In that case, let's see what he can make the whole Tang Dynasty look like.

Thinking of this, Li Yuan couldn't help clenching his fists.

At this time, Wan Kuan didn't know that so many people started to make up their minds, and he was now working with Yan Liben to fiddle with landmines.

In the forest between Dengzhou and Jizhou, Wan Kuan and Yan Liben had a big fight, and Qin Qiong also came.

Because after the last hunting incident, he was really interested in that... Thunder.

He desperately tried his best to kill a... black bear with his excellent horse lance and armor.

As a result, he heard from his personal guard that Wan Kuan just threw a thunderbolt and killed a bear and sixteen wild wolves, which made Qin Qiong unacceptable.

He has been in contact with Wan Kuan for a long time and knows that although Wan Kuan looks strong and strong, he has never practiced martial arts, so he is considered an ordinary person.

As a result, when an ordinary person moved his finger, his record was even better than that of his peerless general, Qin Qiong was a little unacceptable for a while.

If one day this thunder is everywhere, then there is no need for a general like him.

After arriving in the forest, Wan Kuan and Yan Liben disagreed because of the structure of the mines.

In fact, the mine is very simple, that is... bury the black powder in the iron shell.

It's just that it is not triggered by a lead, but a spring mechanism.

The simplest spring mechanism is... friction, type, that is... add a spring under a circular pin, yellow phosphorus is shown around the pin, and the lead is wrapped where it contacts the pin.

Usually there is a spring support, so the yellow phosphorus on the pin cannot contact the lead.

And as long as someone steps on the mine, the pin falls, and the yellow phosphorus on the pin rubs against the small powder on the lead next to it. Once rubbed, the lead will burn, and the lead will ignite. After ignition, the gunpowder in the mine will be triggered, and then produce an explosion.

In fact, this is the simplest mine, very simple in principle, and there is no difficulty in making.

Just... a spring, lead paper, and a little yellow phosphorus will do.

However, the safety performance of this kind of mine is too poor, and it is very likely that in the process of making or burying, the yellow phosphorus will rub against the lead and ignite.

Because there is a lot of black powder in the mine, and once it goes off, the consequences are unimaginable.

Therefore, in terms of safety performance, Wan Kuan directly rejected this method.

Wan Kuan wanted to use a safer firing pin method, still using the spring to bring the elasticity, with a circular pin on the top, but the bottom of the circular pin was connected to a pointed firing pin.

The head of the firing pin is wrapped with yellow phosphorus, and the whole firing pin is like a big match. If someone steps on it, the yellow phosphorus on the head of the firing pin will rub against the lead next to it. In this case, the lead If ignited, the black powder inside will explode.

The reason why this type of firing pin mine is safer is that the firing pin can be designed into a lever shape, and the firing pin like a big match head is very far away from the lead.

But using a lever, connect its tail to the tread in the middle of the mine.

As long as the pedal is slightly pressed down, the striker will rise a great distance and then touch the lead.

Chapter 372

This firing pin mine is very safe during installation and production because the firing pin is far from the lead without depressing it.

Moreover, an iron piece can be added between the firing pin and the lead wire, and the iron piece can be pulled out when it is used.

When the spring is installed and the mine is lowered, as long as there is no problem with the spring, there will be no danger.

This is much safer than the frictional landmines. After all, since Wankuan has a safer method, why take the risk? This is not in line with the craftsman's spirit. The craftsman's spirit is... Always pursue the best and safer.

However, Yan Liben felt that the design of the firing pin mine was a bit complicated and required too many parts, which would reduce the efficiency.

But Wan Kuan laughed at Yan Liben fiercely.

"Yan Sima, why do we have to have so much efficiency? We have dozens or hundreds of mines, and we can go nowhere. Why do we have to produce so many mines and put them away? It is also a safety hazard to store so many mines in the warehouse. "

"Now in this world, neither Turkic cavalry nor other things can stop mines, so we don't need to produce so many.

So we don't have to hurry up and produce those... unsafe mines."

"Your kind of... friction, type mine, if the spring suddenly broke one day, the mine would explode immediately.

And even if the spring of this kind of striker-type mine is broken, there is still a buffer space in the middle, and it is easy to check at that time."

Then Yan Liben was not Wan Kuan's opponent in the debate, and Wan Kuan's official was older than him, so in the end he could only accept Wan Kuan's suggestion.

And Qin Qiong listened so much on the side, she couldn't understand what a firing pin was.

Wan Kuan drew the structure on the same day, Yan Liben pointed out frequently, and the two men faced each other head to head, and it took only one night to design a striker-type mine.

The parts required for the firing pin mine are clearly drawn, and then built by Lao Yu from Changshan.

After finishing the work, Wan Kuan had to go back to the small courtyard by the sea to comfort Wu Shun'er because Wu Shun'er's Tiankui came after all. Happy in vain.

Wan Kuan looked at Wu Shun'er who had not thought about eating and drinking for the past few days, and didn't mind being a little distressed.

In fact, Wu Shun'er is not very old now: why is she so anxious to get pregnant? Wan Kuan entered Wu Shun'er's room with a tray in hand. Seeing Wu Shun'er sitting in front of the dresser alone, she was stunned.


When Wan Kuan shouted, Wu Shun'er woke up with a start.

She looked back and saw Wan Kuan holding a tray.

There are millet porridge on the tray, small golden steamed buns, and some side dishes.

Countless and the whole person couldn't help but feel a little wronged, and the little mouth pouted.

"Husband, slave family... Wu Shun'er hasn't spoken yet, that bean-sized teardrop immediately embraced Wu Shun'er in his arms: is she not pregnant? Great opportunity."

"But husband, the slave family has been with you for two months, and my stomach has not moved, how can I do it?"

That Wu Shun'er was filled with tears, and she looked extremely pitiful.

Wan Kuan took him in his arms and patted her on the back. At this time, Wu Shun'er was like a little girl who didn't grow up.

Wan Kuan sighed, then stroked Wu Shun'er's long soft hair: "Shun'er, don't worry, you and I will definitely have descendants in the future."

"But husband, the slave family has heard that some women can't bear children.

If the slave family is like this, what should I do?"

Wan Kuan laughed after hearing this: "Don't worry, you will definitely be able to have children, and your husband also knows that Shun'er will have many children in the future."

"How does your husband know?"

"Shun'er, you see this childbirth also has inheritance.

Your mother can give birth to the three of your sisters when you are over forty years old, which shows that your family is... the fate of many children and grandchildren.

Marrying you for your husband, that is also a group of descendants."

After listening to Wan Kuan's persuasion, Wu Shun'er calmed down.

Wan Kuan brought the seafood porridge and whispered: "Hurry up and drink some porridge, this porridge nourishes the yin and strengthens the spleen, and you will feel better after drinking it."

That Wu Shun'er nodded, picked up the small bowl and drank.

And Wan Kuan was not worried, because in history the Wu family was famous for being fertile.

After Wan Kuan persuaded Wu Shun'er, he had to communicate with Cui Yingying about their feelings. These two little girls were full of joy and wanted to get pregnant, and they didn't know why they were so anxious at such a young age.

However, Cui Yingying came from an aristocratic family, and she had an obsession with the family members since she was a child.

Wan Kuan can understand this.

But the most important thing for Wan Kuan right now is... To build mines, the ship rests in the port for two or three days before going to sea again.

Two new ships are being built in the dock, anyway... This time the ships go to the South China Sea to bring back some rice.

Because they want to choose another South Vietnamese port to land, there are endless tribes and endless farmland in the South China Sea.

At this time, the autumn wind has started and the weather has turned cooler, but the seaside of Dengzhou is still a little warm.

And Wan Kuan made a loud noise in the mountains west of Dengzhou.

The mines made by Wan Kuan were so powerful that in the end Qin Qiong had to hide in a tree [-] paces away to shoot arrows before he dared to trigger the mines.

Later, Yan Liben directly built another landmine the size of a human head. A landmine of such a size would be unsafe even at a distance of [-] steps and [-] widths.

Later, I simply went two hundred paces away and used a trebuchet to test the power of this mine.

This big landmine is really powerful. Hiding two hundred paces away, his feet were numb, and he was humming while covering his ears.

Then Qin Qiong's face was pale at this time, and the iconic yellow face was gone now.

It was only at this time that he realized that his bravery could not be displayed in the face of such mines.

If this kind of mine blows up next to him, he will definitely be blown up to powder.

Qin Qiong used to boast of his extraordinary martial power, but now he understands that even ten ten self, one hundred self is not enough in front of this kind of divine power.

When Wan Kuan saw the power of landmines, he couldn't help nodding his head, and then instructed Yan Liben to quietly build a black powder workshop.

This black gunpowder workshop must use reliable people, and must not leak information.

It is best to use people from the army, so that the secret can be better kept.

And as Wan Kuan expanded the scale of his workshop in Hebei, the output of plastic, porcelain, iron and coal continued to come directly.

Chapter 373

Now these things in Hebei............Good things are not only transported to Guanzhong Chang'an, but also to Luoyang, the central capital, and then take advantage of the Grand Canal all the way south to Yangzhou, or enter the Han River and transport them to Jingchu zone.

In the farthest place, some people even sold plastic to Lingnan people. For a time, the entire Tang Dynasty people used plastic, and the wealthy businessmen all over the Tang Dynasty used jade porcelain.

With the development of plastics and jade porcelain, the workshops in Hebei are too small.

And Wu Meier and the others wrote to Wan Kuan one after another, asking Wan Kuan to apply to the court again and at least double the size of the workshop.

Wan Kuan has calculated that if the workshop is doubled, at least tens of thousands of craftsmen will be employed.

And Wan Kuan had previously calculated that [-] people is a hurdle.

If the Hebei workshop employs more than [-] people, it will inevitably rebound with the family.

At that time, the family will raise the price of food.

But now Wan Kuan is not afraid of them doing this at all, the [-] load of grain is stored in the granary in Jizhou.

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