He would use the same number of cavalry to inflict heavy damage on the Turks, changing the previous stereotype that the Turkic cavalry was invincible.

Adjacent to Suzhou, Su Dingfang clearly felt that there was a large cavalry in front of him.

At this time, Su Dingfang was overjoyed, all he wanted was... an encounter.

Bypassing the barren mountains to the west of Suzhou City, there is an open field in front of it. This is a rare plain in the northwest Hexi Corridor, and it is also a good place for cavalry to hedge.

The hooves of horses were thundering, and there was a lot of noise in front of him. Su Dingfang narrowed his eyes and saw that the khaki leather armor and armor were the Turkic pioneer Ashina Duli.

"There is an enemy ahead, everyone is ready to charge!"

Su Dingfang shouted.

The Turkic cavalry on the opposite side also saw the banner of the Tang Dynasty, each with a smug look on their faces.

In the encounter in the wild plains, does the Tang army have a chance? The equipment of the Turkic cavalry is obviously not as good as that of the Tang army.

Mainly because the Turkic cavalry can only reduce the weight of their equipment in pursuit of speed.

Although before the Turks took advantage of the war in the Central Plains, many craftsmen were kidnapped from the Central Plains.

However, the armor of the Turks is still not as good as that of the Tang Dynasty. Although the Turks are... from forging, hundreds of years ago, the Turks were... the forging slaves of the Rouran people, but later the Rouran people were declining, and the Turks Rise up.

The Turks think their leather armor and a small amount of steel armor are the most perfect match, but the ultra-thin steel plate with a width of [-] is a higher level.

The steel sheet on the Datang warhorse is only [-] pounds, which is almost no weight for the Western BMW.

This Datang cavalry is the elite of the heavy cavalry, each cavalry is equipped with a lance and a meteor hammer, and also has a crossbow arrow in the saddle.

With this combination, long-range charge and close-range hand-to-hand combat are all good players.

The cavalry of the Tang Dynasty each wore steel armor, and there was a layer of paper armor inside the steel armor.

Even if the crossbow was lucky enough to shoot through the steel plate outside, it would not hurt the cavalry.

When the Turkic cavalry saw the Tang army rushing towards them, they were overjoyed.

"Spread apart and outflank on both sides!"

The leading Turkic general shouted.

The tactics of the Turks are very simple, they are... light cavalry, light cavalry is... attacking from two flanks, head-to-head is not their style.

Chapter 378

In fact, the tactics of the Turks today are the same as those used by the Central Plains cavalry to deal with them.

The Yanling Array is actually a ... shaped charge, with the most elite soldiers on both sides of the front row.

On the contrary, the cavalry in the middle lags behind on both sides, in fact, the purpose is to surround the opponent.

But Su Dingfang saw that the Turks were repeating their old tricks and smiled contemptuously.

After so many years, the Turks still haven't progressed.

This time, in order to eliminate the hidden danger of the Turks, the Tang Dynasty has been studying the tactics of the Turks, so Su Dingfang has long been prepared for this kind of geese formation.

This time, Su Dingfang directly eliminated the wedge formation, and the most elite cavalry was in the middle, rushing in the front, like a reverse.

It seems that the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty directly plunged into the encirclement of the Turks, but Su Dingfang had his own plans this time.

In the past, the speed of the Turkic cavalry was much higher than that of the Central Plains cavalry, so the Central Plains cavalry directly turned around and left when they encountered such an encirclement.

Because once surrounded by the light cavalry of the steppe nation, it will be more fortunate than good.

But now Su Dingfang expected that the speed of the Tang cavalry must be faster than the Turkic cavalry, so he deliberately rushed into the encirclement of the Turks.

Because as long as the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty is fast enough, they can directly penetrate the formation of the Turks.

Although the horses of the Turkic cavalry were not armored, the soldiers had more than [-] pounds of leather armor and armor, which was a little heavier than the steel armor of the Tang Dynasty cavalry and war horses.

Moreover, the war horses of the Tang Dynasty have horseshoes, and the things on their backs are lighter, so the speed of the war horses of the Tang Dynasty must be faster.

When the Turkic generals saw Datang taking the initiative to attack, they were startled. For decades, they had never seen such a battle.

Ashina Duli also sits in the central army.

, a little surprised, but he will not change his tactics.

He wouldn't believe that Tang Jun could fight against him, what Tang people did was... courting death.

The cavalry was fast, and in the blink of an eye, the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty and the Turks were about to fight.

The smoke and dust under the horse's hooves rose up.

The cavalry behind Su Dingfang picked up the horse lance, and there was a coldness in the eyes surrounded by the helmet.

Finally, the two flanks of the Turks surrounded the Datang cavalry, and the vanguard of the Datang cavalry also rushed to the Turks' middle army.

in front of.

The Turkic cavalry was dressed in yellow, while the Tang Dynasty cavalry was in black ink.

It is as if the Jing River and the Wei River meet together in Guanzhong.

The water of the Jing River is clear, and the water of the Wei River is turbid.

However, at this time, the Jinghe and Weihe rivers, but at this time, the yellow rivers of the Turkic cavalry were covered by the black rivers of the Tang cavalry.

As we all know, the faster the impact, the stronger the force.

And the horse lance in the hands of the Tang soldiers is a steel wire specially made by Wan Kuan, which is very tough, and the whole horse lance can be bent into a word.

Horse lance is a weapon used by cavalry to charge, with excellent strength and toughness. Now there are famous generals in the Tang Dynasty, all of them are horse lance masters.

Wankuan's spear head is high.

High hardness, it can even pierce five layers of ordinary armor without breaking during the test.

In addition, there is a wrist strap on the tail of the lance, so the cavalry can easily pull the lance out of the corpse of the enemy.

Moreover, there are blood grooves and patterns around the horse lance, even if the blood of the enemy is flowing down, it will not feel smooth.

The confrontation between the two armies is like two stars colliding.

At the moment of the collision, the lance of the Tang Dynasty cavalry was like a meteor from the sky, piercing the steel armor of the Turkic cavalry.

At this time, the Turks realized that the armor they seemed to explain could not resist the Tang army's horse lance.

To make matters worse, the lance of the Turkic cavalry meets the armor of the Tang cavalry, just like the wolf meets the tortoise shell, there is no way to start.

The hard spearhead of the Turks stabbed the steel plate of the Tang Dynasty, and could not get in the slightest bit, it looked like a mayfly shaking a tree.

Some lucky Turks pierced the gap between the Tang Army's steel armor with their guns.

But even so, the blood flow they expected did not appear.

Because there is still a layer of beige paper armor inside the steel armor of the Datang cavalry, when the gun head encounters the paper armor, it can only return without success.

Paper armor is not afraid of hard gun tips at all, because paper armor is harder.

The only thing Paper Armor is afraid of is... high temperature, but now it is winter, where is the high temperature Datang cavalry charging for the first time, like the autumn wind sweeping leaves.

In a fight, many Turkic cavalry fell directly from their horses.

The impact of the cavalry is huge, but the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty will also be rushed off the horse by the weapons of the Turks.

But their feet were fastened to the saddle by chains, and even if their upper body was knocked off, they could climb up again immediately.

In the first confrontation, the black of the Tang Dynasty obviously suppressed the yellow of the Turks.

The submachine of the cavalry is a stab at the flesh, and it will not be like a competition between masters, one move and one move, take your time.

Between lightning and flint, life and death are separated.

The two rivers of different colors slammed together in an instant, as if a stormy wave met.

Almost in a few breaths, the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty smashed the formation of the Turks.

The two armies meet, and now their positions are reversed.

The fighting of the cavalry is to charge, form a formation, and so on, until the winner is completely determined, or one side surrenders.

At this time, Su Dingfang's black armor was full of blood, and Tang Jun, who was originally dark black, now turned red and black.

Tick ​​tock, the blood of the Turks flowed to the ground along the blood troughs on the armor of the Tang soldiers, and the frozen ground was a dark red.

Su Dingfang looked to the left and right, still full, and it seemed that Datang did not suffer in this charge.

However, looking at the Turks on the opposite side, there are obviously a lot less, and the cavalry that was densely packed is now a little sparse.

Ashina Duli was still in shock at this time, and he had just made a charge, and he seemed to have passed the god of death.

The sight of Shura among the lightning and flint made his hands and feet go cold.

Ashina Duli also looked around, the [-] elites he brought with him seemed to be a lot less after a moment, and the original tight formation was somewhat scattered.

The Turks who were lucky enough to survive were also trembling at this time, and almost everyone had some scars on their bodies.

Ashina Duli was not injured under the protection of his own guards, but the violent impact from the opposite side just like a basin of cold water fell directly from his Heavenly Spirit Cover.

In the next breath, it was... a chill.

"Quick, quick! All gather together, don't... scatter your forces.

This time, the Tang army is prepared, we have to gather together to fight a bloody path!"

Chapter 379

Ashina Duli, who was opposite Su Dingfang, made a decisive decision, and directly adjusted the formation of his army in order to survive.

The tactic that just... spread out and attacked both sides, is now obviously unworkable.

As soon as the Turkic cavalry charged, they were beheaded by the Datang cavalry, and now they were at an absolute disadvantage in numbers.

It is absolutely impossible to disperse the troops now. This time, the Tang army is extremely vicious. If he can't cheer up, he may not escape! However, Ashina Duli is still in a bit of a hurry, and he has just adjusted his formation.

Over there, Su Dingfang and the Tang cavalry couldn't wait to launch the second charge.

When cavalry fights, what they fight is... efficiency, what they fight is... speed, what they fight is... bravery.

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