The cold sweat on the little Lai Zi's face wetted his collar.

After walking a dozen steps forward, and after going around a big tree, Wan Kuan immediately heard a loud barking in front of him.

And the head of the guard also heard this voice, and his face changed.

"Master, this pack of wolves is hunting down beasts."

"Are there any beasts more powerful than wolves on this mountain?"

"Young master, this place is close to Fan Yang area, this deep mountain and dense forest is the rest of Yanshan Mountain.

My subordinates heard from the local people that there are black bears here."

It's fine if the guard didn't say it, but when he said it, the little Lai Zi shivered in fright.

"Master, there are black bears, there are black bears, let's go quickly!"

"Look at your... cowardly look, what are you afraid of if there is a black bear today, even if there is a king, Laozi and young master, you have to catch it."

At this time, Wan Kuan held the dog-leg short knife in one hand, and touched the iron lump in his arms with the other hand, and he had to rely on it at the critical moment.

The group of people continued to narrow the range and walked forward, and the further they walked, the more obvious the wolf howl, and in the wolf howl was mixed with a loud voice of the empress.

The front happened to be a stone slope, and the sound came from the hillside.

At this moment, the guards all looked at Wan Kuan, and Wan Kuan said in a low voice, "Come up and take a look from the side."

The head of the guard nodded and led five people to climb up the slope next to him, while Wan Kuan followed closely and watched the movements ahead carefully.

The guards walked at the forefront, their bodies were on guard, and they bent slightly.

Just when they were about to climb the hill, suddenly that... the head of the guard took out the crossbow in his arms.

Before everyone could see it clearly, a crossbow arrow was fired with a swoosh.

"Master, there are wolves!"

The head of the personal guard shouted, and Wan Kuan took this opportunity to rush up the hillside and take a closer look.

I saw the edge of the hillside, a... wild wolf with crossbow arrows in the eyes, now lying on the ground, already dead.

And looking further forward, there are more than a dozen wild wolves in the dense forest on the hillside in front, and the wild wolf is extremely fast, turning around a tall black figure.

And Wan Kuan took a closer look at this time, and the tall black figure was a... black bear.

This black bear is not small, it must be nearly two meters when it stands upright.

Black bears of this size are not common, and they are almost catching up with the size of brown bears and polar bears.

Although there are so many wild animals around, the black bear is still extremely fierce, but whenever a wild wolf pounces on it, the black bear comes up with... a palm.

I saw one... The wild wolf was slapped by the black bear and rolled to the side, and then tried to get up on all fours, but after wandering around for a long time, he was still dizzy.

At this time, the little Laizi was so frightened that he was about to hug his head and run away.

"Master, let's go, this is a bear and a wolf, we can't beat it, let's go quickly."


"Master, that black bear can smash the armor with one palm, we can't beat it."

"Who said you can't beat him"

Wan Kuan glared.

At this time, the head of the personal guard beside him greeted everyone, put on the crossbow, picked up the bow and arrow, and said to Wan Kuan.

"Young master, do you want to do it now? You can annihilate the wolves in one fell swoop by shooting arrows now.

"Wan Kuan waved his hand: "This... the wolf pack is killed, are you sure you can deal with that black bear?"

"You can rest assured, young master, we will be able to take down that black bear with our concerted efforts."

After speaking, the head of the guard drew out the big sword from his waist.

This big sword is not short, and it is fierce in the hands of the guards.

And at this time, when Wan Kuan was talking to the guard, a mutation suddenly occurred.

Those... wild wolves and black bears seemed to have noticed a group of people on Wankuan's side, and for a while, they all stopped attacking.

The wild wolf turned around, and dozens of pairs of eyes stared straight at the group of Wan Kuan.

And the black bear was leaning against a big tree, and his bloody mouth was also howling at Wan Kuan.

This shout made Xiao Laizi so frightened that his three souls went out of his body, and his seven souls were separated from his body.

"Master, there is trouble, it seems that the wolf and black bear are coming towards us."

Wan Kuan felt a little stunned when he saw it, it was broken, it was autumn, and both the wild wolf and the black bear had to prepare for the winter.

Originally, there was too little food in this forest, and there was no way for them to kill each other.

But now the group of Wan Kuan suddenly appeared, the wolf and the black bear don't have to kill each other, as long as they capture a few people, it is enough to survive the winter.

At this time, Wan Kuan made a decisive decision. If he wanted to escape at this time, he probably had no chance.

After all, the wild wolf was faster, and Wan Kuan and the others didn't ride horses, and the terrain was steep, so people would definitely not run as fast as wolves.

In addition, although the black bear looks cumbersome, its speed is not slow between the mountains, anyway...they can't outrun the wild wolf or the black bear.

If you turn around and run, it's a dead end.

At this time, the head of the personal guard had a stern expression on his face, and said loudly: "Protect the young master to the middle, and hurry up to bow."

For a time, the twenty personal guards stood in front of Wan Kuan, and each of them had a crossbow in their hands and bows and arrows on their backs.

This hand crossbow can pierce the wolf's skin, but it can't hurt the black bear, after all, the black bear's skin is too thick.

But the arrows of this triangular pyramid can break the black bear's skin. As long as they can shoot accurately, the twenty arrows can kill the black bear once they pass.

At this time, both the wild wolf and the black bear were staring at him. The wild wolf lowered his head, his front legs were slightly bent, and his hind legs were tensed, as if he was about to rush up at any time.

And the black bear was also on all fours, with its neck raised high, and the occasional appearance of two long teeth in the bloody mouth made people startled.

At this time, the head of the personal guard turned his back to Wan Kuan and said, "Young master, let's hold him back, you go first.

As long as you run to the place where the horse is released, you can escape your life by riding on the horse."

"Why are you twenty people 20 unsure?"

"Master, it's too dangerous for the wolves and the black bears to rush up together, so the young master should go first, and we will break everything."

At this time, the little Lai Zi was so frightened that his face turned pale: "Young master, hurry up and leave, it will be too late if you don't leave.

My little Lai Zi will break it for you."

Wan Kuan squinted and glanced at Xiao Laizi: "Master, I don't need you to interrupt the queen."

After speaking, Wan Kuan took out the iron lump directly from his arms.

Chapter 359

This iron lump is different from the kind of thunder that Wan Kuan sent to Chang'an City last time. The thunder of that time had a lead wire on it, and it needed to be ignited with a torch.

But this time there is no insidiousness on the iron bump, just a lead hole made of yellow phosphorus paper on one side.

When using, just remove the iron piece in the middle of the yellow phosphorus paper and pull out the yellow phosphorus paper inside.

The burning point of the yellow phosphorus is originally low, and through friction, the yellow phosphorus will burn, and naturally, it will detonate the black powder in the iron lump.

At this time, Wan Kuan took out the iron lump and said in a low voice, "You guys don't move for now. Look at the young master, I'll ask you to come down to earth with thunder and chop these beasts to death."

The head of the guard looked back at Wan Kuan in surprise, but Wan Kuan took out the iron lump, opened the lid, brushed it, and pulled out the yellow phosphorus paper.

At this time, the palm-sized iron lump was squeaking, and white smoke was coming out.

Wan Kuan shouted: "Get out of the way!"

The guard in front immediately avoided a passage, and Wan Kuan took two steps forward, directly raising his hand, and throwing the iron lump at the wolf pack and the black bear.

At this time, neither the wild wolf nor the black bear thought that a group of people on the opposite side would suddenly throw something smeared in black, so they all stood still for a while.

And Wan Kuan's head was just right, and the iron lump was thrown between the black bear and the wolves, only ten feet away from the black bear.

After the iron lump fell to the ground, Wan Kuan directly shouted: "Get down!"

Those... the guards were all well-trained, and immediately after hearing Wan Kuan's shouts.

Prostrate down.

And Xiao Laizi beside him was so frightened that he was dumbfounded, Wan Kuan directly pressed his neck and pressed him to the ground.

They all lay on the ground, covering their heads with their armored arms.

The little Lai Zi was in a daze at this time, but before he could react, there was a sudden roar after a while.

Everyone felt the big earthquake below them a few times, and there was a strong wind blowing from the front to the back.

The wind carried earth, rocks and grass debris, and the tip of the nose could smell a pungent smell.

With a bang, a lot of soil was collapsed into the sky, and then fell on everyone.

The sound was instantaneous, but it had already made everyone so frightened that they did not dare to vent their anger.

No need to look up, everyone can imagine the tragedy ahead.

After a few breaths, Wan Kuan took the lead to raise his head and toss the soil off his body.

Then I looked forward again, and I saw a scene of hell in front of me.

The dense forest of trees in front of it has long been blown up and empty, and so many towering trees are all left with only wooden piles.

And the one in the distance... the black bear could no longer see it.

Just a puddle of bloody thorns piled next to the stump.

The trunk, which was thicker than a human waist, was directly knocked down by the powerful earthquake.

And the ones next to you...not to mention wild wolves, their flesh is worse than black bears, and naturally they can't stop the power of this iron lump.

The most powerful thing about the iron lump is the iron piece outside. After the iron piece shatters, it shoots open. If it is hit by the iron piece, it is like being hit by a bullet, and it can even penetrate the body.

In addition, the rocks and plants near the iron lump were carried by the powerful airflow, and each of them was more powerful than bows and arrows.

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