"Who is joking with you, at this price, if you want to buy it, buy it quickly, or leave if you don't.

Let me tell you, if you don't buy it, I'll pull it down to Lantian County, Wannian County, and see if the people there buy it."

When the shopkeeper said this, everyone panicked.

"Buy! Why don't you buy the one... the tub is dead.

Yesterday I asked the second girl to fetch me a basin of water, but she couldn't bring it in."

"That's not it! The iron bucket of my house fell to the ground yesterday, and one corner was smashed.

This plastic bucket doesn't look like it will collapse."

"This plastic bowl is not bad. Yesterday I bought a large ceramic bowl in Dongshi, and it cost me three cents and three cents."

The shopkeeper was triumphant at this time, and clapped his hands on his fat stomach, and his fingers kept beating, as if he was beating a drum.

"Well, let me tell you, today's plastic is just one car, first-come first-served, and it's gone when sold out."

As soon as the shopkeeper's remarks came out, the people who...the onlookers couldn't bear it any longer.

Those with quick hands and feet immediately took out the copper coins from the sleeves.

Buy it when you come up, those who are slow to respond are still waiting and watching, but in the blink of an eye, half of that car of plastic has been sold.

Only at this point did they relax, and then rushed inside to drag the copper coins out to buy them.

And the shopkeeper's hands were not idle either.

Quickly called two clever subtotals.

The two young men also used two people as four people.

Receiving money, taking things, the scene is very chaotic.

But fortunately, the plastic color is different, you can know what you are buying by looking at the color.

The green ones are the basins, the white ones are the bowls, and the red ones are the buckets and benches.

The color is the same, and the price is the same, so you can see how much they want by looking at the color.

The plastic booth was surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside, and people outside could not squeeze in at all.

And when they finally squeezed in, only to find that the car of plastic was already sold out.

At this time, the shopkeeper was squatting on the ground, counting the coins one by one, and the person who didn't buy it just started to beat his chest.

The big-bellied shopkeeper raised his eyes: "Who told you to be slow, this is a good treasure, you can't grab it when you meet it, you can't buy it, it's your own fault."

"The shopkeeper, when will you get another car?"

"Get another truck and you will treat the plastic as the weeds in the field. It's a treasure shipped from Hebei. If Mr. Wan was from Guanzhong and took care of our fellow Guanzhong villagers, the plastic would have been robbed by the Hebei people long ago. already."

"Then what the Hebei people are robbing, we are the emperor's feet and the capital.

Those people in Hebei are suffering haha, what qualifications do they have to rob?"

"Hey! That's what you said.

Now that Lord Wan is the governor of Hebei, if there is any good thing, people have to stick to Hebei first.

In front of the governor of Hebei, they have to worry about the people of Chang'an, what do you think?"

The man also sighed after hearing this: "This is also your majesty, this great immortal is so good, why would it be better for him to go to Hebei and stay in Chang'an City, otherwise all the plastic is ours."

"Okay, let's hurry up next time, the Hebei plastic workshops are all open, maybe they will be sold again in a few days.

Then you have to be smart, don't... stand outside like today, and you won't even be able to eat hot shit."

"Hey, how can you curse people like the shopkeeper?"

"Whoever scolds someone is saying this.

It's alright, I'll stop talking nonsense with you, and withdraw the stall."

The shopkeeper took two lads and pushed the car away, and those... who didn't buy plastic looked bitter.

If I didn't get a good thing like plastic, it's a waste of time to go to the market today.

Such scenes frequently appeared in the east and west markets of Chang'an City, as well as stalls in various square markets.

Plastic basins and plastic buckets have become a must-have item in the mouths of the people of Chang'an these two days.

Everyone knows that plastic is easy to use, and the bulky wooden tubs and iron buckets at home should have been thrown away long ago.

The plastic basin is connected to water, and the little doll can carry it.

That... the tub was so dead that the little doll couldn't even lift it without water.

Don't talk about the iron bucket, put it on the ground with a bang, and don't dare to let go, as soon as you let go, it will be... a hole.

Don't hit your foot, you'll cry if you hit it.

This plastic is much better, very light, even if it hits the foot, it doesn't hurt.

People who have used plastic find it very convenient, and even the crew on the Dengzhou seaboard find it very convenient.

This deck has to be cleaned every day, throwing plastic buckets into the sea with ropes, and pouring up a bucket of water to wipe them and then throw them away, which is much more convenient than wooden buckets and iron buckets.

Then Yan Liben looked at the plastic barrels full of boats, not only facing Wan Kuan but also... flattering.

"Captain, this plastic is really good stuff.

It won't rust, and it's so light."

"Of course it's a good thing, but this official has worked so hard to make it."

"Captain, isn't it rumored that the plastic is from the gods?"

"The secret recipe is asked for, and it is not hard to have the secret recipe"

"Yes, yes, most of the Governors have worked really hard.

But Commander, why is the color of the plastic different?"

"Different colors are... different pigments are added to them."

Chapter 338

Yan Liben can always hear some novel words from Wan Kuan's mouth, and Yan Liben always likes to ask questions to the end.

"O Governor, what is a pigment?"

"Okay, I told you that you don't know, hurry into the cabin and see where the ship is going"

Yan Liben was directly kicked away by Wan Kuan, this Yan Liben asked him to death when he got the chance, how did the pigment explain to him that the green one was the true color of Eucommia eucommia juice, the white one had lime powder added to it, but the red one had some dots added to it. Hawthorn red.

The reason why Wankuan uses different colors is that it is convenient to sell.

A color, a price, as long as you are not colorblind, you can calculate it.

This Yan Liben asked nonsense about everything, and asked Wan Kuan to be annoyed and sent him away.

At this time, the ship was sailing smoothly, and Wan Kuan looked at the rough sea on both sides.

There is no reference at sea, and I don't know how fast the boat is going.

However, this problem is not difficult for those sailors who often go out to sea, through the direction of the sun in the sky and the position of the ocean current, they can clearly distinguish where the ship is at this time.

It's the same with the Shanghai map.

"Captain, we are now only an hour away from Penglai."

"Hurry up and add to the fastest, this officer wants to see how fast this ship is."

"Captain, this is the first time this sea-going ship has been launched. Are we going to run so fast? What if something goes wrong?"

"Don't talk nonsense, this sea-going ship explained it like this, so there are so many mistakes. Let's just... let the problem be exposed, otherwise, when the official sailing, if you have any problems, it will be over."

Yan Liben was pushed back by Wan Kuan, and Yan Liben conveyed Wan Kuan's meaning, the crew directly pulled the sails to the fullest, and the sliding oars below began to move again.

For a time, the speed of the ship was a little faster.

And Wan Kuan stood on the deck of the bow, and he felt the sea breeze blowing constantly towards him. It seemed that the speed of the ship was really not slow.

Wan Kuan took out an hourglass from his arms, which he had specially made these two days.

It is exactly one hour for the hourglass to leak once, and now that the hourglass has been leaked, it is necessary to quickly drop one by one, and then leak.

Yan Liben, who was beside him, saw the hourglass in Wan Kuan's hand, his eyes widened.

"Captain, why is there a handful of sand in this glass cup? This glass is so precious. It's a waste of time to use it to hold sand."

"Yan Sima, you don't understand.

This colorless glass is fired from this sand.

Glazed glass and sand actually come from the same source, and there is no distinction between high and low."

"Adults are joking, there are many sandy beaches, but Liuli is a peerless treasure."

Wan Kuan patted Yan Liben's shoulder at this time: "Yan Sima, blast furnace, if you don't believe it, you can bring the sand from the seaside to Jizhou and burn it in the blast furnace to see if it will turn into a liu."

This Yan Liben stopped talking for a while, because as soon as he saw such an expression on Wan Kuan's face, he knew that what Wan Kuan said was true.

The last time I made a bet with Wan Kuan, Wan Kuan just... looked at himself with this foolish look.

It is ignorant to suffer a loss.

Taking losses twice is too persistent, taking losses three times is a fool.

Yan Liben felt that in the future... he would never make a bet with Wan Kuan, what Wan Kuan said was what he said.

Wan Kuan put the hourglass on the backlog on the deck, then pointed at it and said, "Let's go to Penglai right now and see if we can get to Penglai Pier within two hours.

We'll see when the sand leaks out this time."

Then Yan Liben nodded, if he could really rush from Dengzhou to Penglai in two hours, then this speed can be said to be shocking to the world.

If you sail at this speed, day and night, you can reach Nanyang from Dengzhou in five days.

The sun was getting higher and higher, and the ship was about to start putting meals.

One by one plastic dinner plates were held in the hands of each crew member.

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