After listening to that, Yan Liben smirked and scratched his head, and muttered in his mouth: "The Governor is not our craftsman, and I don't know the meaning of this ship.

The fact that we can create this ship in our lifetime is enough to console our ancestors."

Wan Kuan looked at Yan Liben with slanted eyes: "Yan Sima, what you said is wrong, this official is from a high-ranking prison, how can you say that you are not a craftsman? The reason why this official does not dance like you is because this official is Take it easy."

Wan Kuan smiled secretly, he was the man who wanted to be the Pirate King.

Chapter 336

Yan Liben looked at Wan Kuan in awe at this time, as if he was looking up at a god.

Wan Kuan raised his chin, looked into the distance, and said slowly in his mouth.

"This sea vessel is the first step. By then, this officer's fleet will have more than ten such sea vessels.

At that time, the entire Hebei will have to be changed by this fleet.

The people of Hebei have plenty of food and clothing, and Hebei not only does not need the imperial court to allocate a grain of rice, but also contributes countless grains to the imperial court.”

Then Yan Liben didn't feel a little dazed listening to Wan Kuan's rhetoric.

The gap between these people is indeed very large, and Yan Liben has already become a little overwhelmed with a sea-going ship, but the young governor in front of him has far-reaching strategies, no wonder he can become a second-rank official at a young age.

And Wan Kuan still has some things to say. He not only... wants to turn the entire Hebei into his own territory, he also wants to hold the entire Tang Dynasty in his hands, and he will not know the land outside the Tang Dynasty. let go.

Everything you can see is mine, and everything you can't see is mine.

"Most governors have a broad mind, and lower officials are ashamed of themselves, ashamed and ashamed."

Yan Liben said with emotion.

"You don't have to be ashamed, get the fleet things right, and as long as the grain is continuously transported to Hebei, Hebei will become a treasure on earth.

In the past few days, plastics from Hebei should also be shipped to Guanzhong, I wonder if the people in this customs will buy it."

Wan Kuan's eyes were blurred and he looked west.

When Yan Liben heard it, he immediately.

Haha laughed and said, "Don't worry about the Governor, that plastic is just... a divine object.

It is light and does not leak, and the price is so low, whoever does not buy this kind of thing is a fool."

Are there many fools in this world? In fact, there are not many fools, but there are quite a few people who make themselves smart.

But the smarter you are, the more you know how to buy cheap stuff.

There is something wrong with Chang'an City recently, and the business in the east and west markets is more popular than before.

In the past, the east market bought sundries, and the west market bought things of the Hu people.

But these two days, the East Market and the West Market are all selling one thing, that is plastic.

The people of Chang'an City think they are the emperor's feet, they have eaten and seen it, but none of them have seen plastic.

Don't say I've seen it before, I've never even heard of it, what the heck is this translucent little thing? Many people pick it up and touch it, it's pretty solid, but it's too light in weight.

At this moment, the... potbellied shopkeeper came out directly, holding his stomach, holding a light green plastic basin in which was a basin of clear water.

Then the shopkeeper with a big belly put the water basin on the ground and washed his hands by himself.

After washing my hands, I washed my face again, and finally wiped it with a rag, then turned around and splashed the water in the basin on the ground.

It was only at this time that everyone realized that this plastic basin was really used as a basin.

After washing his face, the shopkeeper came out with a plastic bench.

The small bench was put on the ground, and the fat body of the shopkeeper sat on it.

Don't look at that plastic bench is not big, the shopkeeper didn't break when he sat on it.

"Come on, take a look, Hebei is coming! The treasure that the great governor of Hebei, Lord Wan, begged for.

Pass by, don't miss it!"

The shopkeeper shouted, and the colorful plastic car was so pricked up again. At this time, it had already been surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside.

"Shopkeeper, what is this plastic?"

"This plastic is a treasure that the Great Governor of Hebei Province, Wan Dashen, begged from the gods. It is light, durable, and impermeable to water.

See the green plastic basin, the red plastic vial, the white plastic bowl, and the red plastic stool."

The shopkeeper stood up, raised the stool under his buttocks, and patted it twice with his palm, making a loud bang.

"Shopkeeper, what kind of basins, bowls, etc. are these?"

"Exactly, it's the same as the bottles and jars in your hometown, but it's made of plastic, so it's very light."

"Is the plastic of the shopkeeper really strong?"

"Is it solid?"

The shopkeeper curled his lips, put the plastic stool on the ground, and grabbed the old farmer who was asking the question.

"Hey! The shopkeeper, you can't do it if you can't make a deal!"

"Whoever did it today will open your eyes and give it a try!"

As soon as the shopkeeper's hands pressed down, the old farmer was pressed down on the plastic bench.

The old peasant sat directly on the plastic stool, he swayed, the stool with four 44: corners was firm, and there was no... shaky feeling.

"Did you guys see this... The fellows sat down and didn't move, isn't that strong enough?"

The old farmer was sitting on the plastic stool and twisting his butt, looking very curious.

And the people on the side have already begun to whisper.

"Seeing that the big brother didn't sit on it, the plastic stool wasn't broken."

Look at this plastic so thin, it shouldn't be so strong.

"But this plastic's pretty, much prettier than our wooden tubs and iron buckets.

"At this time, the shopkeeper heard a lot of discussion, and without ink, he directly took out a red plastic bucket from the car.

The fat shopkeeper filled the plastic with water, and with a thud, the plastic bucket was placed on the ground.

Everyone looked inside at this time, and the bucket was full of water, and it was still swaying.

"Who dares to say that plastic is not strong, look at this plastic tube."

The shopkeeper kicked him twice.

"Who dares to say that plastic is not strong, pick up such a big bucket of water and go away."

The shopkeeper led the plastic bucket and walked a few steps, then put it next to the old farmer.

The old peasant stood up from the plastic stool, walked to the side again, and carried the plastic bucket, which was indeed a big bucket full of water.

This red plastic bucket does not look thick, the handle is made of iron wire, and there is a plastic handguard on it.

The old peasant picked it up a few times and nodded: "This plastic bucket is indeed quite sturdy."

The shopkeeper was delighted, and then slapped the old farmer on the shoulder.

"This... brother is right, this plastic is the treasure that the great gods begged from the gods.

If anyone dares to make irresponsible remarks, be careful that a thunderstorm will kill you."

"Alas! Treasurer, stop talking nonsense.

Then the great immortals are in Hebei, and this thunder can't hit us here."

"That's right... if the great immortals want that thunder, they will smash the Turks in the north."

For a time, everyone laughed.

The shopkeeper spat fiercely: "You group of scoundrels, you dare to question the Great Immortal Wan, maybe two months later, the Great Immortal Wan really hacked the Turks.

Let's see what you have to say."

Chapter 337

The fat shopkeeper said cruel words, and the group of people burst into laughter.

And the shopkeeper directly picked up the bucket, and with his hands, he poured the water in the bucket around.

Those onlookers were so frightened that they quickly backed away, and the water splashed on the yellow earth and splashed everyone else.

"Hey, what are you doing, the shopkeeper, if you don't do business well, why are you going crazy?"

The chubby shopkeeper waved his hand impatiently: "I won't write with you anymore, this plastic was shipped from Hebei.

If it wasn't for Master Wan from Chang'an, please be considerate of the people of Chang'an.

Otherwise, this plastic will be sold out in Hebei, how can it be our Chang'an people's turn to buy it, buy it quickly, and don't buy it away!"

"The shopkeeper, you're.... Tell me about the price."

After hearing this, the shopkeeper with the big belly waved his hands again and again: "Aiya! Dear fellow villagers, I'm sorry, but the shopkeeper feels comfortable.

The green plastic pot is two cents a cent, a plastic bowl is a cent a cent, and a red plastic bucket is three cents a cent.

This plastic stool is also three cents apiece."

"What's so cheap"

"Impossible, our family's broken five, wooden pots cost three or four cents. As for the money, your pot is only two cents."

"Yeah, we just bought the tin bucket in our house last month, but it cost me seven cents, and you only want three cents."

"It's..., and the... small bench you said.

We have wood in our house, we make one ourselves, and the wood alone is more than 3 cents and [-] cents."

"The shopkeeper, are you joking?"

When the pot-bellied shopkeeper heard this, his eyes widened.

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