"Captain, this person can't be picked up by Li Jing, we have to deliver it to Chang'an in person."

Qin Qiong was reluctant immediately.

"General Qin, His Majesty's will is clearly written.

Our Six Route Army is unified under the control of Li Jing.

You caught the Turkic Khan, don't tell Li Jing, go back to Chang'an carefully and he will put on your shoes."

"Even if he wants to wear small shoes for Qin, I can't give him this Jieli Khan. This is a great contribution we have made. Why should we give it to him?"

Qin Qiong admits the truth, Wan Kuan has no choice but to curl his lips and write the letter himself.

That Qin Qiong looked at the unconscious Turkic Khan, gearing up, as if seeing a peerless treasure.

And Wan Kuan stood beside him and nodded frequently: "Okay, if you catch the Turkic Khan, that's it... okay."

"The Governor also thinks it's good, isn't it?

"This official is saying that after catching this bastard, I can go back to Jizhou to accompany my family."

When Qin Qiong heard this, he pouted: "How can you compare such a great contribution as the Governor with his family?"

"The big credit is not as good as the official's family, what kind of credit is this?"

Wan Kuan pouted, he wanted to be emperor in the future, and no matter how much credit he had, he turned around and walked out of the tent with Wan Kuan, first wrote a letter to Li Jing, and then directly wrote a letter to Li Shimin in Chang'an, first to make Li Shimin happy Happy to say.

After writing the letter, it was time to leave Fan Yang.

Wan Kuan went to Changshan along the canal, intending to meet Lao Yu by the way.

And Qin Qiong now treats the Turkic Khan as his own son, guarding him every step of the way.

It is estimated that Qin Qiong has not been so caring about her family, which is ridiculous.

In Wan Kuan's view, the steel workshop in Changshan was more important than the battle with the Turks. After all, steel is the foundation of a country.

If the steel output does not go up, the country's strength will certainly not be too strong.

In the future, Wan Kuan is going to bring a Tang Dynasty to conquer the world. There is not enough steel. How could it be possible? That old Yu Wan Kuan was very excited to come here. When I arrived in Hebei, although I left my hometown, my monthly salary has increased a lot.

There are old people at the top and young people at the bottom. I don’t get a little money every month. How to support a family of old and young people is more experienced than the old one, and the iron and steel workshops in Changshan are kept in good order.

Lao Yu accompanied Wan Kuan to walk through the workshop, and the new craftsmen were sweating profusely.

Although it is the tenth winter and twelfth lunar month, there will never be a lack of heat in the steel workshop.

The coke smelter and the steel smelter, each workshop has a large furnace, this large furnace is very high in the past, so all the people in the workshop are wearing single clothes, but they are still sweating profusely.

Chapter 409

Wan Kuan wandered around the steel-making workshop, nodding non-stop. This workshop was much bigger than Chang'an's general supervisor.

After all, the supervisor is right next to the palace, and there is no way to expand it too much.

And this whole Hebei is its own site, build as big as you want.

Looking at the hot work scene, there is a kind of energy in the industrial revolution era.

At noon, Wan Kuan hid in Lao Yu's office, eating rice and braised pork.

Although this large pot of rice is not exquisite, it has a unique flavor.

The old man took a bite of meat and sighed.

"Captain, this old man, I haven't eaten noodles for some days.

I eat rice all day, but my cheeks hurt."

Wan Kuan smiled after hearing this: "You old bastard still dislikes rice, don't you know that it would be nice to have a full stomach.

When you were in Chang'an, you ate noodles every day, and you would be half happy to eat rice, but now you don't want to."

"Captain, no matter how good this is, it is impossible to eat it every day."

"Lao Yu, are the workers in the workshop as picky as you are?"

"Then how could it be good for those people to have a bite to eat.

Our workshop manages three meals a day, every meal is full, and rice is eaten casually, who would dare to say no?”

Wan Kuan nodded, the craftsmen in this steel workshop are all motivated, and they don't look yellow-faced and skinny, as long as they have enough to eat, everyone is full of energy.

"If Lao Yu really wanted to eat noodles, he would grind the rice into a slurry, steam it, cut it into noodles and cook it, anyway... it's noodles."

After hearing this, Lao Yu was stunned for a moment. Is it still noodles made with rice? This year's winter in Chang'an City is extraordinarily warm, and every household is using honeycomb and coal stoves.

This briquettes are so cheap, you can buy three 3 for a penny, and three 3 briquettes can be burned all night.

Coupled with a coal stove made of iron sheets, every household does not have to worry about being frostbitten.

In the past, winter nights were the most difficult. The family was poor and could not afford charcoal pots, so they wrapped a few quilts and carried them to death. It was a common thing to wake up in the middle of the night.

But since this year's briquettes, the house has been as warm as spring.

Cover a quilt, and sometimes sweat.

That Li Shimin also felt strange, there was a coal stove in the hall, but the whole hall was very warm.

Li Shimin wore a single shirt inside, but Empress Changsun knew that Li Shimin was ill, and sometimes he would get hot all over.

At this time, Li Shimin likes to keep his arms open, and it is easy to catch a cold, so the eldest grandson of the big night will come to see Li Shimin specially, and put him on a dress.

But at this time, Li Shimin was sitting in front of him, laughing loudly. His laughter sounded like a night owl, which made people feel a little nervous.

As soon as Empress Changsun entered, she saw Li Shimin excitedly in the hall, and he was barefoot, as if he was going crazy.

"Your Majesty, it's already late at night, why is Your Majesty still here: so unrestrained"

Li Shimin raised his head suddenly, and immediately after seeing the Empress Chang.

Trot ran forward and pulled her.

"Guanyin maid, come and read this letter and see what gift Kuan'er gave us."

The Empress Changsun was dragged by Li Shimin to the front of the crime, she picked up the letter and looked at it, a pair of beautifully rounded eyes.

"Your Majesty, are you saying that Kuan'er captured Jieli Khan?"

"That's right, this Jieli Khan is really unlucky. If you don't go to the west, you have to... go to the east.

As a result, he was stepping on the mines laid by Kuan'er, his two calves were blown off, and now he has become a cripple."

At this time, Li Shimin's eyes were filled with hatred, and there was also a sense of revenge.

But Empress Zhangsun remained silent, she knew how much pressure Li Shimin was carrying.

The change of Xuanwumen three years ago, and the alliance of Weishui two years ago, were both big stones that weighed on Li Shimin's heart.

If Li Shimin just wants to be a fool, then he can live very well.

But Li Shimin had a strong personality since he was a child. If he didn't move these two mountains away, he wouldn't be able to rest his eyes in death.

This time Wan Kuan captured Jieli Khan, and the Weishui Alliance two years ago finally drew a happy ending.

A big mountain has been removed, and another big mountain, the transformation of Xuanwumen is even more difficult to handle.

It may be pressed on Li Shimin's heart all his life, no matter what achievements Li Shimin makes, the change of Xuanwumen will be nailed to his heart like a nail.

And now that Li Shimin is facing the problem that the Emperor Taishang encountered before, the two sons, who will be the crown prince will inevitably have a fight.

If it is not done well, it will be another Xuanwu Gate.

But at this time, the East Turks were completely destroyed, and Empress Changsun bowed to Li Shimin Yingying.

"Congratulations to your majesty, concubine, you have finally completed the great cause of the future."

At this time, Li Shimin suddenly felt a little dazed, Li Shimin's hands trembled slightly, he opened his mouth to speak, but his trembling lips said... without a word.

Empress Zhangsun knew that Li Shimin had mixed feelings in her heart at this time.

Empress Zhangsun put her hand on the back of Li Shimin's hand, and clasped the two hands tightly together, and Li Shimin finally showed a smile.

"Guanyin maid, do you think Kuan'er is the son of destiny? This Jieli khan will not go anywhere, but must... hit Kuan'er's muzzle.

Stepping on Kuan'er's landmine, it seems that God is also helping Kuan'er to set up his inescapable feats, and the matter of ascending the throne will be easier to handle in the future."

Li Shimin was smiling at this time, and Empress Zhangsun was also very pleased.

At this time, Empress Changsun suddenly said: "Your Majesty, since this Kuan'er has made a great contribution, let him recall him to Chang'an for a reward."

Li Shimin smiled: "Guanyin maid, do you want to see Kuan'er?"

"Kuan'er has been away from Chang'an for a few days, and the concubine really misses it a little, and Kuan'er has made this great contribution, and should have returned to Chang'an to reward him."

Li Shimin nodded: "Yes, not only... I want to call Kuan'er back for a reward, but also hold a banquet. Kuan'er is... the protagonist of the banquet."

This extermination of the Eastern Turks is a grand event in the Tang Dynasty, and the protagonist of the celebration banquet must be a person who has made great achievements.

Everyone, including Li Jing, wanted to be the protagonist.

But now the candidate for the protagonist has been determined, and that is Wan Kuan.

Whether it was Li Jing, Li Daozong, or Zhang Gongjin, everyone was a little unconvinced.

He was exhausted in front of him and charged into the battle, but Wan Kuan was standing by in Hebei waiting for a rabbit, and he even caught Jie Li Khan. What's this, Li Jing's tent, that Chai Shao was so angry.

Chapter 410

Chai Shao's heart was extremely unbalanced, and he almost yelled at him.

"You said that Wan Kuan didn't do anything, but the peaches were ripe and he came to pick them, how unfair."

At this time, Li Daozong smiled contemptuously: "General Chai, you have the ability to arrest that Jieli Khan. Wan Kuan and Qin Qiong have captured Jieli Khan. What's your dissatisfaction here?"

"King Jiangxia, don't speak rude words.

You don't have any credit for this."

After listening, Li Daozong waved his hand: "If there is no, there is no, anyway... This function was taken away by Wan Kuan, and this king can still balance a little."

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