.

"Husband, you wake up, drink some water."

Wan Kuan stared blankly, took the water glass, took a sip, and his mouth was indeed dry.

"Ma'am, my husband was drunk last night"

After hearing this, Cui Yingying wrinkled her cute little nose, "My husband was so drunk last night that he fell asleep in bed."

"You fell asleep in bed, then why are you in my arms"

Then Cui Yingying's face was a little red: "The husband also said that the concubine was pouring water for the husband, but the husband directly hugged the concubine in his arms, and the concubine couldn't break free."

After Wan Kuan heard this, he laughed twice, and then touched Cui Yingying's little face by the way.

"Maybe it's because the scent on the lady's body is too fragrant, and my husband found you following the scent."

That Cui Yingying took a sip at Wan Kuan, and then flew out like a butterfly.

Wan Kuan got up and stretched, and went out to see the blue sky and white clouds, another beautiful day.

As long as the shipbuilding progress is normal, Wan Kuan is in a good mood.

Watching the ship take shape little by little, and now the deck has been laid, Wan Kuan's heart surged with pride.

Sailing on the sea on this kind of wild beast-like ship, the feeling of... riding the wind and breaking the waves is really too exciting.

But what makes Wan Kuan a little strange is that, as the ship gradually took shape, Yan Liben... became a bit of a dragon.

She hides in a small house behind the dock all day and doesn't know what to do.

Wan Kuan once went to see him, but the boy was still in a panic and wouldn't let Wan Kuan in.

Wan Kuan was a little strange, but looking at Yan Liben's ashes, it didn't look like he was taking care of his little daughter-in-law.

Apart from...Jinwu Zangjiao, Wan Kuan can't figure out what else to hide.

Anyway... Wan Kuan doesn't have time to pay attention to him now, as long as the ship is good, Wan Kuan will have to go to sea.

Moreover, Wan Kuan had already written a letter to Li Xiaogong, the king of Hejian, and asked Li Xiaogong to transfer the group of... navy troops who had conquered the world for the Tang Dynasty.

As soon as the ship is in place, you have to quickly build your own team.

Those people were born in the water. Although they did not go out to sea many times, it is a natural talent to seek a life on the water.

As long as the two ships are in the water, Wan Kuan will immediately.

Let them go to the south, anyway... There are two sea-going ships explained in this way, as long as they don't encounter hurricanes, there is generally no problem.

You must know that ocean-going freighter shipping in later generations is simply... the transportation method with the largest volume of goods in the world.

The maritime civilization has gradually replaced the land civilization by relying on the advantages of ocean shipping.

Chapter 329

In addition to the straits, ocean transportation does not need to be bent, but can go straight.

Moreover, the ship can be built to be infinitely large, and the whole sea is a channel, so the volume of each shipment is much more than that of land transportation.

Especially for ocean transportation, it can also rely on the power of wind and ocean currents.

If the wind is down, it is simply too easy to do thousands of miles in a day.

And now the two ships are equipped with gimbal sails with a [-]-width design, which can also use the wind to move forward in a roundabout way.

However, wind and ocean currents alone are not enough, Wan Kuan has to add some power devices to this ship.

There are no steam engines and diesel engines now, so Wankuan directly uses manpower.

This manpower also has to be mechanically amplified. After all, how much power can only be achieved by a few people? How can it be able to move this [-]-pound wheel? Therefore, Wankuan has set up many winches, pulleys and levers to expand the power of people to Ultimate.

There are several oars made of iron plates on the bottom of each boat.

When power is needed, the crew hides at the bottom of the boat and uses the winch to swing the oars to make the boat go faster.

Of course, this is too physically exhausting, so the most commonly used power for this ship is wind and ocean currents.

Only in critical situations or when there is no wind at all, manpower should be used.

Watching the ship in front of them gradually take shape, the craftsmen began to paint the boards with oil.

After brushing it once, put the board in the sun by the sea, and then apply a layer after drying, which is not only explained, but also water-resistant.

Wan Kuan looked at the progress of the sea-going ship and felt that in three days, the ship would be ready to leave the dock.

At this time, Wan Kuan was in a good mood and planned to find Yan Liben for two drinks.

As long as the ship is built and the rice from Nanyang is brought back, all Wankuan's plans will begin to be laid out.

Wan Kuan walked towards Yan Liben's hut triumphantly, but just halfway there, he heard a roar.

With a thud, Wan Kuan felt a big earthquake under his feet.

At this time, Wan Kuan looked forward, and saw a thick smoke rising from Yan Liben's hut in front of him, and it seemed that the roof and walls had directly turned into ruins.

Wan Kuan's face showed a look of astonishment, what's the matter, what is Yan Liben doing?

Wan Kuan pinched his nose, smelling of sulfur.

Going forward, I saw a tattered and extremely miserable humanoid lying on the beach next to the house.

Yan Liben opened his mouth wide and looked at the humanoid on the ground in disbelief.

At this time, Yan Liben raised his head with black ashes on his face, and there were some bloodstains on his arms, which may have been cut by the wood chips from the explosion just now.

Wan Kuan's heart was full of doubts, but he still took Yan.

At this moment, Yan Liben's arms and legs were all exposed.

Wan Kuan looked at Yan Liben at this time, just like the beggars on the street, black mud breeds, his face is covered with black ashes, that is... a mouth can show two rows of white teeth.

"Yan Sima, you are..."

And Yan Liben looked at his current appearance, and his face was full of shame.

But at this time, his face was all black and gray, and his expression could not be seen.

Anyway... Wan Kuan saw that the corners of Yan Liben's mouth were drooping, with a sticky look on his head.

Wan Kuan smelled the smell in the air, and looked at the tragic state of Yan Liben's hut next to him, with a suspicious look on his face.

"Yan Sima, are you preparing black powder?"

"Ah, the Governor, the lower official, the lower official..."

Yan Liben stammered, unable to utter a whole sentence for a long time.

The whole person was very nervous and kept waving his hands, as if he didn't want to admit it.

At this time, Wan Kuan's eyes lit up: "Yan Sima, you can't deceive this official, there is the smell of sulfur in the air, and the smell of saltpeter, plus the loud noise just now, look at your current appearance, You must have accidentally dispensed black powder."

At this time, Wan Kuan was decisive, while Yan Liben sat on the sand with a plop.

"Captain, it's wrong to be a lowly position, please forgive me."

Wan Kuan couldn't react for a while, why did Yan Liben ask himself to blame him? Even if he accidentally configured black powder, it seems that he is not guilty, but it should be a good thing.

Wan Kuan looked at Yan Liben, who was sitting on the ground in a panic, and looked at the ruins next to him.

At this time, the craftsmen in the dock also heard the sound and ran over. When everyone saw the scene in front of them, they didn't know what happened.

Everyone saw that Yan Liben was in ragged clothes and described as withered, and there was a look of fear in everyone's eyes.

Then Yan Liben was also Ai Ai at this time, and he didn't know what to say.

Wan Kuan saw this situation, it was a little troublesome, or if he explained it clearly, the heart of the craftsman would not be able to settle down.

Wan Kuan had an idea, and his head turned sharply, immediately.

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