Dawn Infinity

Chapter 115

“…Before, I always thought that Specter and Phantom are all deceptive.”

Chu Hao sat in a truck and chatted with seven or eight people in the same car.

This is a large team. In the surviving camp’s temporary managers, the second day after the consultation decided to supply limited supplies every day, the team was set up. After all, even if it is a limited supply, the survival of the camp must be materials, such as flour. For example, salt, such as various tools, is also in short supply, and the number of people gathered in this camp is still increasing. It has gone from more than a thousand people to more than 2,300 people, and the number of people is still more than 400 people every day. Increasingly, according to the most reasonable estimate, the number of people in this camp will reach 5,000 by the end of this month. In the end, it is likely that there will be tens of thousands of people gathering, and the surviving materials can supply up to three to five days.

Because of this, Chu Hao, the civil servant of the camp management staff, and the international criminal jingAli, they jointly proposed that the camp organize personnel to go to another town next to the city, where they should search for materials as much as possible in order to prepare for the next material disaster.

Since the use of flying car to prove his identity as a great citizen, Chu Hao’s words in the camp have been unusual, and with the reliability of Restoration Spell, he has repaired more than a dozen damaged appliances. His identity was able to sit down, so when he proposed to use the red tape to isolate the Specter Phantom and use some kind of alloy he made himself (the Spirit-Type sub-kills the Specter Phantom, it is a group of people who start to trust him, especially This trust reached its peak when he used this to eliminate some of the Specter that appeared on the edge of the city.

Because of this, when Chu Hao made this suggestion, and Ali agreed, the camp managers also basically agreed with the proposal and announced the proposal to the entire camp, especially the allocation principle proposed by Chu Hao. The personnel who collect the materials can take away one-third of the materials they have searched for, and the person responsible for duty, jing ring, and the fight with Specter can take another one-third, and the camp only charges three points. When one was stored as a total material, more than 600 people signed up on the same day, which is almost the total number of young men in the entire camp.

Finally, after the selection and distribution of Quest, a total of more than two hundred and twenty people were selected. A total of more than 50 vehicles were involved in the operation. The target was a small town 170 kilometers away from the camp.

As a technician accompanying the operation, Chu Hao was protected by four former sects from the camp. Each of them had ten Spirit-Type children. Of course, this is the result of Chu Hao’s giving, he declared this. The alloy of the seed is very difficult to manufacture. He is a folk scientist. He does not have enough funds and experimental equipment. Therefore, only these subsamples have been made. These forty sons have already been many, and the four former jingcha really put this. The seeds are like xing, and even they are placed on the inside of their clothes.

Chu Hao is very clear about his goals. His first Quest is to rationalize the origin and reliability of himself and the rest of the Team. Secondly, he wants to get a high position in the camp as much as possible. They feel that they are irreplaceable. This is a must. Otherwise, he is not qualified to achieve the general trend of the world. What he is doing now is to rationalize the reliability of Ares.

“…So when Specter appeared, I always tried to study them. The world could not have something to explain with science. The reason why it was explained or not explained is because science is not progressing enough, as long as Give me enough knowledge and information, even if God and the devil come, I will explain it to you!” When Chu Hao chatted, he said to the rest of the car.

In addition to the four jingcha, the truck also had a vehicle maintenance worker, two camp managers, and a former city zhèngfu official. When they heard Chu Hao, the vehicle maintenance worker was the first to say: Chu, you are such a genius, I have seen the flying car. I have even more than half of the structure inside, especially the core engine. I dare say that the engine is definitely the most in the world. The most advanced and developed car engine is still advanced, even more advanced than airplanes and fighters. This one is enough to make you famous in the world. I have been thinking since I saw it. The high-level zhèngfu high-rise should all die. Such a genius has not been excavated.”

The rest of the people are also in such a demeanor. Only the zhèngfu official seems to have some doubts on his face, and Chu Hao has already responded to this. This is actually a major loophole in his civil identity. After all, he can invent fly. The car man, no matter how can it be silent.

“In fact, this is no wonder zhèngfu.” Chu Hao said with a smile: “When I got this engine concept, I actually got in touch with several famous laboratories. They are very interested in this concept, but I had Another discovery, and then reported this discovery up, the result is unfortunate… I almost entered the Jing Shen Hospital.”


Everyone was curious at first, what was it that made this genius science home almost jing Shen Hospital? They all stared at Chu Hao, hoping to listen to his next words.

Chu Hao continued to smile and said: “Because I think Specter Phantom may be real, it comes from a few photos, and one of my friends, from these photos, and my friend, I I think that after death, it may really become Specter Phantom, and even there is a world of death, so I wrote a research report for this, and then I was rejected outside the scientific community…”

After everyone heard the words, they all showed their expressions of disbelief, or some expressions that they did not believe. When they saw this, Chu Hao immediately said, “Yeah, you have all seen Specter yourself, you are not I didn’t believe it? At the time, my report was accused of being a gibberish of Jing’s illness. I almost didn’t get locked up. I said it before. Everything in this universe can be explained by science. I also tried to do this. For example, I firmly believe that the so-called Specter Phantom should be a kind of electromagnetic wave, which stores a little memory information, but it does not have the ability to think. If you really want to deny the death Will become Specter, then ask you, what is wrong with our city now? How did Specter Phantom come from? Why are our myths and legends, since ancient times, there have been rumors of Specter Phantom? It’s just that this society is too superstitious. Superstition, a thing called science, so all the explanations of the law are attributed to illusion and falsehood, but I don’t want this to be their knowledge. Explain that’s all. “

After that, Chu Hao smiled bitterly, sitting there awkwardly, a look that was hurt by the world.

Everyone is silent. They are thinking about what Chu Hao said. Anyway, the world is now Specter Phantom. This is a true fact. They must not believe it. In this case, Chu Hao’s words are really There is a lot of realism…

At this time, the zhèngfu official suddenly asked: “Mr. Chu Hao, I would like to ask, the photos you mentioned before with the friend, okay, the photo thing I think we have met, on, the reality There are always many people who are going to make falsehoods. This is not allowed. But is your friend? Is he also a scientist? Do we all know?”

Chu Hao immediately raised his head and said, “No, he is not a scientist. In fact, he is a doctor… When he learned about my citizenship, he told his family history when he was chatting privately. I, and let me see the truth, so I only got the report, but it is a pity that zhèngfu does not trust me, hehe.”

“What is the report? What is the family history of this friend?”

The heart of the gossip is everywhere, and the curiosity of these people is once again mobilized, and they all ask.

“His family has been dealing with Specter Phantom since very early,” Chu Hao said affirmatively: “In fact, his family has been looking for and killing Specter Phantom, or killing it is not right, it’s They came to the captives and used them as weapons to fight Specter Phantom. As can be seen from his family’s literature, this was already more than a thousand years ago. These Specter Phantoms have never disappeared, but until the Holy See rises. After that, he slandered his family to Wizard, the witch, and said that they were the evils of the Specter Summoning devil, so he burned most of his family, and then his family’s remaining bloodline was hidden and escaped. Persecution, but also in the dark to eliminate Specter Phantom, protect Human, in fact, not everyone, this time to escape the city, all rely on a huge Phantom captured by him, destroying many Specter, this can escape. ”

Everyone was exclaimed. Suddenly, a former Jingcha suddenly said: “Is it the person Mr. Chu Hao said… Is Dr. Ares? God, is he actually a hidden exorcist?”

“I said, everything can be explained by science, so this is not an exorcist.”

Chu Hao smiled and said: “But the person I said is indeed Dr. Ares. As far as I know, he is a good and honest person, full of sense of justice and compassion. It is definitely not in those novels and filthy with religion. Demon, and ah…he knows a lot of ways to fight against Specter Phantom. The only thing I worry about for him is that the religious column of fire, or the scientific dissection table of zhèngfu, is for the heroes. The place to prepare.”

“So, if you can, let us all protect Mr. Ares together, and tell the ignorant religion and ignorance of zhèngfu, the power of scientific law interpretation today…”

“It is there!”

“If you can, let zhèngfu still have the power to send people and tell them that we have a way to fight against Specter!”

Ares is driving the truck. Because the car is closed, he didn’t hear the conversation behind the car. So when everyone was excited and knocked on him after the car, he looked at them inexplicably, but he was watching. When he came to Chu Hao’s usual smile, he understood one thing. This group of people… seems to have been sold by Chu Hao…

No, maybe even he has been sold…

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