Just how powerful the thunder was, Li Jing didn't even have to think about it.

At the beginning, a single thunderstorm in the north of Chang'an was enough to blow up a hillside.

Not to mention that this Dingxiang City is made of earth, stone and bricks, even if it is made of solid rock, a few thunderstorms can actually blow up all the gaps.

Li Jing let out a sigh of relief at this time, Dingxiang City was broken, but it was uncertain whether the Turkic Khan could capture it or not.

Looking at Zhang Gongjin who was rushing in front of him, Li Jing narrowed his eyes, and could see that Zhang Gongjin's face was not good-looking, a little frosty.

So Li Jing knew after a little thought that the Turkic Khan had not caught it.

The chief executive Zhang Gongjin turned over and dismounted, clasped his fists and folded his hands.

Li Jing sighed: Where did the Turkic Khan go? Hearing Li Jing's question, Zhang Gongjin was ashamed.

"Report to the Chief, that the Turkic Khan left Dingxiang yesterday afternoon and fled north."

After Li Jing heard this, he slapped his saddle angrily, and the iron pieces on the saddle rattled...

"This cowardly rat, my Tang army was still there yesterday afternoon: seventy miles away, he has already abandoned the city and fled, such a person is really shameful."

"Chief Chief, they left yesterday afternoon. If they start chasing now, I'm afraid they won't be able to catch up."

At this time, Li Jing shook his hand and motioned Zhang Gongjin not to speak here, and the two walked into the Turkic royal court and said it would not be too late.

In the royal court of the Turks, Li Jing sat firmly in the center.

And Li Jing issued several orders directly.

"Send Chai Shao to surround Shuozhou from the east.

Li Daozong was ordered to go straight to the foot of Yin Mountain from the west.

Order Li Ji to strictly guard the Yanzhou area, and do not allow the Khan to enter the Western Regions through the Hexi Corridor."

Li Jing issued three orders in a row, that is... to strangle all the places where the khan can escape.

After the scouts had all left, Zhang Gongjin asked respectfully, "Sir, what should we do now? If the Turkic Khan goes all the way north and crosses the desert, what should we do?"

Then Li Jing sighed: "When I left Chang'an, Your Majesty told me personally.

It would be best if they could directly capture and hold Li Khan alive, and if they couldn't capture it, they would continue to pursue them until they reached the edge of the desert.

But if the Turkic khan fled in embarrassment and fled to the north of the desert, His Majesty's decree would not be fulfilled."

"Then if this Turkic khan really fled to the north of the desert, should he pursue it or not?"

Li Jing squinted his eyes at this moment, put his eyes in his eyes, did not speak, but secretly clenched his fists.

Logically speaking, if the Turks really fled to Mobei, there would be no threat to the Tang Dynasty.

There was absolutely no need for the Tang Dynasty to waste food, grass, and luggage, and then go after him, but Li Jing could guess what Li Shimin was thinking. After all, he was a veteran of the battlefield. Li Jing knew exactly who Li Shimin was.

The humiliation suffered by the Tang Dynasty two years ago, Li Shimin will never let it go easily.

It's just that Li Shimin didn't explain, and the rest of the will is probably hesitating between chasing and not chasing.

The only thing that matters now is whether the grain and grass in Datang's country can support the Northern Expedition, so whether the land of Hebei is still a mess.

Just when Li Jing was pondering, suddenly Li Daen stood outside the court and shouted: "General Manager, something will happen at the end.


Li Jing waved his hand, the knife and axe hands outside the door moved away, and Li Daen said directly without waiting for Li Jing to ask questions.

"Sir, the Turks have come to envoys."

When Li Jing and Zhang Gongjin heard this, they looked at each other with a strange expression on their faces.

Whether Li Jing continues to chase depends on whether Hebei can not drag down the court to ask for food and grass.

At this time, Hebei did not need the court to allocate grain and grass, and even Hebei could transfer its surplus rice to Guanzhong through the canal.

Wan Kuan was sitting back at ease at this time, [-] dan of rice, even if all the people in Hebei were eating with an open belly, they could eat it for more than a month.

Not to mention that my two sea-going ships are going to return, at least they can bring back tens of thousands of dan of rice. From then on, Hebei will no longer... need the court to allocate rice grains.

The price of food in the market has climbed more than four times. However, Wan Kuan said nothing at all.

Anyway... I don't buy your food, how much do you like to rise... How much...  

The [-] tans of rice that Wankuan had accumulated in the warehouses of Dengzhou were continuously delivered to the workshops next to the various prefectures in Hebei through canals and official roads.

Every time the grain is transported, soldiers are escorted and go straight to the workshops in various prefectures. Anyway...Hebei people have to go to the workshops to work in order not to starve to death.

There are three meals a day in the workshop, and it is enough to endure it.

This is the critical moment when Wan Kuan and the family fight. Although the ending is doomed early, Wan Kuan also wants to see what the family will look like when they find out that he has been tricked.

In the yamen of Jizhou, Wan Kuan was sitting in the warm office, drinking hot tea, squinting and taking a nap.

Qin Qiong, who was on the side, held a fire stick in his hand, took out the burnt briquettes in the coal stove, and added a new briquettes in.

The office room is as warm as spring, precisely because of the iron-clad coal stove.

Sitting on the coal stove with boiling water, Wan Kuan drank some tea from time to time, but it was... leisurely.

It's just that Qin Qiong is now scratching her head, for a while...the coal stove, for a while...touching the teapot, and then for a while...the gas pipe was placed again, making a lot of noise.

"General Qin is restless, you can go home and rest first, you don't have to come to the yamen."

As soon as Qin Qiong heard this, he sat down and said, "Captain, didn't you see the Tang newspaper from the imperial court?"

"Of course I see, this official is the Chief of the Hebei Road March.

Now that the state is using troops, this officer of course must pay attention to the Tang News."

"Then Li Jing broke Dingxiang City."

"This official knows."

"The Turkic Khan fled north."

"This official also knows."

"The Turkic Khan sent a messenger to negotiate with me in the Tang Dynasty."

"This official also knows.

General Qin, this officer knows what you know, so there is no need to repeat it."

Chapter 397

Qin Qiong was like a long-tongued woman, repeating what Wan Kuan already knew.

"If that's the case, what did the Governor think?"

Wan Kuan opened his eyes and looked at Qin Qiong who was blushing in front of him. Since taking Wan Kuan's food supplement recipe, Qin Qiong's complexion has improved slightly.

Qin Qiong had always had a sallow face before, although Qin Qiong's complexion had turned yellow since she was a child, but the sallow sallow look... the loss of blood, the loss of both qi and blood.

Now Qin Qiong has stopped drinking, pays attention to diet, and drinks soup every day, but her qi and blood...... make up for it.

"General Qin, the responsibilities of you and me have been clearly stated by Your Majesty.

You and I guard the east road and prevent the Turkic Khans from escaping eastward, this is the duty of you and me."

"But the Great Governor, if the court wants to negotiate with the Turks, then the Turkic Khans don't have to run away, and we won't have the chance to make meritorious deeds."

Wan Kuan smiled at this time: "General Qin, there are two mistakes in your sentence."

"What's wrong with Qin, please also point out the commander-in-chief."

"The first one is that the imperial court uses troops to deter the Turks. Your Majesty's generals have their own arrangements. It doesn't really matter whether you can get credit or not, as long as I, Tang Dynasty, can win."

Qin Qiong sighed and nodded reluctantly: "The Governor is right, it really doesn't matter whether you make a contribution or not, then where is the second mistake?"

"The second mistake is... the court could never talk to the Turks."

Qin Qiong's eyes lit up when he heard it: "Oh, Governor, this is why if the Turks are willing to bow their heads and surrender the land, will the court still use troops?"

"General Qin, did you forget what happened two years ago?"

"Of course Qin did not forget that at that time, His Majesty went deep into the Weishui River to negotiate with the Turks, and Qin was by his side to protect him.

After His Majesty returned to the palace, he vowed to eradicate the Turks, which Qin also knew.

But now that the Turks are willing to bow their heads and become ministers, will the imperial court waste a lot of food, grass and luggage to exterminate the Turks?"

Wan Kuan smiled after hearing this: "Who can guess the thoughts of Your Majesty, but in the opinion of this official, Your Majesty will definitely wipe out the Turks this time."

Hearing this, Qin Qiong took a deep breath and said, "Captain, it is not an easy thing to cut down the Turks by their roots.

Although the Turks are nomadic, there must be millions of people, and there must be 20 strong soldiers who can send troops.

If you want to genocide a genocide, I am afraid there will be no three or five, eight years will not work."

"General Qin thinks too much. If you want to exterminate the Turks, why do you need to cut the grass and root out? It's enough to kill those... Turkic nobles.

Those in the Turks...the herdsmen follow whoever is grazing their sheep, what's the matter?"

"Then what the governor meant was that this time, His Majesty will definitely uproot the thorns."

"That's right, that's what this officer meant."

"But if this is the case, the Turkic nobles are determined to flee to the north, and it is not easy for us in the Tang Dynasty to catch them."

"So this time, Your Majesty must have accomplished his work in one battle, and will never give up halfway.

Now I have no shortage of rice grains in Hebei at all, and I can send rice from Hebei to Chang'an to the northern camp.

In this way, without any worries, Your Majesty will definitely chase to the ends of the earth, drink the horses and the sea, and seal the wolf.

Qing Shi left a name, who doesn't want it"

Wan Kuan's words made Qin Qiong's blood boil, and he clapped his palms heavily: "Oh, this time, I really suffered a lot, let that old guy Li Jing grab the first move, and I can only eat ashes in the east.

If the Turkic nobles want to run, they will definitely go all the way north and cross the desert, what are we still waiting for in the east, they will definitely not come to the east."

"General Qin, don't be so full of words, this Turk may not necessarily flee north."

"Oh, the Governor, do you have any other opinions?"

"Why did the Turks send messengers? If the Turks wanted to flee north, he would just run away. What else would he send messengers to do?"

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