Li Jing advised.

"Director Li, don't say we only have [-] cavalry, even with... only [-] cavalry, we can take the lives of these [-] Turkic dogs."

After listening to that, Chai Shao, who was lying on the side, couldn't help but pouted.

"King Jiangxia, don't talk big."

Then Li Daozong looked at Chai Shao with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

He is a royal family, and this Chai Shao is a state relative.

It's just that Chai Shao's wife, Princess Pingyang, has died in battle, but even though she died in battle, Chai Shao is still very favored by His Majesty.

"General Chai, this has nothing to do with your fellow Daoists."

Chapter 375

In the tent, Li Daozong and Chai Shao were in a tit-for-tat confrontation.

Both of them are relatives of the royal family, and they are trusted by Li Shimin, so they compete with each other.

"King Jiangxia, this general just reminds you not to be careless.

These [-] cavalry are the vanguard of the Turks, if something goes wrong while underestimating the enemy, I am afraid that the morale of this northern expedition will be low at the beginning."

After listening to that, Li Daozong shook his armor and made a rattling sound.

"General Chai, you don't have to worry about it.

The [-] Turkic dogs went straight to Suzhou, and our Western Route Army sent [-] cavalry to confront him.

Instead of defending the city, let a cavalry charge in the field and see how many of these Turkic dogs are left in the end."

After listening to Li Jing, his eyes were a little serious: "Jiangxia King don't want to fight for spirit, occupying the city and defending it is the best policy."

"Sir, this is the first battle of our Northern Expedition.

If you stick to the city, I'm afraid you won't be able to boost morale."

Li Jing narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Daozong in front of him: "King Jiangxia, you can be sure"

"As long as the chief executive borrows Su Dingfang and leads the [-] cavalry to charge, he will be fine."

After hearing that, Chai Shao smiled and said, "King Jiangxia, you might as well borrow General Yuchi from His Majesty's side.

It's really presumptuous to ask for the love general under the commander-in-chief with just one mouth."

And Li Daozong looked at Chai Shao contemptuously at this time: "If that old Yuchi is here, this king will definitely let him charge.

It's just that now Yuchi Laohei is defending His Majesty, and Qin Qiong is in Hebei again, so I borrowed Su Dingfang."

Li Jing waved his hand: "Okay, Su Dingfang will give it to you, but what if you five thousand cavalry lose?"

"Director Li, it is absolutely impossible to lose.

This king's five thousand elite soldiers will definitely kill the five thousand Turkic dogs without leaving a single one behind."

On the side, he took the opportunity to ask: "You can't kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred."

"Nonsense, the cavalry under this king are the elite of the elite.

Kill these five thousand Turkic dogs, and our soldiers will not have more than one thousand casualties."

As soon as Li Daozong said these words, there was an uproar in the entire camp.

That Zhang Gongjin and Zhang Baoxiang all looked at Li Daozong in shock, and Li Ji, who had been silent all the time, raised his eyelids, only Chai Shao laughed.

At this time, Li Jing said in a deep voice: "King Jiangxia don't want to talk nonsense, you have to know that there is no joke in front of this military order, and this general manager thinks you didn't say what you said just now."

"Director Li, I, Li Daozong, spit and nails.

What has been said is... said.

I said there would be no more than a thousand casualties, but... no.

If the general does not believe it, this king can issue a military order."

For a time, everyone in the tent looked at Li Daozhong suspiciously.

"King Jiangxia, you can be sure"

"This king has no jokes."

"Okay, then the general manager will write it down for you.

If you have few casualties—Ren, then you will be credited with the merits of this Northern Expedition.

But if you..."

"If this king doesn't do what he said, let the chief executive handle it."

After speaking, Li Daozong turned around and left. According to the time, at this time, he would lead his West Route Army and rush to the outside of Suzhou City to face the Turkic vanguard.

And watching Li Daozong walk away, he laughed.

"This Jiangxia King is really getting more and more arrogant and domineering. Relying on his good relationship with Wan Kuan, he has made a lot of excellent armor. Let's see how he ends up this time."

And Li Jing squinted at Chai Shao: "General Chai, the war is about to break out.

Don't say such things again.

Everyone has the armor that will serve as a prisoner, and there is no difference between good and bad."

After that, Chai Shao closed his mouth and put his hands in his sleeves again.

"It's beautiful to send troops this time. After so many years of fighting, I've never felt so comfortable.

On such a cold day, I was sweating all over wearing this dress.

How about this guy Wankuan has two brushes."

Chai Shao muttered to himself.

After listening, Li Jing ignored Chai Shao, and sat down slowly: "The coke in the tent is very warm, and Li Jing's eyes are a little erratic.

This time against the Turks, Li Jing did not hesitate at all, because he knew that he would win this time.

Because the hundred thunderbolts brought by the hundred knights were in the middle army.

in the account.

At that time, there will be hundreds of thunderstorms, He Chou can't destroy the Turks and now Li Jing has to think about... how to reduce his casualties after destroying the Turks and capturing the Khan alive.

To say that Wan Kuan is really a hero of the Tang Dynasty.

It has been a few days since this army was dispatched. According to past experience, more than a dozen people would have been frozen to death in the past few days.

But this time, although the weather was even colder, no one died from freezing. The down jacket of this Shaofu supervisor was simply impervious to wind and rain.

Li Jing sometimes wonders, is this Wan Kuan... a lucky star given to Datang by God? He doesn't know whether Wan Kuan is a lucky star or not, because he is now facing the encirclement and suppression of several major families in Hebei.

Every workshop in Hebei has started to post recruitment notices, and this time the whole Hebei has to recruit thousands of craftsmen.

For a time, the people of Hebei were all undercurrents.

In front of the gate of the Jizhou plastic workshop, a steward with two mustaches sat behind a table at the door, looking at the humming people in front of him.

"It's recruiting. If you want to register, hurry up and register your name here. If you don't want to register, hurry up and spread out. Don't gather here."

The moustache manager was very rude, after all, so many people gathered around the door, what kind of decency was there at this time, and the sullen person was still motionless, the moustache manager couldn't help being a little angry, just about to stand up and reprimand, at this time An old butler with gray hair walked out of the door.

As soon as the old steward came out, he waved his hand at the mustache, and the mustache respectfully asked the old steward to sit down, while the old steward ignored it and walked in front of everyone.

"Fellow folks, today our plastic workshop will be recruiting workers again. If you want to come to work, please register as soon as possible.

If you don’t want to work and just watch the fun, please give up this position and let people who want to work come in.”

The old man's voice was gentle and steady, and everyone nodded after hearing it.

"Old steward, we came from the countryside next to Jizhou, and I just wanted to ask you what kind of people are you recruiting for this plastic workshop?"

When the moustache heard it, he glared: "It's clearly written on the notice next to it, I don't know how to read it."

"We don't know a single big character, what do you think?"

The old steward glared at the moustache, and then smiled at everyone: "Family and elders, in fact, our workshop is very simple to recruit workers, over [-] years old, under [-] years old, male or female, as long as there is no physical problem. Come.


Chapter 376

In front of the workshop, everyone nodded after listening to the old steward's words.

However, everyone still had some doubts in their hearts.

"Old steward, we are all from the countryside next to Jizhou, and we don't understand the rules. How much do you pay this month?"

"Hey, this... eldest brother, our plastic workshop is paid one tael per month."

"How can a tael of silver be so much?"

For a time, those...people were whispering to each other.

"One tael, how much can one tael buy... One tael of wheat is enough for our family to eat for two months."

"That's right, why is the salary so high?"

"Yes, I have relatives in Chang'an Restaurant.

As a servant, he only had a few dollars a month, less than a tael."

"It's not a lie, is it?"

The old butler could not help waving his hand and shouting loudly when he saw everyone whispering in front of him.

"My fellow villagers, please don't make a fuss, our plastic workshop is written in black and white, one tael per person a month, and the old man is not deceived.

There are already hundreds of people in our workshop, if you don't believe me, you can ask."

"Yes, I have a distant relative who heard about it. He said that a month is... a tael of silver, and some are more than a tael of silver."

"How can it be more than a tael of silver?"

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