When Wan Kuan was lying on the ground just now, he heard the sound of a tinkling, and the sound of stones hitting the armor.

When you hear the sound, you know it's powerful.

You have to know that Wan Kuan and the others are far away from there... the explosion point is already nearly ten feet away, and they can still have such great strength at such a distance.

If he didn't wear armor just now, he would definitely turn purple from being hit by the stone, and he might even break his bones.

Fortunately, Wan Kuan covered his ears just now, otherwise he would be in a daze like Xiao Laizi now.

Just now, Xiao Laizi threw himself down in a hurry and didn't cover his ears at all, and the loud noise directly shook Xiao Lai Zi in a panic.

Wan Kuan looked at it, and the inside of Xiao Laizi's ears had begun to ooze blood.

At this time, Wan Kuan was also a little scared. This iron lump made by Yan Liben was actually in: There was so much black powder in it.

Moreover, this iron lump is the size of a person's palm, and it is also filled with gunpowder. The power is really terrifying.

And at this time, the guards all stood up, shook their heads, shook their heads, and all had pale expressions on their faces.

Just now, the young master said that he would come down to earth with thunder, but they thought it was just a joke.

But everyone didn't expect it, this is really a thunder! After a while, everyone was shocked by the thunder.

This is not a thunder, it is just a thunder.

The loud noise just now seemed to be still reverberating in my ears, and the lush vegetation in front of me just now turned out to be bare, and even the loess on the ground had been turned over several layers.

This shows how tragic the explosion just now was.

At this time, Wan Kuan waved his hand: "Check and check to see if there is any... alive, and if there is any alive, quickly make up two knives."

The head of the guard nodded, then took out his crossbow and led someone up.

In fact, you don't need to look at it. In the situation just now, it would be very good to be able to keep the whole body.

Sure enough, those...the guards inspected it.

Most of the corpses on the ground were missing arms and legs, and some even had their heads blown off.

And some of those who were lucky enough to leave the whole body were also full of blood spots, some were stuck with iron pieces, and some were stoned into their flesh, looking extremely miserable.

And those...guards shook their heads, where is this hunting, this is for slaughter.

Hunting is a skillful job. If you can shoot in the eyes, you can't shoot in the head. If you can shoot in the head, you can't shoot at the body. Try to get a complete hide.

But this wolf was all beaten to pieces, how can I get a complete set of skins and these... The guards checked it out and found no living mouths, everything was expected middle.

Now everyone thought of the black bear, everyone stepped forward to take a look, and there was a sigh in their mouths.

This black bear was even worse. Wan Kuan was the closest to the black bear when he threw the iron lump.

After the explosion of the black powder, the black bear must be the first to bear the brunt.

At this time, the head of the personal guard pulled the black bear's body with a short knife. The black bear's entire body was soft, and the bones were basically shattered.

And it's so good that it doesn't die, half of the black bear's head is gone.

I don't know if it was blown up by the explosion, or shattered by the impacted iron pieces.

One of the black bear's legs was also broken, only a little bit of flesh was attached to it, and the bones inside were all broken into scum.

Chapter 360

At this moment, those......the guards looked at each other with a look of astonishment on their faces, and now no one dared to underestimate their young master.

That young master can drop a thunderstorm at random, and he can kill these beasts with one blow.

If this young master doesn't like anyone who is not pleasing to the eye, and then falls thunder, that person is really dead, and there are no bones left.

At this time, Wan Kuan was a little embarrassed, this little Lai Zi's ears were bleeding from the shock, and it was estimated that he would have to take a good rest after returning.

Wan Kuan took out the sackcloth and let Xiao Laizi wipe the blood.

And Xiao Laizi was frightened twice just now, firstly by the black bear and wild wolf, and then by the loud noise.

Now that little Lai Zi couldn't lift his arms, he took the sackcloth tremblingly.

Wan Kuan sighed, this child is considered a waste.

Wan Kuan doesn't care...

Little Laizi, go straight up to see the black bear's corpse.

As soon as he walked to the side, Wan Kuan smelled a pungent and bloody smell.

Wan Kuan glanced at it: "How can you peel off a layer of skin?"

The leader of the personal guard looked embarrassed: "Master, this complete skin is impossible, even if the head is cut off, there is still a big hole on the leg, and there are many small holes on the stomach, there is no whole skin. .

I can only go back and trim it, and if I can't make clothes, I can only make a hat, scarf or something."

"The fur hat is fine too, go back and make some furs for the two ladies for the winter, this black bear skin is not easy to come across.

Look at the wolf skin to see if there is any... if you can pick it off, if not, take it away, tie it with a rope and tie it to the back of the horse.

With these things, Qin Qiong will definitely lose."

Wan Kuan moved his mouth and ran errands with his own guard.

After checking it once, the personal guard ran over.

"Master, I checked it thoroughly. There is a black bear and sixteen wild wolves, but there are only two or three. The wild wolves are blown to pieces, but when the time comes, we can pick up their heads. We will show this to General Qin, then Qin The general will surely be delighted."

Wan Kuan smiled, then turned around and left.

There is no need to hunt anymore, just this loud noise, all the animals in the vicinity, no matter how big or small, have to flee in all directions.

Now Wan Kuan intends to hurry to the hillside to meet Qin Qiong.

At this time, Qin Qiong was sitting on the hillside, wiping the blood on her face with a sackcloth.

At this time, the personal guard called a basin of water, Qin Qiong dipped it in the water and wiped off all the blood on her armor.

And Qin Qiong was throwing a... black bear corpse, a fatal wound in the throat, and Qin Qiong glanced at it and remembered what she had done just now.

Just now Qin Qiong also met a... black bear in the mountain col, in fact Qin Qiong was... following the trail of the black bear all the way.

He also inquired, there are indeed black bears on this mountain, so in order to win the bet with Wan Kuan, he took the risk to deal with the black bears.

You must know that this black bear is not ordinary. If you are a little careless and scratched by the black bear, you will at least be seriously injured.

So Qin Qiong was very careful, kept silent all the time, and stayed everywhere.

the clues.

Sure enough, after going around a mountain col, Qin Qiong found a... huge black bear lying in front of the tree hole digging for honey.

God help me too! This black eye is almost invisible, no different from a blind man, otherwise it would not be called a black blind man.

But its nose is very smart, but at this time it happened to be digging out honey, and the sweet smell of honey was all around, hiding the traces of Qin Qiong and the others.

At this time, Qin Qiong made a gesture with the guard beside him, and the guard beside him immediately.

Understanding it, he released an arrow directly at the back of the black bear's head.

This triangular pyramid arrow broke through the wind, and the black bear was clumsy. After hearing the sound, there was no way to escape.

As a result, the arrow hit the back of the black bear's neck firmly.

The black bear suddenly snorted and was furious, and turned around directly.

At this time, Qin Qiong was waiting for this opportunity.

He had already bent his bow and arrow, aiming at the black bear's head.

As long as the black bear turns around, the bow and arrow are like shooting stars, shooting straight into the eyes of the black bear.

This black bear's eyes can be said to be one of the few weak points in the black bear's body, and as a result, Qin Qiong flew past with a whistling sound like an arrow flying from the sky.

The black bear was also very good at handling the ground, and when he felt that something was wrong, he quickly ducked to the side.

But Qin Qiong's arrow was too fast. Although the black bear avoided the key point of his eyes, he was still pierced by the sharp arrow in his nostrils.

Qin Qiong's arrow pierced directly into the black bear's nose, and after it penetrated, it pierced into the throat.

At this time, the black bear was extremely uncomfortable, with an arrow in front and an arrow in the back.

The black bear was fierce and fierce, and with a big hand, it broke the two arrow shafts, and the arrows remained in the body.

At this time, the guards around Qin Qiong immediately.

They all bent their bows and arrows, aiming at the key point of the black bear, but at this time Qin Qiong stopped them.

I saw Qin Qiong took a horse lance from the guards and rushed towards the black bear under the cover of the layers of trees.

And the black bear was completely mad at this time, rushing towards Qin Qiong and everyone.

And the black bear stood upright with its teeth and claws, and its palms seemed to be made of fine steel.

And Qin Qiong also kept walking, holding a breath, rushing towards the black bear quickly.

Just when he was still ten feet away from the black bear, Qin Qiong could even smell the bloody smell of the black bear. At this time, Qin Qiong exerted force on his arms, and the horse lance in his hand pierced directly at the black bear's throat like a thunderbolt.

And the black bear wanted to take revenge at this time, but he never thought that the man in the armor in front of him would have such force.

Qin Qiong's horse lance fell to the ground like a shock, and stabbed directly into the black bear's jaw.

The spear head of this horse is forged from stainless steel, and it has been newly improved by the supervisor according to Wankuan's design.

There is also a blood groove engraved on it, and the triangular pyramid-like gun head pierces it, so that your wound cannot be healed.

As a result, the black bear was stabbed by Qin Qiong, and his body paused.

And Qin Qiong also felt like there was a huge wave rushing towards her in front of her.

Qin Qiong stepped on the ground with both feet, and the fine horse lance pole had been bent into an arc.

And this horse lance does not just use brute force, but also uses skillful energy.

Then Qin Qiong put his feet on the ground, lifted his strength from the ground, and then clenched the horse tree pole with both hands.

I saw that Qin Qiong didn't push forward, but just kept pressing Ma Leng down.

The arc of the horse Shuo rod was flattened by Qin Qiong, and then the elastic force caused the horse to collapse, and the spear head stabbed two inches forward.

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