Dawn Infinity

Chapter 135

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The strength of the Invader Team is stronger than expected, and nothing else, the future of science and technology weapons far beyond Human Technology is a testament to energy weapons, bullet-like gauss-weapons, and even mechanized exoskeleton armor. These are technologies that Human Technology can’t do, only from the Lord-God Space Exchange, and these Invaders have these technologies.

The most terrifying is that this group of people obviously has the ability to unlock Gene Lock, because the accuracy and speed of their shooting weapons are difficult for ordinary people to achieve. This speed is of course not triggered by the trigger, but Continuous shooting after aiming, generally the higher the accuracy of aiming, then the lower the speed of shooting, but the dilemma faced by Chu Hao and others is that they are actually shot by these high-tech weapons, completely Suppressed, the other party clearly does not have a large number of people, but the accuracy and speed of shooting has far exceeded that of normal people.

At this moment, Chu Hao was once again restored to God-Mode. In fact, he was puzzled by the previous situation. He had already entered God-Mode. He had no feelings and feelings, and he could not be shocked at all. But in fact, when faced with Team Great-Westland Captain and the Demon-Wings youth, he was indeed forced to disarm with God-Mode, perhaps rather than lifting it, but rather two powerful Under the pressure of aura, forced to drive something out of his mind and consciousness.

But when the two aura disappeared, he returned to God-Mode again. This situation made him have some guesses, but now he doesn’t think about it. He and the rest are hiding at the moment. In the big pit, on the periphery is the ruins that had been bombarded by nuclear bombs, and the ground that was as violently attacked by the artillery fire… Attention, it is the ground that is now suffering from saturation attacks.

Invader’s high-tech is a powerful, wide-range, high-speed weapon. I don’t know how its energy reserves, but everyone has been hiding in this big pit for at least three minutes. This fire does not have any power to reduce power. On the contrary, The firepower of suppression is even more rapid.

At this moment, everyone is hiding in it, and the outside is like a roaring explosion. Everyone, even if they are Reincarnation Team Member, have the power of ordinary people, but at this moment they feel like Judgment Day. In fact, this is For the first time, they really faced the Invader Team, and this became the terrifying of the gap between the two sides.

But unlike them, Chu Hao, who has re-entered God-Mode, is another scene. He sits silently on the ground, as if thinking about something, suddenly said: “Ares, Summoning your Inferior-Giant Skeleton …prepare to sacrifice it, let it face the front shock from the left side, and the time is set to Summoning five seconds later.”

Ares stunned, but at this moment Chu Hao was in God-Mode, an indescribable confident discourse that made him even hesitant. At the same time Chu Hao finished, he had already started Summoning.

At the same time, Chu Hao said to Nicole: “Nicole, you said that the Spiritual-Force Controller can be shielded with Spiritual Force? That shield can block the scanning of the Spiritual-Force Controller. Well, I want your screen to live with us. And the areas that will appear in the future, remember, don’t block them, just block us and the upcoming areas.”

Nicole snorted: “The upcoming area, where is that? You don’t make it clear, how can I shield it?”

“When you appear, you will naturally know.”

Chu Hao did the answer, and the rest were even more puzzled. In fact, it is almost impossible to turn over the situation at this moment. The only thing that can be considered is whether the Team Great-Westland strike will succeed, and whether Team Great-Westland’s Captain is successful. Can beat the Demon-Wings’s you, and they… can only be regarded as the rookie Team, and there is almost nothing to do in this level of battle.

Chu Hao didn’t care about the rest of the people’s doubts. He just closed his eyes and counted the time silently. After Inferior-Giant Skeleton was Summoning, he immediately began to display all his Enhancement Magic. All the brain blessings are here. Inferior-Giant Skeleton, and seeing this, the rest of the people’s doubts are more intense, yes, this Inferior-Giant Skeleton is very strong, but it is impossible to withstand such a violent firepower charge thousands of kilometers, this It is already impossible to complete the Quest, and even if there is a Magic blessing, it is impossible.

Then, ten seconds later, Inferior-Giant Skeleton, under the control of Ares, began to rush out of the tunnel and rushed toward the core of the Invader, and at almost the same time, a large number of light-beam weapon and gauss-weapon There were also some high-explosive invisible weapons bombarded on the Inferior-Giant Skeleton, and Inferior-Giant Skeleton immediately raised the bone shield in his hand, as far as possible to resist the shooting of these weapons, even so, The bones on it still trembled violently, and the Magic shield that protected it began to collapse.

Just like this moment, Chu Hao immediately said: “Shielding starts!” When the voice fell, he had already turned over the pothole. When the shooting didn’t come, he used it almost a fraction of a second. Almost already It’s an instant speed, using Forbidding-Light Spell in Level 0 Magic Spell, at the front of the Invader Team more than ten meters… It suddenly became a restricted area where light could not enter.

While Nicole blocked the pothole, her Spiritual-Force Scan followed Chu Hao and scanned everything outside. Then she “looks” that darkness, and the mind flashes, and has subconsciously shielded the darkness. Then, Chu Hao actually created another dark forbidden-light region for the place closer to the Invader Team, and then another place closer to the Invader Team… one after the other, it looked like it was The two teams, with the occlusion of Forbidding-Light Spell, began to charge toward the Invader Team. In fact, they all stayed in this hole!

“I, I understand.”

Ares seemed to understand what it was. He looked at Chu Hao, who had turned back to the pothole. “You sold those people in Team Great-Westland?”

“Not selling…” Chu Hao shook his head and said: “Just give them a chance… an opportunity for them to charge.”

In fact, when the Invader Team was attacked by the enemy, their firepower was really dumped to the extreme. Although they had an overwhelming advantage in terms of firepower, the two Teams were far from them, and they could not leave the guarded core area. These two points lead to the fact that they can only suppress and can’t destroy the enemies in these directions. Suddenly, the larger number of directions suddenly rushed out of a huge Skeleton, and this huge Skeleton looks very hard and strong. Fired for more than ten seconds, which was wiped out, but while destroying it, the group actually used the Spiritual Force shield and created a forbidden-light region that resembled a smoke bomb, and By the forbidden-light region, they began to approach them quickly. Suddenly, most of the firepower turned to the start of the forbidden-light region, and for a time, the team’s suppression of the Four Great-Westland plunged.

Ah’Xing among the four people feels a little strange. Why are the two rookie teams that have been escaping before, suddenly ignoring life and death, they can also see in the dark areas, but that can only cover the line of sight at most, basically Can’t stop such a fierce firepower shooting, even if you are in it, it is still life and death, they dare to do this? For a time, Ah’Xing felt unbelievable, and he also admired the two rookie Teams, and he couldn’t miss such a good opportunity. He immediately said, “Good opportunity! Prepare the red cloister, we will start the close combat. It!”

One of the four men, a brown-skinned man, nodded fiercely. Just as Ah’Xing rushed out with the other three, he saw that the man had fiercely took out a red gem and threw it into the four people. In front, when the red gem is broken, the four people are also wrapped in a red-red light. It is seen that the light is flying at a very fast speed. In just two or three seconds, it has already passed more than two thousand. The distance of the meter is almost close to the nuclear power of Invader.

At the moment, Invader was still shooting the forbidden-light region, and suddenly there was a change in the body. Someone immediately pointed the weapon at the red light group. In the concentrated shot, the red light group suddenly broke and fell out of the four. Individuals came, but before they even had time to let them continue shooting on these four people, Ah’Xing in the four people suddenly appeared a thunderbolt, and they threw themselves into the center of the invasion, and suddenly exploded. One of the Invaders was blown apart, and at this opportunity, Ah’Xing and other four people, while escaping from their shots by smashing the ruins of the collapsed wall, approached them and were about to come into direct contact with each other.

The closed-eyed girl seemed to be very anxious, and she screamed: “Start all kinds of Blood-Lineage and enter melee mode! We still have a few minutes to win, stick to it!”

Just as the closed-headed girl was so screaming, the Invader Members armed with firearms all left their weapons, and then began to tear their clothes one by one. Almost in a blink of an eye, all of these Humans began to change. It became a three-four-meter-tall wolf, and it turned into a Demon-like creature. It has a dinosaur that has become a skeletal body more than ten meters high. It has become a huge flying creature like an eagle…

In addition to closing the girls, these Invaders have all become monsters!

At the same time, Chu Hao, hiding in the deep pit, opened his eyes and said: “Well, we also joined the battle group!”

“Fighting side by side with Team Great-Westland already on the charge!” (To be continued)

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