"Then the Grand Governor means..."

"The Turks are reluctant to part with this grassland in Monan, and the Turks are reluctant to bear so much... cattle and sheep.

If they want to flee north, it will take several days to travel through the desert, and there is no food on the way, and those... cattle and sheep may starve to death."

Wan Kuan said to himself: "And the pastures in Mobei encountered such a cold weather this year, I am afraid it will be covered in snow, and by then the cattle and sheep will all be killed and injured. These Turkic nobles have had so many years of good life, you make them poor again. , how could they possibly want to"

"Then why did the Turkic khans want peace talks because they were reluctant to give up this grassland? They want to admit their mistakes and apologize, and then let Datang let them go. After they spend this winter recuperating, they can counterattack Datang."

"His grandma's!"

Qin Qiong stomped his feet heavily at this time: "Tujue bastards are really inhumane.

Vicious minds and greed, they should be uprooted."

Wan Kuan sighed: "Since ancient times, the northern nomads have always been like this, right? When the Central Plains were strong, he immediately bowed his head and acknowledged his mistake.

When there was civil strife in the Central Plains, they immediately went south to grazing, and it has been like this for many years."

At this time, Qin Qiong was a little nervous: "This majesty will not be fooled by the Turks."

After Wan Kuan heard this, he raised his eyebrows: "General Qin, do you think that His Majesty is a foolish emperor today?"

"Your Majesty today is wise and wise, and certainly not a foolish emperor."

"That's fine, your Majesty will not be fooled by the Turks today.

This little trick of the Turks can't be hidden from those old foxes in the DPRK."

After hearing that, Qin Qiong breathed a sigh of relief: "Captain, according to this, His Majesty must have rejected the request of the Turks to negotiate with them and pursued them directly to the north."

And Wan Kuan heard it immediately.

Shaking his head: "No or no! Your Majesty will not only refuse to refuse, but will send messengers from Honglu Temple to negotiate."

"Ah, the Governor, this is why the Turks are clearly not accepted for peace talks, and why are they still sending people from Honglu Temple to negotiate?"

Wan Kuan frowned after hearing this, why is this Qin Qiong so stubborn: "General Qin, if you directly reject the Turks' negotiation, do the Turks know that I have made up my mind this time.

At that time, they will have no choice but to flee to Mobei."

Wan Kuan explained slowly.

"If you send someone to negotiate, they think Datang has accepted their request, and they live at the foot of Yinshan in peace.

As such.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the negotiation, a large army is dispatched to suddenly attack, and once the battle is successful, the Turks will not be able to escape."

Chapter 398

In Wan Kuan's office, Qin Qiong's blood boiled when she heard Wan Kuan's words, and her hands and feet were full of cold sweat.

"It's wonderful what the governor said. As long as we send Tang Jian from Honglu Temple, the Turks will definitely think that we have accepted the peace talks, and then he will set up camp at the foot of Yinshan Mountain."

"Then let's disrupt his camp directly with cavalry raids.

The soldiers are very fast, as long as our cavalry is fast enough, the Turkic khans will not even have the chance to flee north, after all, to cross the desert, we need to prepare a lot of grain, grass, cattle and sheep."

"If they settle at the foot of Yinshan, they will let their guard down.

If we suddenly attack, they will definitely not dare to cross the desert to the north, because there is not enough food and water, they will probably die in the desert."

At this time, Qin Qiong was very excited and kept saying: "At that time, they will be chased by our Tang cavalry and flee, either to the east or west.

If they flee to the east, then Qin Mou will have a chance to make a contribution."

And Wan Kuan smiled after hearing this: "General Qin, don't hold out too much hope.

Because the Turkic khans really wanted to flee, they also fled westward and fled to the West Turks. After all, they were from the same family.

There is no way to make a comeback if they flee to the east, they can still run here.”

Qin Qiong was splashed by Wan Kuan's basin of cold water, but she did not feel depressed.

This war is... so, who dares to guarantee [-]% of the vote.

Maybe at that time, the Turkic Khan was so frightened that he went to the east in a panic, and who can say for sure? In Qin Qiong's heart, the Turkic Khan was doomed this time.

At this time, the Turkic Jieli Khan was sitting in the camp at the foot of Yin Mountain, watching the envoy's return.

The Tang Dynasty agreed to the peace talks, and would soon send officials from Honglu Temple here.

However, the requirements of the Tang Dynasty were very harsh, they bowed their heads to the court, and they also accepted cattle and sheep.

But at this time Jieli Khan didn't care at all, as long as he could escape such a disaster, escape this winter, and when the flowers bloom in the spring of next year, the Turks will look strong again.

By that time, he was heading south to the Tang Dynasty, holding an arrow against him.

At this time, coal was burning in the Turkic king's tent, and these coals were all shipped from Hebei.

There are many merchants who sell things to the Turkic Western Regions, and after this coal, the Turkic winter is also very warm.

Of course, it's only these... Turkic nobles, those... ordinary Turkic herdsmen, slaves are still shivering in the cold wind.

Jieli Khan sat upright, and the favorite beside him said in a low voice.

"Khan, the Tang people will soon send the minister of Honglu Temple, Tang Jian, to come to the foot of Yinshan for peace talks."

Jieli Khan's stubbornness is very trustworthy. This time, the peace talks with the Tang Dynasty are... he will be in charge.

That Jieli Khan looked at his obsession, with a vicious look in his triangular eyes.

"Okay, Tang Ren was a little breathless this time.

But as long as this winter is over, Ben Khan will let him see who is the warrior."

"Khan, then Tang Jian is sure that the lion will open his mouth when he comes, and he is asking for ministers, and he wants cattle, sheep and horses. At that time, the Khan must not contradict."

After hearing this, Jie Li Khan laughed loudly: "Of course Ben Khan knows, it's okay to bow your head as a minister, and it's okay to take the cattle and sheep.

As long as my Turkic warriors can survive this winter, it will be time for the Tang people to pay their debts with blood."

"This Tang Dynasty person is so similar to the previous dynasty, if you flatter yourself, you won't be held accountable anymore. It's easy to deal with."

Jie Li Khan and Zhizhili looked at each other and smiled, proud in their hearts.

Looking at Chang'an in the northwest, I pity countless mountains, the green mountains cannot cover them, after all they flow east.

It was also winter, and it was also extremely warm. The Liangyi Hall in Chang'an City was much more comfortable than the Turkic king's tent.

The Turks used coke from Hebei, while Li Shimin used honeycomb from Hebei at this time.

Inside the dignified Liangyi Hall, an iron-clad coal stove stands in the middle, and a large iron-clad pipe leads to the outside to bring the gas out.

Li Shimin was sitting on the dragon chair at this time, looking at a letter, he was in a good mood with a smile on his lips, and took off the cotton shoes on his feet.

In this warm spring-like Liangyi Hall, wearing cotton shoes is really a bit covering your feet.

Li Shimin stepped on the carpet barefoot and did not feel any cold.

At this time, there was a report from the eunuch outside, Empress Changsun is here! Li Shimin put down the letter, Empress Changsun was already wearing a sauce-red down jacket, and walked in gracefully.

After entering the Liangyi Hall, Empress Changsun took off her down jacket.

The little palace maid was very smart, and waited outside the hall with her down jacket directly in her arms, daring not to disturb the conversation between the emperor and the queen.

At this time, Li Shimin stood up and helped Empress Changsun to the table. Empress Changsun couldn't help frowning when she saw Li Shimin's bare feet.

"Your Majesty, why are you barefooted in the cold weather? Your Majesty is not afraid of getting frostbite."

"Oh, maidservant of Guanyin, you see that it's so hot in this room. I'm wearing a single shirt. If I don't... take off my shoes, my feet will be broken."

"Your Majesty, you forgot that when you marched into Hebei in winter a few years ago, your Majesty suffered from frostbite on his hands and feet."

"This time..., that time... also! Guanyin maid, the weather in Hebei was cold at that time, and today's Liangyi Hall is as warm as spring, it can't be compared!"

"Your Majesty, the coal stove that Kuan'er got from Hebei is still good."

"Ruyi, very comfortable.

I slept really well last night, with a thin quilt, like spring, and no smell at all."

Li Shimin was quite proud, and then walked two steps barefoot in the Liangyi Hall.

"In the past, in winter, it was... a charcoal pot, and the charcoal pot burned quite vigorously, but the house was not warm.

Not to mention that it smells so bad, and when you sleep, your face is covered with black and gray, otherwise, Kuan'er is a little filial, and he knows how to get all these good things."

"Your Majesty, doesn't Kuan'er bring good things to the palace every time?"

"That's not necessarily true. This kid in Jizhou has built a large governor's mansion. He buried the iron pipes directly in the wall, and the pipes are connected to hot water. The house doesn't even have a coal stove, and it's still so warm."

After hearing this, Empress Zhangsun smiled and said, "Your Majesty can also open up the walls of Liangyi Hall and put iron pipes inside."

"Nonsense, this is the palace, how can you just break through the wall?"

"Then what is your majesty's envy? Kuan'er brought over the coal stove, isn't he filial enough? To say that Kuan'er is filial to your majesty."

"Okay, Guanyin maid, stop talking about me, do you think I don't know?"

Chapter 399

In the Liangyi Hall, Empress Zhangsun looked at Li Shimin curiously.

"What does your majesty know?"

"Well, Kuan'er sent some good things to the palace during this time.

The dried sea cucumbers that Kuan'er bought by the sea were all sent to the palace in a truck by truck, and the dry goods that were delivered, I didn't even eat them.

Avalokitesvara, where did you say those good Dingxi went?"

After hearing this, Empress Changsun pouted and looked unhappy.

"Your Majesty, what Kuan'er sent are all dry goods from the sea.

Kuan Er said that eating seafood often can help with gas disease.

And His Majesty has a bad wind, so I'm afraid I won't dare to eat these... Seafood, so Kuan'er wrote specifically in his letter to his concubine, these...  ...don't give your Majesty more to eat."

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