Dawn Infinity

Chapter 136

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Zhang Heng was so scared that his hair was upside down. It was really impossible for him not to be intimidated. The two people with Demon-Wings in front of him stood in the distance, although they did not attack him and Bailey, but they were far away. The pressure of the aura that had been passed on had already made him sweaty even in the vest. He could hardly even make a move, except that he pointed the bow straight ahead.

In front of this group of people dressed in black, the uniform style will be known as Invader, and there are two bodies in the distance. It should be Reincarnation Team Member, but it is not Team North-Iceland and Team. South-America’s Member, then it should be Team Great-Westland’s Member. In other words, this beam should be the Three-Teams Great War Invader… What happened to the team’s Invader? What about it? !

Bailey, who is next to Zhang Heng, is also taut, but he has seen the horror of the Invader Demon-Wings youth. The dark red, as if the black flame is simply invincible, even his Holy Light can burn. And both speed and strength have an overwhelming advantage, so there are two Demon-Wings youth here, even if there is only one, it is not that he and Zhang Heng can resist, it is estimated that they both end and the two Team Great-Westland Member is also about the same.

“…Zhang Heng, you go first! I immediately rushed into the light column, I am here to delay them!” Bailey flashed a few thoughts and immediately yelled at Zhang Heng, at the same time, he raised his hand. With a two-handed hammer, a Holy Light flashed his hammer, and he looked at the Invader Team and began to work hard, but before he stepped forward, Zhang Heng was already in front of him, so fast. He didn’t even have time to react.

“Don’t worry.”

Zhang Heng spoke, but at the moment, his face was full of cold sweat, and he didn’t even dare to look at it. He continued without saying his head: “You must trust your Team Member, your three. Team Member is not with Chu Hao. Have they already set off? Haven’t they already entered the light column? And there are also people in Team Great-Westland. The strength of the three teams is enough. I don’t have much, I am one less. Quite a lot, instead of you dying, I am going in, it would be better for us to stay here to drag the Invader Team, or let them join the battle, maybe it is the result of the group, you say?”

Bailey was silent and said bitterly: “But even if we two people are procrastinating together, it can’t be dragged… We are dead…”

“Not always.”

Zhang Heng’s long bow shook a little, and the arm was lifted. The bow was out of alignment. The next moment, the two Demon-Wings youth had moved forward at least a few meters away, as if to go to the second. The man rushed over, but it was such an instant that Zhang Heng’s bow was once again in a certain direction, and the two Demon-Wings youth stopped at the same time, and they stepped back a few more steps. A stalemate.

Bailey also saw this. After he was silent, he asked: “The closed-eye you just shot seems to be the head of the invasion of Team. The orientation of the two of them is that you are pointing. The orientation of the youth, is he still dead?”

Zhang Heng did not dare to answer: “It is estimated that it is still not dead. The arrow was too far away, and it was shot in a hurry. The power is not said, the accuracy is not good, just when the chest is shot, it is estimated. I hurt the lungs, but I didn’t hurt my heart. It is estimated that he was only seriously injured… But our luck is really good. If it is really an arrow shot, then we are dead now, and we can’t deter them. ”

Bailey nodded. He walked over to Zhang Heng and looked at the Invader Team in the distance. In addition to the two Demon-Wings youth, there were also several men and women behind the two Demon youth. People are busy in a panic, it seems that they are treating the closed-eye you, this situation… It seems that as Zhang Heng said, they are really good fortune.

“…It’s too coincidental. Your luck is so good. Such an arrow can shoot, and it’s not too light, just right. If this continues, we might be able to delay the Invader Team.” Bailey sighed.

“Also… not so simple.”

Zhang Heng’s voice was a little trembling. Bailey quickly looked at it and saw that Zhang Heng’s bow was a little trembling. He suddenly felt a tight heart and quickly asked: “Is this constant aiming to consume a lot of physical strength? Damn, I There are some Holy Light skills that can enhance your physique, but I haven’t studied yet… Hold on, Zhang Heng, this is not only for the lives of our two, but also your Captain and Team Member, my Team Members. , all their lives, and the future of this world…”

Bailey’s words have not been finished yet, and Zhang Heng has interrupted his words: “Not this, my face is itchy, but I can’t scratch it, and my back is starting to itch. It’s hard, you Help me scratch it, I can’t move now!”

“… Are you coming funny?”

I don’t mention that Zhang Heng is funny… No, but I don’t mention the Invader Team that Zhang Heng and Bailey happened to delay. On the other hand, Chu Hao led everyone out of the pit and began to move toward Invader as fast as possible. Team Great-Westland rushed to the location of the battle, and just rushed halfway away, three giant monsters swooped on the head, one of them looks like a huge crocodile, but it is not climbing on the ground, but There is a huge hind leg supporting the running, the height is at least eight meters or more, the body looks very scary, especially the huge blood basin mouth, as if even a car can be directly swallowed and shredded.

The other two monsters are also very scary. A monster looks like a tiger, but there is a pair of shredded wings on the back. The speed between the beats is flexible, and it can also gliding from a height, and this hugely aging body. It is also more than double the size of a normal tiger. Standing four meters high is also a very scary monster.

As for the last monster, it is the most creepy. It is actually a huge centipede. It has thick adult thighs and a length of at least ten meters. The body is covered with green oil and the speed between the slides is not lost to crocodiles and winged tigers. The most terrifying thing is that green germs grow on the ground that it slides. Although it will fade away in an instant, it is enough to show its horrible toxicity. It is estimated that there is no need to be attacked. Great toxicity from being poisoned.

When everyone saw these three giant monsters, they immediately felt that the scalp began to numb, and did not use Chu Hao to order. Everyone started their own shooting with their own long-range shooting weapons, but the centipede was sensitive and walked close to the gap between the broken walls. The winged tiger is even more amazing. The gliding evasion is not at all. As for the standing crocodile, its outer shell is like steel and metal. The bullet hits it and even sparks. It doesn’t sneak away. Directly rushed over to the crowd, a pair of direct rushing to kill the enemy’s play.


Nicole screamed, and a thin, thin woman beside him, saw a lot of virtual aiming shots around his body, which looked like a virtual 3d image, and he was in this dozen or so aiming shots. The central station fixed, the eyes did not look at the three monsters in the distance, but looked at these aiming lenses, and then shouted loudly: “Nicole, to shoot that one, the amount of ammunition is only one, you know! ”

Nicole immediately looked at Chu Hao. “His Enhancement is the xGundam ultra-small moon sniper. It is very expensive and powerful. But at present, only Enhancement has 20 hours of use of a single ammunition of Initial-Level Enhancement. He is Sniper, this is the biggest card of our team, you have to kill the monster? There is only one chance to choose!”

Chu Hao didn’t want to say it immediately: “centipede, kill the poisoned centipede first.”

Nicole immediately leaned down and youth Derby nodded. Derby touched the sniper lens around his body and adjusted it in many directions and directions. In this short time, the three monsters were only three of them. At a distance of four hundred meters, at the same time, the sniper lens around Derby’s body flashed at the same time. When you look at it, those sniper lenses have completely disappeared.

Then, I saw a dark hollow at the top of the sky, not so conspicuous, but then, this little black hole burst into a fierce light, as if a lightning bolt passed, and the ground was suddenly hit by a small beam of light. In the next moment, it exploded, and a huge pit of more than ten meters appeared on the ground. In the deep pit, there were several centipede wrecks and a lot of scattered green poison gas. Obviously, Only the huge green centipede has been attacked by this one and killed directly.


Chu Hao’s eyes are fierce, his muscles are slightly bulging, he has already opened Gene Lock Second-Step.

“Prepare for melee!”

At the same time, far away from the ruins of the light column, it has become a dark flame in the ocean. At the very center of the flame ocean, there is a large group of dark flames bulging, as if it is a dark The heart keeps beating, and the heart is getting smaller and smaller, compressing toward its internal collapse…

“Black-Prison Underworld Gateway? A great trick, a terrifying flame…”

At the very center of the heart, the middle-aged uncle Roger, who has been burned out of one arm, is now burned under his body, his hair is not even left, and the space around him is becoming more and more distorted. Weak, seeing that it is about to be burnt through the dark flames around.

“There is a good way to go… You have such a strong move, how can I let you down, this is my homemade move, it was originally intended to face the body of Team Demon again, or to use it when facing Team China. , now… use it for you!”

“Haoshoku Haki, Kenbunshoku Haki, Busoshoku Haki…”

“Three-Hakis Returning to Origin !”

“Coag! Subduing-Mountain Sword!” (To be continued)

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