However, Wan Kuan did not learn at all, and instead, many formations and battle examples of later generations stimulated Li Jing.

In the end, Li Jing was furious and walked away.

But although Li Jing is gone, he still remembers the revelation that Wan Kuan gave him......

This method of cavalry with bows and arrows is what Li Jing came up with.

It's just that the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty is a combination of light cavalry and heavy cavalry. They have both the mobility of light cavalry and the impact of heavy cavalry.

The equipment built by Wankuan is the basis for all this to be realized, and many pioneering combat skills are based on excellent equipment.

Without these... baggage, any tactics would be impossible.

So from this point of view, Wan Kuan is... the founder of Datang's new type of warfare.

Ashina Duli now has no time to take care of the soldiers around him, he can only run away without life.

The shield in his hand can withstand Tang's bows and arrows, but now the arrows of the Tang army are all triangular pyramid arrows, and his shield is also full of arrows, just like hedgehogs.

The sound of hooves behind him was getting closer and closer, and Ashina Duli's heart was getting faster and faster.

I'm afraid there is no way to escape this time.

Ashina Duli was a Turkic royal family, and he always prided himself on being extraordinary, and he always sneered at the Tang army.

But this time, he was on his own.

It was the first time that Ashina Duli had changed his mind about Tang Jun, but this was his last thought, because the shouting of Su Dingfang behind him was incomparably clear.

"The Turks in front, hurry up and dismount, and surrender, or you will be killed!"

Su Dingfang let out a loud roar.

In fact, Su Dingfang could see that this general who escaped for his life was not a small official. After all, the armor and horses on his body were different.

Ashina Duli's crotch is the BMW of the Western Regions. After running for so long, he can still run away, which is indeed amazing.

Now the [-] Turkic cavalry had been completely killed and wounded, and only Ashina Duli and a few guards around him were left.

However, Su Dingfang felt that the first battle to wipe out the Turks and capture the Turkic generals would definitely boost the morale of the Tang Dynasty, so he directly surrendered.

Ashina Duli looked back in despair, the Tang cavalry was in front of him, and in an instant, he lost the desire to escape.

I am a Turkic emperor, even if I am captured, I still have a life left behind, why bother myself.. I am courting death. Ashina Duli's horses slowly stopped, and the Tang cavalry suddenly gave Ashina Duli to him. surrounded.

Ashina Duli looked at Tang Jun, who was covered in blood, and was terrified.

Under the heavy siege, Ashnarduri could only surrender.

This kind of Turkic royal family, leaving it and sending it back to Chang'an, can boost the morale of the Tang Dynasty even more.

However, except for Ashina Duli, all his personal guards were beheaded here.

There is only one prisoner, and the other guards who have no identity are directly killed.

In World War I annihilated 3 Turkic elite cavalry, Su Dingfang's men only killed 402, and injured [-], with less than [-] casualties.

Li Daozong in the rear received a scout report, and a smug smile appeared on his face.

"Write a Tang newspaper to Director Li, and send that... Turkic dog royal family to Director Li too!"

Li Daozong's tone is arrogant, but he has arrogant capital.

In the Guannei Dao camp, Li Jing looked at Ashina Duli, who was in a state of embarrassment, and at Li Daozong's pond newspaper, his face was still calm.

On the other hand, Chai Shao was full of jealousy. Li Daozong actually took away this great achievement. It's really abominable! Li Jing signed Tang Bao with his name and handed it over to the people of the Baiqi Division.

In less than a day or two, the news that the Tang Dynasty wiped out the Turks will spread all over the country!

Chapter 381

The news of the Great Tang Suzhou Victory spread all over the north, and Wankuan, who was in Hebei, also got the news through the Tang News of the imperial court.

Wan Kuan was not too excited, only a faint joy.

The thousands of cavalrymen behind Li Daozong were all equipped with the best equipment.

Moreover, Li Daozong specifically wanted the armor of the heavy cavalry, although it was nearly ten pounds heavier than the armor of the light cavalry, but it was much higher in defense.

Moreover, although it is the armor of the heavy cavalry, it is also lighter than the heavy armor of the Turks, so it does not suffer in speed.

It is equivalent to saying that Li Daozong used the speed of light cavalry and the impact of heavy cavalry to deal with the Turks, so the Turks must not suffer a big loss.

And that... Su Ding Fang Wankuan also knows that he is a famous general of the new generation.

The force is not low, especially good at leading cavalry charge.

In fact, Wan Kuan knew clearly that this war was all about... food and equipment. If you have good equipment, you can definitely win. Now, when it comes to food and grass, the Tang Dynasty is also crushing the Turks, so it is not unusual to achieve such a result.

And the same principle can also be applied to the land of Hebei, whoever has food and grass in his hand is invincible.

In the past two days, the recruitment of Hebei workshops has continued, and the price of grain in Hebei has risen by [-]%. This is the revenge of the aristocratic family, and it is also a threat from the family.

Because most of the food is in their hands, the scattered parts are nothing to worry about.

If you're still hiring, the families can raise the price of food to a point you can't afford.

In fact, these...the price of food still can't affect too many people, because the most people in Hebei are farmers.

Farmers rent their own land and produce their own grain, and they don't need to buy grain from the family's grain depot.

And the people who are really affected are...Jizhou City, Dingzhou City...the people in the city.

These people may be doing small business or doing other things, and they don't farm, so they have to buy food every day to live.

And the family's decision had the biggest impact on them. The food on the market suddenly rose a lot. Those... ordinary people couldn't bear it at all.

And they can't afford food and they won't go to trouble with the family, because they know who has the final say in the land of Hebei.

These people can't afford the food, so they go to the yamen, and let the people of the yamen solve this matter, in fact, this is the family oppressing the court through the people.

After all, the people in the land of Hebei starved to death, and the aristocratic family didn't care, but they were really dying of starvation. These people would definitely rise up and rebel against the imperial court. This is the unscrupulousness of the family.

And these states have people coming to the government office, but Wan Kuan will never come forward at this time, wearing new shoes can't step on stinky shit, this kind of quagmire, Wan Kuan can't get involved.

Wan Kuan was still stationed in the north of Youzhou. Now that the war has started, Wan Kuan, the provincial governor of Hebei, also holds the post of the military chief of Hebei Road.

When there was no war, Wan Da was the governor, but once the war broke out, Wan Kuan was the...

Xu Jingzong is not much worse than Fang Xuanling in the court in the old way of government affairs, and he knows Wan Kuan's mind, and he knows that the court has the confidence, so he is not afraid that the family will raise the price of food.

So his solution is very simple.

If it were to be put on hold in the past, the aristocratic families would raise the price of grain, and the imperial court would definitely transfer grain from the Changping warehouse and sell it to the common people at a normal price.

And at that time, it would be more than the imperial court's grain and the aristocratic family's grain.

If there is enough food in the imperial court, enough for the common people to survive for a month or two, then the price of food for housekeeping will gradually drop.

However, if the court's food supply is not enough, it can only support half a month and ten days, then the food price of the family will still be strong.

At that time, the imperial court can only sign an unequal agreement with the aristocratic family.

But this time, Xu Jingzongze did not intend to do so.

Because among all Hebei officials, except... Wu Mei'er, the one who understood Wan Kuan's plan the most was this Xu Jingzong.

Xu Jingzong has already figured out what the industrial revolution is, so this time your family raised the price of food is a good opportunity.

Crisis, crisis, there is danger and there is opportunity, and this opportunity is nurtured in danger.

If the court doesn't have enough food, then this time the family raises the price...the biggest danger.

But now the court has enough food, that's a huge opportunity.

Xu Jingzong can drive more people into the workshop to become craftsmen.

Therefore, Xu Jingzong directly informed the people in the major yamen prefectures. If any people came to the yamen to make trouble, tell them directly and let them go to work in the workshop.

The workshop includes food and housing, as well as money every month.

No matter what the other party said, the court only said one sentence.

Xu Jingzong is not cruel, but this is the best way.

At present, the workshops of the imperial court are in urgent need of employing people, but many people have a natural repulsion to work, so they will not enter the workshops unless they are forced to.

At this time, the family raises the price of food is... a best opportunity, if they want to live and eat, they can go to the workshop and become craftsmen.

But if they insist on not going, they will be hungry.

Xu Jingzong explained it very clearly, and all the yamen did the same, because they knew that Xu Jingzong was Wan Kuan's deputy, and all this was the intention of the great governor.

And Xu Jingzong sits in the city of Jizhou, which has the most people near Jizhou, after all, it is in Hebei.

As soon as the price of food increased, there was a different movement in the market.

There was chaos at the entrance of the yamen, and many people surrounded it.

And Xu Jingzong was sitting at the entrance of the yamen, watching a bunch of people gathered in front of him.

Xu Jingzong knew exactly what these people meant.

In Hebei almost every year the imperial court allocates food, and it is precisely because of their reliance on the imperial court that these people behave in this way.

And Xu Jingzong is also very clear in his heart, these............the people gathered must have people from aristocratic families, these...... are... fish in troubled waters .

There was a loud noise, and the yamen's yamen held up fire and water sticks to stop the people who wanted to rush into the yamen.

"There is no food, we can't afford to buy food, we are going to starve to death, and the court still does not distribute food."

"That's right..., if the court doesn't... distribute food, Lao Tzu will take the whole family to the mountains to become robbers."

Then Xu Jingzong listened to these.... The voice of wooooo shouting, half of it was shouted by people from the aristocratic family.

Chapter 382

People who are really short of food will only have anxiety in their hearts, and will not have such a hard temper.

When Xu Jingzong heard these words, he walked out and stood at the gate of the yamen. As soon as Xu Jingzong appeared, everyone became silent.

Because they knew at a glance that Xu Jingzong was a high official.

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