Dawn Infinity

Chapter 156

Tom must remember Chu Hao’s instructions. When Zhang Heng and Lu Zixue used a remote sniper, he clenched the teeth, pulled Sarah Connor, and ran forward with John Connor, bypassing the mercury metal directly. Running forward, and this non-adult-shaped mercury group still tried to reach Tom and others, but was immediately smashed by arrows and sniper bullets.

At the same time, far away, Zhang Heng and Lu Zixue, two of the two tall buildings, Lu Zixue asked directly through the contact on the headset: “Zhang Heng, when are you so powerful? Your bow range Actually, it’s almost like my heavy bullets. It’s impossible…”

“Oh haha, this is nothing impossible! You know, I am not the original, I am… Aaah…”

Zhang Heng was on the top of a building far away. He stood on the edge of the roof for the sake of coolness. He just turned and showed off at the building of Lu Zixue. As a result, he himself mixed himself at the foot. When I fell, the whole person yelled at the edge and shouted.

Lu Zixue looked at the black line in the distance. She said to the contactor: “Are you funny?! Give me a good place…pū chī, but this is really like you.” In the sound, Lu Zixue’s heavy hand was shot again.

The sniper sounds of two people sounded from time to time, just in the sight of the two men. When Tom rushed out of the mentally ill court with two plot characters, just a few minutes later, two T1000s were rushed out from the mentally ill yard. This is also accompanied by a huge stone man. This huge stone man has one arm broken, but the remaining arm keeps squatting down and pulls the ground out of a pothole, one of which T1000 runs. It was a little slower, and it was smashed by the giant hand. Although it was not broken into mud, its lower body immediately shattered into a smash.

But Rock Giant is also uncomfortable. The upper body of this T1000 is sharp and sharp at first. This squat, the palm of the remaining arm is suddenly pierced by the huge blade of T1000. This rock is composed of ordinary concrete rock. The intensity is much worse than that of granite, not to mention the Metal Gaint. After being pierced, the rocks in many parts of the palm are shattered.

At this moment, two people came from the courtyard of the mentally ill, but it was Chu Hao and Ares. It was bloody at the belly of Ares, and Chu Hao helped him run all the way, blood flowing behind them all the way. Lu Zixue is fine, but Zhang Heng immediately stood on the edge of the house and seemed to be nervously looking down.

It was right in front of the mentally ill, Chu Hao took Ares all the way, and there was a roar behind him. The Terminator rushed through the wall with a T1000, and the skin at the chest of the Terminator split. The metal skeleton was exposed, and this T1000 was single-handed into a sharp edge. From this, the Terminator was pierced, and the other hand was turned into a sharp blade to the head of the Terminator. At this moment, Chu Hao’s eyes were fierce. Closed, when he opened again, his eyes were already in a state of utter disappointment. At the same time, he printed one hand and released Spell’s Hand-Sign. Just a second or so before, he saw an emerald arrow in front of him. Then directly shot on the spikes of T1000’s changing sound, the squeaking sound, the spikes began to evaporate and melt, the first time, fearless T1000 actually began to smash, and broke away from the termination of the Terminator, began to Going in the distance.

Chu Hao clearly sees that the silvery one that makes up T1000 is a strange liquid that evaporates most of it, a small part of it falls on the ground, and it is not combined again. These metals are completely ineffective, which is sour. The role of this strong acid produced by Magic has the acidity characteristics beyond the aqua regia, but the acid storage time is extremely short, and it can be said that it is just a nemesis when it deals with the almost immortal characteristics of T1000.

Chu Hao didn’t have any surprises, because he had already used this Magic when he was in the mentally ill yard. The effect proves that this Magic can really hurt T1000. Although it is not fatal, it is not fatal. Cumulative damage only, once to eliminate T1000 a little metal quality, almost 50 or so of this Magic, you can completely kill a T1000.

50 is around… It’s a joke. When Chu Hao is full, Arcane-Energy can’t send ten shots at a time, and 50 is around.

Chu Hao found that his casting speed increased a lot. Since Pulse’s Invader Big Team Battle, it is precisely because of his chance that the Plane has been controlled by his own consciousness for a short period of time. Many, many still do not reach the level of instant, but Level 2 Magic can be compressed to one to two seconds, which is a huge improvement, at least he can use Magic for combat, not Can only be used to assist.

Just after Chu Hao saved the Terminator, he continued to hold Ares all the way to the trot, and he shouted: “Nian Xikong, dead, no death to save people!”

When the voice fell, I saw a layer of ceiling in the courtyard of the mentally ill collapsed, a dark ray from top to bottom, Demonic Qi rolling, Nian Xikong was in it, but did not see any Shadow of Demonic Qi, the whole person Gone, like a fairy, all the dark Demonic Qi comes from the black ink sword on his hand, and the black-and-white Demonic Qi can radiate to her side within three or four meters, which looks amazing.

Just after Nian Xikong fell, there were two T1000s that were not adult-shaped at the same time, which turned into two pools of silver mercury liquid, but when the two silver liquids were to be condensed into human figures, from inside Then there was a black light flashing, and then it was broken and turned into a pool of liquid.

“Don’t yell at me!”

Nian Xikong said coldly, she then saw the following scenes, including T1000, which was smashed by sniper rifle, and T1000, which had recovered after avoiding Terminator, and Ares, who was supported by Chu Hao, who wrinkled After a brow, he immediately said: “Take him to retreat, here I am blocking.”

Chu Hao gave a sigh of relief: “Don’t be stubborn, I just want you to take us with us, yes, the Terminator is still useful, don’t let him be scrapped here…”

Nian Xikong is a wave of black long sword. “Go, rest assured, I have confidence to block them for a while, and finally came… How can I easily courting death? And I am familiar with this opportunity.” Black Demon-Sword is finished, go!”

Chu Hao was silent. He looked at Ares, who was run through his stomach. He finally nodded and said: “The retreat waits for five minutes, and it is out of date. If you are lost, pay more attention to advertising, I will find a way to find you. of.”

Nian Xikong was stunned, and the Terminator climbed up. He directly crossed Ares and Chu Hao, ran out of the mentally ill, and chased him away from Tom, who was far away, and Chu Hao did not care. Ares trots all the way, crossing the smashed T1000 and chasing behind the Terminator.

Nian Xikong, who stayed in place, saw Chu Hao and others walking away. She looked at the two metal figures that had consumed black light and began to condense, and another T1000 that jumped from above the mentally ill yard. She stood silently in this place, then single-handedly stroking the long sword in her hand, the sword, the dark long sword in her hand flashing the dark Demonic Qi, and her prescription circle became more Demonic Qi rolling.

“I repaired Immortal Sword before the end of the century, so I couldn’t put down the obsession. I couldn’t get into the Nascent Soul. I couldn’t break the baby’s body. I couldn’t make the Primordial Spirit. Two hundred years ago, I repaired the sword and stopped at the heart of Nascent Soul. Still not allowed to enter, since then, I have specialized in Demon Sword, not letting gosession, but instead become a demon, turning obsession into a magical thought. Since then, I almost stepped into the Primordial Spirit several times, but the Plane rule is different. There are too many worlds in Low Magic No Magic. After arriving at Lord-God Space, there are no restrictions. Although Spiritual Qi is completely absent, the rules of letting go far exceed the High Magic Super-Magic Plane. Will only repair Demon Sword, and only repair the two strongest Demon Sword Art in my memory, you can certainly step into the Primordial Spirit…”

“This is my sword, my way, my Demon Sword…”

“Ketu-Sword Darkness !”

The brake sword, the entire layer of the mentally ill courtyard fell into a strong darkness, reaching out to the five fingers, only the Sword Qi vertical and horizontal, piercing eight sides…

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