"But Your Majesty, look at these three 3-iron lumps, there is still a thread, what is this?"

"Guanyin maid, Kuan'er said that the wire is used to detonate thunder."

"This thunderbolt usually doesn't make a sound when placed in the iron, but if you want to start a thunderbolt, you will use fire to ignite three lead wires.

When the lead is burnt out, the thunder will explode."

"Your Majesty, this Kuan'er is too nonsense.

Empress Zhangsun sighed at this time:"

What kind of thunder, his tricks, to deceive those...the common people, does Kuan'er think that he can deceive His Majesty?" "But Guanyin maid, Kuan'er's letter is eloquent.

He said that if you don't believe me, you can try it, but you must be careful when you try it, not in the palace."

"Your Majesty, how on earth are you trying to ignite that lead?"

"Yeah, that's...that's how it works.

Kuan Er said to set the lead on fire, find an open place, preferably by the lake, and throw the iron tool into the lake, which is the safest."

"What would happen if the thunder exploded?"

"This letter says that if the thunder is detonated, it will rumble like a thunder in the sky, the whole earth will shake, and it will push the things around the thunder out.

The sound of thunder is only for a moment, and everything near the thunder will be blown to powder by the thunder."

After Empress Zhangsun heard this, a smile appeared on her face.

"Your Majesty, is this Kuan'er afraid that you and I will be a little bored in the palace, so he deliberately told a joke to the two of us?"

"Guanyin maid, Kuan'er is not such a ignorant person.

Now the situation in Hebei is not optimistic, and the entire Tang Dynasty is so busy, it is impossible for Kuan'er to do this kind of thing."

Chapter 333

Li Shimin and Empress Changsun also didn't know what medicine was sold in the Wankuan gourd. After a while, Empress Changsun became enlightened.

"Perhaps Kuan'er knows that Your Majesty is unwilling to eat and can't sleep at night, so he wrote a letter to amuse His Majesty."

"If this stinky boy is so filial, then I am really happy.

Every time I talk to that stinky brat, he gets mad at him, and if he can make me happy, the sun will really come out from the west."

After hearing this, Queen Changsun's eyes lit up: "Your Majesty, do you think these three thunderbolts are like fireworks?

If it is ignited, it will be extremely splendid, but it looks like...and it can also join in the fun."

At this moment, Li Shimin rolled his eyes, and then said eagerly: "Guanyin maid, why don't we order one to try.

""Your Majesty, then try it, since this is also Kuan'er's painstaking effort."

The Empress Changsun and Li Shimin were both eager to try, and when they encountered such a thing, even the Emperor and Empress of the Tang Dynasty couldn't help their curiosity.

What kind of thunder in the sky, the two did not believe it.

It's just that even if it's not a thunderbolt, it's definitely a novelty. Is there not much novelty in Wan Kuan's hands? Although Li Shimin and Empress Zhangsun are expensive emperors and empresses, they are quite curious when they encounter novel things. Anyway... Datang's affairs are too busy now, and they think it's good to have a funny thing to make themselves happy.

Although Wan Kuan had explained that it could not be lit in the palace, Li Shimin didn't think so.

What kind of thunder can have such great power, and anything within five feet will be turned into powder.

There is nothing so powerful, even the thunder that falls from the sky is not so powerful.

And there is just a small lake in the apse of the palace, next to... Li Yuan's Linhu Palace, since Wan Kuan said that it is safest to throw it into the water, it is next to the Linhu Palace.

After Li Shimin and Empress Changsun saw that the sun was in the west, they walked to the lake with their guards. Li Yuan had been drinking and having fun in Linhu Hall, while Li Shimin was on the other side of the lake, so it was not a disturbance.

And the old eunuch Fu Lai next to Li Shimin was holding the box. The old eunuch didn't know what he reported, but it wasn't very heavy.

After reaching the lake, Li Shimin didn't do anything, he was just watching the fun, he just let others set it on fire.

Li Shimin asked the commander of the guards around him to take out a thunderbolt from the box, then let the commander of the guards ignite the lead with a fire stick and throw it into the lake.

Although the leader of the guards was puzzled, it was the emperor's order after all, and they followed suit.

I saw that... the commander of the guards with a beard, grabbed a cantaloupe-sized thunderbolt, and looked at the pattern of the iron on it, feeling a little strange, I had never seen this thing before.

But he didn't hesitate, he took out the huo zhezi from his arms, and opened the lead wire that let the flames of the huo zhezi ignite the thunder.

As a result, the insidious fire ignited, and the guards threw them towards the middle of the lake with all their strength.

In front of Li Shimin, he finally had a chance to perform. The guards were so energetic that the thunderbolt was thrown directly into the middle of the lake.

Li Shimin and Empress Zhangsun were staring at the calm lake, and then they looked at each other.

What kind of thunder is this? The guards and eunuchs who were standing beside Li Shimin didn't make a sound at all, and they couldn't make up their minds. Why didn't you get on the boat and threw an iron lump into the lake when you came to the lake? When everyone was surprised, a loud bang suddenly appeared in everyone's ears.

This sound was like thunder, but it was a little heavier than the sound of thunder.

What was even more terrifying was that Li Shimin felt that the ground under his feet shook, and then he saw countless water splashes suddenly in the middle of the lake, and there was a water column four or five feet high in the middle.

Everyone was shocked at this time, and the old eunuch Fu Lai sat directly on the ground.

The bearded commander of the guard next to him was also full of fear, and it took a moment for him to react, seeing him pulling out his knife and pressing it directly in front of Li Shimin.

"Who has assassins, fast, there are assassins."

Li Shimin also opened his mouth at this time. He has never been so surprised since he was born.

What happened just now? It was the one that was thrown in... Did the thunder explode? Empress Zhangsun was covering her ears with both hands. The loud noise just now made her ears ringing.

After a long time, everyone calmed down. At this time, the whole lake was calm again, but there were many dead fish with their stomachs turned on the lake.

Li Shimin shook his head, he was not dreaming, the thunder that he threw just now really exploded.

At this time, Fulai stood up tremblingly, but his pants were already wet.

And Li Shimin swallowed and looked at Empress Changsun next to him.

"Guanyin maid, what Kuan'er said about the thunder is true."

The Empress Changsun was also dumbfounded at this time, and she could only nod her head blankly, the surprise in her heart was inexplicable.

At this moment, there was a riot in the entire palace behind everyone.

The loud noise just now was heard by everyone.

That Li Yuan was drinking and having fun in Linhu Hall, and since his abdication, his daily life has been like this.

But just as he was squinting to watch the song and dance, there was a sudden loud noise, and the entire Linhu Hall shook twice.

The loud noise frightened the singers who...danced, all fled in embarrassment, and some people directly hid under several cases.

And Li Yuan was shaken a little bit, and the old eunuch beside him shouted: "The earth dragon has turned over, the earth dragon has turned over, come and protect the Emperor Taishang."

It's just that after a large number of guards guarded the Emperor Taishang, everything returned to calm, but everyone's tinnitus was still there.

And the whole palace heard this loud noise, those... timid eunuchs and palace maids thought that the sky was falling, and there were little palace maids and little eunuchs fleeing in embarrassment everywhere in the palace.

At this time, Li Tai rubbed his sleepy eyes and stared at him.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a panicked eunuch in front of him.

Princess Changle and Princess Wencheng were chatting privately in Changxin Palace, but a loud noise came, and the two little girls shivered with fear.

The two hugged each other, not knowing what happened. At this time, Li Chengqian of the East Palace was splashing ink. Li Shimin liked calligraphy the most, and Li Chengqian also planned to practice.

As a result, there was a loud noise, and Li Chengqian threw the brush in his hand and sat on the futon.

Chapter 334

At this time, there was chaos in the East Palace.

Those around Li Chengqian... The little eunuch didn't care about Li Chengqian at this time, they were all screaming and shouting, and a group of people ran out of the palace gate regardless of their lives.

And because of this loud noise, the chaos in the palace was turned upside down.

All the seventy-two concubines 72 of Li Shimin's three palaces and six courtyards were so frightened that they cried and went directly to the lake to find Li Shimin and cry.

And a group of people surrounded Li Shimin, the cry was so loud that Li Shimin was also upset.

"Okay, don't panic, isn't it just a loud bang?

Li Shimin shouted loudly.

But after hearing this, everyone was even more worried. When will thunder come down to earth this day is auspicious, isn't it a punishment? "You... ignorant people, this is sent by Wan Kuan, the governor of Hebei. Thunder.

It was Duke Lei who felt the peace in the world and presented him with a few thunderbolts.

Just now, I accidentally opened one to make this sound, so please disperse quickly, don't cry here."

Li Shimin was so annoyed that he directly let people blast these people away.

Go back to your home, what to do.

As for Li Shimin's rhetoric, everyone will be suspicious.

The fact that Wan Kuan sent Thunder into the capital did not cause much disturbance. On the one hand, Li Shimin deliberately suppressed it, and on the other hand, many people did not believe that Thunder could survive.

The loud noise inside the palace was naturally heard clearly by the people in the palace, but the people outside the palace didn't know it.

After all, seeing is believing, but hearing is false. If you haven't seen it with your own eyes, you just don't believe how the thunder in the sky could blow up the lake and kill all the fish in the lake. How could it be possible that those... ...... People who have never heard the sound and have never seen the explosion naturally don't believe it.

But after all, the reincarnation of the immortal Wan Kuan is too big, and those...people are all suspicious.

But those officials just took it as a joke, they thought it was a little trick that Wan Kuan spread again.

After all, he was already in Hebei, too far away from Li Shimin.

If a favored minister wants to maintain the emperor's trust in himself, he must constantly create a sense of presence.

So Wan Kuan made a little gimmick to make the emperor happy, everyone can understand.

After all, everyone depends on the emperor for food.

All the civil and military officials thought it was nonsense, but Li Shimin called Li Jing, Li Daozong and other generals for a meeting overnight at the Liangyi Hall.

This time there was not a single civil servant at the meeting, all were military generals, and I didn't know what was important.

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