If Hebei is really in trouble, then Datang's war against the Turks this winter will also be difficult.

And this battle with the Turks can be described as a battle of life and death for the Tang Dynasty. If the battle is successful, the Tang Dynasty will be like the sun of government affairs, like the sun in the sky.

But if the war is lost, Datang can only retreat to protect itself.

Chapter 370

This war with the Turks is particularly important, both the people and officials of the Tang Dynasty should do their best.

But now Li Chengqian clearly saw the turmoil in Hebei, but he still rejoiced in misfortune and didn't take it to his heart, Changsun Wuji felt that this was not the prince's bearing.

Although Wan Kuan had offended Li Chengqian before, but at this time the Tang Dynasty should share the same hatred and hatred, and must not affect the entire dynasty because of a little personal grievance.

Although Changsun Wuji and Wan Kuan have had many unpleasant things before, but this time Changsun Wuji absolutely does not want any major turmoil in Wan Kuan's Hebei.

In that case, the two years of hard work in the civil and military preparations of the Manchu Dynasty would be completely in vain.

This Tang Dynasty also had a part of Changsun Wuji's efforts, and Changsun Wuji didn't want his efforts to go to waste, so he really wanted to maintain the stability of Hebei, so he came to Li Chengqian to talk about it.

But looking at Li Chengqian's appearance, he seems to hope that Hebei will be as chaotic as possible, and a major turmoil is best.

In this case, Wan Kuan's position before His Majesty will definitely plummet.

Zhangsun Wuji looked at Li Chengqian who was in front of him at this moment, shook his head and sighed inwardly, the difference between Li Chengqian and the current emperor is really too big.

Without that kind of mind that embraces all rivers, and without that kind of... indomitable spirit, at this time, Changsun Wuji felt that Wan Kuan possessed these two qualities.

Now the eldest grandson Wuji can see it, the reason why Wan Kuan gave all the arable land to the family before was to draw wages from the bottom of the pot and use it as a workshop to break the dilemma of the family.

Although Wan Kuan was a little too hasty in dealing with the family this time, it is very likely that Hebei would be plunged into turmoil, but at least Wan Kuan had that spirit.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this Wan Kuan has many similarities with His Majesty today.

Zhangsun Wuji sighed, then got up to leave.

Li Chengqian was very strange, he didn't know why his uncle was leaving as soon as he sat down this time.

And the eldest grandson Wuji just said that he would hand over the name document he received to His Majesty, so that His Majesty should make a decision quickly, and he must not let Hebei fall into turmoil.

And Li Shimin looked at the details of the documents in front of him in Liangyi Hall, and then looked at the eldest grandson Wuji who was standing respectfully in front of him, with a mysterious smile on his face.

"The auxiliary machine has a heart. I actually know everything about Hebei this time."

Earlier, Li Shimin received a letter from Wan Kuan, in which Wan Kuan had already revealed all his plans.

In fact, Li Shimin knew exactly what Wan Kuan would do every step of the way.

Li Shimin knew exactly what Wan Kuan would expand the scale of his workshop this time and what he would do next.

However, Li Shimin was quite relieved that after Zhangsun Wuji found out, he went directly to the Liangyi Hall to report, which shows that although Zhangsun Wuji did not deal with Wan Kuan, he did his best to find the signs of something wrong.

At this time, Changsun Wuji was a little worried when he saw that Li Shimin didn't say anything.

"Your Majesty, since the beginning of Hebei, if the Grand Governor must expand the scale, he must not act too hastily.

If you act too hastily, you are likely to go against those noble families."

"Auxiliary machine, what you said... I know all about it."

"Your Majesty, since Your Majesty knows everything, then you should order Wan Kuan to take it slow.

If we are torn apart with those noble families now, the defense against the Turks this winter will be unstable after the war, and we will be in big trouble."

"Auxiliary machine, I also understand your concerns. I know about this matter. You should step back first."

Seeing that Li Shimin didn't care so much, Changsun Wuji looked anxious.

"Your Majesty, this matter cannot be delayed any longer, and a decision must be made early.

If it really waits for the family to take action, then the price of grain in Hebei will definitely skyrocket.

At that time, the imperial court will have to allocate a large amount of rice to Hebei to stabilize the local situation."

"And the troops and horses will go ahead without food and grass. If the imperial court has all transferred rice and grain to Hebei, then we will have no food in the court."

The eldest grandson Wuji was impatient.

Li Shimin nodded, not angry because of Zhangsun Wuji's impatience, but just waved his hand: "Auxiliary machine, what you said... I know all about it, and I have already made a decision, You don't have to worry."

Seeing Li Shimin's confident appearance, Changsun Wuji got up and retire even though he was a little suspicious in his heart.

After all, he knew that the current emperor was not a foolish person, and he didn't believe that the emperor could not see such an obvious crisis.

Since the emperor is confident, he will not say more.

As soon as Changsun Wuji left, Empress Changsun walked out from behind the screen.

Although the person who came to see her was her own brother, but there was a difference between the ruler and the minister, the Empress Changsun still hid behind the screen.

"Guanyin maid, your brother is....he is still doing his duty."

"Your Majesty, eat the king's salary, share the worries for the king, this is what our eldest grandson should do, and we can't be praised."

"That's right, eating the king's salary and sharing the king's worries, but there are not many people in the imperial court who are dedicated to the imperial court.

Your brother deserves to be the one who fights with me, knowing that this country is not easy to come by, so he is quite cautious."

"Your Majesty, that Kuan'er is indeed a little too hasty in Hebei, isn't Your Majesty not worried?"

"Guanyin maid, I know Kuan'er's every move, and I also know why Kuan'er did it.

This morning, I got a letter from Hebei, and Kuaner told me everything, so I didn't worry about disturbances in Hebei at all."

"Your Majesty, there is a letter from Kuan'er, why didn't you tell the concubine?"

Empress Zhangsun couldn't help but feel a little unhappy that Li Shimin didn't even mention the letter from her son.

And Li Shimin smiled indifferently: "Guanyin maid, this letter is a government affairs of the imperial court, and there are no other personal matters.

Kuan'er brought [-] tann of rice from Nanyang, so there will be no shortage of rice in Hebei in the next three months.

And this ship will continue to sail, so it can be said that Hebei will never be short of food from now on."

The Empress Changsun was a little surprised after hearing this: "One hundred thousand dans of rice is not a small amount."

Empress Changsun knew that these [-] dans of rice would be enough for the people of Hebei to eat for three months.

"Your Majesty, that Kuan'er really brought [-] tans of rice from Nanyang."

"Guanyin maid, the letter is clearly written in black and white, how could Kuan'er lie?"

"According to this, all this was expected by Kuan'er, and the concubine did not expect that it would be so easy to get [-] dans of rice.

It's a pity that the people of the Tang Dynasty have worked hard for a year, and only have that little harvest."

Chapter 371

In the Liangyi Hall, Empress Zhangsun sighed.

And Li Shimin persuaded carefully.

"Guanyin maid need not sigh, since I know the fertile land in Nanyang, how could I let that land go to waste?

And Kuan Er said in the letter that if the land can be fully utilized, the entire Tang Dynasty will no longer need to farm, and the rice produced on that land will be enough to feed all the people of the Tang Dynasty."

The Empress Changsun was a little shocked when she heard this, but she never dared to think about such a thing.

All the people of the Tang Dynasty no longer need to farm, and then they can eat food continuously.

It's like living in a dream.

Then Li Shimin saw that Empress Changsun was in a trance, couldn't help but smiled, and then took out a map of the territory.

This territory map can be seen more grandly than Li Shimin used to see, not only the Tang Dynasty and the surrounding Turks, but also Jiaozhi and Nanyue in the south.

"Guanyin maid, look, the fertile land in the south is more than Guanzhong plus the Central Plains, plus the cultivated land in Hebei, and even the land of fish and rice in the south of the Yangtze River is not comparable.

In this land of fish and rice in the south of the Yangtze River, the rice is at most two crops a year, but the rice on this land can be three crops a year."

"Calculating such a large arable land, plus so many rice seeds, this year's output is completely enough for all the people of the Tang Dynasty."

The Empress Changsun couldn't help trembling when she saw this territory map: "Your Majesty, if I knew that there was this land, why would I, the people of the Tang Dynasty, still fight for it?"

"Guanyin maid, this land can be in the south of Lingnan.

As for .. Lingnan, we people in the Central Plains know so little, let alone further south.

Moreover, there are wild people there, and they have not communicated with the outside world since ancient times, so even if they have such good things, they are not known to outsiders."

While Li Shimin sighed with emotion, he was relieved: "Fortunately, Kuan'er has a discerning eye, and directly discovered this fertile land. I don't even know what to say."

In the Liangyi Hall, Li Shimin and Empress Changsun were deeply moved.

And in the Lakeside Hall, Li Yuan sat alone in front of the backlog, and was also in deep thought.

During these days, there has been a lot of noise in Chang'an, Hebei, and it is both plastic and porcelain.

The porcelain Li Yuan also looked at, and it really is a rare treasure.

But these... are not what Li Yuan wanted, what Li Yuan wanted was the conflict between Wan Kuan and the court, but after Wan Kuan arrived in Hebei, he ignored it.

It's... The establishment of a workshop made Li Yuan a little confused. Li Yuan even wondered if Wan Kuan was a timid person. Even if he knew his background, he wouldn't dare to resist, if that was the case. .

All of his plans had come to naught.

Li Yuan couldn't help clenching his fists when he thought of this. He must not let his plan fail. This is his only chance to get rich. If he misses this opportunity, there is no other way to let his... greedy son. get punished.

Li Yuan walked around in the Linhu Temple, and the people around him were driven out of the temple, frowning tightly, and after thinking about it, there was still no good way.

If Na Wankuan wanted to hide wholeheartedly, it would seem like a real trouble.

But Li Yuan won't let Wan Kuan get his wish.

Since Wan Kuan was as timid as a mouse and did not dare to resist, Li Yuan simply revealed his identity directly.

At that time, all the civil and military people of the Manchu dynasty knew it.

At that time, even if Wan Kuan wanted to hide, he couldn't hide.

If he doesn't want to die at that time, he can only fight back desperately.

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