This little iron lump can easily take away dozens of lives, and it also blows up the impregnable city wall. This is not a god's method, what else can it be? How can people compare with gods? So these.... ......The Turks ran away without thinking.

And the Turkic nobles in Dingxiang City were heartbroken after hearing so many loud noises.

People are born with a sense of fear in the face of loud sounds, which is why many people are afraid of thunder and lightning.

Everyone was terrified, knelt on the ground and kept praying, until the Turkic soldiers in front turned around and ran back, and everyone understood that they should flee now.

And the people from the Hundred Knights suddenly fired more than twenty thunderbolts, which directly blew the south gate of Dingxiang City into powder.

At this time, when the leader of Baiqisi saw this scene, all the Turkic soldiers on the city wall ran away. At this time, there is no need to use these anymore....... Thunder.

He closed the box, put things away, and ordered the warriors of the hundred knights to charge forward.

And Li Daen and Zhang Gongjin, who were hiding a few miles away, also had cold sweat on their palms.

"Director Zhang, what exactly is this rumbling and rumbling? Could it be a thunderstorm falling from the sky? At the end of the day, I will see a piece of wolf smoke ahead. I'm afraid that the gate of Dingxiang City has been smashed by lightning."

At this time, Zhang Gongjin looked a little hesitant after hearing this, he wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said, "I understand, I understand, the milk in the box of the hundred riders is the thunder that Wan Kuan brought from Hebei."

"What thunder"

Master Li's eyes were shocked.

"That's right, it's... thunder.

I remember a few days ago, there were rumors that the palace was bombed by thunder, and the lake next to the Xuanwu Gate in the backyard of the palace was bombed. Later, His Majesty refuted the rumor and said that it was just a thunderbolt sent by Governor Wan Kuan Wan Da from Hebei."

After listening to that, Li Daen looked suspicious: "Director Zhang Da, this thunderstorm is false, and the people of Chang'an are just spreading falsehoods.

The civil and military officials in this dynasty have never believed that this thunder can be stored in a box."

"Hey, General Ben didn't believe it at first, but when I heard that voice just now, General Ben just remembered it.

A few days ago, before the army was dispatched, there were so many shouts in the barren hills north of Chang'an City.

Later, it was rumored by the people that... the thunder sent by Governor Wan Da from Hebei sounded again, and this general didn't take it seriously at that time, but it is true now that I think about it."

"But Manager Zhang, how could this thunderbolt be packed into the box and how could this thunderbolt make it explode?"

"Don't worry about it, anyway... Now you just need to know that there is a thunder in the sky in the hands of the people of the Tang Dynasty."

After listening to that, Li Daen swallowed his saliva: "Director Zhang Da, if there is really a thunderstorm, what are we going to do, let the governor of Wanda in Hebei directly drop a dozen or [-] thunderbolts, and kill all the Turks. Yet"

After hearing that, Zhang Gongjin also fell into deep thought: "This matter is not so simple, there were rumors in Chang'an City that the governor of Wanda was the reincarnation of a god, and he had a good relationship with the gods in the sky.

General Ben didn't believe it before, but now it may really happen."

Chapter 395

At this time, Zhang Gongjin had a serious face, and muttered to the dust in front of him.

"That Cheng Yaojin was punished by the Dragon King or was rescued by the Governor of Wanda. I heard that the second son of the Cui family in Hebei was also hated by the Dragon King, and it was the Governor of Wanda who rescued him from the fire.

So, can this Wankuan really be able to use the magic of ghosts and gods?"

Li Daen sighed: "Manager Zhang, this ghost story is never credible. If there really are ghosts and ghosts, we killed so many people on the battlefield. Didn't the ghosts of those people come to us for revenge sooner?"

"I don't know about this, but looking at Director Li's inscrutable expression, I'm afraid he knows about this thunderstorm."

After listening, Li Daen looked up again, and then said: "Director Zhang, the thunder has stopped, and the Hundred Knights seem to be charging."

When Zhang Gongjin heard it, he immediately slapped his thigh: "Quick! Follow the Baiqisi to the city, you can't hesitate at all.

Maybe the city gate has been opened now, we have to follow behind the hundred knights and catch the Turkic khan.

Quick, quick!"

That Zhang Gongjin urged again and again, and Li Daen also hurriedly ordered.

Fortunately, although everyone was a little shaken, military discipline was law-abiding.

Then Li Daen took the lead, and directly led the vanguard cavalry under his command to charge towards Dingxiang City, and Zhang Gongjin followed.

Zhang Gongjin patted his forehead, no wonder the chief executive said he would let him see the opening of Dingxiang city gate immediately.

Charge, don't hesitate.

It turned out that the city gate was blasted open with thunder, and I was a little hesitant just now.

If it wasn't for the chief executive, this would be a waste of opportunity.

Zhang Gongjin couldn't help but feel a little scared.

But when Zhang Gongjin's vanguard rushed outside the gate of Dingxiang City, everyone was stunned by the sight of broken walls and dust.

However, Li Daen was a warrior in the field, with countless lives under his command, and his hands were stained with the blood of countless people, so he calmly shouted.

"Enter the city, go straight to the king's tent, and capture the Turkic Khan alive."

After a group of cavalrymen heard it, they rushed towards Dingxiang City with lightning speed.

In Dingxiang City, there was chaos at this time.

There were repeated thunderstorms, and the people were frightened and broke their souls.

Those who responded quickly had already fled from the North Gate with their families and their mouths, while the people who responded slowly were still kneeling in the city in a daze.

As soon as the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty rushed in, they ignored it and rushed straight to the central tent of Dingxiang City.

And there are those... who knelt on the road and blocked the way with a knife and were directly slashed to death, and were trampled into flesh by horseshoes.

That Li Daen was extremely fast, and the hundred horsemen in front had already cleared the streets for Li Daen.

Li Daen drove straight in, and in the blink of an eye, he was outside the king's tent.

At this time, Li Daen also ignored it, stepped on the steps and ran wildly on horses. There were many slaves in the royal court, and there were many Turkic nobles who didn't have time to escape. The target, Li Daen's target is Turkic Kean.

And Zhang Gongjin also entered the city later, he looked at it.

The south gate has been bombed into ruins.

In this way, Dingxiang City was completely destroyed.

And Zhang Gongjin immediately explained to the scouts beside him, he went back to report the news, saying that Dingxiang City had broken five, and the monarch could enter directly.

The scout was ordered, immediately.

He galloped back on his horse and passed the news to the camp ten miles away.

And Zhang Gongjin didn't stop for a moment, running along the streets of Dingxiang City towards the royal court in the middle.

On the road, there were many Turks who panicked and ran around, but Zhang Gongjin didn't care at all, and all those who stood in front of him with a big knife were hacked to death.

And he didn't care about the corpses on the ground. He stepped on the horses, and the hooves of the hard horseshoes were nailed, and when they stepped on people, they immediately turned into meat mud.

But when Zhang Gongjin killed outside Wang Ting, he saw Li Daen standing outside with his head lowered and his face depressed.

Zhang Gongjin directly turned over and dismounted, and just scolded Li Daen for a while.

"Why didn't you catch the Turkic Khan?"

"Director Zhang, there is no Turkic Khan in this royal court."

"Nonsense, we got the information that the Turkic Khan is in the royal court in Dingxiang City, how can you say no?"

"Sir, I will search all over the place at the end, and find no trace of the Turkic Khan!"

That Gongjin didn't care, he took out his long sword and rushed inside.

The entire royal court had been controlled by Li Daen's soldiers, and Zhang Gongjin was rampaging inside with a knife.

Going around every corner, Zhang Gongjin found no trace of the Khan.

Zhang Gongjin screamed in anger, and then directly restrained a Turkic nobleman who seemed to have a fat head and big ears, pulled up and asked in Turkic dialect.

"Tell me where you Khans are! Or it will cost you your life."

The fat-headed and big-eared Turkic aristocrat was still dumbfounded at this time, and was so frightened by Zhang Gongjin that he was trembling and speechless.

Zhang Gongjin felt resentment in his heart, and threw him directly to the ground, and then with a swing of the big knife, a round head fell off with a grunt.

After Zhang Gongjin killed a person, his ferocity became fierce, and he grabbed a fat Turkic female nobleman from the side.

This Turkic woman, shocked by Zhang Gongjin's reckless murder just now, has already wet her pants.

Tick ​​tock, irritated.

"Come on! Where is your khan? If you don't tell me, you'll end up with the man just now."

Although the noblewoman was frightened and trembling, she was barely able to speak.

"Our khan left Dingxiang yesterday."

"What are you lying to me"

Zhang Gongjin put his big sword on the neck of the Turkic woman.

The Turkic woman was so frightened that she screamed, "I dare not lie to you, I dare not lie to you, our khan left Dingxiang City yesterday afternoon and evacuated north."

After hearing that, Zhang Gongjin let out a loud roar, then turned the knife in his hand, and wiped the Turkic woman's neck directly.

"Alas! Khuri Khan, you cowardly rat."

Zhang Gongjin was very annoyed. He thought that this siege had already been done in a hurry, but he didn't expect that the khan had already escaped from Dingxiang City yesterday. Quickly retreat to the foot of Yinshan Mountain to the north.

At this time, Zhang Gongjin was so angry that he was filled with righteous indignation, and he fell short, and he fell short, ah! The credit he received flew away. The Turkic Khan was captured in one fell swoop, but he did not expect that this Turkic Khan was as timid as a mouse and ran away in advance.

Chapter 396

Zhang Gongjin really did not expect how arrogant and arrogant that Turkic khan was two years ago, and when he hit the city of Chang'an, he was so arrogant.

Unexpectedly, in just two years, the Turks have already decayed to such an extent.

Just when Zhang Gongjin was annoyed, the movement of the army suddenly came from outside the city gate.

Zhang Gongjin immediately.

He rode his horse towards the city gate, and as soon as he reached the city gate, Li Jing's army had already arrived.

Looking at the ruined Dingxiang City, Li Jing nodded with satisfaction. In fact, this was already what he expected.

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