At that time, it will be easy to transport this grain to the land of Hebei through the canal. The canal has been dredged very smoothly by Wankuan long ago. Otherwise, the plastic magnets from Hebei would not be able to be transported through the canal to the south and the north.

Wan Kuan has been working step by step since he came to Hebei. On the one hand, he carried out the industrial revolution and on the other hand opened up transportation. After the fundamental problem of food was solved, Wan Kuan began to exert his strength.

At that time, once the scale of the industrial revolution expands, the economic scale brought about by it will also grow by leaps and bounds.

And as long as there is rice, Wan Kuan is not afraid of those aristocratic families restricting him.

And as long as Wankuan can grasp the shipping route, rice grains will be shipped continuously.

The way of heaven is to make up for what is lacking.

In some places, the grain is... can't be eaten, but in some places, the grain is... not enough... to eat.

And as long as Wan Kuan can stably turn Nanyue's arable land into his own after-grain field, then the entire Tang Dynasty will no longer be dominated by the aristocratic family.

At that time, the cultivated land will be worthless, and the influence of the aristocratic family will decline more and more.

Coupled with the rise of the imperial examination system year by year, there will be fewer and fewer officials in the imperial court.

Just like boiling a frog in warm water, the aristocratic family has quietly declined. Even if the family wants to fight to the death, with the extraordinary force of the imperial court, the family cannot turn any waves.

After Wan Kuan figured it out, he wrote directly to Li Shimin, asking to expand the scale of the workshop.

After receiving the letter, Li Shimin from Chang'an thought for a long time, and didn't reply to Wan Kuan until late at night.

There are only five 55 characters in the letter: You can be sure that Wan Kuan did not expect Li Shimin to hesitate more than himself, and Wan Kuan did not reply to Li Shimin, but directly packed a hundred thunderbolts in a box and sent heavy troops to Chang'an.

And Li Shimin, who was in Chang'an, understood what Wan Kuan meant after he received a thunderbolt.

The thunder exploded, and he kept going forward, Wan Kuan never did anything, and a hundred thunders were received. Then Li Shi understood Wan Kuan's decisiveness, and Li Shimin was very pleased.

After receiving one hundred thunderbolts, Shimin directly handed it over to his hundred riders for safekeeping, and passed the news to Li Jing.

And Li Jing let out a sigh of relief, looking at the yellowing leaves and the cool weather outside, Li Jing knew that the day when he sent troops was not far away.

The weather turned cold, and the entire north of the Yangtze River was a bleak scene.

At this time, the Guannei Road to the north of Chang'an was frequently deploying troops, and many auxiliary soldiers received orders to gather at the Guannei Road.

Every powerful family will send their own guards, and there are also many children of wealthy families who join the army. Now more and more people understand what the emperor is going to do. The sword is aimed at the Turks, and anyone who has a little brain. can guess.

And Li Shimin, who had been silent for three years, finally showed his fangs, and it was time to deal with the beast of the Turks in the north.

On the ninth day of the [-]th lunar month, the little Turkic khan and the Turkic khan in the north of Hebei sent envoys directly to Chang'an, willing to submit to the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin directly received the messenger of Tuli Khan, and gave him the iron scroll of the elixir, giving Tuli Khan the king of Liaodong, under the jurisdiction of the Tang Dynasty.

And when the news spread to the north of Yinshan Mountain, the Turk Jieli Khan was furious.

Tuli Khan was his nephew, and was originally the biological son of the previous Khan.

But after the death of the incumbent khan, it was not his son who succeeded the throne, but his younger brother.

And that son was only named a little khan, and was sent to the land of Liaodong.

And Jieli Khan was worried that this little Khan would threaten his position, so he was hostile everywhere and didn't give him any chance.

And Tuli Khan was also extremely helpless and finally surrendered to the Tang Dynasty, and at this moment Li Shimin felt that the day of the Turks' demise should come.

The army assembled, took advantage of the end of autumn, and headed out of the pass.

Li Shimin's plan was to first avoid the real and then the empty, and capture a few cities. At that time, when the Turks reacted, Datang would at least occupy favorable terrain first.

In silence, the generals in the courtroom were almost swept away.

Li Jing, Li Daozong, Zhang Gongjin, Chai Shao, Zhang Baoxiang, and Li Ji all no longer participated in the great court meeting. Those... all the civil and military officials are very clear. These people have already left Chang'an and began to make secret arrangements. ,.

And those civil servants, headed by Fang Xuanling, run the government affairs of the court day and night.

And the eldest grandson Wuji was too busy to touch the ground, the household's food and grass, plus the weapons and baggage for the prisoners, were all continuously transported to the Guannei Road.

Changsun Wuji had never fought such a wealthy battle. In the past two years, all the food surplus in the Tang Dynasty was used as military supplies, and Li Shimin also brought [-] dan of rice from other mysterious places.

With these [-] dans of rice, at least the [-]-strong army can be supported for a month.

And the cotton coats, down jackets, weapons, and armors of the prisoners are all readily available.

The Hundred Knights Centuries also escorted a box of mysterious things, and left Chang'an from the north gate of Chang'an, and went straight to Li Jing's camp in Guannei Road.

For a time, the autumn wind was bleak, the world was chilling, and a war was about to break out.

At this time, Wan Kuan and Qin Qiong were deploying Hebei's defense line north of Fanyang, Hebei, and Wan Kuan and Qin Qiong were the easternmost lines of the six-way army.

As long as we can defend the land of Hebei and prevent Jieli Khan from fleeing eastward, it is a great achievement.

And the northeastern part of Hebei is the territory of those...Shiwei people and those...savages. Generally speaking, Jieli Khan will never come here.

But even so, Qin Qiong was still sweeping away with his army of [-] people.

Chapter 374

In the north of Youzhou, at some important gates, Qin Qiong has considered laying mines.

At that time, if the Turks fled to the east without dying, they would blow him away.

Wan Kuan felt it was necessary for Qin Qiong to be careful and meticulous.

Anyway... Wan Kuan is a person who cherishes his life. Wan Kuan must be fully prepared for the slightest risk.

And Wan Kuan knew in his mind what the battle with the Turks would be like this time.

Li Jing's six-way army first broke through the Turks' southern court Dingxiang, and then the Turkic khans fled north with a group of Turkic nobles, but they encountered the siege of the east and west armies, and finally they could only hide at the foot of Yin Mountain, south of the desert. .

At that time, everyone thought that the Turks would cross the Mongolian desert at any time and flee to Mobei.

The Mongolian desert is a desolate Gobi Desert. It is a natural barrier. As long as you can escape to Mobei, you can save your life.

But at this time, the Turkic Khan suddenly became confused and wanted to reconcile with the Tang Dynasty and bow his head to the Tang Dynasty, so he stopped at the foot of Yinshan Mountain.

In fact, this khali khan is just... a little clever, if they really escape to Mobei, the cattle and sheep will not have enough forage, and large areas will starve to death, and the Turks will also starve to death many people.

Therefore, the Great Turkic Khan had a fluke mentality, and wanted to pass the emptiness and condescension, pretend to surrender, and relax.

After this winter, we will regroup and head south to the Tang Dynasty.

But at this time, Li Jing's mind was very clear. On the one hand, he sent Tang Jian, the Shaoqian of the Honglu Temple of the Great Tang Dynasty, to negotiate with the Turkic Khan to relax the vigilance of the Turkic Khan.

Then he personally led [-] cavalry to the foot of Yinshan Mountain, and went straight to the Turkic king's tent under the cover of heavy fog.

As a result, relying on this battle, the pioneer Su Ding launched an attack, the Turkic king's tent was broken, a large number of Turkic nobles were captured, and countless cattle, sheep and horses were seized, but only the great Turkic khan escaped.

It's just that the army around him has been dispersed, and the great Turkic Khan didn't get far.

In order to make a comeback, he wanted to defect to the Western Turks.

East and West, the Turks were originally one family, but they split apart during the Sui Dynasty.

But after all, blood is thicker than water, and the khali wanted to surrender to the Western Turks in order to make a comeback.

But it happened to be caught by Zhang Baoxiang, the deputy general manager of the Tongmo Road March.

Since then, the Tang Dynasty has completed the one-shot lore against the Eastern Turks, and the [-] elite soldiers have also suffered a lot of casualties.

Of the [-] cavalry alone, [-] died of freezing.

It can be said that Datang has spent a lot of money in exchange for this victory. Although the casualties were heavy, in the eyes of all Datang people, it was already extremely lucky.

But now that he has the full set of equipment built by Wan Kuan, Wan Kuan does not believe that the Tang army will still suffer so many casualties this time.

In fact, according to history, more than half of the people are on the march alone.

After all, this winter is particularly cold, and it is big outside the Great Wall. This is what the Turkic people call the White Disaster.

If the snow is too heavy, the grass roots will be buried, and cattle and sheep will die in winter when they feed on the grass roots.

And once the White Calamity occurs, the Jue people are at their weakest, so sending troops now can be described as the right time and place, and everyone gathers together.

In the past, the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty could only rely on their own heat and single clothes to resist the cold, but this time the Wankuan down jacket directly solved this problem.

All soldiers first put on close-fitting cotton clothes, then put on down jackets and down pants, and then put on armor on the outside.

And the down jackets of the soldiers are not... that kind of... light and fancy. Except... the down inside, the outside is made of rain cloth, which can wrap a person's heat and moisture. .

And it won't get wet or cold, just like... a baby in the battlefield.

And coupled with the gloves and hats made of cotton, this time the Tang soldiers will definitely not have so many ears frozen.

And more importantly, the weapon armor that Wan Kuan made this time was too tempting.

Not to mention the steel gun head and the heavy meteor hammer, the steel armor alone makes people very happy.

The armor made by the supervisor is much lighter than before, but the defense has been improved by several grades.

In addition, the down jacket provided by the Shaofu Supervisor is so light, so the load of each soldier is greatly reduced.

It used to be that a heavy cavalryman could carry more than [-] catties, but now the heavy cavalry bears only [-] catties, which has been reduced by half.

Although the down jacket looks bulky, it is actually very light. In addition, there is a layer of paper armor inside, and the weight of the paper armor is negligible.

The outer steel armor plate is thin, which reduces a lot of weight, so the speed of the entire cavalry will also be greatly improved.

In addition, Wankuan has nailed horseshoes to each horse. This horseshoe walks on the frozen soil in winter, and there will be no wear and tear at all.

Therefore, the speed of the Tang Dynasty cavalry should be far higher than that of the Turkic cavalry.

At this time, in the military camp of Guannei Road, Li Jing was surrounded by a group of generals.

Next to the plain-faced Li Ji was the arrogant Li Daozong, the arrogant-looking Zhang Gongjin, and the shrewd Zhang Baoxiang, next to the gentle and elegant Chai Shao.

These people are...the five commanders of the Sixth Route Army of the Tang Dynasty this time, and the other commanders are...Wan Kuan and Qin Qiong, but they are not responsible for offense, only for defense.

At this time, coal was burning in the tent, and the coal was also brought from the general supervisor. That Chai Shao was not wearing armor, only a green down jacket.

He put his hands in his sleeves, leaned back on the chair, and dozed off beautifully.

At this time, Li Jing looked at the map in front of him, and suddenly said: "Received a report from the scouts, the Turkic pioneer Ashna Duli, led [-] cavalry to attack Suzhou."

As soon as Li Jing's words came out, everyone turned their attention to Li Daozong who was on the side.

Li Daozong was the commander-in-chief of the West Road Army.

And Li Daozong didn't care at this time: "There are only five thousand cavalry, which is not enough for our West Route Army."

"King Jiangxia, the Western Route Army has only [-] cavalry in total, nothing can be done....... Underestimate the enemy."

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