"King Jiangxia, what do you mean?"

Chai Shao gritted his teeth and asked.

"That Wan Kuan is the reincarnation of an immortal, and he is different from us.

Maybe this Wan Kuan can be counted, and I can catch Jie Li Khan by ambush and observation in advance, and it’s not ashamed to lose to the immortals.”

"I don't believe what kind of immortal Wankuan is, that is, a blind cat meets a dead mouse."

"No matter what you say, they have now caught Jieli Khan.

Even if you don't want to, there's nothing you can do.

The Eastern Turks are also destroyed, and some troops are left behind to watch these... Herdsmen, it is time for us to go back to Chang'an to celebrate, but the protagonist of the celebration banquet must be Wan Kuan."

Li Daozong's words made one's heart tighten, but at this time Li Jing smiled leisurely.

"Boss, why are you laughing, boss, do you want to drink this way?"

Chai Shao asked.

Li Jing smiled indifferently: "Of course I can."


Everyone was stunned.

"Ha ha!"

Li Jing smiled and said: "This credit goes to Wan Kuan, and the old man also thinks it is the most suitable."


Everyone asked questions in unison.

"Without Wankuan's weapons and armor, this war would have been so smooth."

When everyone heard this, they were silent.

Li Jing was right, without Wan Kuan's equipment, the attack on the Eastern Turks this time would never have been so simple.

Previously, everyone had repeatedly deduced the battle situation, and they all agreed that if the Tang Dynasty wanted to win, it not only needed the right time and place, but also had to pay a very heavy price.

But this time, the Tang Dynasty suffered very few casualties! Two thunderstorms fell, and the Turks were beaten to pieces.

Even cavalry charges are extremely simple.

Although everyone didn't know the details, they also understood that this thunderstorm had something to do with Wan Kuan.

In Hebei, the friendship between Wan Kuan and Lei Gong is well known.

Even the present His Majesty said that the thunder was sent by Wan Kuan.

In this case, Wan Kuan was actually the biggest hero of this war.

It is reasonable and reasonable that this Jieli Khan was captured by Wan Kuan.

In the camp, everyone was silent.

Hearing that Wan Kuan captured Jieli Khan, some people were happy and some were worried.

There must be more people who are happy, and Li Yuan in Linhu Hall is now... ecstatic.

After Wan Kuan captured Jie Like, he would definitely return to Chang'an to accept the reward.

At that time, the civil and military officials will all gather in the Hall of Prayer for Harvest, and then the Supreme Emperor Ken himself will go there.

Unless that Li Shimin took the risk of being accused by others, he would not let himself be the supreme emperor.

As long as you meet Wan Kuan yourself, tell Wan Kuan's identity in front of civil and military officials.

At that time, the scene must be very beautiful.

Li Yuan had already started laughing out loud at this time, but he wanted to look at himself. After the identity of Wan Kuan was revealed, how should Li Shimin smooth the situation? When the civil and military officials are all there, isn't Li Shimin cruel? They were all killed, and they killed them cleanly, otherwise the imperial court would be in chaos.

At this time, Li Yuan's eyes showed a fierce look, and he wanted to repay Li Shimin for the three years of pain.

In the same palace, Li Yuan and Li Shimin had their own thoughts, but they were very happy, only the eastern palace was full of gloom and gloom.

Then Li Chengqian clenched his fists and looked at the set of white porcelain in front of him who committed the crime, he threw the table up in anger.

The china fell to the ground, ping-ping-ping-ping, and shattering.

At this time, Li Chengqian can't keep his calm demeanor anymore. He has been in front of Li Shimin for several months, but he can't act anymore.

At this time, Li Chengqian felt extremely resentful in his heart, why was Wan Kuan so lucky, why didn't Jieli Khan go anywhere, he had to walk in front of Wan Kuan, why did all this make him so dissatisfied, what is going on in this world? Are all the people fighting against themselves? Seeing that the land of Hebei is about to fall apart, and as a result, Wan Kuan has made great contributions, Li Chengqian feels a little hopeless at this time.

He has been keeping his composure these days, and he did not dare to take half a step in the East Palace, just because he could see that Wan Kuan would gradually lose his father's favor.

But when he saw this time, he suddenly made a great contribution again. His forbearance in the past few months has not paid for anything, and he has endured so much in vain.

Li Chengqian had a vicious look in his eyes at this time, this time Wan Kuan made a great contribution and would definitely return to Chang'an to accept the reward, which was difficult for Li Chengqian to accept.

Watching his enemy become the center of attention, this kind of shame and humiliation, Li Chengqian can't sleep or eat.

Although so many people were staring at him, Wan Kuan felt nothing.

After he returned to Jizhou, he stayed in a warm room all day and didn't go out. Now it's freezing cold, is it because he's guilty of going out because the price of food on the Hebei market has more than quadrupled, and it's been a month and there's still nothing The change.

This is a game of patience, both the aristocratic family and Wan Kuan are more patient than anyone else, and those big families grit their teeth and insist.

After all, they haven't sold much of their food since they quadrupled the price of food. …

Originally, their grain was not sold to the ordinary people. Their family controlled all the rice grains in Hebei. .

Because as long as they hold the key of food in their hands, no one dares to touch them.

There are only two reasons why the aristocratic family stood in the Tang Dynasty and did not fall. The first was the cultivation of land and grain, and the second was the officials of the dynasty.

If the aristocratic family had only cultivated land and food, but there was no official control in the court, then Li Shimin gave an order casually, and he could use the army to wipe out all these aristocratic families.

However, more than half of the officials in the imperial court were related to the aristocratic family. After all, there were too few scholars in the Tang Dynasty.

How could the tens of thousands of people in the Tang Dynasty be managed by Li Shimin and the princes alone? They had to rely on officials big and small.

Chapter 411

The court, the court, is... monarchs and ministers.

It is impossible to have ministers without a ruler, and it is impossible to have a ruler without ministers.

And these large and small officials were all sponsored by the family, the officials supported by the family, and the food constituted the perfect line of defense of the family, leaving Li Shimin helpless.

But now the wide-ranging Hebei, for the first time, let the family return without success.

For a whole month, the court did not buy any food from the family, but the situation in Hebei remained stable.

The only thing that has changed is that..., more and more people in the state capital are working in the workshops of the imperial court.

In addition, there were many tenants who farmed the land for their families. After learning about the treatment of the imperial workshops, their families and their families fled to the imperial workshops overnight.

For these people, the imperial court will not refuse anyone who comes, and there is a large army waiting outside every workshop, and the aristocratic family does not dare to blatantly rob people.

So now the situation in Hebei is... the power of the family is getting weaker and weaker, the food is available, but it cannot be sold in the warehouse.

However, fewer and fewer people farmed the land for the aristocratic family, and they were all attracted to the imperial workshops in Hebei.

This situation made the family helpless, and Wan Kuan, who planned this situation by himself, was leisurely, eating, drinking, and having fun every day.

After catching the Turkic Khan, Wan Kuan seemed to have unloaded all the burdens, and did not go to the yamen all day long, he just played and slapped with his two wives at his own home, and had a great time.

Wan Kuan took his two wives and Wu Meier together, and the four played mahjong.

It's boring to always fight the landlord, and when Wu Meier came back from Xingzhou, how can four people fight the landlord? Of course they have to play mahjong.

This mahjong is more interesting than fighting the landlord. For a time, Wan Kuan played from morning to night, and even had meals in the study. This is called life.

"Brother-in-law, I heard that you are going back to Chang'an soon."

Wu Mei'er looked at Wan Kuan's expression while counting the cards.

"Yeah, I'm going back to Chang'an. Do you guys want to go back to Chang'an and take you back?"

After hearing this, Cui Yingying shook her head. She was originally born in Hebei, and she had no relatives in Chang'an. What would she do when she went back and Wu Shun'er and Wu Mei'er's family also came to Hebei, and only her two older brothers were left in Chang'an.

Wu Mei'er's two older brothers were finally released from the prison, but even so, their hardships were not over yet.

After they came out, all the family business was left was a dilapidated mansion. The two brothers had no money or power, and could not survive in Chang'an City, so they could only sell the mansion.

But after the sale, the two brothers did not grow, and the money in their hands was quickly squandered.

Now these two people have become the famous 2-[-] bastards in Chang'an City, and they have been hated for a long time.

And Wu Meier's anger also came out, she didn't want to think about being in Chang'an, so she didn't want to go back to Chang'an.

She was just a little girl in Chang'an, but in Hebei she was a high-ranking official in charge of a prefecture, although she did not have a seal

"Brother-in-law, you are going back alone. This time, His Majesty wants to award you a reward. You will come back immediately after receiving the reward. Let's celebrate the New Year together in Hebei."

Wu Meier thought well, but Wan Kuan shook her head.

"This time around the New Year, Your Majesty will definitely keep me in Chang'an and come back after the New Year together."

After hearing that, Wu Mei'er curled her lips: "Brother-in-law, what you think about yourself is too important, His Majesty will think of you in the New Year."

Wan Kuan pouted after hearing this, and then played out a 2-[-] pie.

The royal family celebrates the New Year, and they pay attention to the fact that there are many children and grandchildren. How could Li Shimin leave his eldest son outside? It's just this matter, Wu Meier and the others don't know that's all.

At this time, Wu Mei'er grabbed Er 2 Cake and touched it, with a smug smile on her face.

On the side, Cui Yingying whispered, "Husband, yesterday's concubine's mother's family came again."

Wan Kuan finished listening.

He raised his eyelids silently: this kind of thing, madam, you can handle it yourself.

After speaking, Wan Kuan ate the chicken that Wu Meier had just beaten.

Cui Yingying bit her lip and whispered, "I know, I didn't see them this time, I just asked the concierge to send them away."

"Madam did a good job. The Cui family must have come to inquire about the news at this time."

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