The cavalry of the Tang Dynasty was in full swing, rushing like a tide.

In a hurry, Ashina Duli hurriedly cheered up.

I saw Ashnadu learned a few wolf howls, the wolf is the totem of the Turks.

He hoped this would boost the morale of the Turkic soldiers.

At this time, after Su Dingfang heard these wolf howls, the corner of his mouth smiled disdainfully.

Even if the god of the Turks, Sirius, comes now, he can't save you.

Today, you must die! The Turkic cavalry gathered together, and it seemed that they wanted to confront each other.

Su Dingfang did not hesitate, and directly accelerated the charge.

When they meet on a narrow road, the brave one wins.

Ashina Duli thought that if he joined forces in one place, he would be able to escape, but he was too naive.

The Tang cavalry led by Su Dingfang was in full swing, and they did not give the Turks a little at all.

Ashina Duli's fantasy was destined to be awakened by Su Dingfang.

The Tang cavalry will not give them a chance.

The Art of War: Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles.

In the hearts of the Turks, the Tang Dynasty was still the Tang Dynasty who was beaten to the Wei River by himself two years ago.

But the stars change, some things change very quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the offense and defense change shape.

The Turks did not know that in the last six months, Datang had produced a Wankuan, and they also did not know what this Wankuan brought to the Datang cavalry.

Three days apart, and treat them with admiration.

The Tang Dynasty is no longer Wuxia Amon, but the Turks are still the same.

In this way, how can they not be defeated? Actually, the Turks were light cavalry, and the Tang Dynasty was now heavy cavalry.

When light cavalry encounters heavy cavalry, they must not fight recklessly, they can only deal with them in a roundabout way.

But now the heavy cavalry of the Tang Dynasty was faster than the light cavalry of the Turks, and Ashina Duli also chose this kind of head-to-head charge, which can be regarded as the heart of the Tang Dynasty.

The cavalry of the Tang Dynasty is too obvious in the weapons and armor, and this is simply not what personal bravery can make up for.

The Turkic soldiers have just passed a charge, and the long in their hands has been broken.

At this time, they had no choice but to take out the machete.

But in the battle of cavalry, weapons are very important.

One inch long, one inch strong.

The horse lance in the hands of the Tang cavalry was still intact, which made the Turks a little desperate.

The horse lances are like the scythes of the god of death, wanton harvesting their own lives.

And the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty also had a few unfortunate ones, and the horse lance in their hands was thrown away.

However, they took out the meteor hammer and flail at this time, and the lethality of heavy weapons was even greater.

I saw a hooting and shouting Turkic cavalry, holding a long spear that had been broken, rushing towards the Tang army beyond their capacity.

But the reality is very cruel. Before this person's spear can be shot, he has already been dressed into a candied haws by the opposite Ma Leng.

The Turk was terrified, opened his mouth wide, and fell directly out of his horse.

The horse lance pierced the man's throat, and when he was dying, he still had a horrified expression.

A large amount of blood poured out of the huge wound, and Ma Lan's blow was fatal, and no one would survive.

Among Ma Lan's achievements, the meteor hammer and flail that will be built by the supervisor are also frequently made.

Many Turkic cavalrymen had their heads smashed by Tang Jun's meteor hammer, and the iron tips on the meteor hammer hit their bodies, just like a knife cutting tofu.

The heads of the Turks were not made of iron either, and they were blown up all at once.

The red blood and the white brain splattered all over the place.

Red and white are flying, not surprising.

The warriors on the battlefield are well-informed, and the blood of the enemy is their credit, the more the better.

The second charge was also over in an instant, and Ashina Duli's arm was scratched for unknown reasons, causing endless pain.

At this time, he looked again and saw that there were fewer and fewer partners around him.

He estimated that there were less than [-] people.

And the cavalry on the Tang side was obviously a lot more than his own, and Ashina Duli was anxious.

The more the cavalry charges to the end, the more disadvantaged the side with fewer people will suffer.

When there are few people, there is no formation, and on the plain, it is just... fish on the chopping board, to be slaughtered by others.

But before Ashina Duli could think of a way, the Great Tang cavalry rushed up again, not giving him any chance to breathe at all.

Ashina Duli has no choice but to bite the bullet and has no other choice.

However, Ashina Duli had already guessed the result of this charge. The number of people fell behind, and the weapons were not in the upper hand. There was no other way except...waiting to die.

Sure enough, after this charge, the number of Turkic cavalry who could no longer form a formation was reduced by half again.

The Tang Dynasty cavalry became more and more brave and became more and more unstoppable.

The surviving Turkic cavalry were also injured, and their spirits were completely devastated.

Ashina Duli already wanted to die at this time. Could it be that his own life is going to be lost here today? It really shouldn't be, shouldn't be so careless! Now, when did the Tang cavalry become so powerful? I regret that I shouldn't have done it in the first place, grandma's.

At this time, it is important to escape, and staying behind can only be a dead end.

Hurry up and flee to Dingxiang, maybe there is still a chance of life.

Ashina Duli made a decisive decision, turned around and ran with the remaining cavalry.

The Tang cavalry in front of him is a living Yama, and if he encounters it, he will die, and whoever goes up is a fool.

Ashina Duli's embarrassed escape directly declared that the Tang Dynasty had won the encounter cleanly.

For more than ten years, the history of the Central Plains Dynasty, when encountering Turks, could only be rewritten.

Always high above, the mythical Turkic undefeated cavalry was buried directly.

This is a great victory that can be recorded in history, and Su Dingfang will become a hero of the Tang Dynasty.

The Turks were a big worry for the Tang Dynasty, and this great victory was different from ordinary victories.

The Central Plains Dynasty fought with the grassland people for thousands of years, and every fierce battle will be recorded in the thick history books.

Chapter 380

Ashina Duli disregarded his face and fled in embarrassment, all of which were within Su Dingfang's expectations.

Su Dingfang was well prepared and ordered the entire army to pursue him.

"Go to the weapon and change the crossbow arrow."

Su Dingfang shouted.

The speed of the Tang Dynasty cavalry was very fast, but after three charges, the Turkic horses were somewhat exhausted.

The cavalry behind Su Dingfang hardly suffered much loss, while the number of Turkic cavalry was sparsely visible to the naked eye, estimated to be less than a thousand.

The speed of the Tang war horses was fast, and the speed of the Turkic cavalry was savage, and the distance between the two gradually narrowed.

Ashina Duli was already ignoring it at this time, the whip whipped loudly, and the mouth of the warhorse under his crotch started to foam.

Seeing that the distance was sufficient, Su Dingfang immediately shouted, "Release the arrow!"

At this moment, Ashina Duli heard the shout, and the next thing was... a sound of the string being stretched.

Ashina Duli took the opportunity to look back and saw a dark cloud flying towards him.

The hand crossbow had already been fired, Ashina Duli reacted quickly, and quickly took out the small shield under the saddle and put it on his head.

Puff puff! There was a sound of arrows piercing the flesh, and the cavalry around them fell off their horses one after another.

These people are miserable, they can only fall off their horses and be trampled into flesh by the subsequent Great Tang Iron Cavalry.

The cavalry charge is just like this. Few of the soldiers who fell off their horses are complete, and they are lucky if they can barely see that they are people.

Ashina Duli's heart is broken, cavalry with crossbow arrows, if the Tang Dynasty played this way, then the Turks have no way to deal with it.

In fact, this powerful bow and arrow has always been used by infantry soldiers. After all, it is not easy to aim right away. When the horse swayed, the arrow would deviate.

However, since the appearance of the hand crossbow modified by Wan Kuan, Li Jing has been keenly aware of this tactic.

In fact, this is also the way Wan Kuan inadvertently told Li Jing about the combat methods of the Mongolian light cavalry in later generations.

Mongolia traverses Europe and Asia, the light cavalry is fast, and the forty-five-degree projectile is a skill at home.

The cavalry of the Mongols is not strong, but the speed is absolutely fast.

They never dared to charge head on because their armor and impact were not enough....

To have enough impact, tonnage and speed are the only two indicators.

The Mongols are fast enough, but not enough tonnage.

Their most common style of play is...a combination of riding and shooting.

Coming and going as fast as the wind, coupled with bow and arrow harassment.

The usual formation is... sneak attack from both flanks.

One sneak attack one after another, draining the enemy's physical strength and will.

The mobility of the Mongolian light cavalry is better than that of the current Tang cavalry, because they only have a layer of leather armor, do not carry large weapons, and rely on the bows and arrows on their backs to kill the enemy.

Throwing arrows is the largest attack method, and the arrows can bypass the shield in front of the infantry.

When other people encounter Mongolian cavalry, they can't catch up with them, they can't be beaten, and they stop in place and let them bully them.

Back then, Li Jing had to give Wan Kuan the art of war, saying that in the future Wan Kuan would be the most promising young general in the Tang Dynasty.

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