Wan Kuan whispered to Cui Yingying, while Wu Meier, who was beside him, couldn't help but interject.

"That's right... Now that the family can't sell the grain, the court's workshop is getting bigger and bigger, the people are all coming to work, and no one is farming, so the family is of course anxious."

After hearing this, Wu Shun'er gently touched Wu Mei'er with her foot, this is not the time for her little girl to speak.

And Wu Meier felt her sister's meaning, so she beat her little nose.

She doesn't care about the wife and concubines in front of her, anyway...she is now an official, so she doesn't need to be obedient.

After Wu Mei'er's words, Cui Yingying sighed a little, even the little girl in front of her could see what her parents' family was doing.

And Wan Kuan patted the back of Cui Yingying's hand and smiled at her.

"It's okay, if the Cui family comes to you again during this time, you don't want to see them.

This period of time is originally an extraordinary period, if you don’t want to be too busy to hide at home, or I will take you back to Chang’an to avoid the limelight.”

That Cui Yingying nodded, although she didn't want to go to Chang'an, as long as she could avoid the right and wrong place, it was a good thing.

My mother's family came to look for it over and over again, but I always avoided it. There were many rumors in the market that I was an unfilial daughter.

Even though her husband understood her very well, Cui Yingying still had a big mountain in her heart.

Cui Yingying thought it was a good idea to go to Chang'an.

Wu Mei'er won again, this little girl is the youngest, but she is the smartest, and she has won the most times.

Wan Kuan made another IOU to Wu Meier, Wu Meier has already won several hundred taels today.

"Little girl, go to the cashier to collect the money, these several hundred taels will be used as pocket money for you.

See what you want to buy!"

Wu Mei'er rolled her big eyes and said teasingly: "Brother-in-law, what good things can there be in Hebei, sister, I don't want it!"

"Then what do you want, little girl?"

Wan Kuan rubbed Wu Mei'er's bun.

Wu Mei'er's hair was messed up, she couldn't help pouting her little mouth, and looked at Wan Kuan angrily.

Chapter 412

Wu Mei'er acted coquettishly at Wan Kuan, while Cui Yingying and Wu Shun'er on the side looked at the two people who were playing, their faces were a little weird.

Cui Yingying felt that her husband was too close to this sister-in-law.

And this little sister-in-law is also flexible, with a well-behaved appearance, very likable.

As for Wu Shun'er, she sighed in her heart. If it goes on like this, it looks like her two sisters will marry into ten thousand families.

At this time, Wu Mei'er didn't care about the others, she just stared at Wan Kuan.

"Brother-in-law, you came back from the South China Sea and brought back a lot of gems.

I know that they are all in your treasury, and you can pick a few for your sister."

Wan Kuan stared at Wu Mei'er after listening, while Wu Shun'er, who was beside him, quickly said, "Sister, don't talk nonsense, where did you get this news from?"

Wu Shun'er was afraid that her sister would speak out, but Wu Mei'er didn't care.

"Don't worry, sister, this is the news I got at the dock.

Every time I go to Nanyang and come back... Yan Sima will bring a lot of gems, it's not a secret."

When Wan Kuan heard this, he said goodbye: "Okay! Just wait, I'll pick two good ones for you in two days, and then I'll make you a few sets of jewelry. It's time to dress up when you're old."

After speaking, Wan Kuan patted Wu Mei'er's head and walked out.

Wu Mei'er jumped out after hearing this, leaving only Cui Yingying and Wu Shun'er looking at each other.

There was peace in the Governor's Mansion, but the Cui family's study was only noisy.

Several old guys from Hebei gathered in Cui Wanping's study again, and this time the old guys were not in a good mood.

Especially that Lude, his eyes were about to bleed.

"Brother Cui, what the hell is going on? Why has it been more than a month since we raised the price, and there is no movement from the court?"

"Brother Lu, you ask me who I ask, I don't know."

Cui Wanping is also very upset now, while Cui Wang on the side has gloomy eyes: "Everyone, it's been more than a month, and the court has not bought a grain of grain from our family, but there are more and more people in his workshops, these... ..........What is the artisan eating every day? Do you drink the northwest wind?”

And Li Mo on the side... sighed: "It's weird, it's weird! The court can support so many craftsmen every day without buying food. Could it be that this Wankuan can spell and drop food from the sky?"

"Brother Li, Zibuyu, you are so chaotic, what do you mean by that?"

That Lude said with a yin and yang grin.

"I don't mean anything, I'll just say it."

"Brother Li can't say it casually, that Wan Kuan's name is in Hebei, and you say that he is an immortal. Have you secretly joined the court? No wonder, you Zhaojun Li family and Longyou Li are from the same family. Source, it’s still too late to take refuge now.”

"Lude, what do you mean, are you doubting the old man?"

That Li Mo was also so angry that Cui Wanping had to stand up and smooth things out.

"Don't be angry, everyone, everyone is sitting on the same boat, it's not good for anyone if the boat capsizes. At this time, everyone should not be suspicious of each other."

"Then what can we do if we don't suspect each other? There are more and more workshops in the court, but there is still enough food to eat. Someone must have secretly sold the food to the court. It is... one of our four great families."

That Cui Wang's words were eloquent, and his eyes were swept over Cui Wanping, Lu De and Li Mo, as if he was investigating who was undercover.

"Cui Wang, you are so rude, how can you say such words easily?"

Cui Wanping also slapped the table: "Our four major families are in the same spirit, plus the Xingyang Zheng family in the Central Plains, we can get rich rewards by controlling the rice grains.

If that's the case, how could anyone secretly do business with the imperial court?"

Cui Wanping knew that the family would not collude with the imperial court.

Because the aristocratic family has its own interests, in a sense, the aristocratic family and the imperial court are on the opposite side.

If the aristocratic family cooperates with the imperial court, then it is really seeking skin from a tiger and cannot get any benefits.

That Cui Wang lost his temper and calmed down at this time.

In fact, Cui Wanping is right, cooperating with the imperial court is of no benefit to their noble family, who would do things that harm others and not themselves? At this time, Cui Wanping sighed: "If I knew, I would have invited Brother Zheng Lun over here. Well, he's still quite insightful.

This time the imperial court is very strange, that Xingyang is closer to Chang'an, maybe we can find out a little bit of information."

"Brother Cui, don't expect others at this time.

The Zheng family has fertile land in the Central Plains, so he will not care about our affairs in Hebei. The most urgent task now is to find out where the grain in the imperial workshop comes from.

I don't believe that they drink northwest wind and cold water for three meals a day."

After listening, Cui Wanping nodded: "We really need to figure out this matter, but how should we do it? Should we send someone to the court's workshop to inquire about it?"

Lu De nodded immediately after listening to it: "Why not... The court's workshop is still recruiting people, and now there are [-] people in Hebei who have entered the court's workshop to work.

Many of the tenants in each of our homes secretly went to work in the workshops of the imperial court.

If it goes on like this, our own land will hardly be cultivated."

And Li Mo on the side also echoed: "Yes, this matter must be clarified, and the right medicine can be prescribed. We must find out where the food for the imperial court comes from."

And Cui Wang also fanned the flames next to him: "Yes, yes, knowing yourself and your enemy, you will be safe in a hundred battles.

We don't know what the court is doing now, so we have to figure this out."

And then Cui Wanping nodded after hearing this: "If that's the case, then each of our households secretly sent people to sneak into the workshop of the imperial court, and we must find out about this matter."

Everyone nodded, and at this time, Lude said: "Brother Cui, go ask your granddaughter, maybe you can find out a piece of news."

After hearing this, Cui Wanping's face flushed, and he was immediately furious: "Don't mention that... unfilial daughter, the people sent by this old man over and over again have been turned away by her, and if you say anything to break with our Cui family, such a woman will not be mentioned. Either way."

Seeing that Cui Wanping was so angry, Cui Wang secretly laughed.

Let you have to... get on the pole to get married with the court, and now you have lost your wife and lost your army! The family has made up its mind to find out where Wankuan's food comes from.

Chapter 413

Wan Kuan's side had already planned to return to Guanzhong by boat, and several armies of the imperial court had already returned one after another.

Zhang Baoxiang and Zhang Gongjin were left on the grassland, and if they were there, they would take care of the Turks...the herdsmen.

Now that this grassland has been laid, we must make the best use of it. Datang's cattle and war horses are always not enough, and meat is also very little. With this grassland, Datang has another piece. garden.

When Li Jing returned to the court, the people of Chang'an were extremely enthusiastic.

Everyone crowded on both sides of Suzaku Street, welcoming the triumphant soldiers.

It's just that Li Jing and Li Daozong didn't look very good. After all, it was Wan Kuan who made the great contribution this time, not them.

And Wan Kuan was just... Sitting in the carriage quietly, he had returned to his mansion in Chang'an one day earlier.

Wan Kuan came back quietly, and as soon as he came back, Li Shimin called him to the Liangyi Hall.

There were only Wan Kuan, Li Shimin, and Empress Changsun in the Liangyi Hall. The others were all driven fifty paces away from the hall. No one knew what the three of them were talking about inside.

All I know is that Wan Kuan stayed in it for a long time, and when Wan Kuan came out, his eyes were red.

In fact, at the beginning, when Wan Kuan knew about his life experience, he didn't feel anything, and he himself was not a person of this era, and some family relationships seemed to have nothing to do with him.

But the appearance of Empress Changsun's tears like rain still made Wan Kuan's nose sore:.

Li Shimin, the dignified emperor, also had tears in his eyes, which is always the case when parents and children meet.

Although Wan Kuan had already met Li Shimin and Empress Changsun before, but the first time they met after their identities were revealed, it was still a little moving. It can always shake people's minds.

After returning to his mansion, Wan Kuan also sat in the study in a daze.

At this time, Cui Yingying just... walked in obediently with a bowl of lotus seed porridge.

After hearing the movement, Wan Kuan's eyes flickered, and when Cui Yingying put the lotus seed porridge on the table, Wan Kuan subconsciously picked it up and put it in his mouth.

The temperature is just right, it seems that Cui Yingying has cooled the porridge.

"Husband, what are you thinking, why are you secretly fascinated?"

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