A tablespoon of rice, served with boiled salted fish soup, and a green orange per person.

This is the standard of the crew, from the captain to the crew.

However, Wan Kuan and Yan Liben hid in the cabin, drinking small wine and eating seafood.

Of course the two of them have special treatment.

"Captain, why are there so many green oranges on board? These green oranges are too sour. Even poor people won't eat green oranges, because the more they eat, the more hungry they become."

"Yan Sima, don't ask me what this official does, what I say is what this official says.

In ocean voyages, you must bring oranges and beans, so that bean sprouts can grow.”

"This is why the lower official begged the Dadu to clarify the doubts!"

Yan Liben had a longing look on his face, so he was about to bow down with his luggage.

Wan Kuan had no choice but to explain.

"People should eat whole grains, rice, noodles, meat, and vegetables, all of which can't be less.

This rice noodles and meat are easy to say, but fresh vegetables are troublesome.

On ocean-going ships, vegetables are easily spoiled."

"If people don't eat vegetables for a long time, they will get sick.

It just so happens that the green orange is durable, and the bean sprouts are ready to grow, so there must be these two things."

"Oh! The Governor really knows broadcasting, and I have never heard of such a statement."

"There's more you don't know, Yan Sima, do you know what starch protein vitamins are?"

"Captain, what are you talking about?"

Yan Liben looked sluggish.

Wan Kuan smiled proudly: "Okay, Yan Sima, you still have a lot to learn."

"The governor is right, the lower officer has learned a lot from the side of the governor, and he admires the ability of the governor very much."

"Don't be flattering, this official is doing so much for the people of Hebei."

"The commander-in-chief will naturally understand that he will wait until the plastics and porcelain from Hebei are sold.

The life of the people of Hebei will be better."

"Don't worry about the porcelain first, let's sell the plastic first.

If you make too many good things at once, Hebei will be too eye-catching."

When Yan Liben heard it, he immediately.

He nodded, showing an expression of sudden realization.

Wan Kuan wants to keep a low profile, but some people are destined to be on the cusp.

Plastics are very popular in Chang'an City. As long as there are carts selling plastics, basically two sticks of incense will be snapped up.

Not to mention the common people who are greedy for cheap, even the officials bought a lot of plastic bowls.

After all, the plastic is so convenient, and the color is beautiful.

Compared with the wooden barrels, the iron barrels seem to be of much higher quality, and these things in the house look more comfortable.

Chapter 339

When plastics were everywhere in Chang'an, even Li Shimin had to use plastic basins every morning to wash his hands and face.

It's just that Li Shimin's plastic basins are not the same as those sold on the market, they are all yellow.

This was also specially sent to Li Shimin by Wan Kuan from Hebei. Li Shimin was very satisfied after seeing it. This time Wan Kuan finally did a thoughtful thing.

Li Shimin is the emperor, and of course he can't use it the same way as other people.

All other people used green pots, but Li Shimin had to use yellow pots.

In fact, Li Shimin didn't know that his yellow pot was actually filled with yellow mud water.

That's it, Li Shimin uses it every day and it's pretty good.

Sitting in the Liangyi Hall, Li Shimin looked at the four treasures of the white porcelain study in front of him,,,, and felt very comfortable.

The pen wash of white porcelain, the paperweight of white porcelain, and Li Shimin's entire desk are all white.

Moreover, Wan Kuan specially made a white porcelain brush for him, which Li Shimin couldn't put it down.

Li Shimin is now groping for these gadgets, and he is a little reluctant to put them down for a while.

"Your Majesty is thinking about Kuan'er."

Empress Zhangsun's voice suddenly sounded, startling Li Shimin.

"Guanyin maid, why didn't you report when you came in?"

Li Shimin was a little unhappy. Just now, Empress Changsun almost threw him the white porcelain brush.

Empress Zhangsun smiled and said: "Your Majesty, when the concubines came in recently, they didn't know what to do. Why did they frighten Your Majesty this time?"

Then Li Shimin carefully put down the white porcelain brush, and Empress Zhangsun covered her mouth and laughed when she saw it.

"Your Majesty, do you want to relax when you see these things?"

Li Shimin smiled: "This stinky brat still has a little filial piety, if you have any good things, please send them to me first.

In the past, this stinky boy was always angry with me, but now he has some understanding of filial piety."

Li Shimin was naturally happy in his heart, the last letter stated Wan Kuan's life experience.

It didn't take long for Wan Kuan to send these things, and Li Shimin was naturally overjoyed when his son honored his father! "Your Majesty, Kuan Er didn't know you were his father before.

Now that Kuan'er knows, he must show some filial piety."

Li Shimin said this and smiled when he opened his mouth, looking like a silly old father.

Li Shimin was a little proud at this time: "Guanyin maid, otherwise this boy has to be like a father. Look at this Kuan'er who has given me so many treasures, is Guanyin maid... jealous?"

After hearing this, Empress Changsun held back her smile and said directly: "Your Majesty, don't you know that Kuan'er gave a white porcelain vase of water to the palace of the concubine and concubine?"

"What, Kuan'er sent you so many white porcelains, and Li Shimin suddenly became stunned: "Let me go to the Ganlu Temple and take a look."

That Li Shimin was surprised, he didn't pay attention to the fact that he hadn't been to the Ganlu Temple in the past few days.

When he arrived at the Ganlu Palace, Li Shimin was completely taken aback.

The wide-mouthed vases placed in the Hall of Nectar, as well as the teacups and bowls used, are all made of white porcelain with one water.

At this time, Li Shimin thumped and sat on the bed, his whole person seemed a little stunned.

"This stinky boy, gave me such a set of four treasures of the study, even if it is sent away, it is really unfilial, unfilial!"

"Your Majesty, you said just now that Kuan'er has filial piety"

Empress Changsun smiled.

"I was deceived by him just now. I didn't expect this stinky boy to not grow at all."

Li Shimin was furious, and just now he said that Wan Kuan had filial piety.

As a result, Wan Kuan gave Empress Zhangsun several times more white porcelain than he gave him.

How could Li Shimin endure this? At this time, Empress Zhangsun heard Li Shimin's words, and suddenly snorted coldly and sat directly beside Li Shimin.

"Your Majesty, this Kuan'er is filial and filial to his concubine, you are so angry, isn't it wrong for Kuan'er to be filial to his mother?"

Seeing that Empress Zhangsun was also angry, Li Shimin immediately knew that he had just kept his mouth shut.

"Guanyin maid, you know I don't mean that.

I mean that Kuan'er is a little biased, since I have seen him talk so many times, he only sent so many things.

Guanyin maid, you have only met him for a few times, and then gave you a whole set of white porcelain, which is really unfair."

Empress Changsun's face turned cold at this time: "Your Majesty, although the concubine has only seen Kuan'er a few times.

But in the past ten years, how much has the concubine shed for Kuan'er... Tears, Your Majesty only thinks about the great cause of the throne, when did you think about the son of Kuan'er?"

Only now did Li Shimin realize that he was in trouble, and Empress Zhangsun was really angry this time.

Don't look at Empress Changsun who is usually quiet and indifferent, but when she gets angry, it also gives Li Shimin a headache.

At this time, Empress Zhangsun was out of control and said to Li Shimin.

"Your Majesty, the concubine and Kuan'er are in a heart-to-heart with the mother and son. What's wrong with Kuan'er sending some gadgets to the concubine? Although your majesty has seen Kuan'er a few times more than the concubine, it was also in the courtroom."

Li Shimin was already angry when others spoke to Li Shimin like this.

But Empress Changsun treated him like this, and Li Shimin could only suffer.

"Your Majesty looks like a sage all day long. All day long... let Kuan'er do things, how can Kuan'er kiss you?"

Li Shimin was not happy when he heard it: "Why can't Kuan'er have filial piety with me, let's talk about it, how much I have rewarded Kuan'er..., Kuan'er should give me a little more."

"Your Majesty is a king, how can Kuan'er send some fun things, so that His Majesty has no intention of going to the government? Isn't it a big mistake?"

Then Li Shimin was speechless by Empress Changsun, and in the end he had to sit silently to the side.

At this time, Empress Zhangsun seemed to have a temper, and she was also rude to Li Shimin.

"Your Majesty, don't think that your concubines don't know, that Kuan'er clearly gave you a set of weapons and armor. You can't treasure it every day, and it's still hidden in the Liangyi Hall. Do you think that the concubines don't know?"

"Ah Guanyin maid, how did you know?"

Li Shimin was shocked.

"If it weren't for His Majesty sleeping and talking in his sleep at night, the concubine really wouldn't know."

Empress Zhangsun sneered.

Li Shimin really wanted to slap himself in the face at this time, sleep well at night, what are you talking about in your sleep? At this time, Queen Changsun's temper came up, and she refused to forgive Li Shimin.

"Your Majesty, you always say that Kuan'er is partial to her mother, but do the math, how much Kuan'er shares for your father... Why didn't Kuan'er send thunderbolts in government affairs to fight against the Turks this winter?"

"Your Majesty gave Kuan'er an official, but how many did Kuan'er stand after watching the crowd... The concubines and concubines of the great hero have never seen Kuan'er much because of the difference between the monarch and the minister, and even when Kuan'er learned of his life experience, it was also a letter from His Majesty. inform."

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