Wan Kuan put his arms around the waists of his two wives and entered the courtyard directly, while Yan Liben was assigned to another house.

He still had some lingering fears at this time, the power of the black powder explosion just now was really too great, this was the most powerful time since he deployed the black powder.

Then Yan Liben was full of fear at this time, and he still had admiration for Wan Kuan.

I didn't expect that the powerful black powder that Wan Kuan said really existed.

And Yan Liben's heart was up and down, and Wan Kuan was very happy in his heart.

As soon as I came to Datang, I wanted to study black gunpowder, which is a proper black technology.

It's just that the configuration of black powder is too cumbersome and dangerous, Wan Kuan is very clear.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, so he has never done such a thing.

Unexpectedly, the few words he accidentally said after drinking opened Yan Liben's thoughts.

Unexpectedly, he was really confused, and he fiddled with black powder.

In this way, wouldn't it be a god-sent opportunity and from now on, Yan Liben will no longer be responsible for the construction of the sea-going ship, he only needs to fix the formula of black powder wholeheartedly.

In addition to the formula, the size of the black powder particles and the weight of each package must be carefully studied.

Wan Kuan specially built another small yard for Yan Liben in a remote part of the beach.

Anyone who wants to speak up, anyway... Wan Kuan is... fully cooperate.

As long as black powder can be made, Wankuan will cooperate [-]%.

With the partnership, the weapon in Wan Kuan's hand has an additional layer.

Wan Kuan gave Yan Liben the greatest degree of freedom, but as a result, Yan Liben was out of control when he studied it, and there would be thunder and loud noises on the beach every few seconds.

However, these ...... loud noises have been put off by Wan Kuan's usage, and over time, everyone is no longer uncommon.

They all regarded Wan Kuan as a god in the sky, and from time to time they invited the public to come down and say a few words.

However, the few times Wan Kuan and Lei Gong were careful, they were all at the seaside, so when Lei Gong fell, most of them were also at the seaside, but it didn't hurt anyone else.

If something happens again and again, everyone will become accustomed to it.

And this kind of news spread out, it just added a bit of bargaining chip to Wan Kuan's identity as an immortal.

The people of Chang'an City have long been surprised when they heard this kind of news. Wan Kuan is the reincarnation of an immortal. Isn't it normal to talk with immortal friends? Today is Dragon King, tomorrow is Lei Gong, and the day after tomorrow is Electron Mother In a few years, the Jade Emperor, the Empress and the Empress will be able to come out.

The people of Chang'an City are used to it, and the officials of Chang'an City have no time to pay attention to such rumors, because the official business of the imperial court has been very busy recently.

Whether it is the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Households, or the Ministry of War, they are all in a hurry to handle official business.

Some experienced senior officials could see at a glance that the court had something big to do.

Under this situation, no one cared about Wan Kuan's disturbance in Hebei.

Even Li Chengqian, who has been tracking the news of Wan Kuan, has recently focused his energy on the court.

After all, as the prince of Datang, Datang wants to use foreign troops, and he is also very concerned about it.

After all, if the Tang Dynasty wins this battle, it can be completely proud.

Being a prince of a prosperous dynasty is much better than being a prince of a submissive dynasty.

And here, only two people are still staring at Wan Kuan in Hebei, one is... Li Yuan, who lives in seclusion in the deep palace.

After the letter was sent last time, it was calm, Wan Kuan didn't say anything, and he didn't make much movement in Hebei.

Although this is normal in Li Yuan's view, Li Yuan is also thinking about when this Wan Kuan will be able to give Li Shimin a fatal blow.

And another one who pays close attention to Wan Kuan is Changsun Wuji.

Changsun Wuji has been very curious about Wan Kuan's life experience since he figured out some things last time.

There are very few dignitaries surnamed Wan in this city of Chang'an, almost none.

This Wan Kuan seemed to be born out of nowhere, and was directly promoted by Li Shimin to become a third-rank officer.

Before becoming an official, the biggest thing that Wan Kuan did was to open a restaurant called Wan Fu Lou.

And the original owner of this restaurant was Qin Qiong, and now Qin Qiong is taking office in Hebei with Wan Kuan. There are too many things in it.

Changsun Wuji felt that he should sort out well.

Zhangsun Wuji is a thoughtful man, never believing in coincidences.

Before that, he had been suppressed by Wan Kuan and was at a disadvantage, maybe because he was a little nervous and didn't notice Wan Kuan's identity.

Thinking about it now, Wan Kuan's identity is really suspicious.

There are almost no honors and honors surnamed Wan in Chang'an City, and Li Shimin's favorite concubine also does not have the surname Wan.

What is even more terrifying is that as soon as this Wan Kuan appeared in Chang'an City, he took the Wanfu Building from Qin Qiong's hands.

You must know that Wanfu Building was originally Qin Qiong's shop, and Qin Qiong did not intend to sell it.

But in the end Qin Qiong was sold to Wan Kuan, which is really hard to fathom.

And then Wan Kuan was suddenly granted a third-rank official by His Majesty. Although he was only a general, he was also a real third-rank official.

At the same time, Wan Kuan's name began to spread in Chang'an City.

Afterwards, Wan Kuan performed his meritorious service, and his official position rose higher and higher, and was finally directly classified by His Majesty as the Marquis of Chixian.

And Chi Xian happened to be in Hebei, Changsun Wuji felt that when His Majesty made Wan Kuan the Marquis of Chi County, he planned to send Wan Kuan to Hebei.

Until this time, Changsun Wuji felt that the current emperor is a meticulous person who takes one step at a time and sees three steps.

In fact, what eluded Zhangsun Wuji the most was why His Majesty appointed Wan Kuan an official position as the Grand Governor of Hebei.

Chapter 332

Everyone who is a courtier knows that the official position of the Grand Governor is really too big, and it is equivalent to saying that it is the pinnacle of the top officials in the frontier.

If Wan Kuan is willing, he can turn Hebei into his own territory.

Others don't know where Hebei is, but Changsun Wuji knows too well.

In order to take back Hebei, Datang made countless efforts, and even Luo Shixin, the current emperor's love, died in Hebei.

Hebei, which was obtained only after all the difficulties and dangers, how could it be so easy to give it to a young yellow-haired boy? Before, the eldest grandson Wuji only knew that the present His Majesty favored Wan Kuan, but now that he thought about it carefully, he realized that the present His Majesty was fond of Wan Kuan. Doting has reached the extremity of human officials.

From ancient times to the present, it seems that no minister has been so favored by the emperor.

Unless the emperor at that time was stupid, but the emperor today is extremely wise and definitely not a stupid emperor, how could he be so fond of a courtier who doesn't know his origin? Zhangsun Wuji is very suspicious of Wan Kuan's identity. The Holy One absolutely knows.

To make the current emperor so favor and trust him, Changsun Wuji must figure out this secret.

Otherwise, he would have trouble sleeping and eating.

And now there are too many mysteries surrounding Wan Kuan, the most strange thing is... Wan Kuan is actually involved with the Emperor Taishang.

However, Zhangsun Wuji thinks that the Emperor Taishang is... a clue to investigate the case. If you know why the Emperor Taishang has a relationship with Wan Kuan, then Wan Kuan's identity may be exposed. .

So Zhangsun Wuji secretly let his subordinates stare at the old guy Pei Ji, everyone knew that Pei Ji was the eyes and ears of the Emperor Taishang outside the palace.

The reason why His Majesty doesn't move Pei Ji today is because he feels that this old thing can't find any waves.

Changsun Wuji knew that Li Shimin's mind was now all about fighting the Turks, so he could take the opportunity to investigate.

Anyway... Unless Wan Kuan's identity is investigated, Changsun Wuji is not able to eat or sleep well.

Li Shimin also suffers from poor food and sleep.

Although his self-confidence is extremely strong, he is still a little uneasy in the face of such a war.

And today, Wan Kuan sent a box of things from Hebei Kuaima. This box of things made Li Shimin a little uneasy.

That's fine, why did Wan Kuan give him something? Li Shimin didn't know what medicine was sold in Wan Kuan's gourd.

And Empress Changsun was also very strange, for some reason, after reading the letter from Wan Kuan Kuan, Li Shimin became confused, as if he had been struck by evil.

His Majesty, what Kuan'er said in his heart, that Empress Changsun's words did not seem to wake up Li Shimin.

Li Shimin was still there: in a daze, the whole person was like a wooden sculpture, sitting on the bed of the Ganlu Hall.

Empress Zhangsun couldn't help but feel anxious, and couldn't help but put her hand on Li Shimin's wrist.

"Your Majesty, what happened, what did Kuan'er say?"

Empress Changsun was also in a hurry. After all, this was something sent by her own son. As a result, Li Shimin looked like this after reading it. How could Empress Changsun not be in a hurry? At this time, Li Shimin suddenly reacted, and he was dumbfounded. look.

"Guanyin maid, do you believe that there is Lord Lei in this world?"

After hearing that, Empress Changsun was a little confused, but Empress Changsun was also very smart, and she immediately understood what Li Shimin was talking about.

"Your Majesty, is there another rumor in Hebei that Kuan'er and Lei Gong's reminiscences have attracted thunderstorms? This is just the words of those... ignorant people, Kuan'er is... you and me. The son of the two, how could he be the reincarnation of an immortal?"

And Li Shimin came back to his senses after listening to Empress Changsun's words.

"Guanyin maid, I don't believe there is anything about Lei Gong, but this Kuan'er said that he packed Lei Gong's thunderbolt in this box and sent it to me."

"What Thunder God's Thunder"

Empress Changsun was also a little rude.

"Guanyin maid, it is... Kuan'er was in Hebei with Lei Gong reminiscing the old days and led to thunder.

Kuan'er said that the thunder was stored in this box by him, and he sent it to me specially."

"Your Majesty, this Kuan'er is really nonsense. He thinks, Your Majesty, that you are the stupid Emperor? He can also tell such a lie."

"No, no.

Guanyin maid, this Kuan'er has never been a fool, and now the situation in Hebei is not stable, Kuan'er will not be a fool, he must have his reasons for writing this letter."

"If that's the case, why don't your majesty open the box and take a look?"

Li Shimin nodded after hearing this, and then directly opened the small wooden box in front of him.

After opening the box, Li Shimin and Empress Zhangsun went directly to it.

I saw that the box was covered with a layer of straw, a piece of yellow paper was dragged on the straw, and three blackened iron lumps were placed on the yellow paper.

"Your Majesty, this is the thunder that Kuan'er said"

"Probably, Kuan'er said that he stored the thunder in the iron, and these three 3 iron lumps may be... the iron that contained the thunder."

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