Dawn Infinity

Chapter 116

“…Whether weapons are moral!!”

Since the team’s search, the time has passed for a week or so. In this week, the number of camps has reached more than 5,000, and the number is still increasing. With so many people living together, there are already Many people proposed to set up a simple voting mechanism, that is, to set up a small parliament. Of course, before the parliament was actually established, the entire camp was still managed by the original management.

As the biggest contributor to the perfect search operation, Chu Hao’s position in the camp is rising, coupled with his rich management experience and the maturity of doing things. In recent days, he has become the chairman of this camp. The voice has become higher and higher, and at the same time, his discourse weight in management is getting heavier and heavier, and it is the kind of convincing voice.

“I don’t know if you often go to the grassroots level and ask what is missing. Look carefully at our defense loopholes, the terrain of the valley, the cultivation of crops, the collection of various equipment, etc. I don’t know if you have I did it this way, but I used to do it all the time, and I rushed to it every day. At the same time, I heard a lot of people’s voices… They actually thought that Mr. Ares’s Skeleton Summoning was an evil witchcraft and they asked to establish After the church, let Mr. Ares go to regret!”

At the management meeting, Chu Hao is very saddened and said: “I am still saying this. Is the weapon itself ethical? The last big search operation has saved enough 10,000 people for our camp. After eating more than a year, our fleet was transported for three days and three nights before the transportation was completed. Up to now, our house has been built. Although it is still very simple, it is better than staying in the tent. Our food is no longer. If we are scarce, we can start cutting down the trees that are blocking the road. We can start to drink the spring water to drink, or even start planting crops. All this, if Mr. Ares Summoning out his weapons, the huge Skeleton, I really don’t. Know how many people are going to die like this, no, can you succeed?”

“But now? Some people think that Mr. Ares is immoral, unclean, and needs to go to church to confess. I am very curious. If it is still in the Middle Ages, even if Mr. Ares saved us, he is a good person. Is it necessary for everyone to tie him to the stake and say that he married Deity? Maybe this list will add me? Just like Galileo? Please don’t look down, just say a few of you. Well, Mr. Mike, a few of you, a staunch Catholic.”

The people who were named were very embarrassed. The man named Mike was a middle-aged and older man in his fifties. He coughed a little and said with a little lack of confidence: “Mr. Chu Hao, I respect you very much. Your character is admirable. To be honest, we used to be jing, or veterans, or some scholars. We wouldn’t manage the crowd at all. If it weren’t for you, the camp of more than 5,000 people would definitely It’s a mess, it’s not as orderly as it is now, it’s like a small town, maybe there’s been a violent incident here, maybe this camp has been scattered, so we all respect you very much.”

“Thank you.” Chu Hao nodded. “Mr. Mike, and everyone, thank you for your trust in me, but I think these are what I should do. Since the people trust me and give me the power, then there is How much power, how much responsibility should be done, I think this is what I should do, and now… We are discussing about my good friend and the most solid protection of this camp, Mr. Ares, isn’t it?”

Mike smiled a bit and said affirmatively: “Yes, I think so… In fact, we don’t think that Mr. Ares has any problems. He is highly skilled. During this time in the camp, he has already shown hundreds of people. After the illness, I have done large and small dozens of operations. He is also a gentleman with a high moral character. And because of his existence, our search operation is perfectly completed, and there is more confidence in the future. As before, listening to Specter Phantom will happen, at least we have the power to fight Specter Phantom… In fact, what we are really afraid of is that beyond the power of our Human imagination, Mr. Ares relies on what Summoning is out. Skeleton, let me say, even if it is Mr. Ares Summoning, every time I see Skeleton, I feel fear, including me, and then it is rumored that Mr. Ares can also ban and devour Human like Specter Phantom. Soul, this is the source of his strength. To be honest, although I know that this is not possible, I still To feel fear …… “

“This…in fact, it is about morality. It is only related to the weak heart of our Human. Just like the people we believe in religion, just looking for a sanctuary for the soul, Mr. Chu Hao, not all of us can be as firm as you are. We are strong, and the people who know a lot about the truth of the universe, we are just fragile mortals.”

Chu Hao seems to have known everything that Mike said. He smiled and said: “In this regard, as early as when I met Mr. Ares, he already told me the source of his strength. This is not to swallow Soul. It is not a witchcraft that needs to be sacrificed, not a curse, perhaps a horrible Summoning Skeleton, but this power comes from God.”


This is not just Mike. The rest of the management is shocked to see Chu Hao, and Chu Hao continues to say with certainty: “Yes, I think all the gentlemen present should know some Little knowledge in history? Before the advent of God’s Holy See, Europe was polytheistic in ancient times. I wanted to discuss the pros and cons of polytheism and monotheism. I also wanted to discuss with the public the existence of those gods, but Mr. Ares, their family The god of faith comes from a Deity in Europe during the polytheistic period. This Deity is not God, but when the people of the Ares family faithfully believe in it, it will be blessed by their family and given them against the evil spirits. Strength, and Mr. Ares’s power is exactly Summoning Skeleton.”

This time, some people in the place can’t speak, they are shocked and shocked, because this is beyond the scope of their understanding, if the witchcraft, the curse is still barely understood, but it involves Deity. The topic, this is inevitably a bit strange, it is not the field they can verify.

And the most crucial thing is that, apart from some records about the ancients, whether it is Catholicism, Christianity or even Orthodox Christianity, in the case of the belief in the same God, in the case of occupying the faith of most parts of the whole earth, this Religion, and even other religions, have never heard of any miracles in modern times. Angel does not, Deity does not, and because of this, religion has only slowly become a sanctuary for the soul. I have never heard of it. I only need to believe in a god and I can get strength from God. This is not a game. How can such a thing happen?

Mike suddenly asked: “Mr. Chu Hao, although this is a bit too much, but can you ask… What is Deity, the name and belief of the family that Mr. Ares believes in? Is it a death Deity?”

“No, not death Deity.” Chu Hao’s heart moved, he almost subconsciously said: “This is a benevolent light Deity, a god in the light, a god that brings hope and Dawn, it is protected. God is the God who sacrificed for the believers.”

Everyone is listening, because under the proof of Ares that Skeleton, under the confirmation of Specter Phantom in the city, perhaps… True God should also be real? Not just a belief in existence…

“The name of the god is: Hey, the meaning of the sun in heaven, meaning the light, Dawn, hope, this is a Deity that has disappeared in the long river of history and was banned by the monotheism, but the Deity is true. The illusory existence, the long history of the ancients, is that Deity has given the power of the Ares family, this is the source of the strength of the Ares family!”

I don’t know why, when Chu Hao was about to say Deity’s real name, he intended to blur his words, but suddenly he said the word 昊, and when he said it, he forgot the original words, only said There is such a saying.

The next few days…

This management meeting was passed on to more than 5,000 people in the camp of nearly 6,000 people, and Ares, according to Chu Hao’s instructions, led his Inferior-Giant Skeleton every day to patrol the valley, even in many The human face has eliminated some Specter, and gradually, for his existence, and the existence of Skeleton, people have more goodwill…

The biggest change is that although the construction of the church is completed, although the prayers have begun, in private, some people may pray, perhaps because of the existence of Skeleton, to Deity, who is called 昊, and In such a final ri, in such a world where Specter Phantom is present, this prayer seems to be accompanied by piety…

I don’t know if it is an illusion. When these people pray, they always feel the peace of mind, as if the soul has the same destination and sustenance, and the more so, the more pious they pray, even after the speech of Chu Hao. At the time of the day, hundreds of people who prayed to the monks gathered together and had a small mass meeting. This was in an evening, they did not know the religious ceremony of Deity. These hundreds of people were also ordinary. The public, there will be no religious people, but in such a simple mass, when hundreds of people pray in unison, a glimmer of light appears on the table where they simply offer fruits and other sacrifices. In the eyes of the people, the chain flashed over everyone who prayed, and then disappeared…

These hundreds of people were questioned by several people afterwards. Their answer was only one. At that moment, they felt the light, the hope, and the fullness of the soul. They felt that there was a great existence to soothe them, so that they no longer fear and Fear of death.


Deity is true and true!

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